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Life is destiny or making right decision?

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My Dear Friend,



Life is a game, so you have to play it with big heart.


Some of us got to run a little faster because we got a late start.

But I would be fool to surrender when I know I can be a contender.



If everybody is a sinner, then every body can be a winner.


No matter you rag colours, Deep down we are all brothers.


And Regardless of time, somebody up there still loves us.


I am going to scuffles and struggle until.

I am breathless and weak.


I just tried my whole life to make make it to the mountain peak……

Always keep reaching and be sure to grab hold of something,


I will be there when " U " get there.



Life is a game of desitny.Its journey and not destination.


I hope you got the answer.

Bad decision was just nimitta, destiny's game no one can understand



Last but not least don't worry too much everything will be allright,

there is ALWAYS some one to help us who loves us.









vedic astrology , " vivluv_2000 "

<vivluv_2000 wrote:


> Dear All esteemed learned people,


> I have just one question with all leaned people here. I have not


> able to find an aswer for the same.


> - If everything is destiny what role does mind and decision making

> play. If you take my example I did arranged marriage and decided on

> myself. Now when I look back then a lot of times I think why didnt

> follw the right decision making process. May be I should have taken

> more time before deciding. Or my be met her twice. I took decision


> 2 hours. You will not believe I am a firm believer in astrolgy and

> always decided i will marry a girl with whom my kundli will match


> with her my kundli was not matching still I said yes immediately. I

> always wanted a fair girl and I was very very clear. still when I

> took decision in my first meeting I think I did not try to check on

> it much. Yes There were circumstances like mother was not well and

> father was also pushing that this is right match but as such there

> was no pressure.


> After marraige yes I am having tough times. Chemistry has not been

> great among us.


> I am just trying to make you aware of the circumstances. if I made a

> bad decision or destiny has a own role to play? whats the answer.


> guide me as this will help me in future as well.


> I hope you will take my question positively. I am posting this to


> forums so please dont think I am trying to take advantage. I expect


> genuine analaysis which will make us learn things.



> Regards,


> Jim


> 10th July 1978

> 18.29

> Maunath Bhanjan (25.57N, 83.33E)



> wife


> 7th march 1982

> 9.40

> Kalyan


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Born are to die is destiny and destiny determines every moment of life under

the glossy surface of decision.



vedicastro_mind <vedicastro_mind wrote:

My Dear Friend,



Life is a game, so you have to play it with big heart.


Some of us got to run a little faster because we got a late start.

But I would be fool to surrender when I know I can be a contender.


If everybody is a sinner, then every body can be a winner.


No matter you rag colours, Deep down we are all brothers.


And Regardless of time, somebody up there still loves us.


I am going to scuffles and struggle until.

I am breathless and weak.


I just tried my whole life to make make it to the mountain peak……

Always keep reaching and be sure to grab hold of something,


I will be there when " U " get there.


Life is a game of desitny.Its journey and not destination.


I hope you got the answer.

Bad decision was just nimitta, destiny's game no one can understand



Last but not least don't worry too much everything will be allright,

there is ALWAYS some one to help us who loves us.





vedic astrology , " vivluv_2000 "

<vivluv_2000 wrote:


> Dear All esteemed learned people,


> I have just one question with all leaned people here. I have not


> able to find an aswer for the same.


> - If everything is destiny what role does mind and decision making

> play. If you take my example I did arranged marriage and decided on

> myself. Now when I look back then a lot of times I think why didnt

> follw the right decision making process. May be I should have taken

> more time before deciding. Or my be met her twice. I took decision


> 2 hours. You will not believe I am a firm believer in astrolgy and

> always decided i will marry a girl with whom my kundli will match


> with her my kundli was not matching still I said yes immediately. I

> always wanted a fair girl and I was very very clear. still when I

> took decision in my first meeting I think I did not try to check on

> it much. Yes There were circumstances like mother was not well and

> father was also pushing that this is right match but as such there

> was no pressure.


> After marraige yes I am having tough times. Chemistry has not been

> great among us.


> I am just trying to make you aware of the circumstances. if I made a

> bad decision or destiny has a own role to play? whats the answer.


> guide me as this will help me in future as well.


> I hope you will take my question positively. I am posting this to


> forums so please dont think I am trying to take advantage. I expect


> genuine analaysis which will make us learn things.



> Regards,


> Jim


> 10th July 1978

> 18.29

> Maunath Bhanjan (25.57N, 83.33E)



> wife


> 7th march 1982

> 9.40

> Kalyan









Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Excellent Sir ! I am overwhelmed and totally convinved. The answer

should really give me a direction.


Now having understood that Life is a game of destiny and decisions

are nimitta how shall we relate karma.


Is Karma governed by destiny as well? If yes then what's in our

hands. Why are we struggling here?


If you can put some thoughts and understanding then we can surely



pls guide.





vedic astrology , " vedicastro_mind "

<vedicastro_mind wrote:


> My Dear Friend,

> Namaskar,


> Life is a game, so you have to play it with big heart.


> Some of us got to run a little faster because we got a late start.

> But I would be fool to surrender when I know I can be a contender.



> If everybody is a sinner, then every body can be a winner.


> No matter you rag colours, Deep down we are all brothers.


> And Regardless of time, somebody up there still loves us.


> I am going to scuffles and struggle until.

> I am breathless and weak.


> I just tried my whole life to make make it to the mountain peak……

> Always keep reaching and be sure to grab hold of something,


> I will be there when " U " get there.



> Life is a game of desitny.Its journey and not destination.


> I hope you got the answer.

