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[va Vedic astrology -- the greatest fraud on the Vedas! 17/3

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Depika, Sanat,


well this Sanat is half baked and has no self esteem or self worth that he

belives that greeks were the originators fo vedic astrology


the fact that socretus, galalieo suffered in their culture is proff of their

depth, where as in VEdas u have the state of earth being round and revolving in

solar system around the sun, the solar flares, occurances, the magnetic field

and gravatational fields well explained,


there was a seperate way to convey this to common people thru folk lore and

vedic discourse, folk lore is more corrupted in its passages and can't be

claimed as the vedic notations


ONE MUST STUDY vedas for it and then compare that Vedic knowledge was way

ahead of anyother


the fact that written works are from sanskrit, the oldest habitated places

still on earth is Varanasi amd Gaya is again a proof of the greatness of our



Kaul is a dissappointed failure in life and his chelas or ghosts r still

disruturbing groups on and off.


any subject must be assesd by its YARDSTICK one can comment on physics with

its rules so too chemistry we can't use HISTORY to judge physics or chemsitry as

these mad men are trying to do.



jyotish means study of light [hope]


BEst wishes


dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote:

Well, I found some questions worth asking w.r.t vedic astrology








Astrology a science or myth




* Astrological principles are based on primitive knowledge that Sun is

nearer to the Earth and Moon is far away from the Earth and so on….


Respected Shri Kaul sahib ji,


I was reading your archives and find interesting interaction. I also find

as to how some (so called) scholars are befooling simple minded Indians

with their socalled translation, interpretation and explanation of some

sloks of Ved or Vedang Jyotish and so on.


I agree with your findings that there is nothing in Ved or Vedang Jyotish

about Rashi, prediction etc.. I will like to say that all this traditions

was developed after interaction of our civilisation with Greek civilisation.

Our sages, who were able to pre-calculate eclipse ie. Problems to deity;

then it was a common development of idea as to when we (sage) can calculate

about the problems of deity (Sun /Moon) then why we can't calculate about

the problems of humans (King and so on). With this though in mind they have

an opportunity to know about the concept of Sign from Greek. Thus they were

able to develop some predictive principles after fusing the concept of our

religious myth about the Universe with sign etc. and formulated all basic

principles of the astrology.


I am enclosing a blog about predictive astrology. I know that this forum is

fully devoted on calculation part. But because predictive astrology is

popular and it is applied form of astronomy hence I am doing this trespass

in your territory and request the readers that do not disturb the serious

interaction, which is going on this forum. But if they want then they may

please write to me on my email sanatkumar_jain. I once again request to

readers that they may not disturb the interaction of the forum.


I fully support your views that concept of sign was not Indian. I will like

to add that if it would have been Indian then our sages could not approve

the shape of Aries (Ram), Scorpio, Sagittarious (half horse half man) etc.

because these shapes do not have any religious (Indian ie. Hindu, Jain, Bodh

etc.) support, and our sages cannot draw an imaginary shape. But some

scholars are in the habit of teaching some own explanation during

translation of a slok. They can add any modern concept of solar-system or

planetary information during explanation of any slok.

By above I want to say that translation (in the form of explanation) can not

be according to latest knowledge. It must be only translation and nothing

else. Thus suppose if it is mentioned in the Ved that " Mein vaahan se aaya "

or " I came on my vehicle " then it can not be translated that I came on

Mercedez or Maruti or Motorcycle or aeroplane etc. If you do such

translation than it is only modern explanation to lure public. Correct

translation will only be " I came on my vehicle " . If you want to explain it

then you have to study that which vaahan I have in those days. If you don't

know that which vaahan I have in those days than you can at the most use

those vaahan which were available in those days and say that I came on

Horse, Rath, Paslki etc..But even than it is only explanation and not the

translation. But you are not allowed to use Maruti, Mercedez etc. for

vaahan. In view of this I am saying that socalled many scholars are doing

the translation in the form of modern explanation.


I hope reader will like listen what you (Sh. Kaul Ji) is saying after so

much of self study and remember that basically you are not against any

shastra but you are against the so called astrologer who are befooling

others without reading or translating slok with vested interest. I think

little hint is enough for those who has some logical power other wise it is

of no use to pour a river over turned pot. In this situation we must try to

save those who are not affected and who have some scientific temperament,

instead of curing the dead wood.


