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Fwd: Waning moon as a malefic for cancer lagna ? ST chart to consider ?

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Dear Gurujis,

Eventhough I posted this msg few mths back,I did not get a

satisfactory reply till now.This native was born in Cancer

lagna/cancer rashi.I noticed that his lagna lord waxing Moon has been

acting as a malefic.When I posted this msg last time, I got few

replies which did not give me the clear reason for the Moon to act as

a malefic.I feel that root cause is something else.Accidentally I

noticed that his Lagna lord Moon is in the 8th house in Shastyamsa

like Trimsamsa(ST) chart(the chart which shows the punishments).Thus

even though the Moon is the lagna lord, unable to protect the native

and has to punish him.The vimsottari dasa calculated from utpanna

star gives better results in his case(considering the Vimosttari seed

strength as per JH software).During the major dasa of Moon

(particularly in Moon/Saturn period), his fortune was reversed with

the loss of a parent.On that day the transit Moon was in Taurus at

its exalted degree.When he started the Moon antardasa in Rahu dasa,

he started facing many health problems(mainly respiratory system

related).In rashi chart Moon and Rahu are in 6-8 relationship.Finally

in Rahu/Moon/Saturn period(on a saturday) he was admitted in ICU for

drug induced acute pancreatitis.Pls note that the 8th lord of ST

chart is Venus which indicates medicines and Saturn is in the 8th

house(along with moon) in this Shastyamsa-Trimsamsa chart.

On that Saturday, Saturn was transiting over Jupiter in Shastayamsa-

Trimsamsa(ST).I learnt that Pancreatitis/Jaundice are the diseases

indicated by Jupiter.In this case Jupiter is the lagna lord of ST

chart and is very weak bcoz of its placement in rashi chart and ST

chart. From this I understand that Moon acts as a malefic for this

native and he cannot use a pearl which was suggested by many well

known astrologers.

Pls share your valuable comments on this.

Thanks & Regards,



vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum



Dear Gurujis,

Can a waning moon in cancer for a native with Cancer Lagna act as

malefic ? The native whenever wore a good quality pearl faced many

health problems.His moon is in cancer at 16 degrees(Saturn star and

Jupiter sub).Pls suggest.

Birth details if required:

DOB: 5th June 1973

TOB: 09:07AM

POB: 79E38,18N01,India





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Dear Gurujis,

Eventhough I posted this msg few mths back,I did not get a

satisfactory reply till now.This native was born in Cancer

lagna/cancer rashi.I noticed that his lagna lord waxing Moon has been

acting as a malefic.When I posted this msg last time, I got few

replies which did not give me the clear reason for the Moon to act as

a malefic.I feel that root cause is something else.Accidentally I

noticed that his Lagna lord Moon is in the 8th house in Shastyamsa

like Trimsamsa(ST) chart(the chart which shows the punishments).Thus

even though the Moon is the lagna lord, unable to protect the native

and has to punish him.The vimsottari dasa calculated from utpanna

star gives better results in his case(considering the Vimosttari seed

strength as per JH software).During the major dasa of Moon

(particularly in Moon/Saturn period), his fortune was reversed with

the loss of a parent.On that day the transit Moon was in Taurus at

its exalted degree.When he started the Moon antardasa in Rahu dasa,

he started facing many health problems(mainly respiratory system

related).In rashi chart Moon and Rahu are in 6-8 relationship.Finally

in Rahu/Moon/Saturn period(on a saturday) he was admitted in ICU for

drug induced acute pancreatitis.Pls note that the 8th lord of ST

chart is Venus which indicates medicines and Saturn is in the 8th

house(along with moon) in this Shastyamsa-Trimsamsa chart.

On that Saturday, Saturn was transiting over Jupiter in Shastayamsa-

Trimsamsa(ST).I learnt that Pancreatitis/Jaundice are the diseases

indicated by Jupiter.In this case Jupiter is the lagna lord of ST

chart and is very weak bcoz of its placement in rashi chart and ST

chart. From this I understand that Moon acts as a malefic for this

native and he cannot use a pearl which was suggested by many well

known astrologers.

Pls share your valuable comments on this.

Thanks & Regards,



vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum@>



Dear Gurujis,

Can a waning moon in cancer for a native with Cancer Lagna act as

malefic ? The native whenever wore a good quality pearl faced many

health problems.His moon is in cancer at 16 degrees(Saturn star and

Jupiter sub).Pls suggest.

