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Is Moola Strar of Boy is a cause for delay in the marriage?

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Dear Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

getting delayed?


I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason why

My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.



My birth details are


DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

Lagna: Mesha

Rasi: Dhanur


Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


With advanced thanks and humble pranams


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*kleem namah narasimhaaya*

Dear Satheesh , Namaskar


Good example how important is analysis of Upapada in the chart.


Its due following yogas:


a) sarpa yoga involving 6L in seventh bhava in Navamsa which usually

delays marriage.


b) lord of Upapada is debilitated in twelfth bhava


As Budha (upapadesh) is in third from Arudhapada it means that you have

chosen professional life as your priority and that can block opportunity

in married life. You should also consider abroad as the same Budha is 7L

from Mo and 10L from Mo. From 95 to 04 you were in Budha Dasa, so I

think some issues related to foreign travels and relationship

manifested. You could think also a lot about your health, fame, family

and luxuries due to Navamsa-parivartana. Now you are in Rahu period

which promotes profesional success being in tenth bhava and in sixth

from D3 Lagna.


Budha will work until 2010 /per buddhi gati dasa/ and until then you

should be married. Your chart is very promising.



Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

www: http://rohinaa.com / email: rafal



Satheesh Kumar napisa?(a):


> Dear Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


> I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

> getting delayed?


> I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason why

> My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

> getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

> year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.


> My birth details are


> DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

> Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

> Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

> Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

> Lagna: Mesha

> Rasi: Dhanur


> Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


> With advanced thanks and humble pranams

> Satheesh






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Axiom: Marriages are denied if Lagnathipathy and kalathra sthaanathipathy are

jointly disposited in the twelfth house.


Axiom:Parivesha in the seventh house from lagna / Chandra either delays /

separates the couple after marriage.


Axiom:A native looses his / her bhoogha-bhaghya prospectus if kalathrakaarak

Sukra and sevength lord are jointly posited in the 12th house.


The above referred axioms are applicable as such for you;instead blaming your

janma nakshtra appease to make it your jenmarakshaka.



Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote: Dear

Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

getting delayed?


I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason why

My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.


My birth details are


DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

Lagna: Mesha

Rasi: Dhanur


Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


With advanced thanks and humble pranams












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Sriram Jayaram Jaya Jaya Ram, Jai Bajrang Bali




I have read your insight of the analysis, but as per my birth chart,

the Lagnathipathy is Mars, which is in Lagna itself along with the

Sukran(Ve), as you mentioned the place is not 12th and also the lagna

is in seen by Guru(Ju)from the Ninth bava(dhanur Rasi) along with

moon is in Dhanur Rasi.


Can you please see the chart one more time and put forth your

valuable comments.


PS: I have casted the chart in many softwares avaliable including the

jqgannatha Hora in all the charts my lagna is Mesha and Mars Venus

conjuction is in the First house only but not in 12th house as you

have mentioned.


Please clarify.






<munisevitham wrote:


> Namaste,


> Axiom: Marriages are denied if Lagnathipathy and kalathra

sthaanathipathy are jointly disposited in the twelfth house.


> Axiom:Parivesha in the seventh house from lagna / Chandra either

delays / separates the couple after marriage.


> Axiom:A native looses his / her bhoogha-bhaghya prospectus if

kalathrakaarak Sukra and sevength lord are jointly posited in the

12th house.


> The above referred axioms are applicable as such for you;instead

blaming your janma nakshtra appease to make it your jenmarakshaka.



> Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote:

Dear Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


> I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

> getting delayed?


> I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason


> My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

> getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

> year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.


> My birth details are


> DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

> Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

> Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

> Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

> Lagna: Mesha

> Rasi: Dhanur


> Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


> With advanced thanks and humble pranams

> Satheesh












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You are correct, an inadvertent error had been crept in my delineations.However

as I have pointed out parivesha in the 7th house from Chandr is seems to be the

delayer of your marriage.

There possibilities for your marriage between April to June 2009.


Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote: Sriram

Jayaram Jaya Jaya Ram, Jai Bajrang Bali




I have read your insight of the analysis, but as per my birth chart,

the Lagnathipathy is Mars, which is in Lagna itself along with the

Sukran(Ve), as you mentioned the place is not 12th and also the lagna

is in seen by Guru(Ju)from the Ninth bava(dhanur Rasi) along with

moon is in Dhanur Rasi.


Can you please see the chart one more time and put forth your

valuable comments.


PS: I have casted the chart in many softwares avaliable including the

jqgannatha Hora in all the charts my lagna is Mesha and Mars Venus

conjuction is in the First house only but not in 12th house as you

have mentioned.


Please clarify.



<munisevitham wrote:


> Namaste,


> Axiom: Marriages are denied if Lagnathipathy and kalathra

sthaanathipathy are jointly disposited in the twelfth house.


> Axiom:Parivesha in the seventh house from lagna / Chandra either

delays / separates the couple after marriage.


> Axiom:A native looses his / her bhoogha-bhaghya prospectus if

kalathrakaarak Sukra and sevength lord are jointly posited in the

12th house.


> The above referred axioms are applicable as such for you;instead

blaming your janma nakshtra appease to make it your jenmarakshaka.



> Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote:

Dear Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


> I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

> getting delayed?


> I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason


> My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

> getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

> year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.


> My birth details are


> DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

> Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

> Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

> Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

> Lagna: Mesha

> Rasi: Dhanur


> Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


> With advanced thanks and humble pranams

> Satheesh












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Dear Satich Kumar

Out of curiorisity I cast yout chart. using " Raichur,z SW,

I get Measha Lagna and both Mars and Venus, are in 1st house

Only merc is in 12th


Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote: Sriram

Jayaram Jaya Jaya Ram, Jai Bajrang Bali




I have read your insight of the analysis, but as per my birth chart,

the Lagnathipathy is Mars, which is in Lagna itself along with the

Sukran(Ve), as you mentioned the place is not 12th and also the lagna

is in seen by Guru(Ju)from the Ninth bava(dhanur Rasi) along with

moon is in Dhanur Rasi.


Can you please see the chart one more time and put forth your

valuable comments.


PS: I have casted the chart in many softwares avaliable including the

jqgannatha Hora in all the charts my lagna is Mesha and Mars Venus

conjuction is in the First house only but not in 12th house as you

have mentioned.


Please clarify.



<munisevitham wrote:


> Namaste,


> Axiom: Marriages are denied if Lagnathipathy and kalathra

sthaanathipathy are jointly disposited in the twelfth house.


> Axiom:Parivesha in the seventh house from lagna / Chandra either

delays / separates the couple after marriage.


> Axiom:A native looses his / her bhoogha-bhaghya prospectus if

kalathrakaarak Sukra and sevength lord are jointly posited in the

12th house.


> The above referred axioms are applicable as such for you;instead

blaming your janma nakshtra appease to make it your jenmarakshaka.



> Satheesh Kumar <sath9372 wrote:

Dear Veteran Guruji, Namashkar !!


> I have born in the Moola Star is this a reason that my marriage is

> getting delayed?


> I am here by giving my birth details, Please tell me the reason


> My marriage is delayed and whether I can get the opportunity of

> getting married, if so please predict the probable time( month and

> year) of my marriage and any parikarams if needed.


> My birth details are


> DOB : 09/03/1972 ( 9th March 1972)

> Time of Birth: 09 :24 AM

> Place of Birth: Chennai, Triplicane

> Birth Star : Moola 2nd Pada

> Lagna: Mesha

> Rasi: Dhanur


> Dasa Balancce: Kethu Dasa


> With advanced thanks and humble pranams

> Satheesh












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