Waiting for some more usefull interaction between intelligent members.







My blog is as under. Readers may Pl interacts on my email and do not disturb

the forum. Thanks




Readers who have faith on astrology may please read following lines, ponder

and instead of sticking to some misconcept regarding astrology on which you

have not studied in depth but you only have faith, because you have been

informed like this. So come out and think with open mind and decide yourself

as to whether astrology is scientific or is being given coverup of science

due to some vested interest.


At the time of formulating the astrological principles in early Primitive

age, it was the concept that every living being has capacity to move,

whereas lifeless thing cannot move. This religious philosophy leads sages to

classify all so-called planet (Sun, Moon, Mars etc.) as super living being

(Deities). In those days only sages had social sanction to study religious

scriptures. Thus after prolonged observation of the sky they developed the

skill to predict solar and lunar eclipse, which was the result of so-called

grabbing the Sun and Moon by imaginary shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. They

were also able to predict the timing of eclipse and its duration. They have

devised an ingenious way to offer donations etc. to get them free from the

clutches of Rahu and Ketu, which is still being followed. It was also

religious concept that fate of everybody is pre-decided according to their

deeds. Thus in this situation, it was common wisdom as to when sages were

able to predict the fate of deities like Sun and Moon then why they could

not predict the fate of King and so on. Thus procedure was devised to

formulate various astrological principles on the basis of the then knowledge

of sages based on scriptures and their celestial observation. These

principles were the key factors for deciding the fate. Procedure adopted to

formulate these principles was never percolated in the Indian society due to

illiteracy and hard barrier to learn such knowledge by other castes.

Subsequently these principles were spread to other civilisation and later on

developed as Western system.


What is happening nowadays that there are two groups. One group belongs to

astrologers who always try to support astrology due to their business

considerations, whereas other group (say scientist) try to raise some

logical questions against astrology. But none of them have ever tried to

investigate as to what was the level of information of sages about the

Universe, who developed astrological principles in primitive age and what

procedure was adopted to formulate various principles relating to Lordship,

Friendship-enmity, Exalted-debilitated, Aspect, Vinshottary periodicity etc.

If we analyse whole set of principles then following questions may be raised


1 What procedure was adopted to allot twelve signs among seven planets (as

Mars is lord of Aries, Scorpio etc.) ?

2 What procedure was adopted to decide that there is enmity and friendship

between some planets (as Sun and Saturn are enemy of each other) ?

3 What procedure was adopted to decide various aspect (full, quarter to

full, half and quarter), (as planets have full aspect on seventh house) ?

4 What procedure was adopted to decide that planets are exalted and

debilitated at some degree (as Sun is exalted at 10 deg. of Aries sign) ?

5 What procedure was adopted to decide that most powerful and hub of our

solar system, Sun has 6 years vinshottary dasha whereas Venus (a small

planet) has 20 years ?

6 What procedure was adopted to allot various constellations between nine

planets with different vinshottary dasha ?

7 What procedure was adopted to decide order of days of a week (Sunday,

Monday etc.) ?

8 What procedure was adopted to decide fixed retrograde motion of Rahu Ketu

(3-11 minute-second per day)?

9 What procedure was adopted to decide that Rahu, Ketu are 180 deg. apart?

10 What procedure was adopted to decide timings of eclipse ?


Thus there may be endless questions, with a final question as to whether

present form of astrology is correct? If some one gave answers to these

questions then he will realise that entire astrological principles are

totally based on wrong concept of Universe.


Everybody may agree that every research is based on the then knowledge. In

the same way, when astrology was developed by sage Parashar etc. At that

time it was believed that Earth is in the centre of the Universe and

stationary (it is also believed in all religions). Beside this it was also

believed (you may read any old scriptures) that Sun is nearer from the

Earth, whereas Moon is beyond Sun. All constellations are situated in

between Mercury and Moon. You may be surprised to know that all astrological

principles are actually fabricated around this concept. I my-self studying

astrology since last 35 years and developed softwares to conclude correct

prediction. But if it is true at one time then same combination is not true

in other case. It leads me to think afresh logically and systematically over

this subject and I find that Primitive concept (when astrology was

developed) requires full overhauling in view of modern scientific astronomy,

according to which primitive concept of Universe (basis of astrology) was

totally changed.


