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Debilitated and retrograde jupiter in Lagna 21/2

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if u have been reading members posts here u know u have not given ur birth

details for an answer, on the contrary assume some positions on ur chart can be

the reason for ur current situation


pl post ur data


as far as neecha guru u pretty well must know it has nechha bhanga being with

chandra and also being in Lagna kendra so come to the facts better only with

birth data rest members here will deal with




ved_ram <ved_ram wrote:

Aum namo bhagavate Vasudevaya


Dear Humble souls


i am having debilitated jupiter conjunct moon in lagna (capricorn)

with the following placements of other planets in D-1 chart


Mars in 4th ; 5th empty; Saturn and ketu in 6th; 7th empty; sun and

mercury in 8th(29degrees); 9th empty; venus in 10th; 11th empty; rahu

in 12th


my problem is-i have to come to abroad to a place which i doesnt like

i.e UAE in Aug 2007 for a job staying alone away from family leaving

a very good government job at native place. Though earning money, am

vexed with the material life here and want to go back to India. I am

presently running jupiter(mahadasa)/saturn(antardasa)


Can any one kindly throw light on my future and say has it any

relation to the presence of retrograde and debilitated jupiter in

lagna. will my jupiter dasa be a night mare for me.


In navamsa my moon is exalted and jupiter is in lagna(pisces)


please take few minutes of ur precious time and help me.










G B Prashant Kumar


Pl give personal data with verifable life event dates=jobs, marriage, family,

kids, high/low times. Picture or 2 for Lagna features check to my ID

pkgoteti, Services of this astrologer in the group only are FREE!

personal consultations ARE CHARGEABLE! Mobile 09840051861 Chennai, India Me

Shuba Vela!




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