Birth details if required:

DOB: 5th June 1973

TOB: 09:07AM

POB: 79E38,18N01,India





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Dear Kumar,


Being waxing or wanning is not the sole criterian to have auspicious

results during Moon antar/dasha.


No doubt in Rashi (D1), Moon resides in its own sign in lagna. But in

all FUNDAMENTAL VARGAS (D3, D7, D9, D12), it is either in Scorpio or

Capricorn. Therefore this affliction has marred the potential of Moon

up to great extant.


Secondly, the nakshatra dispositor of Moon (i.e. Saturn) is

considered dire malefic for Cancer lagna and here again it is sitting

at Rashi Sandhi of Badhaka Sthana (Taurus). Whereas the navamsha

dispositor of Moon (i.e. Mars) is occupied in 8th house in the sign

of functional malefic Saturn.


Summing up all, the native would suffer regarding significations of

1st house and Moon during its period.


If Saturn and Mars were not at these positions (where they ARE in

this case) then native might not confront such bleak results.



M. Imran



vedic astrology , " sksk73 " <sksk73 wrote:


> Dear Gurujis,

> Eventhough I posted this msg few mths back,I did not get a

> satisfactory reply till now.This native was born in Cancer

> lagna/cancer rashi.I noticed that his lagna lord waxing Moon has


> acting as a malefic.When I posted this msg last time, I got few

> replies which did not give me the clear reason for the Moon to act


> a malefic.I feel that root cause is something else.Accidentally I

> noticed that his Lagna lord Moon is in the 8th house in Shastyamsa

> like Trimsamsa(ST) chart(the chart which shows the


> even though the Moon is the lagna lord, unable to protect the


> and has to punish him.The vimsottari dasa calculated from utpanna

> star gives better results in his case(considering the Vimosttari


> strength as per JH software).During the major dasa of Moon

> (particularly in Moon/Saturn period), his fortune was reversed with

> the loss of a parent.On that day the transit Moon was in Taurus at

> its exalted degree.When he started the Moon antardasa in Rahu dasa,

> he started facing many health problems(mainly respiratory system

> related).In rashi chart Moon and Rahu are in 6-8


> in Rahu/Moon/Saturn period(on a saturday) he was admitted in ICU


> drug induced acute pancreatitis.Pls note that the 8th lord of ST

> chart is Venus which indicates medicines and Saturn is in the 8th

> house(along with moon) in this Shastyamsa-Trimsamsa chart.

> On that Saturday, Saturn was transiting over Jupiter in Shastayamsa-

> Trimsamsa(ST).I learnt that Pancreatitis/Jaundice are the diseases

> indicated by Jupiter.In this case Jupiter is the lagna lord of ST

> chart and is very weak bcoz of its placement in rashi chart and ST

> chart. From this I understand that Moon acts as a malefic for this

> native and he cannot use a pearl which was suggested by many well

> known astrologers.

> Pls share your valuable comments on this.

> Thanks & Regards,

> Kumar.


> vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum@>

> wrote:


> Dear Gurujis,

> Can a waning moon in cancer for a native with Cancer Lagna act as

> malefic ? The native whenever wore a good quality pearl faced many

> health problems.His moon is in cancer at 16 degrees(Saturn star and

> Jupiter sub).Pls suggest.

> Birth details if required:

> DOB: 5th June 1973

> TOB: 09:07AM

> POB: 79E38,18N01,India


> Regards,

> Kumar


> --- End forwarded message ---


> --- End forwarded message ---


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For cancer lagna, Moon is the lagna lord.

Waxing Moon is always benefic.


Mail the full birth details so taht we can analyse





vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum wrote:


> Dear Gurujis,

> Eventhough I posted this msg few mths back,I did not get a

> satisfactory reply till now.This native was born in Cancer

> lagna/cancer rashi.I noticed that his lagna lord waxing Moon has been

> acting as a malefic.When I posted this msg last time, I got few

> replies which did not give me the clear reason for the Moon to act as

> a malefic.I feel that root cause is something else.Accidentally I

> noticed that his Lagna lord Moon is in the 8th house in Shastyamsa

> like Trimsamsa(ST) chart(the chart which shows the punishments).Thus

> even though the Moon is the lagna lord, unable to protect the native

> and has to punish him.The vimsottari dasa calculated from utpanna

> star gives better results in his case(considering the Vimosttari seed

> strength as per JH software).During the major dasa of Moon

> (particularly in Moon/Saturn period), his fortune was reversed with

> the loss of a parent.On that day the transit Moon was in Taurus at

> its exalted degree.When he started the Moon antardasa in Rahu dasa,

> he started facing many health problems(mainly respiratory system

> related).In rashi chart Moon and Rahu are in 6-8 relationship.Finally

> in Rahu/Moon/Saturn period(on a saturday) he was admitted in ICU for

> drug induced acute pancreatitis.Pls note that the 8th lord of ST

> chart is Venus which indicates medicines and Saturn is in the 8th

> house(along with moon) in this Shastyamsa-Trimsamsa chart.