After lot of research I wrote an original book on astrology " Jyotish - Kitna

sahi kitna galat " in Hindi (330 pages). This book contains the detailed

procedure adopted to formulate these principles on the basis of the then

knowledge about the Universe, which leads our sages to formulate these

principles. This book was also published in English with the title

" Astrology a science or myth " (450 pages). You can realize that this is

revolutionary book and will change the face of predictive astrology in due

course. If you interested to know more about the book or description of

various chapters then you may send email to me.


At that time our sages were neither aware of Uranus, Neptune nor they were

aware that solar and lunar eclipses occurred due to presence of Moon and

shadow of Earth. That's why they have developed the concept of Rahu and Ketu

with retrograde motion of 3'11 " . It was mentioned in the Grahlaghav that

eclipse occurred when Rahu/Ketu came within 14 degree on Amavasya (dark

night) or Puranmashi (full Moon). But nobody will be able to answer that why

there was no lunar eclipse when Sun, Moon and Rahu were at 203.01, 23.01 and

34.43 degree respectively on 08-11-1984 (Rahu was within 11.42 degree) or

when Sun, Moon and Ketu were at 319.74, 139.74 and 150.26 degree

respectively on 03-03-1988 ( Ketu was within 10.52 degree). Likewise I find

that Solar eclipses occurred even when difference between Moon and Rahu was

more then 14°. Sun and Moon were at 94.24 deg., whereas Rahu was at

79.04deg. on 21-07-1982 (Rahu was

15.20 deg. away). Sun and Moon were at 76.49 deg., whereas Rahu was at

91.93deg. on 02-07-2000 (Rahu was

15.14 deg. away).


To give a modern scientific colour to the astrology, you will also find in

many modern astrological books that eclipse occurred at the intersection

point of orbit of the Sun and Moon (though it was not known to our sages and

Rahu Ketu were created on the basis of myth). Thus it is clear that at the

time of full solar eclipse, when Moon happens to be just over the Sun than

Rahu must also be there. But As per almanac Ketu was shown at 194 and 177

degree on 12-11-1985 and 3-10-1986 (refer any almanac) respectively when

there were full solar eclipse and position of Sun/Moon were at 206 and 166

degree respectively. You will agree that when there were full solar eclipses

then on these dates either Rahu or Ketu must be at 206 and 166 degree

respectively, because only then full solar eclipse may possible. Whereas

Ketu was being shown at 194 and 177 degrees in almanac. Thus there was clear

mistake of about 12 and 11 degrees respectively. All horoscopes are

defective in this light and due to this fundamental positional variation,

prediction is also effected. If you want then I can give many more examples

and very simple method of detecting them.


I fully support that astrology (predictive) is not a science but in

primitive age predictive astrology was a mixture of astronomy + psychology +

faith. Because astronomy is a science, psychology (recently discovered and

it was not known in primitive age) played an important role in handling a

person by the astrologer due to immense faith over astrology+astrologer

hence predictive astrology appears to be correct due to combined effect of

all three. You will also agree with the above observation after going

through my original revolutionary research. Because if everything is

pre-decided as was contention of sages then why we may take pains, why we

may try to do some thing, because every thing will take place according to

pre-written destiny. Secondly, there is no question of modifying that

pre-written destiny, because if we try to change only our fate, even then

all attached happening will automatically change creating a cascading

effect, which in turn will change the pre-written fate of every person. In

another case, if destiny is not pre-written or say pre-defined than it is

not possible to detect it. Because when every Tom, Dick and Harry are

changing their destiny due to worship, good deed etc. then destiny of every

one will continue remain under change. You will agree that astrology is

totally based on mathematical calculation regarding planets, whose transit

is fixed and can never and never be altered. Now when transit or birth chart

cannot be altered it means result of calculation or say prediction is also

fixed. Then how one may change his destiny (if it is ever prewritten) by

adopting some means like offering, ring, vastu etc. because in that case, if

you like to say, then future events will be altered but how a calculation of

planetary transit or linked prediction can be changed, which is fixed due to

birth chart or fixed transit of planets?


