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Does Exalted Guru's Mahadasha in 8 house makes one equivalent to a king...?

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Respected Gurujan,


I am posting the details of a native who is running Guru Mahadasha. Guru is

exalted in his chart and is lagna lord and 4 lord, placed in 8 house.


This boy seems to have some special talents, this native has always desired

to be a Guru in his life, but he is not willing to follow the beaten path of

past and contemporary Gurus of this world.

I am sure that this Guru Mahadasha will propel him towards great proesperity

and fame, and he will enjoy life equivalent to a king.


Could you please tell me if my prediction of this native becoming equivalent

to a king is correct or not.


Native's Chart Details:-----


date: 11 July 1979

Time: 18:20 (wednesday) evening

Place: Delhi

Latitude: 28o40' N | Longitude: 77o13' E


Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic World,

Mukesh Verma


Wish this world could be better...




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*om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*


Dear Mithesh


He will be quite spiritual, no doubts. But the rajayoga is denied (at

least from Guru) as its in sixth from AL giving pravraja yoga in both

Guru and Budha dasas. In Guru dasas it give career setbacks. Native will

also deny the Guru instruction and path due to pitr dosha in

dharmabhava. Surya ashtakshari mantra with Ghrini beeja is the remedy here.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

www: rafal

@: www.rohinaa.com



Mukesh verma napisa?(a):


> Respected Gurujan,


> I am posting the details of a native who is running Guru Mahadasha.

> Guru is

> exalted in his chart and is lagna lord and 4 lord, placed in 8 house.


> This boy seems to have some special talents, this native has always

> desired

> to be a Guru in his life, but he is not willing to follow the beaten

> path of

> past and contemporary Gurus of this world.

> I am sure that this Guru Mahadasha will propel him towards great

> proesperity

> and fame, and he will enjoy life equivalent to a king.


> Could you please tell me if my prediction of this native becoming

> equivalent

> to a king is correct or not.


> Native's Chart Details:---- -


> date: 11 July 1979

> Time: 18:20 (wednesday) evening

> Place: Delhi

> Latitude: 28o40' N | Longitude: 77o13' E


> Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic World,

> Mukesh Verma


> Wish this world could be better...



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Dear friend,


The native mentioned by you cannot become a great person simply

because he has ill placed Guru and Budha.


Looking at his chart in both normal way and using Rahu centric

principle with R1 position of Rahu making his chart with Simha lagna,

his Guru and Budha are in Kaalanta rasi in 12th house.

His KL kaala lagna has Ghor Tamas yog meaning Sani=Rahu yog which

will make him hungry for name and fame and also radical knowledge.


The Maha dasa of Guru who is situated in Kaalanta Rasi in 12th is not

a good sign for his continued health and well being. He is adviced to

chant MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA daily.His antardasas of Guru, Sani, Budha

and Ketu are going to be a challenge and will make him prone to

diseases, accidents and sudden infections.


Let him be blessed











vedic astrology , " Mukesh verma "

<astromukesh wrote:


> Respected Gurujan,


> I am posting the details of a native who is running Guru Mahadasha.

Guru is

> exalted in his chart and is lagna lord and 4 lord, placed in 8



> This boy seems to have some special talents, this native has always


> to be a Guru in his life, but he is not willing to follow the

beaten path of

> past and contemporary Gurus of this world.

> I am sure that this Guru Mahadasha will propel him towards great


> and fame, and he will enjoy life equivalent to a king.


> Could you please tell me if my prediction of this native becoming


> to a king is correct or not.


> Native's Chart Details:-----


> date: 11 July 1979

> Time: 18:20 (wednesday) evening

> Place: Delhi

> Latitude: 28o40' N | Longitude: 77o13' E


> Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic


> Mukesh Verma


> Wish this world could be better...




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Dear Gurujan,


Thanks for your analysis.


Do you think that 2 or more Benefics in 6 from AL makes one a famous

Spiritual Leader of sorts.

Some gurujan told about this native that he will become a Leader(of

unconventional sorts) in a Foreign Land.

Though this native had undergone a great deal of humiliation and deprivation

during his RAHU mahadasha.

With the beginning of his Guru Mahadasha he has engaged in Trading on

Commission basis for a Steel products of a big company. He is also looking

forward to become an Export Agent for this company with the help of another

Export Agent.


Do you think he is on his right track of financial gaining financial srength

and leading his math/society/organisation in a foreign land by the year



This Native has always felt deeply humiliated by people around him during

his RAHU Mahadasha till Dec 2007, and so he always felt like becoming a God

Gifted person who could change and punish people responsible for such

humiliation. Though his intentions are never like an Underworld don but like

Superman. He always saw himself to be like a Crusader of the modern times

but feels very week due to non availability of resources and support from

his immediate environment. Will he be able to realise his desires in this

Guru Mahadasha.


Also, in D9 Guru and Budh in 6 aspecting chandra and mangal in 12,

and in D10 Guru and Budh in 7 house aspecting 5 lord chandra,

and in D22, Look at the 2nd house.

