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our compatibility

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Its been a year since my husband and me somehow got married. The muhurtha that

was seen for tying the knot also served as a muhurtha for starting our fight !!


We have been successfully having serious fights for a year now, apart from

liking each other, as well. I believe in taking things as they come, and

generally differences and fights dont put me down. But sometimes the fights get

too boring and I feel I shouldnt be spending my time this way.


Hence I have been reconsidering during the last few days, whether I can

consider quitting the marriage and can manage living alone happily.


I havent been able to arrive at a conclusion yet. Apart from my own reasons

about living separately, my husband being very sensitive, emotional and

dependent makes a separation decision difficult.


His inferiority complex, extreme sensitivity to trivial issues, lack of

self-worth/self-respect, lack of strong and independent thinking, expecting more

result than efforts, laziness to endeavour, not much control over gratifying of

senses, emotional weakness and rationalizing feelings of emotional weakness

through external manifestations like shouting and tantrums, are generally the

underlying causes that trigger a fight between us. I would attribute 75 % to

these reasons.


My own stupidity contribute to the rest 25%. What I mean is, if I happen to be

in a bored or down mood and pass some statements, and if thats the button that

pushes any of the above switches, then a bomb bursts :))


I am no psychiatrist to handle anyone, as I have my own big set of negatives.

Nor I wonder if its my responsibility as a wife. Any thoughts/inputs on this ?


If someone has the time and willingness to let me know the following according

to the charts, it would be great -


- Whether I am lacking any effort from my side in making life and

understanding between us better.

- Whether I have any chances of getting out of this messed up psychology. Its

possible only two ways - either our reactions to situations get better or our

marriage itself dissolves. Would it be possible to hint on either of these



Details :




Date of birth: 2/6/1973

Time of birth: 14:2:00

Place: Pudukottai Latitude: 11:30:N Longitude: 79:26:E

Country: India Zone: 82:30:E


Mine (Wife)


Date of birth: 25/5/1974

Time of birth: 3:3:00

Place: Chennai Latitude: 13:5:N Longitude: 80:17:E

Country: India Zone: 82:30:E




Thanks and Regards,







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