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To Rafal Ji.....

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Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

I have one confusion could you please

confirm it:-


I have confusion regarding UL concept and 7'th house concept.


If i am taking the 7'th lord concept then it does'nt have any contact with

Sa(UL lord) and showing that spouse would be evil to society (As Ju is in maraka

house to 7'th house)instead of Native and also be from good and rich

family(Conected with Ve and Mo).


But according to arudha concept it is showing that there should be no harmony

between native and spouse as Ra has eclipsed Sa.And spouse might be older.And

Mo,Ve and Ju are not coming into picture.


Which one is right.



11'th May 1979

08:09 AM









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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Prashant , Namaskar


With that birthdata, Ive got Gemini Lagna.


Guru in cancer will afflict seventh bhava, but Moon is strong so it will

not be connected to health. It can show getting remarried spouse, but

that yoga is lacking in Navamsa, so just look at D10 if some family

buisness is an option there.


Upapada is connected to this dosha in third bhava, which affilcted

guruupadesa and give bad character with relation to Guru which afflicts

luck and cause fights. This can also show working with machines as a




Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


Prashant napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

> I have one confusion could you please confirm it:-


> I have confusion regarding UL concept and 7'th house concept.


> If i am taking the 7'th lord concept then it does'nt have any contact

> with Sa(UL lord) and showing that spouse would be evil to society (As

> Ju is in maraka house to 7'th house)instead of Native and also be from

> good and rich family(Conected with Ve and Mo).


> But according to arudha concept it is showing that there should be no

> harmony between native and spouse as Ra has eclipsed Sa.And spouse

> might be older.And Mo,Ve and Ju are not coming into picture.


> Which one is right.


> Details:-

> 11'th May 1979

> 08:09 AM

> Varanasi(india) .


> Thanks

> Prashant



> ------------ --------- --------- ---

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Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

Yes you are saying right.I was always

punished by my Guru's as i was never be a gud student by my conduct.But the same

concept should also be applied to my relation with father.But my relations with

father is very nice and he remains always very happy(But i didnt live with my

family after 10yrs of my age as i remained always in boarding,this might be the

reason for having good relations with father).


But i am not working with machines.


Could you please again explain how you reached to the point of getting

remarried spouse through Ju.I dont think that Ju is whowing this.


UL concept is showing this(remarried spouse) as Ra has eclipsed Sa so spouse

might be widow.


Thanks in advance for your efforts!!!!

Prashant Pandey


Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:

*hare rama krsna*


Dear Prashant , Namaskar


With that birthdata, Ive got Gemini Lagna.


Guru in cancer will afflict seventh bhava, but Moon is strong so it will

not be connected to health. It can show getting remarried spouse, but

that yoga is lacking in Navamsa, so just look at D10 if some family

buisness is an option there.


Upapada is connected to this dosha in third bhava, which affilcted

guruupadesa and give bad character with relation to Guru which afflicts

luck and cause fights. This can also show working with machines as a




Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


Prashant napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

> I have one confusion could you please confirm it:-


> I have confusion regarding UL concept and 7'th house concept.


> If i am taking the 7'th lord concept then it does'nt have any contact

> with Sa(UL lord) and showing that spouse would be evil to society (As

> Ju is in maraka house to 7'th house)instead of Native and also be from

> good and rich family(Conected with Ve and Mo).


> But according to arudha concept it is showing that there should be no

> harmony between native and spouse as Ra has eclipsed Sa.And spouse

> might be older.And Mo,Ve and Ju are not coming into picture.


> Which one is right.


> Details:-

> 11'th May 1979

> 08:09 AM

> Varanasi(india) .


> Thanks

> Prashant



> ------------ --------- --------- ---

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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Prashant , Namaskar


You are very confident but have no knowledge. You commit many Jyotish

mistakes on jyotish remedies forum also.


Rahu and Ketu are in Yama Devata so normally that gives problems with

father. But Shani is stronger

and being in Aswini Kumaras it gives good relation. Venus and Surya are

in sixth in D12 so You live apart from each other.


It was Jupiter mahadasa so seventh house gets activated from parents

house in d12 and father went abroad.


Mercury is in trikona so sharing similar ideas, but You are very

independent in relation with parents. You will

get success in consultant jobs due to shukra and jupiter position in D3.


7L in 2H gives remarried or spouse as widower. The first UL is lorded by

Shani. But Rahu eclipses Sun not Shani.

So wife will be engaged also in consulting or administration if Navamsa

is Dhanus Lagna.


From UL it shows that spouse will be quite proud, spiritual and

philosophical and You will be very giving in that



Ke in 2H shows that children are very important to sustain it.





Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


Prashant napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

> Yes you are saying right.I was always punished by my Guru's as i was

> never be a gud student by my conduct.But the same concept should also

> be applied to my relation with father.But my relations with father is

> very nice and he remains always very happy(But i didnt live with my

> family after 10yrs of my age as i remained always in boarding,this

> might be the reason for having good relations with father).


> But i am not working with machines.


> Could you please again explain how you reached to the point of getting

> remarried spouse through Ju.I dont think that Ju is whowing this.


> UL concept is showing this(remarried spouse) as Ra has eclipsed Sa so

> spouse might be widow.


> Thanks in advance for your efforts!!!!

> Prashant Pandey


> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl <starsuponme%40wp.pl>> wrote:

> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Prashant , Namaskar


> With that birthdata, Ive got Gemini Lagna.


> Guru in cancer will afflict seventh bhava, but Moon is strong so it will

> not be connected to health. It can show getting remarried spouse, but

> that yoga is lacking in Navamsa, so just look at D10 if some family

> buisness is an option there.


> Upapada is connected to this dosha in third bhava, which affilcted

> guruupadesa and give bad character with relation to Guru which afflicts

> luck and cause fights. This can also show working with machines as a

> result.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com <rafal%40rohinaa.com>

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa. com <http://rohinaa.com>


> Prashant napisa?(a):

> >

> > Dear Rafal Ji, Namaskar,

> > I have one confusion could you please confirm it:-

> >

> > I have confusion regarding UL concept and 7'th house concept.

> >

> > If i am taking the 7'th lord concept then it does'nt have any contact

> > with Sa(UL lord) and showing that spouse would be evil to society (As

> > Ju is in maraka house to 7'th house)instead of Native and also be from

> > good and rich family(Conected with Ve and Mo).

> >

> > But according to arudha concept it is showing that there should be no

> > harmony between native and spouse as Ra has eclipsed Sa.And spouse

> > might be older.And Mo,Ve and Ju are not coming into picture.

> >

> > Which one is right.

> >

> > Details:-

> > 11'th May 1979

> > 08:09 AM

> > Varanasi(india) .

> >

> > Thanks

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.

> >

> >

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