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vedic astrology , VIGHNESH K V

<vighneshare wrote:


> Home Remedies for ECZEMA ECZEMA

> Eczema also called as dermatitis, is a group of skin disorders.

Atopic eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact

dermatitis, infantile seborrhoeic eczema, adult seborrhoeic eczema,

varicose eczema and discoid eczema are different types of eczema.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It mainly occurs

among infants and small children. In more than 90% of cases, eczema

is found to occur in children below 5 years of age. It is a non

contagious disease.

> Eczema is a skin condition characterized by redness, cracking,

oozing and scaling of the skin. This may be caused by the extremes of

heat and cold and even emotional stress. The patient usually

complains of itching and burning in the skin, especially at the

night. Sores appear on various parts of the body, but most often on

the hands, feet, ears and legs. Eczema may come on at any time of

life and in either sex. The commoner manifestations are erythema

changing to papule, vesicle, crust, scale and fissure, with serous

exudation. In chronic cases, thick scales accumulate. This is the

effect of local irritation by chemical, thermal, or mechanical agents

in a hypersensitive individual, subject of an allergy or

constitutional disabilities such as gout, chronic nephritis,

rheumatism, local sepsis, dyspepsia, alcoholism, uterine disturbances

also teething .in some cases heredity may be found. Papules,

vesicles and pustules with some degree of local oedema are found;

> exudation, crusting and scaling with inflammation of varying

severity may be present. These tend to spread to the contiguous

areas. One or both cheeks of an infant or the ear, limbs or trunk

are occasionally involved. In adults also similar papulo- vesicular

eruptions appear. Sensations of burning, smarting, throbbing or

itching are present, according to the acuteness of the process and

severity of the inflammation. When chronic the discharge

diminishes or disappears, leaving a thickened, irregular, scaly

patch, fading at the margins. The best way to take care of eczema at

home is to keep dry, patchy skin moist and well lubricated. Children

with eczema are most often allergic to eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat,

soy, fish and tree nuts, although a child is usually allergic to only

one or two of those foods.

> Eczema Symptoms

> Following are the symptoms of eczema. Itching, Redness on skin,

Dry and flaky skin, Itchy blisters, Inflammation on skin, Small bumps

on forehead, neck and cheek, Rough and thickened skin. Symptoms of

eczema are more severe on the folds.

> Heredity

> Eczema is considered to be hereditary. Studies reveal that a

person is prone to eczema if his family has a history of closely

linked conditions like hay fever and asthma.

> Causes of aggarvation

> Eczema could be aggravated by irritants like smoke, chemicals,

detergents, solvents and so on. Even weather conditions could

aggravate the condition. Excessive stress, heat and emotional stress

also aggravates the symptoms of eczema.

> Other Causes

> Cause of eczema depends upon the type of eczema the person is

suffering from. Sometimes blood circulation problem in the leg can

also cause eczema. Deficiency of vitamin B6 causes eczema.



> Oatmeal bath is useful for patients suffering from eczema. For

the bath, pour 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal into a tub of lukewarm

water. This is very effective home remedy for eczema.

> Cotton clothing is the best for the skin and is much better than

either wool or polyester, especially wool. Avoid synthetics or itchy

fabrics, as well as tight- or ill-fitting clothes.

> Daily bathing is not necessary, as it tends to make alreadydry

skin even drier. Instead, you can sponge bathe the parts of the body

that really need it--the hands, face, neck, armpits and (for babies)

the diaper area.

> A moisturizer or soap should be avoided as they can contain

fragrances that will trigger a flare-up of eczema. Look for products

that are fragrance-free.

> Avoid overdressing your child unnecessarily at night, because

getting too hot can make the rash worse.

> Stress can trigger eczema or make it worse. Try to reduce the


> Make a paste by adding 1 tsp camphor to 1-teaspoon sandalwood

and apply on the affected eczema areas. This is also very effective

home remedy for eczema.

> Make a paste by rubbing a nutmeg against a smooth stone slab

with a little water and. Apply to affected eczema area.

> Apply Crisco 2-3 times a day is said to not only make you

greasy, but eczema free.

> Coconut oil may be applied to the areas with eczema.

> For eczema treatment add carrot juice and spinach juice and

apply to the affected area.

> Drink plenty of water and take fruit juices like orange.

> Make a paste by adding 1 tbls turmeric powder to a tbls of

bitter neem leaves. Apply to the affected areas.

> Deficiency of vitamin B6 may also cause eczema. So increase your

intake of vitamin B6.

> Evening primrose oil can also help. It contains gamma-linolenic

acid (GLA), which is helpful in curing the eczema.

> Take watercress every day. It helps to cure the eczema, along

with a daily drink of parsley, spinach, celery, and wheat grass.

> Add 1 Tbsp. Vinegar,1 Tbsp. Honey. Mix together with water and

drink all at once. This is very effective home remedy for eczema.

> Neem has been used for treating all sorts of skin problems for

centuries. It contains Nimbidol and Gedunin, which have excellent

fungicidal properties. Crush some neem leaves and apply to the

affected area. It will immediately give relief.

> Basil (tulsi) is extremely effective in treating skin disorders

as it is a blood purifier and kills bacteria.

> Crush the garlic clove and mix it with half a cup of hot water

in a pan. Soak a clean washcloth in the solution and then apply to

the affected areas only.

> Add five drops of castor oil in half a cup of any fruit or

vegetable juice, or plain water, and take on an empty stomach in the

morning, is beneficial for any kind of skin disease.

> One or two bananas a day are useful for those who are allergic

to certain foods and who consequently suffer from skin rashes, such

as in eczema.

> Foods which should be excluded from the diet are tea, coffee,

chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, sugar and products made from it,

refined cereals, meats, fish, chicken, tobacco, milk, cheese, butter,

smoked and salted pickled foods, and foods containing any chemical

additives, preservatives and flavorings.

> For eczema treatment try to do some prevention techniques such

as relaxation, exercise, meditation, and mind control.

> Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon camphor and 1 teaspoon sandalwood

paste on the rashes. Apply nutmeg paste to the affected areas. Put

natural vitamin E on the affected skin, it will relieve you of

itching. Zinc taken orally and applied directly on the affected skin

is effective. Both shark cartilage and lotion of blueberry leaves

reduce inflammation. Use pine tar soap to wash the affected skin.

Drink tomato juice daily, it will cure the symptoms in a few days.

> Avoid dairy products

> Diet never causes eczema. Food only causes allergy, it does not

cause eczema. It is the genes of a person that cause eczema. If you

are allergic or sensitive to certain foods then try avoiding them,

because they can trigger eczema. Dairy products, eggs, nuts,

preservatives and citrus fruits are more likely to trigger eczema.

> Other Suggestions for Eczema

> Always avoid substances you are allergic to. Wear cotton clothes

as they do not irritate your itchy skin. Exposure to water for a long

time can lead to skin dryness. Use good quality moisturizer.

> Regds & contact

> K.V.Vighnesh

> Chennai

> chat ID: kvvighnesh




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