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Malnutrition/Starvation and Vedic Jyotish

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Dear All


Shrivatsa Jyotish Vidyalaya of Nagpur has organised a health camp for

the children suffering from Malnutrition/Starvation. In the state of

Maharashtra specially in the Vidarbha districts of Amravati,Bhandara

Yeotamal, and Gondia every year there are many children afflicted

with Grade 4 malnutrition, which is life-threatening. Last year when

we organised Chandi(Mars) Yagna we thought of taking care of

MalNutrition/Starvation among the Adivasis living in remote areas

(Saturn). All my students and visitors who seek my astrological

advise and remedies, supported the idea. Medical Officier of Kurahdi

PHC in GOndia district,extended the help and agreed to monitor the

camp. Knowing that the Govt.(Ravi) will require to maintain good

relations Tithi of Ravi, Navami, was selected and as camp will be

sustained fully by Jyotish Vidyalaya Vara of Jyotish i.e.Guruvar

became obvoius choice. Since it was a request to God of death so

Nakshatra was Bharani ruled by Yama. In order to get power of

rejuvenation,hora of shukra was selected when Shukra was placed in

10th house in muhurta chart. Applying this logic, the camp was

started on 17th-jan-2008 9.50 am. Possibly, Muhurta was very good as

weight gain started with children just after 18th-jan to the surprise

of Doctors! Now these doctors have started taking Jyotish seriously

and when Vice-Chancellor of Maharashtra Health University Nashik

visited the programme he was also very impressed and even donated

some money in his personal capacity.


Around sixty people are involved in this and I am really thankful to

all who helped the programme in whatever way it was possible. Their

support in the form of donations (food and cash) was key point in the

sucess apart from the efforts being taken by the goverment Doctors.


The Programme


According to WHO standards, these children require strict monitoring

as almost every 2 hours some food should be given to them as

prescribed by WHO. The camp is usually done for 14 days but this

time looking aat the needs we have decided it to carry out for 21

days. Form 17th-jan-2008 to 5th-feb-2008 the camp is organised. Since

it is our first attempt, we have taken responsibility of only 8

children. Most unfortunate part is that out of 8 children 7 are

girls! All children along with their mother have been kept on strict

monitoring and we have already obtained the results. 5 girls have

gained the weight upto 600 grams and one of the girl ahs weight

increase of 1.5 kgs! The programme includes giving nutritious food in

most diciplined way and educating mothers to prepare nutritious food

with available resources. For 21 days mothers will be in the

camp and hence other family members are not allowed to meet except

for one hour daily. Doctors caring this camp are very optimistic and

hoping that many children will get out of Malnutrition condition.

After the camp, there should be somebody to take care of these

children, so Anganwadi teachers are as well involved in the camp.

This way these 8 children will be under the supervision of Anganwadi

teachers of the Village.


The purpose of this mail is to let everybody know that Jyotish can be

helpful to Govt and public at large in this way as well. Already,

many from Govt and public have started requesting to conduct more

camps. Honestly, looking at the success and response from the people

who supported, we are likely to organise one more camp in the month

of Feb or March. Lets hope starts do again support us!


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


Prabodh Vekhande

Jai Jai Shankar

Har Har Shankar

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