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D-24 Correction

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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tarun, Namaskar


Im glad You are studying this seriously.


1. There is also one important rule to note. If nodes are in level-bhava

(like ninth or second) then usually one will have problem with the next

level, and it is not advised to study more than level where nodes are

placed. The exception is strong Jupiter (just like with Saptamsa - for

children). In my case nodes are in ninth bhava, so normally I should not

study masters, but in our customs bachelors and masters are connected,

and my 2nd bhava is aspected by Guru from twelfth bhava.


Yes...twelfth bhava.. because in my case D24 has Meena Lagna, and when

Lagnesh is Varga-karaka then even in 12H can give higher education.


Concluding..if native didnt cross the masters then maybe You should

place the nodes in second bhava. What do You think? How the rest would

fit with that option?


Nodes are always disturbing..but if they are connected to level bhavas

(ninth, second) then they indicate subjects. The point is that they need

not to disturb that level of studies.


Guru indicates history, literature, sanskrit. In D10 it can give jobs

connected to finances like bankers etc.


I cant recollect where was this lecture delivered..I think its

Atri..maybe its not loaded fully yet.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com






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Respected Rafal Guruji,




I am sort of liking the way rectifications are done. I thought i had

almost finished with the d-24 chart of my friend but no .... some

more insight that you provided has made me to consider 3 successive

charts instead of 2 earlier.


I have tried to analyse further , kindly correct me-



case1:nodes in 2nd house


The native finished graduation with troubles in studies towards the

end (final exam)- since venus dasa-sat antar(vimshottari) was on ,sat

being in badhakasthana in d-24 i concluded that the chart with nodes

in second house stopped native from pursuing masters.Further next

antar is of merc ,badhaka lord himself and still next is ketu showing

no signs of pursuing masters.


The dictum you mentioned will modify if we take lordships:

moon is 8L(sudden disruption) , Rahu is 3L (maraka to 2nd)and ketu is

12L. so many functional malefics will destroy 2H.


jup® in lagna own sign can create problems due to retrogression??





case2: nodes in 3rd House with 9L MOON


This will suit the dictum as 9L moon associated with nodes made

native take physics and also it denies next level education(masters).


but second house then has 2L jup® with LL & 6L mars supporting masters


badhakesha is moon with nodes in 3rd(maraka) but it does not

correlate with dasa.(only that sign in 3H is capricorn!)




Case 3: nodes in lagna with 7L moon


I think this one will not work coz here 9L is in 2nd house showing

smooth transition to masters.


moreover jup goes to 12th and is not lagnesha (so no exception).





So essentially i have confusion regarding first two .Which one seems

more appropriate to you and Why? Kindly enlighten.




Seeking your blessings,

With Warm Regards,







vedic astrology , Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme wrote:


> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Tarun, Namaskar


> Im glad You are studying this seriously.


> 1. There is also one important rule to note. If nodes are in level-


> (like ninth or second) then usually one will have problem with the


> level, and it is not advised to study more than level where nodes


> placed. The exception is strong Jupiter (just like with Saptamsa -


> children). In my case nodes are in ninth bhava, so normally I

should not

> study masters, but in our customs bachelors and masters are


> and my 2nd bhava is aspected by Guru from twelfth bhava.


> Yes...twelfth bhava.. because in my case D24 has Meena Lagna, and


> Lagnesh is Varga-karaka then even in 12H can give higher education.


> Concluding..if native didnt cross the masters then maybe You should

> place the nodes in second bhava. What do You think? How the rest


> fit with that option?


> Nodes are always disturbing..but if they are connected to level


> (ninth, second) then they indicate subjects. The point is that they


> not to disturb that level of studies.


> Guru indicates history, literature, sanskrit. In D10 it can give


> connected to finances like bankers etc.


> I cant recollect where was this lecture delivered..I think its

> Atri..maybe its not loaded fully yet.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com






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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tarun , Namaskar


Usually nodes in ninth makes one to stop pursuing masters. The rule is

that native should not cross the level where nodes are placed.

Yes Vakri grahas in Lagna gives challenges in getting jnana (thats more

important for spirituality in this varga).


Check the dasas to be sure. The time when native started bachelors

should have some connection to ninth bhava/lord.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


tarunsrivastava50 napisa?(a):


> Respected Rafal Guruji,

> Pranams,


> I am sort of liking the way rectifications are done. I thought i had

> almost finished with the d-24 chart of my friend but no .... some

> more insight that you provided has made me to consider 3 successive

> charts instead of 2 earlier.


> I have tried to analyse further , kindly correct me-


> case1:nodes in 2nd house


> The native finished graduation with troubles in studies towards the

> end (final exam)- since venus dasa-sat antar(vimshottari) was on ,sat

> being in badhakasthana in d-24 i concluded that the chart with nodes

> in second house stopped native from pursuing masters.Further next

> antar is of merc ,badhaka lord himself and still next is ketu showing

> no signs of pursuing masters.


> The dictum you mentioned will modify if we take lordships:

> moon is 8L(sudden disruption) , Rahu is 3L (maraka to 2nd)and ketu is

> 12L. so many functional malefics will destroy 2H.


> jup® in lagna own sign can create problems due to retrogression? ?


> case2: nodes in 3rd House with 9L MOON


> This will suit the dictum as 9L moon associated with nodes made

> native take physics and also it denies next level education(masters) .


> but second house then has 2L jup® with LL & 6L mars supporting masters


> badhakesha is moon with nodes in 3rd(maraka) but it does not

> correlate with dasa.(only that sign in 3H is capricorn!)


> Case 3: nodes in lagna with 7L moon


> I think this one will not work coz here 9L is in 2nd house showing

> smooth transition to masters.


> moreover jup goes to 12th and is not lagnesha (so no exception).


> So essentially i have confusion regarding first two .Which one seems

> more appropriate to you and Why? Kindly enlighten.


> Seeking your blessings,

> With Warm Regards,

> Tarun


> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, Rafal Gendarz

> <starsuponme@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > *hare rama krsna*

> >

> > Dear Tarun, Namaskar

> >

> > Im glad You are studying this seriously.

> >

> > 1. There is also one important rule to note. If nodes are in level-

> bhava

> > (like ninth or second) then usually one will have problem with the

> next

> > level, and it is not advised to study more than level where nodes

> are

> > placed. The exception is strong Jupiter (just like with Saptamsa -

> for

> > children). In my case nodes are in ninth bhava, so normally I

> should not

> > study masters, but in our customs bachelors and masters are

> connected,

> > and my 2nd bhava is aspected by Guru from twelfth bhava.

> >

> > Yes...twelfth bhava.. because in my case D24 has Meena Lagna, and

> when

> > Lagnesh is Varga-karaka then even in 12H can give higher education.

> >

> > Concluding.. if native didnt cross the masters then maybe You should

> > place the nodes in second bhava. What do You think? How the rest

> would

> > fit with that option?

> >

> > Nodes are always disturbing.. but if they are connected to level

> bhavas

> > (ninth, second) then they indicate subjects. The point is that they

> need

> > not to disturb that level of studies.

> >

> > Guru indicates history, literature, sanskrit. In D10 it can give

> jobs

> > connected to finances like bankers etc.

> >

> > I cant recollect where was this lecture delivered..I think its

> > Atri..maybe its not loaded fully yet.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> > email: rafal

> > SkypeID: jyotraff1

> > Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa. com <http://rohinaa.com>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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