> Bad decision was just nimitta, destiny's game no one can understand

> it.


> Last but not least don't worry too much everything will be


> there is ALWAYS some one to help us who loves us.


> Regards,

> Jim






> vedic astrology , " vivluv_2000 "

> <vivluv_2000@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All esteemed learned people,

> >

> > I have just one question with all leaned people here. I have not

> been

> > able to find an aswer for the same.

> >

> > - If everything is destiny what role does mind and decision making

> > play. If you take my example I did arranged marriage and decided


> > myself. Now when I look back then a lot of times I think why didnt

> > follw the right decision making process. May be I should have


> > more time before deciding. Or my be met her twice. I took


> in

> > 2 hours. You will not believe I am a firm believer in astrolgy and

> > always decided i will marry a girl with whom my kundli will match

> and

> > with her my kundli was not matching still I said yes immediately.


> > always wanted a fair girl and I was very very clear. still when I

> > took decision in my first meeting I think I did not try to check


> > it much. Yes There were circumstances like mother was not well and

> > father was also pushing that this is right match but as such there

> > was no pressure.

> >

> > After marraige yes I am having tough times. Chemistry has not


> > great among us.

> >

> > I am just trying to make you aware of the circumstances. if I

made a

> > bad decision or destiny has a own role to play? whats the answer.

> Pls

> > guide me as this will help me in future as well.

> >

> > I hope you will take my question positively. I am posting this to

> all

> > forums so please dont think I am trying to take advantage. I


> a

> > genuine analaysis which will make us learn things.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Jim

> >

> > 10th July 1978

> > 18.29

> > Maunath Bhanjan (25.57N, 83.33E)

> >

> >

> > wife

> >

> > 7th march 1982

> > 9.40

> > Kalyan

> >


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dear mr.vivek,

Present Life is continuation of the past life. Take

for example u go to bed and when u wake up u know

there are unfinished work, and fresh work likely to

come and u start continuing ur routine.similairly the

previous birth karma follows. the soul when departs

from the body remembers all the good and bad

activities carried on while alive. the moment it

enters a new body it carries on its activities like

what u do after u wake up from sleep.

Ur subjected to such trials and ordeals and if u

condition ur mind and reduce the intensity of bad

karmas u will be blessed with good life in the next

birth. Ur mind and thought process shud not sway to

bad thinking or act. so think there is something

precious in ur present life which has been denied to

many and carry with good thoughts. u will have a

harmonious life. U shud share this topic with ur wife.

good luck,









Never miss a thing. Make your home page.


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Thanks for your insight sir.


Yes you are absolutely right that with our mind we should do right

and good things and avoid bad karmas.


But what doubt I have is if destiny is controlling all our

deeds/actions and life then is there anything in our control to

influence any outcome/result in our life? Does all our actions are

determined by our destiny? Like people say you are bound to work in

this field and do this ....as it is fated. If every single moment in

our life in governed by destiny and fate then what role remains to

influence any event in our life.


There is a theory also that two people one works hard and other sits

at home and idle. is it because of their destiny or their mind?







vedic astrology , K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear mr.vivek,

> Present Life is continuation of the past life. Take

> for example u go to bed and when u wake up u know

> there are unfinished work, and fresh work likely to

> come and u start continuing ur routine.similairly the

> previous birth karma follows. the soul when departs

> from the body remembers all the good and bad

> activities carried on while alive. the moment it

> enters a new body it carries on its activities like

> what u do after u wake up from sleep.

> Ur subjected to such trials and ordeals and if u

> condition ur mind and reduce the intensity of bad

> karmas u will be blessed with good life in the next

> birth. Ur mind and thought process shud not sway to

> bad thinking or act. so think there is something

> precious in ur present life which has been denied to

> many and carry with good thoughts. u will have a

> harmonious life. U shud share this topic with ur wife.

> good luck,

> k.gopu









> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Jim, Namaskar


To understand this predicament please read Sankaracaraya's commentary to

third chapter of Gita (especially to slokas : 33, 34).


I have also published article about free will, which you may wanto

download from my site (pdf format).



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



vivluv_2000 napisa?(a):


> Thanks for your insight sir.


> Yes you are absolutely right that with our mind we should do right

> and good things and avoid bad karmas.


> But what doubt I have is if destiny is controlling all our

> deeds/actions and life then is there anything in our control to

> influence any outcome/result in our life? Does all our actions are

> determined by our destiny? Like people say you are bound to work in

> this field and do this ....as it is fated. If every single moment in

> our life in governed by destiny and fate then what role remains to

> influence any event in our life.


> There is a theory also that two people one works hard and other sits

> at home and idle. is it because of their destiny or their mind?


> Regards


> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:

> >

> > dear mr.vivek,

> > Present Life is continuation of the past life. Take

> > for example u go to bed and when u wake up u know

> > there are unfinished work, and fresh work likely to

> > come and u start continuing ur routine.similairly the

> > previous birth karma follows. the soul when departs

> > from the body remembers all the good and bad

> > activities carried on while alive. the moment it

> > enters a new body it carries on its activities like

> > what u do after u wake up from sleep.

> > Ur subjected to such trials and ordeals and if u

> > condition ur mind and reduce the intensity of bad

> > karmas u will be blessed with good life in the next

> > birth. Ur mind and thought process shud not sway to

> > bad thinking or act. so think there is something

> > precious in ur present life which has been denied to

> > many and carry with good thoughts. u will have a

> > harmonious life. U shud share this topic with ur wife.

> > good luck,

> > k.gopu

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ________

> ______________

> > Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> > http://www./r/hs <http://www./r/hs>

> >






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