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D-24 Correction

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Respected Gurujans,



I am a beginner and need help in interpretations. I request learned

members to throw some light on the following issues i faced while

correcting a D-24.


1)which planets show that native will pursue science in higher

secondary and graduation.


2)what in particular shows physics ? ( i have two combinations

involving 5th lord in the chart ; case 1 : venus is 5L in 8th with

swa rasi sun in D-24 ; Case 2:5L mars in lagna with sag jupiter®)

so for physics i take sun ven together or mars jup?


3) What shows a break in education ?

which combination will show difficulty in pursuing post graduation-

9L in 9th with 6 and 11L or

6th and 9th lord in second house in exchange with second lord ,

i.e.exchange of 2 and 6 house; 6l is also 9l .



I am seeing 2H for primary education, 4H till secondary ,5H till

graduation and 9H for post graduation ; is this right?



Kindly bless me with your knowledge.




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Hello Tarun


for 1 you can look at house 9 higher in d24 aswell h 4 for prim education


2 physics are h 1 in d24 case 1is 5 lord in 8 can means kind of transformation

look at sun for extren and moon for intern feeling same for case 2 if lord lagna

than ambition is high

for 3 a malific in h9


tarunsrivastava50 <tarunsrivastava50 wrote: Respected Gurujans,



I am a beginner and need help in interpretations. I request learned

members to throw some light on the following issues i faced while

correcting a D-24.


1)which planets show that native will pursue science in higher

secondary and graduation.


2)what in particular shows physics ? ( i have two combinations

involving 5th lord in the chart ; case 1 : venus is 5L in 8th with

swa rasi sun in D-24 ; Case 2:5L mars in lagna with sag jupiter®)

so for physics i take sun ven together or mars jup?


3) What shows a break in education ?

which combination will show difficulty in pursuing post graduation-

9L in 9th with 6 and 11L or

6th and 9th lord in second house in exchange with second lord ,

i.e.exchange of 2 and 6 house; 6l is also 9l .


House 4 is prim and h9 for higher and own can take h 11 as result in genaral if

there are mal in than more difficult and ben more easy all depening on transit

and dasha period


I am seeing 2H for primary education, 4H till secondary ,5H till

graduation and 9H for post graduation ; is this right?



Kindly bless me with your knowledge.





Hope this will help and see you friendly greethings from Freddy Wissink Vedic

astrologer since 2004 in Amsterdam and study it since 1998 in a weekly study

group here in Amsterdam freddywissink













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Respected Guruji,



I would appreciate if you could possibly correct my interpretation

of your reply :



1) to see primary education , house 4 in D-24 should be seen

2)for higher secondary and above , see 9 house

3)house 11 for general results relating to education


There are still some issues left that i need to resolve , kindly

help :


1)Do we see lagna in D-24 for the subject native chooses?


2) which planetary influence then causes a person to take up physics

( i would guess mercury for reasoning and mars as it represents bhoo-

tatwa ,physical objects being made up by various elements of earth ).

Is this correct ??


3) What will 5H then represent in the scheme of d-24?


4) Will 5L in 8th house with 8L sun give inclination towards jyotisha

and occult as a result of the transformation??



I thank you for your kind reply .


Regards ,





vedic astrology , Freddy Wissink

<freddywissink wrote:


> Hello Tarun


> for 1 you can look at house 9 higher in d24 aswell h 4 for prim



> 2 physics are h 1 in d24 case 1is 5 lord in 8 can means kind of

transformation look at sun for extren and moon for intern feeling

same for case 2 if lord lagna than ambition is high

> for 3 a malific in h9


> tarunsrivastava50 <tarunsrivastava50 wrote: Respected Gurujans,

> Pranams,


> I am a beginner and need help in interpretations. I request learned

> members to throw some light on the following issues i faced while

> correcting a D-24.


> 1)which planets show that native will pursue science in higher

> secondary and graduation.