Those who think that astrology is a science may be rest assured that

actually predictive astrology is not a science at all. Only astronomy and

psychology (discovered only in last 200 years) were used unknowingly by our

sages for some prediction and it appears correct. Hence predictive astrology

is bogus and astrology is a myth.


Because modern technologies like computer, TV, Newspaper etc. are being used

to spread this myth in the cover up of science with vested business

interest. Hence it requires a logical approach to fight this sort of

ignorance. My book has vital scientific information in this regard and

readers of the book are fully convinced that astrology (predictive) is

bogus, because procedure adopted to formulate principles was neither logical

nor based on correct information of Universe, solar system.

Still if you have a faith on astrology then why don't you contact The James

Randi Educational Foundation who offeres a US $1000000 prize to anyone who

can demonstrate that astrology works. His e-mail and website is jref

and http://www.randi.org


I will like to have your critical comments for further interaction on my

email sanatkumar_jain . It would be better to know the roots of

astrology and facts, data behind it before falling in the trap and come

forward to join hands because of AIDS (Astrology Is Damaging Society).


Sanat Kumar Jain








On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 5:08 AM, Rafal Gendarz wrote:


> *kleem namah narasimhaaya*

> Dear Vijay , Namaskar


> Well said.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

> www: http://rohinaa.com / email: rafal


> Vijayanarasimha H Pakka napisa?(a):


> >

> > Dear aspirant,

> >

> > Your doubts dont surprise me at all, since they are most common

> > feelings of people about astrology. Even I have passed out of premier

> > institutes but my career isnt going anywhere. The reason for this is

> > that my siddhamsha chart (chrat for education) is quite strong along

> > with my 9th and 3rd house in my natal chart. But its interesting to

> > see that my dashamsha chart (chart for profession) and also my 10th

> > house in natal chart are not powerful. But if I had shown just my

> > natal chart to a beginner in astrology he would have predicted grand

> > rajayogas for me, but when I am failing miserably in life I would have

> > blamed astrology not the astrologer.

> >

> > A good astrologer MUST see the divisional charts, the dashas, the

> > transits, the drishtis of planets, the strength of planets ,etc. Only

> > then should he predict. For example I have good rajayoga with venus,

> > but since venus dasha doesnt come in my lifetime, the effect of this

> > rajayoga isnt seen in my life, but seen only in small measures when

> > venus antardashas pass. Hence there are numerous things to be seen in

> > a horoscope not just the natal chart that a road-side astrologer sees

> > and predicts. Please understand that if someone says " 1+2 = 5 " , you

> > should call him a fool rather than call arithmetic a hoax subject.

> > This is the mistake the so-called rational thinkers are doing.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Vijay.

> >

> > g-ing g-ang bang bang > > > wrote: Dear Rhoda,

> >

> > Thanks for your honest opinion. Just like you, I was also a believer but

> > having been a silent observer on this forum and elsewhere, I am

> > starting to

> > have some doubts on astrology. Maybe this is because of my personal

> > experience where my horoscope (and my educational background BE+MBA both

> > from premier institutes) promises a lot in terms of raj yog etc but in

> > reality my career is going nowhere. Maybe i am waiting for some divine

> > help...

> >

> > Still, I -as well as others- are awaiting the opinion/coments/

> > suggestions of

> > the learned gurus and other students of this forum.

> >

> > Om Tat Sat

> >

> > On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Rhoda Reporter > > > wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > hello!!

> > > not sure what to make out of what i read.

> > > all i know is that there is some truth in the astrology , as we know

> for

> > > years.

> > > i am not into predictive astrology as a science, but do know from

> > > experience how transits of planets make an impact on the native.

> > > i find that interesting and amazing.

> > > we learn behaviour patterns from reading charts. so there is some

> truth

> > > there.

> > > predictions and remedial measures are still a grey area for me, as my

> > > astro guru put it,


> NO

> > > TROUBLE AND PROBLEMS...but that is not the case.

> > > no one would suffer,


> > > i feel very strongly about ENERGY HEALING instead.


> > >

> > > god knows if anything i have written here makes sense...just my

> > thoughts!!

> > >

> > > __,_a very._,___also a

> > > a powerful prayer for all

> > >

> > > I'M SORRY


> > > I LOVE YOU


> > >

> > > with best regards and intentions

> > > Rhoda

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

> > Try it

> > > now.

> > >

> > >

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