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For those who bash vedic astrology - II

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For those who bash Vedic Astrology - II


Dear Beloved Bashers


Dear Enlightened ones


Dear friends who are seeking enlightenment


This is second post in this topic. Please read my

response to another previous bashing thread.


Please note that I'm not that educated, so - kindly

correct me if I'm wrong.


The following are common arguments put forth by our

beloved BASHERs.



1. Argument: Sun & Moon are not grahas..


Ans: Here the key lies in the origin of meaning of

" graha " . In the vedic astrology realm, definition of

graha is a object of celestial realm related to

Ascendant. Thats it. Please dont add any words to this

definition or do not confuse with other definitions

from other branches of study.


For example: The meaning of word " SET " changes with

the context/subject in which it being used.




2. Nava-grahas & Stars are material objects and do not

have life


Ans: For ants and bacteria- the humans are also large

objects that move. They cannot understand rocket

science and they cannot understand our communications

and sophistications.


Ofcourse, Like celestial objects - You, me and every

living thing also being material objects made up of

millions of chemical material compounds. At our core,

the central part of us is " Hypothalamus " which is also

a chemical compound and holds the millions of feelings

in chemical form of neuro-transmitters and receptors.


Like a child who takes birth from mother's womb and

essentially a separated form of physical object from

another physical object - all celestial objects take

birth from another celestial object. This includes SUN

who took birth from a greater source of galactic

material- which one call it as mother of SUN. In this

case, the stars in near by celestial spectrum can be

classified as siblings of SUN.




3. Predictive Astrology is against Life Dynamics


Ans: Life is dynamic process, Agreed. Vedic astrology

is not a time table of a fixed/Static Life process.

Astrology is only one side of the coin.. the other

side is Karma.


Let me explain. You play a game, say cricket. Each

instance of this game is called match.


a) But there is a framework to this match (KUNDALI) -

called game rules of 'that day', weather of 'that

day', umpires of 'that day', pitch report of 'that

DAY', players of 'that day' that influence the game's



b) Then there is actual WORK (KARMA).. playing which

depends upon the player's abilities & weak points

(past karma), player's performance (present karma on

that instance) which gives match results that day. Not

only that, it determines the ranking for next match

(result of current karma).


Now- do the comparison:

The entire class of Cricket represents living SYSTEM

Each instance of the game, match represents one LIFE

Each framework for each life represents KUNDALI for

that particular instance

Each actual Work done in the past, being done during

the match and effect on next coming up matches

represents KARMA.




4. Predictions are most of the time inaccurate


Ans: First of all, the Birth details, esp- exact time

of birth has to accurate, Which is prone to mistakes.


Then, second point - Predictions are to get category

classification of result... not the result it self. No

predictive system gives actual result.. it gives you a

range of results.




5. Vedic Astrologers are cheaters


Ans: Every human being can be a cheater regardless of






Raj Upadhrasta.





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Dear Mr.Raj Upadhrasta

I am regular reader of the articles of this site and though i am not

astrologer but i firmly believe in theory of astrology.

You did a great job of explaining pointwise the doubts of so called educated

guys of our society who think astrology a tool of lazy person. Please tell

these so called Educated Persons, before critizing astrology,study this science

and then comment on it.

Sir My jupiter Mahadasha has started from 14th of March 2008. But still i am

going through the symptoms of my previous Rahu Mahadasha. Please comment on this

feature.Now since my New dasha has started there should be no traces of old


My details are

Name :Rishi

Place of birth :Bareilly (Uttar pradesh),India


Time 19.20 Evening (7.20pm)



Raj Upadhrasta <suryanayaka wrote:

For those who bash Vedic Astrology - II


Dear Beloved Bashers


Dear Enlightened ones


Dear friends who are seeking enlightenment


This is second post in this topic. Please read my

response to another previous bashing thread.


Please note that I'm not that educated, so - kindly

correct me if I'm wrong.


The following are common arguments put forth by our

beloved BASHERs.



1. Argument: Sun & Moon are not grahas..


Ans: Here the key lies in the origin of meaning of

" graha " . In the vedic astrology realm, definition of

graha is a object of celestial realm related to

Ascendant. Thats it. Please dont add any words to this

definition or do not confuse with other definitions

from other branches of study.


For example: The meaning of word " SET " changes with

the context/subject in which it being used.




2. Nava-grahas & Stars are material objects and do not

have life


Ans: For ants and bacteria- the humans are also large

objects that move. They cannot understand rocket

science and they cannot understand our communications

and sophistications.


Ofcourse, Like celestial objects - You, me and every

living thing also being material objects made up of

millions of chemical material compounds. At our core,

the central part of us is " Hypothalamus " which is also

a chemical compound and holds the millions of feelings

in chemical form of neuro-transmitters and receptors.


Like a child who takes birth from mother's womb and

essentially a separated form of physical object from

another physical object - all celestial objects take

birth from another celestial object. This includes SUN

who took birth from a greater source of galactic

material- which one call it as mother of SUN. In this

case, the stars in near by celestial spectrum can be

classified as siblings of SUN.




3. Predictive Astrology is against Life Dynamics


Ans: Life is dynamic process, Agreed. Vedic astrology

is not a time table of a fixed/Static Life process.

Astrology is only one side of the coin.. the other

side is Karma.


Let me explain. You play a game, say cricket. Each

instance of this game is called match.


a) But there is a framework to this match (KUNDALI) -

called game rules of 'that day', weather of 'that

day', umpires of 'that day', pitch report of 'that

DAY', players of 'that day' that influence the game's



b) Then there is actual WORK (KARMA).. playing which

depends upon the player's abilities & weak points

(past karma), player's performance (present karma on

that instance) which gives match results that day. Not

only that, it determines the ranking for next match

(result of current karma).


Now- do the comparison:

The entire class of Cricket represents living SYSTEM

Each instance of the game, match represents one LIFE

Each framework for each life represents KUNDALI for

that particular instance

Each actual Work done in the past, being done during

the match and effect on next coming up matches

represents KARMA.




4. Predictions are most of the time inaccurate


Ans: First of all, the Birth details, esp- exact time

of birth has to accurate, Which is prone to mistakes.


Then, second point - Predictions are to get category

classification of result... not the result it self. No

predictive system gives actual result.. it gives you a

range of results.




5. Vedic Astrologers are cheaters


Ans: Every human being can be a cheater regardless of






Raj Upadhrasta.



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