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For those who bash Vedic Astrology

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Very well said, Raj ji. I couldn't have explained it better. I hope these people

come in their senses after reading your mail. How dare people talk non sense on

a public forum.





Raj Upadhrasta <suryanayaka

vedic astrology

Monday, March 17, 2008 5:27:27 PM

[vedic astrology] For those who bash Vedic Astrology


Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:


I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

Astrology " .


The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment of

market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

buying significantly in November, January and February.


The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex, skin

colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

compared to your western friends.


Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls who

are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like that

the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

are any significant scientific inventions.


PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-Indians

open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless food

material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public apply

this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

with spicy masala.


But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

way.. Let me be logical and explain...




1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

people posted by you belongs to a class of information- warfare called

" Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.


I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.




2. My Qualifications:


I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

in NY.




3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

Wars against Hindus.


First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings and

embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path. We

(I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex, music

and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of yours,

" VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American Countries.


Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that We

did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We & Arabs

had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

barbaric and affenders.

Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards & British

and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do not

match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles and

Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.




4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology... . Explain to us how all

persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties & fate.




5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:


Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give tactical

and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please note

that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results. It

has to have application and availability.

So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you will

agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively higher

intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging & hotel

guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion is

fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-teller,

banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

apply that hypocracy narrowly??


So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to full

picture " to part of picture.




6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi. In

South India, its the end of harvest season.

THATS IT. THATS the definition.


Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years they

coincide, and some years they do not.




7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

months January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October,

November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means MOONTH =

28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for every

year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN cycle.


All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form are

the other.




8. Stars do not affect us:


Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you know

why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day? Do

you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

Moon's cycle which is 28 days?


If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!




9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable knowledge..

eg. Physics.

Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct Applied



If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

Research AREA.

The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...




Have a great day!

Raj Upadrasta.


>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>> >>>


Respected Sirs,


Jai Shri Krishna,

The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

September 2006.


What is your opinion/comments/ research on the topic?







Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

" Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do we

celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

" our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to when

his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were as

correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions are

hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate of

success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

conclusions before you!


Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about myself

since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

" qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being practised

over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


My credentials


Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I have

actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all the

ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

" hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there is

hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

was studying the Vedas!


Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY



BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore calling

it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a rider

there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody knows,

it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum- Makar Sankranti that we are celebrating

now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period as

there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

sit in any sabha of learned people.


Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as a

crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as well

as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

" Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts are



The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do I

know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

will be the lord of the whole world " .


Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


Remedial measures are a farce:


Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure to

their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


(i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


(ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


(iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were in

chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a complete -

16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby or

a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our miseries

or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a ride

by such Jyotishis!


iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or she

was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

trusted " ---- ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " , met

with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

since they are taking us for a ride literally.


Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever! So

according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are indulging







Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then the

" Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a united

effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom they

called Rajajyotishis!


Varahamihira the worst culprit:


The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our monarchs

would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary and

hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great or

Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the Vedas,

the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting



BJP the latest example:


The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do you

need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just by

making you advance your elections?


If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in



Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or anybody

else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our downfall

as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu and

Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for janmapatris

and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially even

I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle of

" A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha, the

first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells us

only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum- Tapah-

cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor any

planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic astrology

and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

client and is thus a deficiency in service.


Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical works

like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart from

the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes of

all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum


http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar


Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for any

astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

hai "


Astrology cannot be a science


Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were based

or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

correct and how can we call it a science at all?


Stars do not affect us:


It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world has

really gone mad! Let us see how:

I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun is

hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

other stars of our nakshatra/rashichak ra that are supposed to affect

me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand upon

since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star wants

i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated form

just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

such hocus pocus!

Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

away by 26 light years from me


and is again several times larger than our sun!!


It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

astrology books:


Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them would

still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a malady

in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and other

things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

his work!


" All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime Minister

of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made similar

representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to

http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar for entering into

discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for any

further clarifications.


Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation " against " Vedic

astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam



Avtar Krishen Kaul




All India Calendar Reform Committee


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Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.






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Dear Raj,


Very well put forth slap on the face of these bashers. Hope they understand your

convincing argument and stop their nonsense. Otherwise we have to adopt " saama

daana bedha danda " policy. You have done the first step " saama " , lets hope they

will stop here. I liked your " rakshasa tarka " principle, which perfectly

explains the corrupted arguments put forth by these people.


Since my sun and mars are quite strong, my view is that we need to directly go

to the " danda " step, where these rakshasas are stamped out once and for all,

since they wont listen to sensible arguments.





Neelam Sudhir <neelam_sudhir wrote: Very

well said, Raj ji. I couldn't have explained it better. I hope these people come

in their senses after reading your mail. How dare people talk non sense on a

public forum.


Raj Upadhrasta <suryanayaka

vedic astrology

Monday, March 17, 2008 5:27:27 PM

[vedic astrology] For those who bash Vedic Astrology


Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:


I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

Astrology " .


The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment of

market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

buying significantly in November, January and February.


The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex, skin

colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

compared to your western friends.


Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls who

are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like that

the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

are any significant scientific inventions.


PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-Indians

open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless food

material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public apply

this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

with spicy masala.


But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

way.. Let me be logical and explain...




1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

people posted by you belongs to a class of information- warfare called

" Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.


I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.




2. My Qualifications:


I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

in NY.




3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

Wars against Hindus.


First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings and

embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path. We

(I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex, music

and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of yours,

" VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American Countries.


Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that We

did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We & Arabs

had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

barbaric and affenders.

Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards & British

and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do not

match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles and

Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.




4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology... . Explain to us how all

persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties & fate.




5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:


Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give tactical

and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please note

that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results. It

has to have application and availability.

So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you will

agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively higher

intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging & hotel

guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion is

fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-teller,

banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

apply that hypocracy narrowly??


So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to full

picture " to part of picture.




6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi. In

South India, its the end of harvest season.

THATS IT. THATS the definition.


Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years they

coincide, and some years they do not.




7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

months January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October,

November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means MOONTH =

28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for every

year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN cycle.


All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form are

the other.




8. Stars do not affect us:


Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you know

why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day? Do

you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

Moon's cycle which is 28 days?


If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!




9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable knowledge..

eg. Physics.

Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct Applied



If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

Research AREA.

The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...




Have a great day!

Raj Upadrasta.


>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>> >>>


Respected Sirs,


Jai Shri Krishna,

The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

September 2006.


What is your opinion/comments/ research on the topic?







Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

" Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do we

celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

" our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to when

his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were as

correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions are

hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate of

success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

conclusions before you!


Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about myself

since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

" qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being practised

over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


My credentials


Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I have

actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all the

ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

" hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there is

hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

was studying the Vedas!


Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY



BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore calling

it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a rider

there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody knows,

it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum- Makar Sankranti that we are celebrating

now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period as

there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

sit in any sabha of learned people.


Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as a

crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as well

as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

" Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts are



The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do I

know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

will be the lord of the whole world " .


Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


Remedial measures are a farce:


Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure to

their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


(i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


(ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


(iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were in

chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a complete -

16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby or

a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our miseries

or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a ride

by such Jyotishis!


iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or she

was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

trusted " ---- ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " , met

with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

since they are taking us for a ride literally.


Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever! So

according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are indulging







Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then the

" Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a united

effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom they

called Rajajyotishis!


Varahamihira the worst culprit:


The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our monarchs

would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary and

hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great or

Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the Vedas,

the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting



BJP the latest example:


The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do you

need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just by

making you advance your elections?


If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in



Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or anybody

else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our downfall

as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu and

Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for janmapatris

and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially even

I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle of

" A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha, the

first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells us

only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum- Tapah-

cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor any

planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic astrology

and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

client and is thus a deficiency in service.


Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical works

like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart from

the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes of

all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum


http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar


Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for any

astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

hai "


Astrology cannot be a science


Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were based

or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

correct and how can we call it a science at all?


Stars do not affect us:


It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world has

really gone mad! Let us see how:

I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun is

hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

other stars of our nakshatra/rashichak ra that are supposed to affect

me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand upon

since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star wants

i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated form

just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

such hocus pocus!

Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

away by 26 light years from me


and is again several times larger than our sun!!


It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

astrology books:


Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them would

still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a malady

in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and other

things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

his work!


" All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime Minister

of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made similar

representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to

http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar for entering into

discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for any

further clarifications.


Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation " against " Vedic

astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam



Avtar Krishen Kaul




All India Calendar Reform Committee


H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,


Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.


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Guest guest

Dear Sir


I dont think there would have been a better reply then yours


Truly Speaking I thank The Bashers to start the topic as if topic was not



We would not have come to have the part of knowledge you have given us through

your reply.





Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:

Dear Raj,


Very well put forth slap on the face of these bashers. Hope they understand your

convincing argument and stop their nonsense. Otherwise we have to adopt " saama

daana bedha danda " policy. You have done the first step " saama " , lets hope they

will stop here. I liked your " rakshasa tarka " principle, which perfectly

explains the corrupted arguments put forth by these people.


Since my sun and mars are quite strong, my view is that we need to directly go

to the " danda " step, where these rakshasas are stamped out once and for all,

since they wont listen to sensible arguments.





Neelam Sudhir <neelam_sudhir wrote: Very well said, Raj ji. I couldn't

have explained it better. I hope these people come in their senses after reading

your mail. How dare people talk non sense on a public forum.



Raj Upadhrasta <suryanayaka

vedic astrology

Monday, March 17, 2008 5:27:27 PM

[vedic astrology] For those who bash Vedic Astrology


Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:


I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

Astrology " .


The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment of

market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

buying significantly in November, January and February.


The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex, skin

colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

compared to your western friends.


Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls who

are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like that

the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

are any significant scientific inventions.


PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-Indians

open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless food

material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public apply

this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

with spicy masala.


But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

way.. Let me be logical and explain...




1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

people posted by you belongs to a class of information- warfare called

" Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.


I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.




2. My Qualifications:


I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

in NY.




3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

Wars against Hindus.


First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings and

embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path. We

(I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex, music

and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of yours,

" VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American Countries.


Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that We

did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We & Arabs

had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

barbaric and affenders.

Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards & British

and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do not

match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles and

Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.




4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology... . Explain to us how all

persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties & fate.




5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:


Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give tactical

and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please note

that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results. It

has to have application and availability.

So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you will

agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively higher

intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging & hotel

guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion is

fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-teller,

banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

apply that hypocracy narrowly??


So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to full

picture " to part of picture.




6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi. In

South India, its the end of harvest season.

THATS IT. THATS the definition.


Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years they

coincide, and some years they do not.




7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

months January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October,

November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means MOONTH =

28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for every

year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN cycle.


All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form are

the other.




8. Stars do not affect us:


Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you know

why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day? Do

you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

Moon's cycle which is 28 days?


If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!




9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable knowledge..

eg. Physics.

Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct Applied



If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

Research AREA.

The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...




Have a great day!

Raj Upadrasta.


>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>> >>>


Respected Sirs,


Jai Shri Krishna,

The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

September 2006.


What is your opinion/comments/ research on the topic?







Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

" Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do we

celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

" our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to when

his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were as

correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions are

hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate of

success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

conclusions before you!


Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about myself

since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

" qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being practised

over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


My credentials


Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I have

actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all the

ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

" hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there is

hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

was studying the Vedas!


Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY



BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore calling

it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a rider

there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody knows,

it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum- Makar Sankranti that we are celebrating

now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period as

there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

sit in any sabha of learned people.


Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as a

crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as well

as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

" Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts are



The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do I

know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

will be the lord of the whole world " .


Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


Remedial measures are a farce:


Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure to

their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


(i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


(ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


(iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were in

chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a complete -

16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby or

a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our miseries

or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a ride

by such Jyotishis!


iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or she

was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

trusted " ---- ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " , met

with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

since they are taking us for a ride literally.


Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever! So

according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are indulging







Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then the

" Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a united

effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom they

called Rajajyotishis!


Varahamihira the worst culprit:


The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our monarchs

would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary and

hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great or

Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the Vedas,

the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting



BJP the latest example:


The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do you

need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just by

making you advance your elections?


If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in



Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or anybody

else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our downfall

as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu and

Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for janmapatris

and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially even

I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle of

" A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha, the

first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells us

only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum- Tapah-

cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor any

planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic astrology

and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

client and is thus a deficiency in service.


Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical works

like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart from

the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes of

all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum


http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar


Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for any

astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

hai "


Astrology cannot be a science


Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were based

or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

correct and how can we call it a science at all?


Stars do not affect us:


It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world has

really gone mad! Let us see how:

I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun is

hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

other stars of our nakshatra/rashichak ra that are supposed to affect

me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand upon

since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star wants

i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated form

just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

such hocus pocus!

Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

away by 26 light years from me


and is again several times larger than our sun!!


It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

astrology books:


Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them would

still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a malady

in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and other

things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

his work!


" All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime Minister

of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made similar

representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to

http://groups. / group/HinduCalen dar for entering into

discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for any

further clarifications.


Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation " against " Vedic

astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam



Avtar Krishen Kaul




All India Calendar Reform Committee


H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,


Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.


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Truely Amazing Reply Raj Ji,





vedic astrology , " Raj Upadhrasta "

<suryanayaka wrote:


> Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


> Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


> Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:



> I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

> Astrology " .


> The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

> Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

> Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

> Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

> will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

> credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

> will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

> buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment


> market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

> buying significantly in November, January and February.


> The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

> in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

> possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex,


> colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

> discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

> compared to your western friends.


> Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

> their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls


> are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like


> the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


> Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

> are any significant scientific inventions.


> PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


> Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

> give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

> Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-


> open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless


> material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public


> this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

> with spicy masala.


> But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

> way.. Let me be logical and explain...


> *****


> 1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

> people posted by you belongs to a class of information-warfare


> " Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

> Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


> Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

> segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

> first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.


> I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

> Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


> I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.



