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dasamsa analysis

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exalted rahu in gemini in first house and exalted ketu in sagittarius

give which kind of profession? 7th house also has moon and saturn...

ihave mercury in 6th house in scorpio so does it mean that i ll work

under someone doing works related to writing? i have debilitated

benefic shukra in 4th house so will give a lot of stress in work

place? 2nd house in dasamsa indicates motivation for work and i have

exalted jupiter here.. good? but as far as navamsha goes i just have

debilitated shukra in 5th house and no other planets in trines so what

am i really good at, if anything.... i am doing medicine. is it a good

career for me or will i end up doing something else?

these are my birth details:

11th april 1986

8:52 pm

place of birth- ludhiana, punjab, india

latitude 30 degrees 56 minutes north

longitude 75 degrees 52 minutes east

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