> 2)what in particular shows physics ? ( i have two combinations

> involving 5th lord in the chart ; case 1 : venus is 5L in 8th with

> swa rasi sun in D-24 ; Case 2:5L mars in lagna with sag jupiter®)

> so for physics i take sun ven together or mars jup?


> 3) What shows a break in education ?

> which combination will show difficulty in pursuing post graduation-

> 9L in 9th with 6 and 11L or

> 6th and 9th lord in second house in exchange with second lord ,

> i.e.exchange of 2 and 6 house; 6l is also 9l .


> House 4 is prim and h9 for higher and own can take h 11 as result

in genaral if there are mal in than more difficult and ben more easy

all depening on transit and dasha period


> I am seeing 2H for primary education, 4H till secondary ,5H till

> graduation and 9H for post graduation ; is this right?



> Kindly bless me with your knowledge.


> Thanks

> Tarun


> Hope this will help and see you friendly greethings from Freddy

Wissink Vedic astrologer since 2004 in Amsterdam and study it since

1998 in a weekly study group here in Amsterdam freddywissink







> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tarun, Namaskar


* In Siddhamsa following houses represents:



Ninth for bachelors, 2nd for masters, seventh for PHD etc..


* General results of education are skills, which You can use in work

(artha kona), way of living or spirituality (moksha kona). Basic

motivation is represented by Lagnesh and Moon (for aparavidya -

formal education)

* Support from society is seen by grahas which are conjoined with Moon

* Focus of Mind is shown by Moon Rasi and its dispositor

* Subjects are related to level on which You are. For bachelor

subjects see ninth house/lord/aspects.

* Subjects which will give money are seen from 10H in Navamsa and

artha kona in Drekkana

* Subjects which native will excel in are seen by planets in fiery

signs in D10

* BUT.....often native is engaged in job/buisness which has nothing

to do with education..for that see D10


Physics is usually represented by Nodes. Budha in Dasamsa/Sidhamsa gives

languages, software, databases, office work, magazines, accounting and

the likes. With Mangal it often gives software engineer...so popular.


* 5H in D24 shows Para-vidya, this shows Your hobby also. For

example I have Rahu and Ketu in fifth bhava in D24 which shows

interest in Jyotish, this Ketu is my ninth lord so it was obstacle

in finishing my bachelors. My ninth lord is with Rahu in fifth

bhava and I finished philosphy line of education.

* Fifth lord in eight bhava in D1 gives inclination towards deep and

mystic subjects like Jyotish. In D24 it shows definitely relation

between jnana and spiritual transformation, as that is what is

indicated by eight bhava in D24 chart per the last Sanjay Rath

lecture which I recommend You to listen.








Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



tarunsrivastava50 napisa?(a):


> Respected Guruji,

> Pranams,


> I would appreciate if you could possibly correct my interpretation

> of your reply :


> 1) to see primary education , house 4 in D-24 should be seen

> 2)for higher secondary and above , see 9 house

> 3)house 11 for general results relating to education


> There are still some issues left that i need to resolve , kindly

> help :


> 1)Do we see lagna in D-24 for the subject native chooses?


> 2) which planetary influence then causes a person to take up physics

> ( i would guess mercury for reasoning and mars as it represents bhoo-

> tatwa ,physical objects being made up by various elements of earth ).

> Is this correct ??


> 3) What will 5H then represent in the scheme of d-24?


> 4) Will 5L in 8th house with 8L sun give inclination towards jyotisha

> and occult as a result of the transformation? ?


> I thank you for your kind reply .


> Regards ,

> Tarun


> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, Freddy Wissink

> <freddywissink@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Tarun

> >

> > for 1 you can look at house 9 higher in d24 aswell h 4 for prim

> education

> >

> > 2 physics are h 1 in d24 case 1is 5 lord in 8 can means kind of

> transformation look at sun for extren and moon for intern feeling

> same for case 2 if lord lagna than ambition is high

> > for 3 a malific in h9

> >

> > tarunsrivastava50 <tarunsrivastava50@ ...> wrote: Respected Gurujans,

> > Pranams,

> >

> > I am a beginner and need help in interpretations. I request learned

> > members to throw some light on the following issues i faced while

> > correcting a D-24.