> *****


> 2. My Qualifications:


> I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

> I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

> in NY.


> *****


> 3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

> Wars against Hindus.


> First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

> peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings


> embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

> fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

> for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path.


> (I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex,


> and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

> Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

> unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of


> " VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

> This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American



> Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that


> did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We &


> had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

> barbaric and affenders.

> Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards &


> and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do


> match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles


> Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.


> ******


> 4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


> Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

> world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

> Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology.... Explain to us how


> persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties &



> *****


> 5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:


> Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give


> and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

> Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

> Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

> The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

> higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

> relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please


> that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results.


> has to have application and availability.

> So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you


> agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

> anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



> Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

> There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


> Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively


> intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging &


> guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion


> fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

> You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-


> banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

> religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


> In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

> apply that hypocracy narrowly??


> So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to


> picture " to part of picture.


> *****


> 6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


> Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi.


> South India, its the end of harvest season.

> THATS IT. THATS the definition.


> Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

> event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years


> coincide, and some years they do not.


> *****


> 7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


> YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

> months January, February, March, April, May, June, September,


> November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

> Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


> The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means


> 28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

> mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for


> year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN



> All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form


> the other.


> *****


> 8. Stars do not affect us:


> Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you


> why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day?


> you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

> Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

> Moon's cycle which is 28 days?


> If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

> objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!


> *****


> 9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


> The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


> Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable


> eg. Physics.

> Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

> trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct


> Science.


> If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

> understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

> Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

> Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


> Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

> Research AREA.

> The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

> of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

> loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


> Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...


> *****



> Have a great day!

> Raj Upadrasta.



> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>>>>>


> Respected Sirs,


> Jai Shri Krishna,

> The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

> September 2006.



> What is your opinion/comments/research on the topic?


> Regards,

> blr.aspirant


> >>>


> Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

> Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

> gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

> ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

> triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

> " Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

> Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


> I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

> sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

> personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

> these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


> When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

> thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

> Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

> heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do


> celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


> Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

> " our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


> Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


> There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to


> his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

> is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

> ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

> a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

> astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

> had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were


> correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

> that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions


> hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

> he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate


> success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

> conclusions before you!


> Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about


> since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

> " qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being


> over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


> My credentials


> Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I


> actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

> with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

> Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

> Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

> have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

> the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

> Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

> Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

> Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

> through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all


> ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

> Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani


> etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

> established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

> " hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there


> hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

> English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

> was studying the Vedas!


> Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY




> BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

> predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore


> it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a


> there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

> Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

> shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody


> it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

> year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum-Makar Sankranti that we are


> now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

> authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

> Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

> since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

> Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

> 21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

> sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period


> there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

> Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

> fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


> The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

> system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

> Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

> admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

> Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

> sit in any sabha of learned people.


> Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


> All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

> etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

> Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

> muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

> that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

> day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

> anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

> what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as


> crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

> want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


> Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as


> as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

> It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

> going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

> unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

> " Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

> janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts


> wrong!


> The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

> expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

> jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do


> know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

> Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

> him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

> swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

> killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

> will be the lord of the whole world " .


> Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

> Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

> divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


> Remedial measures are a farce:


> Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure


> their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

> sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

> obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


> (i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

> not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

> was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

> because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


> (ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

> not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


> (iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were


> chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a

complete -

> 16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

> really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

> Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

> relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

> remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


> What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

> Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

> His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby


> a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our


> or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a


> by such Jyotishis!


> iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

> astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

> ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or


> was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

> that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

> Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

> trusted " ----ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

> What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


> v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

> then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

> because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

> Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " ,


> with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

> see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


> What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

> soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

> since they are taking us for a ride literally.


> Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


> These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

> present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

> Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

> the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

> dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever!


> according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

> can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

> need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are


> in?







> Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


> We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

> every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

> Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

> etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

> Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

> also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

> name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

> any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

> concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

> Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


> India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


> In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

> started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

> the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

> our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

> simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then


> " Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

> Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

> foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a


> effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom


> called Rajajyotishis!


> Varahamihira the worst culprit:


> The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

> ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

> 5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

> Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our


> would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

> consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

> favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary


> hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

> into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


> Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

> vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great


> Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

> finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

> monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

> principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the


> the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting

> soothsayers!


> BJP the latest example:


> The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

> monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

> responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

> Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

> even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

> seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do


> need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

> make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just


> making you advance your elections?


> If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

> faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

> Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


> Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in

> Jyotishis:


> Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

> is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

> and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or


> else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

> going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

> astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

> celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

> Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

> wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

> friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our


> as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

> philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

> jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

> king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

> had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu


> Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

> interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for


> and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


> These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially


> I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

> excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

> it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

> have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle


> " A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

> woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


> There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


> Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

> like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

> Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha,


> first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells


> only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum-


> cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor


> planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

> of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

> century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

> by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic


> and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

> Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

> client and is thus a deficiency in service.


> Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


> It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

> Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

> correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

> prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

> couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical


> like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

> I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart


> the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes


> all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

> years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani


> besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

> Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum


> HinduCalendar


> Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

> arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

> the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


> That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

> wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

> those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for


> astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

> it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

> ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

> hai "


> Astrology cannot be a science


> Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

> preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were


> or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

> correct and how can we call it a science at all?


> Stars do not affect us:


> It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

> have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world


> really gone mad! Let us see how:

> I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun


> hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

> other stars of our nakshatra/rashichakra that are supposed to affect

> me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

> horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand


> since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

> know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

> several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star


> i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

> least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

> speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

> may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

> trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated


> just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

> type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

> such hocus pocus!

> Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

> away by 26 light years from me


> and is again several times larger than our sun!!


> It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

> or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


> Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

> astrology books:


> Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

> This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

> none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

> Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

> Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

> Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them


> still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

> speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a


> in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

> Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

> appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

> hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

> recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and


> things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

> his work!


> " All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


> Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

> existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

> but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

> days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

> view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

> Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

> celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

> celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

> instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

> been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


> To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

> representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime


> of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

> at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made


> representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

> peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

> has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


> We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

> enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to

> HinduCalendar for entering into

> discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

> dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

> alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for


> further clarifications.


> Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation "

against " Vedic

> astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

> calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam

> astu


> Avtar Krishen Kaul


> President


> All India Calendar Reform Committee


> H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,


> Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.


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Dear Raj Namaskar,


I want to clarify upfront that i am not affiliated to either Mr Sanat or

Mr Kaul or Mr Uday Pai

( http://www.udaypai.in/?p=15#comments

<http://www.udaypai.in/?p=15#comments> )


I am a student of jyotish just as you are, though I have some doubts

concerning predictive and remedial astrology.


As an original thinker I wonder when we actually start living onmoon or

other planets (in some form), how would the present theories ofastrology



Whatastrological effect did " earth " & other planets/stars have on

Mr.Neil Armstrong or the subsequent Ms. Kalpana Chawla when they

weretravelling in space...


As one can imagine the possibilities are endless and open to debate.


