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Direction for career

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Dear Sir,


Pl.let me know the changing & growth in career in private sector and

Govt.job.because at present i am doing the service in private sector since 1986

but i want the change in Govt.sector which has been already appointed in

Govt.job since 2001 as IAS cadre but still joining still pending.My biodata is

as under.


Name :Akhilesh Kaushik


Time :7.30 a.m.


Place :Hapur near Delhi approx.80 km.





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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Akhilesh , Namaskar


Your career will take the positive and big change in 2014. Surya is

aspecting Arudhapada, Chandra is in arthakona in D10 while sixth house

is strong, and AmK dispositor is with Rahu - this gives high chance for

government job.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


akhilesh kaushik napisa?(a):


> Dear Sir,


> Pl.let me know the changing & growth in career in private sector and

> Govt.job.because at present i am doing the service in private sector

> since 1986 but i want the change in Govt.sector which has been already

> appointed in Govt.job since 2001 as IAS cadre but still joining still

> pending.My biodata is as under.


> Name :Akhilesh Kaushik

> D.O.B.10.04. 1965

> Time :7.30 a.m.

> Day-Saturday

> Place :Hapur near Delhi approx.80 km.

> Lagna-Aries, Nakchatra- Pushya


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try

> it now.



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