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Lunar Eclipse on 21st February - India 17/2

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PPanbu panchangams have long lost their value, utility it is one of the

schools of vakya panchanga, vakya is used more for religious event timings than

accurate timing for astrological readings

problem with the snakes [panbu] is there r too many of them and each are at a

variance to one another and this has lost its vedic moorinmgs and is entrenched

in egos of the families who happen to sell it by the name of their glorious past

no corections r made at all and any error that has crept it remains stuck [in

egos of the compiler] so better stick to drik based ones wher eone can verify

them on our own


best wishes


Sathiyanarayana Gupta <gupta816 wrote:


Thanks for the timely informations.

Pambu panchangam of Tamilnadu opines that the eclipse may not be visible in

India;however this panchangam information has been superseded NASA Eclipse






Hence those who have born in Aasresha,Magha,Poorvaphalguni,Uttra phalguni and

Moola,Aswini nakshtras should pray to Ketu graha for dosha nivarthi.


" Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS,MS,FRCS,GERON "

<dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy wrote: AATHREYA – Dr. BalaKrishna

Murthy Ramaraju


10 Elmwood Dr , Apalachin , NY 13732 - 4300 , U.S.A


Cell No: 508 – 265 – 1124





AATHREYA - TLE – 2- 20 / 21 , Wednesday / Thursday – NASA


Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 20 / 21 , 2008 , Wednesday / Thursday.

Source : NASA Astronomy and Vedic Jyothish Pandits & Gurus.


Full Moon ( Maaggha PoorNima ) at the time of Total Eclipse is in Maggha

Nakshathram ( Star ) in Simha Raasi ( Constellation Leo ).

Total Lunar Eclipse is due to Descending Lunar Node ( Dragon Tail Kethu )

= Kethu Grastha PoorNa Chandra grahaNam.. Kethu Bless All.(avathu sarve

janaaha ) Samasthaa Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavnthu – Om Shaanthi.


Total Lunar Eclipse is visible East of Rocky Mountains (Continental Divide)

of USA across Midwest USA , USA Central Time Zone , Eastern USA , across

Atlantic Ocean and Western Europe. – NASA


In India only faint Penumbral shadow is visible at moon set time IST.- NASA


Saturn ( Sani Graha ) is in Simha Raasi ( Constellation Leo ) along with Kethu

and Eclipsed Full Moon, all three in Maggha Star. and Kuja Graha ( Mars ) is

in Mithuna Raasi ( Gemini ) West of Eclipsed Moon – Vedic Jyothish Pandits.


NASA – Feb. 20 / 21 – 2008 , Wed/Thurs.



Penumbral Eclipse Begins 7.36pm :36am


Partial Eclipse Begins 8.43pm 1.43am


Total Eclipse Begins 10.01pm 3.01am


Great Eclipse 10.26pm 3.26am


Total Eclipse Ends 10.51pm 3.51am


Partial Eclipse Ends 12.08am 5.08am


Penumbral Eclipse Ends 1.15am 6.15am



Time : Penumbral Eclipse Begin to End = 5 hrs 39 minutes

Time : Partial Eclipse Begin to End = 3 hrs 25 minutes

Time : Total Eclipse Begin to End = 50 minutes


aathreya – dr. bala Krishna murthy ramaraju













|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||


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