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Diet during PREGNANCY.

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When a woman gets pregnant, does she have to eat for two people?


Eating in pregnancy depends on the weight in the beginning. In the

first trimester one does not need extra calories per se, but one needs to have

lots of vitamins and folic acid because all tissues are growing and the fetus is

beginning to form so vitamins and minerals are most essential and of course

protein follows. As the trimester progresses, one must start eating the extra

diet in terms of proteins because the body is growing inside. You need lots of

milk or milk products and whole grains. Healthy eating is very important during

pregnancy, you must eat a healthy normal diet.


Why has diet become such a big issue nowadays?


Now it is become a matter of survival of the fittest. These days

intelligence of a child and the mental faculty depend a lot on the diet the

mother has during pregnancy. So most of our educated girls are quite positive

over these contributions that is why they like to eat the right type of diet

before and during pregnancy.


Most women end up gaining a lot of weight when they are pregnant, and once the

baby is delivered the weight is still intact. Why does this happen?


They generally go wrong at the beginning because when they are eating food

that is rich in calories, for example, we recommend a lot of milk ie. low fat

milk but they end up taking high fat milk. There is a lot of pressure on using

ghee in diet especially in North India. People usually take a lot ghee in their

diet. So, if you take too much of refined food and dense food in terms of fats

and sugars, of course, you will gain weight. You have to eat satiety food that

stays in the stomach for a long time and not refined food. This way you do not

gain too much of weight.



When does the food craving in pregnancy start? Can this be the cause for the

excessive weight gain?


In the first trimester it is very common to see these cravings and I don't

think we should tell them to stop that as long as they take hygienic food and

whatever they feel like they should eat. Subsequently if we find that they are

going overboard with their weight gain then we advise them which is usually

during the second trimester and much more in the third trimester.


Would you say that doctors nowadays tell woman not to eat too much instead of



Yes, we have to tell them because majority of them eat things which we

would not want them to eat. But in the first trimester we need not worry about



I am an anaemic and right now my haemoglobin count is 10.1. We are planning

a kid but we don't know what should I have because whatever I have my

haemoglobin count does not go above 10.1.


Haemoglobin of count 10.1 is not too bad though by certain standards it is

bad but by the Indian standard it is not so bad, so you should not worry. You

should first analyse if there is any other cause for this anaemia. We must

exclude the possibility of your carrying a thalassaemic trait. So once that is

clear you can concentrate on your diet. Take a high protein, high iron

containing diet and may be some supplement of vitamins. Also take folic acid

right from now.


What is the role of folic acid in pregnancy?


These days we recommend the intake of folic acid even during pre-pregnancy

stage ie. when the person is planning a pregnancy. It is good to take folic acid

because there is documented proof that outcome of the fetus is much better in

women who take folic acid during pregnancy.


I am in the third month of my pregnancy, what food should I eat to relieve



You need to take a lot of fiber in your diet. First of all when you take

breakfast, you should not take white bread, either take whole wheat bread or

porridge or oats. During lunch and dinner, you should take whole wheat gram or

whole wheat flour. You can mix some soybeans or Bangal gram flour into it. You

should take lot of fruits and vegetables. Drink lot of fluids too. Refined

carbohydrate should be avoided and more roughage should be added to the diet.


What exercises should a three months pregnant lady do?


She should walk to maintain the physical activity to the maximum.


My wife is pregnant and feels very hungry. What kind of food should I give to



This is very normal and she will feel hungry as the baby keeps growing. She

needs to take a lot of proteins in her diet. She should take at least two

glasses of milk and two bowls of pulses and lots of soybean. She should not take

too much of hollow calories like sugar and fats. Hunger is normal but foods that

are high in protein and roughage will curtail the hunger and she will not gain

extra weight.


Is it advisable to eat smaller meals?


It is more satisfying especially if you are not working and you are home.

Then you can take a small breakfast at 11 and then take your lunch. It is much

better to have smaller meals but then try to curtail on too much of fat and


I am pregnant since five months and I am carrying twins. What should be my diet

and how much weight do I need to put on? The doctor says it is between 11 to 14

kgs for a normal child but I am carrying twins so will it be more than 14 kgs?


The aim should be to put on one to two kilos in a month. You must eat at

short intervals and in small amounts. Don't eat too much because if you eat too

much you will feel uncomfortable. So, eat at short intervals, nutritious food

and cut short on your fat and sugar intake.


I am two months pregnant and I am suffering from polio in my left leg since I

was 10 months old. I want to know whether I have to be more careful about my

diet and what precautions should I take during pregnancy?


You don't have to worry about your polio as of now. You are just like any

other pregnant girl, so you eat whatever your doctor advises. You have to avoid

excess weight gain and subsequently when you are near term, then your doctor

will decide whether your pelvic consideration is bad for normal delivery and

that is the only difference. Otherwise, there is no difference at all.


I am four months pregnant and I have heartburns, how can I avoid them?


Heartburn is quite common in early pregnancy so you should avoid taking too

many spices. You should not remain on an empty stomach for too long, take small

frequent meals and avoid deep-fried food. Whenever you are hungry, take cold

milk or something that will neutralise the acidic effect.


What should women suffering from diabetes and hypertension do during pregnancy?


In the beginning they have to be very conscious. The factors that

contribute to the exaggeration of these symptoms of hypertension or diabetes are

to be curbed right from the beginning. In the diet, they have to be careful of

reducing salt intake and sugar. They have to get checkups done very frequently

to keep a check on blood pressure and diabetes, and if detected they should be

treated accordingly by diet or medication.


I am four months pregnant and have put on only two kilos - is it fine?


Yes, it is absolutely okay. Do not worry.


I am eight months pregnant. Is there any special diet?


You should take a balanced diet and as mentioned before take a lot of

proteins. You should take two to three glasses of milk and if you don't like

milk you can take paneer or curd. You should continue with whatever exercise

allowed to you by your doctor.


What are the harmful effects of eating too many carbohydrates in pregnancy?


When there is excess intake of carbohydrates, there is excessive weight gain

which is not desirable. The woman feels bloated and some of them may develop gas

problem too.


My wife is seven months pregnant and wants to have garlic and ginger food.

Should she be allowed to have it?


There is no harm in having garlic and ginger but she should try to avoid

too much of fried things.


I am 11 weeks pregnant, 35 kilos, can I eat dry fruits?


Yes you can take dry fruits especially almonds.






mbl: 9444961820

id: kvvighnesh




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