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To Rafalji: Analysis of 7th house of a native: Complex case

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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Kiran , Namaskar


Analysis of marriage without touching Navamsa? Bad idea..


7L can also show buisness in rasi, or public relations.. 7L is cursed

here and this will be cured until May of 2008

as Chandra aspects Aq which is current dasa. In current time native will

be focused on work, and in workplace

there can be some relationship issues. Native finally will marry

emotional and caring man met in workplace.


First rectify Navamsa based on traits and dasas and then You will

decipher married life of person.


Shani is debilitated in D9 and is in 2H from Upapada. how You can expect

good married life from that yoga?


Read Parasara Chapter about Upapada Lagna.


7L shows attitude towards marriage, here in forth in means that person

will love His spouse. 2H from Venus has

more planets than twelfth so still native will demand also a lot from

partner. Finally Guru is also karaka for spouse

in womens chart, here Gu and Ve are in 12 from Ak-Sun - thats also dosha.




Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



kiran.rama napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafalji,


> Please go through my analysis of the married life based on horoscope

> and correct my analysis:


> My confusion arises due to the fact that different combinations are

> contributing to different kinds of analysis possible many contradictory


> Her date of birtH: Feb 9, 1984

> Time of birth: 6-34 AM

> Place: Kasaragod, India (75E00, 12N30)


> Following are key aspects that will determine her marriage:

> (1) 7th house lord is in 4th house

> 7th house lord is in sustana indicates good married life, good spouse,

> fulfilment of desires, passion etc.

> This can also indicate marriage resulting in vehicles and real estate


> (2) Malefic Sun and 8th lord aspecting 7th house

> Sun will destroy things signified by 7th house like happy married

> life, business partnerships etc but it will give good results like

> travel abroad (Sun is a moving planet and 7th represents travle)


> (3) Mercury (6th and 9th lord) aspecting 7th house

> Here mercury will behave as a malefic in the company of the Sun.

> Mercury aspecting 7th can indicate learned, beautiful spouse as good

> things. But as 6th lord it can cause quarrels and enemity in married life.


> (4) 7th house lord Moon is in enemy house

> This means that in period of the Moon, there could be lot of bad

> things happening on the marriage front and can indicate well wisher

> becoming enemy and dependence on others during period of the Moon


> (5) Saturn (Lagna and 2nd house lord) aspecting 7th house

> Lagna lord aspecting the 7th house should indicate radiant, beautiful

> and good natured spouse. But Lagna lord is malefic and aspecting 7th

> house means that the spouse will not live long.


> Current Vimsottari dasa for the girl indicate the following period:

> Main Dasa: Sun (2004-2010)

> This is followed by moon after 2010

> Current Antardasa is Saturn till 2008 June followed by Mercury


> Which of (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) analysis must be given prominence?

> As we can see all of them are contradicting one another


> What do you think of the married life of this girl?


> Thanks

> Kiran






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