#My point by point responses are below/inline in blue.#


-Om Tat Sat.


sent via Blackberry.19/3/08. 23.30




On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 2:57 AM, Raj Upadhrasta <suryanayaka

<suryanayaka > wrote:


Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:


I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

Astrology " .


The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment of

market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

buying significantly in November, January and February.


The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex, skin

colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

compared to your western friends.


Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls who

are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like that

the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

are any significant scientific inventions.


PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-Indians

open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless food

material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public apply

this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

with spicy masala.


But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

way.. Let me be logical and explain...




1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

people posted by you belongs to a class of information-warfare called

" Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.



#Ironically, yourargument(point #8) below of moon infuencing #tides and

hence astrology,is a classical example of Rakshasa #Tarka, going by

your own definitionof Basic style of Rakshasa #Tarka.





I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.




2. My Qualifications:


I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

in NY.



#Didany amount of reverse engineering or data mining help #avert the

subprime crisis? What drives people in business may #just be

basicpsychological factors like situation based greed #rather than

birth-dataastro signatures.




3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

Wars against Hindus.

#I will leave this hypothesis for Mr. Kaul to answer.



First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings and

embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path. We

(I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex, music

and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of yours,

" VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American Countries.


Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that We

did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We & Arabs

had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

barbaric and affenders.

Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards & British

and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do not

match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles and

Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.




4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology.... Explain to us how all

persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties &



#I have personally not opined that ONLY vedic astrology is #incorrect.

Unless proved otherwise I would consider all #predictive and remedial

astrology as incorrect.




5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:

#Mypersonal argument (different from Mr Sanat or Mr Kaul) is

#thatpredictive astrology and remedial astrology are not to be #studied

as ascience. Whether they can be classified as art/works #of intuition

isanother topic for discussion.



#I have no negative opinion of vedic or other astrologers #themselves.



Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give tactical

and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please note

that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results. It

has to have application and availability.

So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you will

agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively higher

intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging & hotel

guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion is

fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-teller,

banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

apply that hypocracy narrowly??


So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to full

picture " to part of picture.




6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi. In

South India, its the end of harvest season.

THATS IT. THATS the definition.

#I am not an expert onTiming(as Mr. Kaul). So I would not #respond on

that. But I would liketo add that 2000 years ago #when a person would be

born between march20-april20 the #sun would have been in aries sign in

the natal chart,but #nowadays the points of reference have changed and

the sun #appearsone sign behind i.e in pisces. This show that the points

#of referencehave always been in state of flux and may continue #to do



#This is true for the moon which has been moving away from the #earth

and the universe which is ever expanding.


Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years they

coincide, and some years they do not.




7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

months January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October,

November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means MOONTH =

28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for every

year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN cycle.


All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form are

the other.




8. Stars do not affect us:


Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you know

why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day? Do

you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

Moon's cycle which is 28 days?

#Studieson menstrual connection are #inconclusive/coincidence(and why

not othermammals if that #is the case) if you do a quick research on

theinternet. How did #you miss the fact that moon cycle has been

increasingover time #and will continue to increase as its distance from





#Iam yet to understand how apart from gravity they can influence

thephysical systems on earth. The nearest star after sun is many

lightyears away! Apart from physical systems like ocean tides, influence

ondaily human affairs has not been proved scientifically.






If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!







9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable knowledge..

eg. Physics.

Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct Applied



If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

Research AREA.



#allsuch data will show multivariable cause-effect scenarios.


#singling outfactors for reverse engineering/prediction may at #most be

right 33% ofthe time.


The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...




Have a great day!

Raj Upadrasta.

#Just keeping an open mind would help all mankind. The truth #should










#Just a curious student.





~time traveller







>>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>>>>>


Respected Sirs,


Jai Shri Krishna,

The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

September 2006.


What is your opinion/comments/research on the topic?







Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

" Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do we

celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

" our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to when

his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were as

correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions are

hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate of

success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

conclusions before you!


Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about myself

since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

" qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being practised

over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


My credentials


Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I have

actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all the

ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

" hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there is

hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

was studying the Vedas!


Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY



BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore calling

it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a rider

there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody knows,

it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum-Makar Sankranti that we are celebrating

now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period as

there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

sit in any sabha of learned people.


Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as a

crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as well

as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

" Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts are



The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do I

know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

will be the lord of the whole world " .


Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


Remedial measures are a farce:


Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure to

their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


(i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


(ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


(iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were in

chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a complete -

16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby or

a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our miseries

or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a ride

by such Jyotishis!


iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or she

was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

trusted " ----ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " , met

with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

since they are taking us for a ride literally.


Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever! So

according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are indulging







Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then the

" Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a united

effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom they

called Rajajyotishis!


Varahamihira the worst culprit:


The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our monarchs

would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary and

hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great or

Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the Vedas,

the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting



BJP the latest example:


The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do you

need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just by

making you advance your elections?


If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in



Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or anybody

else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our downfall

as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu and

Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for janmapatris

and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially even

I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle of

" A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha, the

first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells us

only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum-Tapah-

cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor any

planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic astrology

and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

client and is thus a deficiency in service.


Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical works

like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart from

the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes of

all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum





Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for any

astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

hai "


Astrology cannot be a science


Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were based

or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

correct and how can we call it a science at all?


Stars do not affect us:


It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world has

really gone mad! Let us see how:

I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun is

hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

other stars of our nakshatra/rashichakra that are supposed to affect

me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand upon

since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star wants

i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated form

just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

such hocus pocus!

Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

away by 26 light years from me


and is again several times larger than our sun!!


It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

astrology books:


Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them would

still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a malady

in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and other

things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

his work!


" All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime Minister

of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made similar

representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to


<../../../../../HinduCalendar> for entering into

discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for any

further clarifications.


Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation " against " Vedic

astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam



Avtar Krishen Kaul




All India Calendar Reform Committee


H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,


Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.

vedic astrology , " Raj Upadhrasta "

<suryanayaka wrote:


> Dear Avatar Kishen Kaul OR some one who is claiming to be,


> Dear BLR.Aspirant OR some one who is claiming to be:


> Dear Sanath OR some one who is claiming to be:



> I could have kept silent if your bashing is about " entire branch of

> Astrology " .


> The Vedic Astrology for sure, belongs to a class of science called

> Information Reverse Engineering. People now call it Data Mining,

> Marketing Research Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System,

> Analysis Process Design and Predictive Analysis. For example, Banks

> will try to determine which customers are most likely to default the

> credit cards based on their past payment history and Market watchers

> will understand which customer bought a particular shampoo if he is

> buying a particular hair-dye. Another example, if a certain segment of

> market is doing shopping in Christmas season, then they would not be

> buying significantly in November, January and February.


> The Kings employed wisemen to come up with logic of all the miseries

> in the life.... It happenned over thousands of time that first all

> possible data was studied... including rudimentary char like sex, skin

> colour, height, lines on forehead etc.. Fortunately, we did not

> discover any significance in skin colour.. may be we are dumb then

> compared to your western friends.


> Then most striking was the stars in sky.. Most of children who lost

> their father at birth have some thing in common, Most of the girls who

> are widowed just after marriage have some thing in common... like that

> the Data Mining to predict certain types of Analysis was started.


