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Help needed about Nadi Dosh

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Hi All,

I like a girl very much.There seems to be some problem in our

horoscope matching.

Our details are

BOY) : 09/09/1977, Place Bharatpur(RAJASTHAN,India) Time 8:00 AM

Girl): 24/01/1980, Place Calcutta (WB, India) Time 7:00 AM


The normal horoscope matching gives 0 points for nadi, hence is the

nadi dosh existing.


1.I have read that even if the Nadi is the same but is in different

charan and pad , it is cancelled.


2.Also I have read that if the Rashi lord is same or are friends then

the nadi dosh cancelled.


Can someone please have a look at this matching and tell us the

complications and solutions if you know. I need advice based on your

experience and knowledge. please email me at talktoam with

your answers.

Thanks for your time

Warm Regards


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ll HARE RAM ll

Dear Mr.Ajay,

Naadi Dosh is existed not cancelled at all in these charts & moreover the girl

is Manglik too.So math making is not recommended.


God bless

Shashie Shekhar



reply2am <ajaymat wrote:

Hi All,

I like a girl very much.There seems to be some problem in our

horoscope matching.

Our details are

BOY) : 09/09/1977, Place Bharatpur(RAJASTHAN,India) Time 8:00 AM

Girl): 24/01/1980, Place Calcutta (WB, India) Time 7:00 AM


The normal horoscope matching gives 0 points for nadi, hence is the

nadi dosh existing.


1.I have read that even if the Nadi is the same but is in different

charan and pad , it is cancelled.


2.Also I have read that if the Rashi lord is same or are friends then

the nadi dosh cancelled.


Can someone please have a look at this matching and tell us the

complications and solutions if you know. I need advice based on your

experience and knowledge. please email me at talktoam with

your answers.

Thanks for your time

Warm Regards








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Shashi S.Sharma

[spiritual Healer,Vedic Astrologer & Gems Advisor]

[Member-Planetary Gemologists Association,Bangkok,Thailand]

Web: www.freewebs.com/astroremedies

Delhi, Cell-09818310075







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Shashi S.Sharma

[spiritual Healer,Vedic Astrologer & Gems Advisor]

[Member-Planetary Gemologists Association,Bangkok,Thailand]

Web: www.freewebs.com/astroremedies

Delhi, Cell-09818310075








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Dear Shasie,



1) I cannot talk about Nadi Dosh, But- I dont see a

case of Manglik Vs. Non-Manglik in this case.


For Kuja yoga/dosha determiniation You have look from

Moon & Venus too..


2) Both boy (ajay) and girl are Mangliks.


3) The Boy has Ma in 12th house from both Mo & Ve. But

Ma is joined by Ju in that house, so the dosha is



4) Again, the girl's chart - the Ma is in 8th House

from Asc, but joined by Ju. so the dosha is minimal.


5) In Boy's chart, Ke is placed in 7th House & Ra

aspecting Upapada. The strong possibility of Love

marriage. On the other lighter note, most of the boy's

friends are good looking girls (Ve+Mo in 11th House)..


6) In Girl's chart, Ra is aspecting Upapada-

indicating love marriage.


***So, Mr. Ajay- If you like the girl very much, try

to do remedies what ever needed.. Best of Luck.



Raj Upadhrasta.




--- Shashie Shekhar <polite_astro wrote:


> ll HARE RAM ll

> Dear Mr.Ajay,

> Naadi Dosh is existed not cancelled at all in

> these charts & moreover the girl is Manglik too.So

> math making is not recommended.


> God bless

> Shashie Shekhar



> reply2am <ajaymat wrote:

> Hi All,

> I like a girl very much.There seems to be some

> problem in our

> horoscope matching.

> Our details are

> BOY) : 09/09/1977, Place Bharatpur(RAJASTHAN,India)

> Time 8:00 AM

> Girl): 24/01/1980, Place Calcutta (WB, India) Time

> 7:00 AM


> The normal horoscope matching gives 0 points for

> nadi, hence is the

> nadi dosh existing.


> 1.I have read that even if the Nadi is the same but

> is in different

> charan and pad , it is cancelled.


> 2.Also I have read that if the Rashi lord is same or

> are friends then

> the nadi dosh cancelled.


> Can someone please have a look at this matching and

> tell us the

> complications and solutions if you know. I need

> advice based on your

> experience and knowledge. please email me at

> talktoam with

> your answers.

> Thanks for your time

> Warm Regards

> Ajay






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