> On that Saturday, Saturn was transiting over Jupiter in Shastayamsa-

> Trimsamsa(ST).I learnt that Pancreatitis/Jaundice are the diseases

> indicated by Jupiter.In this case Jupiter is the lagna lord of ST

> chart and is very weak bcoz of its placement in rashi chart and ST

> chart. From this I understand that Moon acts as a malefic for this

> native and he cannot use a pearl which was suggested by many well

> known astrologers.

> Pls share your valuable comments on this.

> Thanks & Regards,

> Kumar.


> vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum@>

> wrote:


> Dear Gurujis,

> Can a waning moon in cancer for a native with Cancer Lagna act as

> malefic ? The native whenever wore a good quality pearl faced many

> health problems.His moon is in cancer at 16 degrees(Saturn star and

> Jupiter sub).Pls suggest.

> Birth details if required:

> DOB: 5th June 1973

> TOB: 09:07AM

> POB: 79E38,18N01,India


> Regards,

> Kumar


> --- End forwarded message ---


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Axiom: Planets exalted / in own house in D1 chart but debilited in Navamsa shall

not give poorna phalam.


Axiom:A D planets could give good phalam if they are either posited in 11th

house,kendra,trikona position to Dasa lord / lagna.


Axiom: Planets in Bhaadhagasthaanaa shall not give good results during their AD



Besides Moon being neutral to cancer lagna( *birth details DOB: 5th June 1973

TOB: 09:07AMPOB: 79E38,18N01,India),on account of the foregoing axioms it(Moon)

may give adverse phalam to the *native during its dasa (except Guru AD period)..


sksk73 <sksk73 wrote: Dear Gurujis,

Eventhough I posted this msg few mths back,I did not get a

satisfactory reply till now.This native was born in Cancer

lagna/cancer rashi.I noticed that his lagna lord waxing Moon has been

acting as a malefic.When I posted this msg last time, I got few

replies which did not give me the clear reason for the Moon to act as

a malefic.I feel that root cause is something else.Accidentally I

noticed that his Lagna lord Moon is in the 8th house in Shastyamsa

like Trimsamsa(ST) chart(the chart which shows the punishments).Thus

even though the Moon is the lagna lord, unable to protect the native

and has to punish him.The vimsottari dasa calculated from utpanna

star gives better results in his case(considering the Vimosttari seed

strength as per JH software).During the major dasa of Moon

(particularly in Moon/Saturn period), his fortune was reversed with

the loss of a parent.On that day the transit Moon was in Taurus at

its exalted degree.When he started the Moon antardasa in Rahu dasa,

he started facing many health problems(mainly respiratory system

related).In rashi chart Moon and Rahu are in 6-8 relationship.Finally

in Rahu/Moon/Saturn period(on a saturday) he was admitted in ICU for

drug induced acute pancreatitis.Pls note that the 8th lord of ST

chart is Venus which indicates medicines and Saturn is in the 8th

house(along with moon) in this Shastyamsa-Trimsamsa chart.

On that Saturday, Saturn was transiting over Jupiter in Shastayamsa-

Trimsamsa(ST).I learnt that Pancreatitis/Jaundice are the diseases

indicated by Jupiter.In this case Jupiter is the lagna lord of ST

chart and is very weak bcoz of its placement in rashi chart and ST

chart. From this I understand that Moon acts as a malefic for this

native and he cannot use a pearl which was suggested by many well

known astrologers.

Pls share your valuable comments on this.

Thanks & Regards,



vedic astrology , " m_kir_kum " <m_kir_kum@>



Dear Gurujis,

Can a waning moon in cancer for a native with Cancer Lagna act as

malefic ? The native whenever wore a good quality pearl faced many

health problems.His moon is in cancer at 16 degrees(Saturn star and

Jupiter sub).Pls suggest.

Birth details if required:

DOB: 5th June 1973

TOB: 09:07AM

POB: 79E38,18N01,India





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