> Its not the Greeks or the Arabs who invented ZERO, ALZebra, Geometry

> are any significant scientific inventions.


> PLEASE don't quote Vedas to fullfill your stupid(?) agenda.


> Like all of us, I'm not a great admirer of roadside cheaters. Let me

> give an example...I live in a western country and here Indian

> Food/cousine is famous and popular. Here lots of cheating non-Indians

> open-up small Indian roadside rooms that serve stale and useless food

> material and call it Indian Food to make money. Then the public apply

> this image and think that Indian Cousine is nothing but stale food

> with spicy masala.


> But You are completely wrong in approaching Vedic Astrology in your

> way.. Let me be logical and explain...


> *****


> 1. First of all, the article bashing certain group of knowledge or

> people posted by you belongs to a class of information-warfare called

> " Pseudo-Certainity " . This class is derived from " Rakshasa Tarka " in

> Tarka Sasthra. This is heavily used by politicians.


> Basic style is that, you try to use unrelated truthful information

> segmented with in known doubtful information and derive conclusions

> first and try to enforce as if it is true with out basic logic.


> I will accept any information which is logically proven corrent.

> Otherwise, its equavalent of SHIT in information realm.


> I will try to argue with you with logic. Correct me if I'm wrong.



> *****


> 2. My Qualifications:


> I'm an uneducated stupid fool.

> I work as a Sr. Financial Information Analyst for a Wall Street Bank

> in NY.


> *****


> 3. Your argument: That Vedic Astrologers are the cause for defeat of

> Wars against Hindus.


> First Real reason is Psychological one, that We (hindus) went for

> peace after Kalinga war. Emp.Ashoka was disheartened with killings and

> embraced Budhism. There were no significant internal warfare or

> fighting for next 1000+ years. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL REASON... We went

> for peace and assumed that everyone will follow the peaceful path. We

> (I'm a Hindu) were indulged in finding best forms of food, sex, music

> and art to be peaceful and enjoy the miracle called life on earth.

> Meanwhile, we had petty internal clashes between brothers and NO

> unity.THEN these MANY varieties of western barbarian FRIENDS of yours,

> " VISITED " India and made us slaves for 1000 years.

> This same principle can be applied to EU and Latin American Countries.


> Second Reason Material one, that is linked to the first reason that We

> did not invent and or add inventory of weapons after SWARD. We & Arabs

> had swards but we were peaceful & being defenders and they were

> barbaric and affenders.

> Apply the same principle.. Muslim rulers in India had swards & British

> and other European friends of yours had Riffles & Guns. Swards do not

> match up to Guns. Apply the same principle again.. How can Riffles and

> Guns match up to Tanks, Chemical Warfare & Nuclear warfare...etc.


> ******


> 4. Your argument - ONLY Vedic Astrology is Incorrect:


> Reading your email, I had to assume that you had embrased western

> world, even though you give your unverified links to BJP and

> Hinduism.Take the western/english astrology.... Explain to us how all

> persons born in between 23Nov and 21Dec will have same properties &



> *****


> 5. Your argument - Vedic Astrologers are fraudsters:


> Man/Woman has brain. Simulations and Testing Cycles will give tactical

> and strategic advantage - This advantage is called Intelligence.

> Repository of Intelligence is called Knowledge. Application of

> Knowledge is called Planning & Execution.

> The cheating is a process where a person of higher Intelligence with

> higher Planning takes advantage of another person or group of

> relatively lower grade of Either Intelligence or Planning. Please note

> that having Higher Intelligence does not produce automatic results. It

> has to have application and availability.

> So, Now if you understand the concept of Fraud / Cheating... you will

> agree with me that Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors and to the fact

> anyone Can be & Could be & Will be a fraudster, IF THEY WANT TO & IF



> Why only & all Vedic Astrologers are part of this Hypocracy??

> There will be bad apples and bad eggs.. How can you generalize??


> Ofcourse, every human weakness will be exploited by relatively higher

> intelligent people. You go to a new place, the travel, lodging & hotel

> guys will cheat. Begging is fraud, Converting to different religion is

> fraud. You visit swamijis in lodges, they will take you for a ride.

> You see palmist, numerologist, parrot-reader, psychic, fortune-teller,

> banana vendor and Marriage Match maker/broker and Priests of all

> religions will cheat.. if possible and available.


> In summary.. Some Humans are cheaters, regardless of profession! Why

> apply that hypocracy narrowly??


> So, now you are cheater... since you applied " logic applicable to full

> picture " to part of picture.


> *****


> 6. Your argument - Makara Sankranthi is wrong...


> Makara Sankranthri OR Pongal means When SUN sets in to Makara rasi. In

> South India, its the end of harvest season.

> THATS IT. THATS the definition.


> Do not add other stuff and create confusion. All other links to this

> event you have mentioned are actually not related. In some years they

> coincide, and some years they do not.


> *****


> 7. Your argument - Calender has to be changed:


> YES-- First we need to change the western calender. There used to 10

> months January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October,

> November and December. Then Your friends Julius Ceaser and Augustus

> Ceaser wanted their name in the calender... so, it became 12 months.


> The classical Indian Moon Calender has 13 months. Month means MOONTH =

> 28 days. 13 X 28 = 364 days. Its based on 12 constallations that SUN

> mooves in and out PLUS one extraa ADHIKA_MAASA which rotates for every

> year for 12 years with 5 cycles like that produces 60 year SUN cycle.


> All Eastern/Oriental Calenders follow MOONth Calender in one form are

> the other.


> *****


> 8. Stars do not affect us:


> Do you know that Moon causes the oceans to rise and fall? Do you know

> why animals such as Birds, Dogs and Wolves react to Full moon day? Do

> you that animanal's (including humans) sexual desire is high on Full

> Moon day? Do you know that Female's mensuration cycle is linked with

> Moon's cycle which is 28 days?


> If only Moon can cause all these things... Why not other celestial

> objects? Ofcourse, we are still at begining!


> *****


> 9. Your argument: Astrology cannot be a science


> The Science has two categories.. 1) Abstract 2) Applied.


> Abstract science is the basic logically proven repeatable knowledge..

> eg. Physics.

> Then, at higher level, using abstract science PLUS Random testings,

> trail & Error methods and Reverse Engineering you will construct Applied

> Science.


> If you accept Computer Science as Applied Science, and have

> understanding of Data-Mining, Analysis Process Designing, Artificial

> Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Reverse

> Engineering and Marketing Research.... THEN


> Astrology is the first documented Information Reverse Engineering &

> Research AREA.

> The Kings had appointed to find out what are the common similarities

> of all the childs who are dead at birth, who are blind, who are

> loosing parents early, who are dying early .... etc.


> Ofcourse like all sasthras & sciences...


> *****



> Have a great day!

> Raj Upadrasta.



> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>> BLR.Aspirant wrote:>>>>>>>>>


> Respected Sirs,


> Jai Shri Krishna,

> The following speech was delivered at Rotary Club, West Delhi, in

> September 2006.



