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Failure of Astrology? or of Astrologers?

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Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,


Please forgive me for starting a very controversial subject.

However, the astrologers that I have consulted have all failed

repeatedly with their predictions thus far. So I am left wondering if

it is a failure of astrology or of astrologers. The point here is

that, some of them seem to be able to get it right for many of my

friends and relatives and yet they get it wrong time and again for

this particular case. Now to the problem:

When would the subject born on 27th November 1975 at

Chennai(Madras), India at 6:04 A.M, find a job that he is searching

for ? Could you please briefly describe his professional life?


Thank you,


Kind regards,


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Dear friend,


please get your time of birth corrected, I feel the time is wrong and hence the

predictions are turning out to be 'false'.





ghs_manian <ghs_manian wrote: Dear



Please forgive me for starting a very controversial subject.

However, the astrologers that I have consulted have all failed

repeatedly with their predictions thus far. So I am left wondering if

it is a failure of astrology or of astrologers. The point here is

that, some of them seem to be able to get it right for many of my

friends and relatives and yet they get it wrong time and again for

this particular case. Now to the problem:

When would the subject born on 27th November 1975 at

Chennai(Madras), India at 6:04 A.M, find a job that he is searching

for ? Could you please briefly describe his professional life?


Thank you,


Kind regards,









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Dear Mr.Vijay,


Thank you for your response. The time of birth is as per

hospital records and as in birth certificate. I do accept that

inaccurate birth time could be a factor in the predictions going awry.

However in this case I am pretty sure that the margin of error cannot

be any more than 10 mins (plus or minus).


Thanks and kind regards,






vedic astrology , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Dear friend,


> please get your time of birth corrected, I feel the time is wrong

and hence the predictions are turning out to be 'false'.


> Regards,

> Vijay.


> ghs_manian <ghs_manian wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,


> Please forgive me for starting a very controversial subject.

> However, the astrologers that I have consulted have all failed

> repeatedly with their predictions thus far. So I am left wondering if

> it is a failure of astrology or of astrologers. The point here is

> that, some of them seem to be able to get it right for many of my

> friends and relatives and yet they get it wrong time and again for

> this particular case. Now to the problem:

> When would the subject born on 27th November 1975 at

> Chennai(Madras), India at 6:04 A.M, find a job that he is searching

> for ? Could you please briefly describe his professional life?


> Thank you,


> Kind regards,

> Manian.


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Dear Manian,


Please note that astrologers dont just predict everything (esp. career,

marriage, etc) by just the main chart. They equally take into account the

divisional charts like navamsha, dahsamsha, etc. In your horoscope, the main

chart doesnt change for 10 min variation in your time of birth, but the lagna in

your navamsha changes by 1 sign on either side for times of 5.59 am and 6.14 am.

Similar is the case for higher order divisional charts. Hence, when someone

predicts on the basis of 6.04 he is predicting completely different for that of

5.59am and 6.14am. Also, please note that any clock would be having some error

(for example I always keep my clock 5 minutes faster), hence there is no

guarantee about the hospital time. Also twins born at minutes apart have

different lives since their siddhamsha (chart of education), dashamsha (chart of

profession) and navamsha (chart of marriage), etc are different, because the

lagna changes and hence these charts are completely different.

This is the reason why people get confused about different lives of kids born

minutes apart. Though their main charts maybe identical, the divisional charts

are completely different, hence their lives are completely different.





ghs_manian <ghs_manian wrote: Dear



Thank you for your response. The time of birth is as per

hospital records and as in birth certificate. I do accept that

inaccurate birth time could be a factor in the predictions going awry.

However in this case I am pretty sure that the margin of error cannot

be any more than 10 mins (plus or minus).


Thanks and kind regards,



vedic astrology , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Dear friend,


> please get your time of birth corrected, I feel the time is wrong

and hence the predictions are turning out to be 'false'.


> Regards,

> Vijay.