> >

> > 1)which planets show that native will pursue science in higher

> > secondary and graduation.

> >

> > 2)what in particular shows physics ? ( i have two combinations

> > involving 5th lord in the chart ; case 1 : venus is 5L in 8th with

> > swa rasi sun in D-24 ; Case 2:5L mars in lagna with sag jupiter®)

> > so for physics i take sun ven together or mars jup?

> >

> > 3) What shows a break in education ?

> > which combination will show difficulty in pursuing post graduation-

> > 9L in 9th with 6 and 11L or

> > 6th and 9th lord in second house in exchange with second lord ,

> > i.e.exchange of 2 and 6 house; 6l is also 9l .

> >

> > House 4 is prim and h9 for higher and own can take h 11 as result

> in genaral if there are mal in than more difficult and ben more easy

> all depening on transit and dasha period

> >

> > I am seeing 2H for primary education, 4H till secondary ,5H till

> > graduation and 9H for post graduation ; is this right?

> >

> >

> > Kindly bless me with your knowledge.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Tarun

> >

> > Hope this will help and see you friendly greethings from Freddy

> Wissink Vedic astrologer since 2004 in Amsterdam and study it since

> 1998 in a weekly study group here in Amsterdam freddywissink@ ...

> >

> >

> > Archives: http://www.. com vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology>

> >

> > Group info: http://www.. com vedic astrology/

> info.html <vedic astrology/info.html>

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

> @ <%40>

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> >

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Respected Rafal Guruji,



Thanks as always for the comprehensive and insightful reply.Based on

it i've been able to correct the chart of a friend who is shy of

publishing his details .


Since he left formal learning 3yrs ago after completing graduation ,

presence of moon,rahu and ketu in second house seems appropriate as

rahu is 3rd L(maraka for 2nd),moon is 8L.(so no post-graduation)


His 7H has saturn ®in gemini .


As he took physics in graduation , i have noted rasi drishti of

rahu/ketu on 9H , 9H having 9L sun (ensuring completion)with 11 and

6L venus.


In one of the mp3s by Sanjayji ,he mentions that karaka of the

divisional in 12th can even deny the divisional's signification. So

for the above case i'll have to reject jup in 12th as native did

receive education till graduation.


Please correct me if i'm wrong in analysis.


However , one doubt remains: how can we distinguish where rahu/ketu

will create troubles in education and where they will influence




I have downloaded Sanjayji's lectures but couldn't find one that had

D-24 discussed therein. Currently lessons till class 22 are uploaded

on the site , please mention which class no. you were referring to ?



which subjects does jupiter signify besides jyotisha ? The principles

you mentioned to see D-10 fiery signs and D-3 artha trikona ; his

jupiter ® is prominent in both and even in D-24 is LL in L with 5L.


Seeking your blessings,

With Warm Regards,





vedic astrology , Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme wrote:


> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Tarun, Namaskar


> * In Siddhamsa following houses represents:



> Ninth for bachelors, 2nd for masters, seventh for PHD etc..


> * General results of education are skills, which You can use in


> (artha kona), way of living or spirituality (moksha kona).


> motivation is represented by Lagnesh and Moon (for

aparavidya -

> formal education)

> * Support from society is seen by grahas which are conjoined

with Moon

> * Focus of Mind is shown by Moon Rasi and its dispositor

> * Subjects are related to level on which You are. For bachelor

> subjects see ninth house/lord/aspects.