> What is your opinion/comments/research on the topic?


> Regards,

> blr.aspirant


> >>>


> Om tat sat brahmarpanamastu!

> Om Brahmanandam Parama sukhadam kevalam gyan moortim, dwandvateetam

> gagana sadrisham tat-tvam asyadi lakshyam

> ekam nityam vimalam achalamsarva dhee sakshi bhootam, bhavateetam

> triguna rahitam shree gurum tam namami

> " Vedic Astrology " - the greatest fraud on the Vedas!

> Dear friends. Good evening to everybody!


> I feel highly honoured to have been invited by Shri Ajay Bhasin for

> sharing my views about astrology and related topics with respected

> personalities assembled here. As most of us already know, we call

> these predictive gimmicks as " Vedic astrology " these days.


> When I was asked by Shri Bhasin about the heading of my talk, I had

> thought of making it as " Vedic Astrology - the greatest fraud on the

> Vedas " . On second thoughts, fearing that it would be too explosive a

> heading, I made it a sugar coated bitter pill by changing it to " Do we

> celebrate our festivals on correct days? " .


> Well, actually, both i.e., the fraud known as " Vedic astrology " and

> " our celebrating all our festivals on wrong days " are inter-related.


> Let me start with " Vedic astrology " - as to why I call it a fraud!


> There is hardly anyone in India, who does not want to know as to when

> his " sade-sati " will start or end or as to which Dasha-antardasha he

> is running and when that will end etc. etc. even if he does not know

> ABC of jyotisha. I have gone through all those pangs myself and made

> a thorough study of all the astrological works besides a lot of

> astronomical books! I studied Western system of astrology also and

> had become a sort of famous astrologer, though my predictions were as

> correct as anybody else's i.e. hardly 50%. However, this is a secret

> that no " jyotishi " shares with anybody -- that his/her predictions are

> hardly more correct than fifty per cent, whatever logic or Ayanamsha

> he/she may use! When I analyzed the reasons for such a dismal rate of

> success, the conclusions were startling! And I am keeping those very

> conclusions before you!


> Before proceeding further, I must, however, say something about myself

> since you are well within your rights to ask me as to what

> " qualifications " I have to demolish astrology that is being practised

> over the last several centuries, nay even millennia!


> My credentials


> Though I am not laying any claims to being a scholar, however, I have

> actually studied all the four Vedas in original " archaic " Sanskrit

> with their different " Bhashyas " , besides the various Brahmanas like

> Shatapatha, Aitreya, Tatiriya etc. etc. I have studied, (in original

> Sanskrit!) about two hundred all the important Upanishads as well! I

> have also gone through both the epics viz. the Valmiki Ramayana and

> the Mahabharata --- in Sanskrit and from cover to cover, besides

> Adhyatma Ramayana, Ramacharitamanasa etc. etc.! There is hardly any

> Purana whether the Bhagavata, Shivapurana, Vishnu, Narada, Devi,

> Varaha, Matsya and Vishnudharmotara etc. etc. that I have not gone

> through in original Sanskrit. I have also studied exhaustively all the

> ancient astronomical works like the Vedanga Jyotisha,

> Panchasidhantika, Surya Sidhanta, Arya Bhati, Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

> etc. To crown it all, I was not a born renegade against the

> established traditions. On the other hand, I was initially

> " hypnotized " by " Vedic astrology " and " panchangas " myself and there is

> hardly any " text-book " of astrology either in Sanskrit or Urdu or

> English or Hindi that I have not studied with due reverence, as if I

> was studying the Vedas!


> Having established my credentials thus, I CAN DECLARE IT WITHOUT ANY



> BRAHMANAS. There are, however, some references to some odd types of

> predictions in some of the Puranas and the epics and therefore calling

> it as really a post-Vedic astrology is more correct. There is a rider

> there also, and that is that according to these scriptures, Makara

> Sankranti i.e. Pongal is nothing but a synonym of Uttarayana (the

> shortest day of the year) i.e. Winter Solstice and as everybody knows,

> it can take place these days only on or around December 21 every

> year. Thus the Uttarayana-cum-Makar Sankranti that we are celebrating

> now-a-days on January 14 is absolutely wrong and does not have any

> authority from any shastra or even modern astronomy. Similarly, the

> Vaishakhi that is being celebrated on April 14 or so also is wrong

> since Mesha Sankranti is nothing but Vishuva (Vernal Equinox) or

> Vasant Sampat and it cannot take place on any day other than March

> 21/22, when the day and night are equal. Actually these Makara etc.

> sankrantis were known as Tapah etc. months during the Vedic period as

> there are no rashis in the Vedas but just six seasons and Madhu,

> Madhava etc. twelve months. As such, we are celebrating all our

> fasts, fairs and muhurtas on wrong days -- thanks to " Vedic

> astrologers " and their " Vedic astrology " .


> The first and foremost thing I learnt from our shastras is that no

> system of predictions has any sanction either from the Vedas or even

> Puranas least of all our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

> admonish us from consulting " nakshatra jeevis " so much so that the

> Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as outcastes and not fit to

> sit in any sabha of learned people.


> Those who can foresee our future do not reveal it to us beforehand:


> All the Ramayanas, whether Valmiki or Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa

> etc. etc. say that before deciding about the coronation of Bhagwan

> Rama, Dashratha wanted his guru Vasishtha to confirm the suitable

> muhurta for that function. It was on the advice of Vasishtha Muni

> that Dasharatha decided to anoint Rama as the Yuvraja the very next

> day, as it was " Tishya " i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this

> anecdote, it is clear that either Vasishtha Muni did not know as to

> what was going to happen to Dasharatha by declaring Bhagwan Rama as a

> crown-prince or Vasishtha kept quiet deliberately since he did not

> want to interfere in the divine dispensation!


> Obviously, being the son of Brahmaji and a highly exalted yogi as well

> as a jnyani, Vasishtha-muni could peep into past as well as future.

> It means that even if some exalted souls can foresee as to what is

> going to happen, they do not reveal our " bhavishya " before hand,

> unlike some of the astrologers of today, who masquerade as

> " Parasharas " and " Vamadevas " to tell us even our past and future

> janmas just by glancing at our birth-charts, even if those charts are

> wrong!


> The Gita is said to be the gist of all our shastras. When Arjuna

> expressed his doubt by saying naitadvidmah katarnno gareeyo, yadva

> jayema yadi va no jayeyuh " I do not know what is good for me nor do I

> know whether we will win or the Kauravas will win the war " , Bhagwan

> Krishna neither asked him to consult some soothsayer nor did He tell

> him to wear some ruby! He just advised Arjuna " hato va prapsyasi

> swargam jitva va bokshyase maheem " i.e. " You must fight. If you get

> killed in the war, you will go to the heavens and if you win it you

> will be the lord of the whole world " .


> Thus all it boils down to is the fact that those who know (including

> Lord Krishna Himself!) as to what is going to happen and when do not

> divulge such " secrets " before hand to us.