> ghs_manian <ghs_manian wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,


> Please forgive me for starting a very controversial subject.

> However, the astrologers that I have consulted have all failed

> repeatedly with their predictions thus far. So I am left wondering if

> it is a failure of astrology or of astrologers. The point here is

> that, some of them seem to be able to get it right for many of my

> friends and relatives and yet they get it wrong time and again for

> this particular case. Now to the problem:

> When would the subject born on 27th November 1975 at

> Chennai(Madras), India at 6:04 A.M, find a job that he is searching

> for ? Could you please briefly describe his professional life?


> Thank you,


> Kind regards,

> Manian.








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Dear Mr.Vijay,


First of all, I didn't mean to cause any offense and so please

don't take this, as if I am blaming astrologers for not getting it right.


I completely agree with the facts that you have mentioned. The

Rashi chart doesn't change much but Navamsha and other divisional

charts could (and indeed does) vary if we are to account for 10 mins

error in the time of birth. However what is not promised in the main

chart cannot be promised from other divisional charts no matter how

many ever divisions we make of it. So given the stability of the main

chart (despite accounting for the error of 10 mins), the predictions

may not be accurate but has to be approximate enough (if not the first

time at the very least in subsequent attempts). Furthermore, I have

even consulted astrologers who could predict my some other details

correctly but failing on this one question. Also, I am not talking of

astrologers who have practiced for just couple of years or so. One

particular astrologer, the one who made the chart for this subject (or

that of any of the family members) for the first time, is a purohit by

profession having an experience of over 50 years. It seems rather

strange that he could fail to predict this one while he has made

almost all the other predictions approximate enough to justify the

belief in astrology.


Kind regards,





vedic astrology , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Dear Manian,


> Please note that astrologers dont just predict everything (esp.

career, marriage, etc) by just the main chart. They equally take into

account the divisional charts like navamsha, dahsamsha, etc. In your

horoscope, the main chart doesnt change for 10 min variation in your

time of birth, but the lagna in your navamsha changes by 1 sign on

either side for times of 5.59 am and 6.14 am. Similar is the case for

higher order divisional charts. Hence, when someone predicts on the

basis of 6.04 he is predicting completely different for that of 5.59am

and 6.14am. Also, please note that any clock would be having some

error (for example I always keep my clock 5 minutes faster), hence

there is no guarantee about the hospital time. Also twins born at

minutes apart have different lives since their siddhamsha (chart of

education), dashamsha (chart of profession) and navamsha (chart of

marriage), etc are different, because the lagna changes and hence

these charts are completely different.

> This is the reason why people get confused about different lives of

kids born minutes apart. Though their main charts maybe identical, the

divisional charts are completely different, hence their lives are

completely different.


> Regards,

> Vijay.


> ghs_manian <ghs_manian wrote:

Dear Mr.Vijay,


> Thank you for your response. The time of birth is as per

> hospital records and as in birth certificate. I do accept that

> inaccurate birth time could be a factor in the predictions going awry.

> However in this case I am pretty sure that the margin of error cannot

> be any more than 10 mins (plus or minus).


> Thanks and kind regards,

> Manian.


> vedic astrology , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

> <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friend,

> >

> > please get your time of birth corrected, I feel the time is wrong

> and hence the predictions are turning out to be 'false'.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Vijay.

> >

> > ghs_manian <ghs_manian@> wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,

> >

> > Please forgive me for starting a very controversial subject.

> > However, the astrologers that I have consulted have all failed

> > repeatedly with their predictions thus far. So I am left

wondering if

> > it is a failure of astrology or of astrologers. The point here is

> > that, some of them seem to be able to get it right for many of my

> > friends and relatives and yet they get it wrong time and again for

> > this particular case. Now to the problem:

> > When would the subject born on 27th November 1975 at

> > Chennai(Madras), India at 6:04 A.M, find a job that he is searching

> > for ? Could you please briefly describe his professional life?

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> > Kind regards,

> > Manian.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Search.

> >

> >

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