> * Subjects which will give money are seen from 10H in Navamsa


> artha kona in Drekkana

> * Subjects which native will excel in are seen by planets in


> signs in D10

> * BUT.....often native is engaged in job/buisness which has


> to do with education..for that see D10


> Physics is usually represented by Nodes. Budha in Dasamsa/Sidhamsa


> languages, software, databases, office work, magazines, accounting


> the likes. With Mangal it often gives software engineer...so



> * 5H in D24 shows Para-vidya, this shows Your hobby also. For

> example I have Rahu and Ketu in fifth bhava in D24 which shows

> interest in Jyotish, this Ketu is my ninth lord so it was


> in finishing my bachelors. My ninth lord is with Rahu in fifth

> bhava and I finished philosphy line of education.

> * Fifth lord in eight bhava in D1 gives inclination towards

deep and

> mystic subjects like Jyotish. In D24 it shows definitely


> between jnana and spiritual transformation, as that is what is

> indicated by eight bhava in D24 chart per the last Sanjay Rath

> lecture which I recommend You to listen.


> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



> tarunsrivastava50 napisa?(a):

> >

> > Respected Guruji,

> > Pranams,

> >

> > I would appreciate if you could possibly correct my interpretation

> > of your reply :

> >

> > 1) to see primary education , house 4 in D-24 should be seen

> > 2)for higher secondary and above , see 9 house

> > 3)house 11 for general results relating to education

> >

> > There are still some issues left that i need to resolve , kindly

> > help :

> >

> > 1)Do we see lagna in D-24 for the subject native chooses?

> >

> > 2) which planetary influence then causes a person to take up


> > ( i would guess mercury for reasoning and mars as it represents


> > tatwa ,physical objects being made up by various elements of

earth ).

> > Is this correct ??

> >

> > 3) What will 5H then represent in the scheme of d-24?

> >

> > 4) Will 5L in 8th house with 8L sun give inclination towards


> > and occult as a result of the transformation? ?

> >

> > I thank you for your kind reply .

> >

> > Regards ,

> > Tarun

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > <vedic astrology%40>, Freddy Wissink

> > <freddywissink@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Tarun

> > >

> > > for 1 you can look at house 9 higher in d24 aswell h 4 for prim

> > education

> > >

> > > 2 physics are h 1 in d24 case 1is 5 lord in 8 can means kind of

> > transformation look at sun for extren and moon for intern feeling

> > same for case 2 if lord lagna than ambition is high

> > > for 3 a malific in h9

> > >

> > > tarunsrivastava50 <tarunsrivastava50@ ...> wrote: Respected


> > > Pranams,

> > >

> > > I am a beginner and need help in interpretations. I request


> > > members to throw some light on the following issues i faced


> > > correcting a D-24.

> > >

> > > 1)which planets show that native will pursue science in higher

> > > secondary and graduation.

> > >

> > > 2)what in particular shows physics ? ( i have two combinations

> > > involving 5th lord in the chart ; case 1 : venus is 5L in 8th


> > > swa rasi sun in D-24 ; Case 2:5L mars in lagna with sag jupiter


> > > so for physics i take sun ven together or mars jup?

> > >

> > > 3) What shows a break in education ?

> > > which combination will show difficulty in pursuing post


> > > 9L in 9th with 6 and 11L or

> > > 6th and 9th lord in second house in exchange with second lord ,

> > > i.e.exchange of 2 and 6 house; 6l is also 9l .

> > >

> > > House 4 is prim and h9 for higher and own can take h 11 as


> > in genaral if there are mal in than more difficult and ben more


> > all depening on transit and dasha period

> > >

> > > I am seeing 2H for primary education, 4H till secondary ,5H till

> > > graduation and 9H for post graduation ; is this right?

> > >

> > >

> > > Kindly bless me with your knowledge.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Tarun

> > >

> > > Hope this will help and see you friendly greethings from Freddy

> > Wissink Vedic astrologer since 2004 in Amsterdam and study it


> > 1998 in a weekly study group here in Amsterdam freddywissink@ ...

> > >

> > >

> > > Archives: http://www.. com vedic astrology

> > <vedic astrology>

> > >

> > > Group info: http://www.. com vedic astrology/

> > info.html <vedic astrology/info.html>

> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

> > @ <%40>

> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

> > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > >

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