> Remedial measures are a farce:


> Almost all the jyotishis suggest one or the other remedial measure to

> their clients, and mostly these are gems like diamond or ruby or

> sapphire etc. etc. What is surprising is that we have become so

> obsessed with Jyotish that we forget the entire itihasa of our past!


> (i) If these gems are that efficacious, why was then Dasharatha

> not suggested some " ruby " or " coral " to ward off the evil Dasha that

> was going to kill him when Rama would leave for the forests? Well,

> because our Rishis did not believe in such gimmicks at all!


> (ii) Bhagwan Krishna was born in a prison --- I wonder why He could

> not use some " sapphire " to be born in a palace!


> (iii) Vasudeva and Devaki---the parents of Bhagwan Krishna--- were in

> chains when He was born! It is said that Lord Krishna was a complete -

> 16 kala sampoorna --- divine incarnation of Vishnu and was thus

> really Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! But in spite of His

> Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence, Lord Krishna could not

> relieve the miseries of his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had to

> remain in chains till Krishna killed Kansa!


> What does it demonstrate? Just the fact that if the Omniscient,

> Omnipresent and Omnipotent Krishna could not relieve the miseries of

> His own father or mother before the appointed time, how can a ruby or

> a sapphire---or some Mangala or Shani yagya--- remove all our miseries

> or fulfil all our ambitions? Obviously, we are being taken for a ride

> by such Jyotishis!


> iv) Then not in the distant past, Smti Indira Gandhi would run after

> astrologers for knowing her future. She wore a rare and original

> ekamukhi rudraksha, which only either the Maharaja of Nepal had or she

> was wearing! It is said that some top-notch jyotishis had suggested

> that rudraksha to her! Ironically, both the King of Nepal as well

> Mrs. Indira Gandhi were assassinated " by the people " they " had

> trusted " ----ekamukhi rudraksha not withstanding!

> What does it prove? That we should not be hoodwinked by soothsayers!


> v) Then again a well known Tantrik of yore---highly respected by the

> then PM--- is out on bail, not by dint of his " Tantra-Kriya " but

> because of some legal loopholes in FERA!

> Similarly, Dhirendra Brahmachari, another high profile " Tantrik " , met

> with an accident in the plane he was flying himself! If he could not

> see his own death looming large how could he forewarn others!


> What does that prove? Obviously, it warns us against relying on any

> soothsayers, especially if they call themselves " Vedic Jyotishis "

> since they are taking us for a ride literally.


> Kalasarpa Dosha -- a non-existent fear psychosis:


> These days we hear a lot about Kalasarpa Dosha! It is said to be

> present in any horoscope if all the planets are between Rahu and

> Ketu! My God! What a humbug! Rahu and Ketu are actually nodes of

> the Moon! That means they are just mathematical points without any

> dimensions ---therefore without any physical existence whatsoever! So

> according to " Vedic astrologers " even such " non-existent " phenomena

> can make our lives miserable for which we must do some upay! Do you

> need any other proofs for the jugglery that these cheats are indulging

> in?






> Fake Brighu Samhitas and Parasharis:


> We find a Brighu Samhita or a nadi Jyotishi or Aruna Samhita etc. in

> every Muhalla these days! However, there is no mention in any of the

> Puranas or shastras that any Rishi like Vasishtha or Garga or Brighu

> etc. have ever written any books on predictive astrology. The Vishnu

> Purana by Parashara is full of astronomical references ---and that

> also sayana i.e. the seasonal year when Mesha sankranti is another

> name of Spring Equinox and so on, but we do not find any mention of

> any Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra there! Obviously, it is the worst

> concoction that can ever be had, and may be that is why such a

> Parashari is the bible of " Vedic astrologers "


> India has gone downhill because of astrology and astrologers:


> In India, we have started going downhill ever since our rulers

> started running after Jyotishis. In ancient days, during the time of

> the Mahabharata, it was a dharma yudha that we had to fight against

> our own Duryodhanas but ever since the advent of astrology almost

> simultaneously with the invasion of Alexander the Great, and then the

> " Yavana Jatakam " of Sphujidwaja and the Surya Sidhanta of Maya the

> Yavana (mlechha!), we had to fight outsiders! The more the

> foreigners invaded us the more our rulers, instead of making a united

> effort against the invaders, started consulting soothsayers whom they

> called Rajajyotishis!


> Varahamihira the worst culprit:


> The maximum credit for creating such a fear psychosis of omens and

> ghosts and ghouls and storms and even clouds goes to Varahamihira of

> 5th century AD through his Brihat Samita and Brihat Jatakam and

> Panchasidhantika! Before venturing into the battlefield, our monarchs

> would ask their soothsayers to prepare " narpati jaya charya " and

> consult Brihat Samhita etc. to see whether the " ketuchara " was

> favourable at that time or not! No wonder with such a preliminary and

> hopeless knowledge of astronomical facts, we were being pushed back

> into dark ages by Varahamihira and his followers!


> Our historical records are witness to the fact that we were

> vanquished in every battle, whether it was with Alexander the Great or

> Muhamud of Gazni or Chengiz Khan or Nadir Shah or the Moguls or

> finally the East India Company, thanks to the dependence of our

> monarchs on soothsayers (Rajajyotishis, huh!) instead of the

> principles of war strategy and statecraft as adumbrated by the Vedas,

> the Manu and even Chanakya, who chided kings for consulting

> soothsayers!


> BJP the latest example:


> The fate of the BJP has not been any better than that of our earlier

> monarchs by depending more on their " Vedic Jyotishis " who were

> responsible for getting " Vedic Jyotisha (sic!) " prescribed in Indian

> Universities! It is that very move that boomeranged on the party and

> even the " Minister of astrology " did not win his own parliamentary

> seat from Allahabad, let alone being the Union Minister again. Do you

> need any other proofs of the fact that these " Vedic Jyotishis " will

> make you lose your seat of power well before the appointed day just by

> making you advance your elections?


> If we continue to follow the trend of our " monarchs " of having blind

> faith in our soothsayers, then sooner than later we will become

> Babylon of yesteryears, which is known as Iraq today!


> Kashmiri Pandits were the worst affected by their blind faith in

> Jyotishis:


> Another reason for my revolt against the so called " Vedic astrology "

> is that as a Kashmiri Pandit, I have more to blame panchanga makers

> and soothsayers and their predictive gimmicks than anything or anybody

> else since they never forewarned us about any calamities that were

> going to befall us! On the other hand, just to prove their

> astrological gimmicks, they just made ---and are still making --- us

> celebrate all our festivals, including Mahashivaratri, Vasanti

> Navratras, Ramanavami, Janmashtami and Sharadiya navratras etc. on

> wrong days. It is these very jyotishis, whom we had treated as our

> friends, philosophers and guides, who are responsible for our downfall

> as Kahsmiri Pandits, since they proved neither our friends, nor

> philosophers least of all our guides! These Panchanga makers/

> jyotishis were the first to flee from Kashmir in 1990--- like the

> king Hari Singh at the time of Pakistani raid in 1948--- since they

> had already made their alternate homes in safer places like Jammu and

> Delhi. Those Jyotishis just proved to be Shylocks, who were only

> interested in their Pound of flesh by way of Dakshinas for janmapatris

> and matching of horoscopes -- all cheating and nothing else!


> These soothsayers have such a hypnotic grip on us that initially even

> I was brain washed to believe that the Vedas had nothing else to do

> excepting teaching us predictive astrology! I was so convinced that

> it appeared that even the principle of Secondary Progressions must

> have been exported from India to Western countries as the principle of

> " A day equals a year " was mentioned in our Vedas! But thank God, I

> woke up to the situation and could see through their tricks.


> There are no Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis in the Vedas:


> Leave alone predictive gimmicks, actually there are neither rashis

> like Mesha, Vrisha etc. nor planets like Mangal, Shani etc. in the

> Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas etc. Similarly, the Vedanga Jyotisha, the

> first indigenous astronomical work of 14th century BCE, just tells us

> only as to how to calculate tithi, nakshatra and Uttarayana-cum-Tapah-

> cum Magha etc. months. It does not list any Mesha etc. rashis nor any

> planets like Mangal, Budha etc. Same is the case with Yajur Jyotisha

> of about 11th century BCE and later Atharva Jyotisha of about 5th

> century BCE. As such, it is really a fraud on the Vedas being played

> by some charlatans to call any predictive gimmicks as Vedic astrology

> and hail themselves as " Vedic Jyotishis " . It is a crime under " The

> Consumer Protection Act " as it is a misrepresentation of facts to a

> client and is thus a deficiency in service.


> Our predictions in the past also could never have been correct:


> It is said that over the past about 2000 years, our ancestors like

> Varahamihira or his son Prithuyashas etc., could make marvellously

> correct predictions. THAT IS NOTHING BUT HOGWASH! Let us see how:

> prior to the advent of scientific astronomy into India, i.e. about a

> couple of centuries back, panchangas were based on astronomical works

> like the Surya Sidhanta or Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shirmoani etc. etc.

> I have prepared a software called " Mahesh " . It calculates, apart from

> the actual tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karna etc., the mean longitudes of

> all the planets from 10000 BCE to 12030 AD i.e. for more than 22,000

> years as per the Surya Sidhanta, Aryabhati or Sidhanta Shiromani etc.

> besides comparing them with the longitudes as per modern astronomy.

> Anybody can download it freely from my discussion forum


> HinduCalendar


> Unfortunately for these jyotishis, we find that the very fundamental

> arguments of these sidahntas like the Surya Sidhanta, the Aryabhati,

> the Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. are absolutely wrong! .


> That naturally means that any panchanga based on them would also be

> wrong, with the result that any horoscope prepared on the basis of

> those panchangas could never be correct. Thus it is impossible for any

> astrological predictions to have been correct in the past! As such,

> it is all like the famous couplet of Ghalib " yoon to hai hamko janat

> ki haqeeqat maloom lekin; dil ke bahlane ko Ghalib yeh khayal achha

> hai "


> Astrology cannot be a science


> Predictive astrology is supposed to be a " science " ! What a

> preposterous statement! When the data on which predictions were based

> or are based these days are not correct, how can the results be

> correct and how can we call it a science at all?


> Stars do not affect us:


> It is said that stars affect us! It appears either these astrologers

> have gone honkers themselves or they suppose that the whole world has

> really gone mad! Let us see how:

> I am a puny human being on this small planet called earth. The sun is

> hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth! And there are

> other stars of our nakshatra/rashichakra that are supposed to affect

> me individually as per the Dasha-Bhukti that is running in my

> horoscope! However, this fantastic statement has no leg to stand upon

> since the nearest star of that Rashichakra is Shravana! And do you

> know its distance from me? It is seventeen light years! And it is

> several times larger than our sun! In other words, if that star wants

> i.e. Shravana wants to " affect " me individually, it will take it at

> least seventeen years to do so even if that " effect " travels at the

> speed of light! And by then, my Rahu or Shani or whatever Dasha it

> may be must have been over! Then how can such a star which is

> trillions of times larger than me send its rays in a concentrated form

> just to haunt me at a particular point of time! Can you imagine what

> type of laughing stocks we are making of ourselves by believing in

> such hocus pocus!

> Similarly, the next nearest star of our Rashichakra is Swati ! It is

> away by 26 light years from me


> and is again several times larger than our sun!!


> It thus defies imagination as to how we can call astrology a science

> or how it can be said that the " Stars affect us " .


> Patri Melapak (Horoscope Matching) is not warranted by shastras nor

> astrology books:


> Now coming to the fad called Patri Melapak i.e. horoscope matching!

> This fad is the rage of the day! You will be surprised to know that

> none of our shastras, whether the Manusmriti or the Ramayana or the

> Mahabharata, leave alone the Vedas, have anything to do with Patri

> Melapak even by mistake! We do not find any instances that any Vedic

> Rishi was addicted to such a fad, since may be then most of them would

> still have been looking for a " suitable Patri " for melapak! Not to

> speak of Dharma shastras, there is no mention of this type of a malady

> in any of the astrology books like the so called Parashari, or

> Mansagari or Phala Deepika or Jataka Parijata or any other work! It

> appears to be a creation of the jyotishis of over the last one

> hundred years or so. Aleberuni, who visited India in 1030 AD and

> recorded quite faithfully all his experiences about Jyotisha and other

> things in India also has not mentioned anything of any " Melapak " in

> his work!


> " All India Calendar Reform Committee " :


> Summing up, as we have just seen, not only are we subjected to non-

> existent fear psychosis like Kalasarpa Dosha and Patri Melapak etc.

> but we are compelled to celebrate all our festivals on worng

> days. There are quite a few people who agree with my point of

> view that these days we are celebrating Pitra Amavasya on the day of

> Dipavali and marriages during Pitra-Paksha! Similarly, we never

> celebrate Makar Sankranti on correct days i.e. December 21/22 but we

> celebrate it on January 14. We also celebrate Vaishakhi on April 14

> instead of the day of Spring Equinox i.e., March 21 or so. This has

> been all because of the so called " Vedic astrology "


> To put our festivals back on the right track, I made quite a few

> representations to the Hon'ble President of India, the Prime Minister

> of India, various ministries besides the Positional Astronomy Centre

> at Calcutta, who publish our Rashtriya Panchanga. I also made similar

> representations to all the reverred Shankaracharyas of all the six

> peethas, besides other saints and Mahatmas, but sorry to say, there

> has been absolutely no response from any quarter!


> We have now formed an " All India Calendar Reform Committee " and are

> enrolling members for the same. Those interested can log on to

> HinduCalendar for entering into

> discussions regarding the same. You can also get a list of correct

> dates of festivals for 2006 and 2007 from that forum. As an

> alternative, you can get in touch with me whenever you want to for any

> further clarifications.


> Thank you very much for listening to this " exhortation " against " Vedic

> astrology " and the efforts I am making to streamline our

> calendars. Om tat sat brahmarpanam

> astu


> Avtar Krishen Kaul


> President


> All India Calendar Reform Committee


> H. No. 5, MIG, 00-A,


> Sector-2, Avantika, Rohini, Delhi-110085.






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