Does Presence of Shani and rahu in 9 house makes him highly unconventional

of sorts and carving his own way forward...?


Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic World,

Mukesh Verma


Wish this world could be better...



On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:


> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*


> Dear Mithesh


> He will be quite spiritual, no doubts. But the rajayoga is denied (at

> least from Guru) as its in sixth from AL giving pravraja yoga in both

> Guru and Budha dasas. In Guru dasas it give career setbacks. Native will

> also deny the Guru instruction and path due to pitr dosha in

> dharmabhava. Surya ashtakshari mantra with Ghrini beeja is the remedy

> here.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> www: rafal <rafal%40rohinaa.com>

> @: www.rohinaa.com


> Mukesh verma napisa?(a):


> >

> > Respected Gurujan,

> >

> > I am posting the details of a native who is running Guru Mahadasha.

> > Guru is

> > exalted in his chart and is lagna lord and 4 lord, placed in 8 house.

> >

> > This boy seems to have some special talents, this native has always

> > desired

> > to be a Guru in his life, but he is not willing to follow the beaten

> > path of

> > past and contemporary Gurus of this world.

> > I am sure that this Guru Mahadasha will propel him towards great

> > proesperity

> > and fame, and he will enjoy life equivalent to a king.

> >

> > Could you please tell me if my prediction of this native becoming

> > equivalent

> > to a king is correct or not.

> >

> > Native's Chart Details:---- -

> >

> > date: 11 July 1979

> > Time: 18:20 (wednesday) evening

> > Place: Delhi

> > Latitude: 28o40' N | Longitude: 77o13' E

> >

> > Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic World,

> > Mukesh Verma

> >

> > Wish this world could be better...

> >

> >

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Dear Friends,


Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudebaya...

Jai Raj Rajeswari...


The essence of vedic astrology is not to loose sight of the overall

picture and integrated approach. Though every one including the

questioner are focusing on Jupiter (LL and 4L) in 8th and his Dasa, no

body has commented upon Ju being with Me. JU in Rasi is exalted and in

navansa retains his house. Mercury is badly placed. Since Jupiter

happens to be LL, it will definetely improve the attitude and thinking

/ psychological maturity of the individual. Since Venus and Sun are in

the 7th house, both sub-periods will witness conflicts with spouse,

partners and with authorities. However Argala caused by Saturn and

Rahu (obstacles, matibhrahma, wandering, useless thought and inaction

will be overcome) Moon being in the 2nd will cause mental worries in

her period but ultimate success. Ketu period will bring health

problems. Mars period will bring quarrels and be disters for wife /

business. Jupiter being LL and Me 10L being in 8th, definetely improve

job / business prospects as both cause shubha argala on 10th ( in the

natural scheme of things, 8th Rasi aspcts 10th). 8th is vital for 10th

and since Moon exists in the 2nd..it is wonderful....may be a

financial institution or monetary improve throgh profession. Moon

aspects LL and 10L. I see good developments.


Helath problems ...Yes. A6 and A8...look at those being in Cancer.



From Karakansa, these two planets indicate:


@ Marriage of Co - born

@ Efforts to join communication, publishing industry or Media.

@ Journies abroad.

Gain in Financial position is assured. May be two or more foreign travels.


But this is only a partial opinion as there would be at least four

Yogini dasa during this period and at least three rasi dasas in Char

or Sthir Dasa Chakra. Vinshotri is is general purpose Dasa. specefics

matters must be seen using specific dasas.


The silver lining is : Jupiter being lagna lord. It will not threaten



Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya.....Shubhamastu...








vedic astrology , " Mukesh verma "

<astromukesh wrote:


> Dear Gurujan,


> Thanks for your analysis.


> Do you think that 2 or more Benefics in 6 from AL makes one a famous

> Spiritual Leader of sorts.

> Some gurujan told about this native that he will become a Leader(of

> unconventional sorts) in a Foreign Land.

> Though this native had undergone a great deal of humiliation and


> during his RAHU mahadasha.

> With the beginning of his Guru Mahadasha he has engaged in Trading on

> Commission basis for a Steel products of a big company. He is also


> forward to become an Export Agent for this company with the help of


> Export Agent.


> Do you think he is on his right track of financial gaining financial


> and leading his math/society/organisation in a foreign land by the year

> 2013...?


> This Native has always felt deeply humiliated by people around him


> his RAHU Mahadasha till Dec 2007, and so he always felt like

becoming a God

> Gifted person who could change and punish people responsible for such

> humiliation. Though his intentions are never like an Underworld don

but like

> Superman. He always saw himself to be like a Crusader of the modern


> but feels very week due to non availability of resources and support


> his immediate environment. Will he be able to realise his desires in


> Guru Mahadasha.


> Also, in D9 Guru and Budh in 6 aspecting chandra and mangal in 12,

> and in D10 Guru and Budh in 7 house aspecting 5 lord chandra,

> and in D22, Look at the 2nd house.

> Does Presence of Shani and rahu in 9 house makes him highly


> of sorts and carving his own way forward...?


> Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic World,

> Mukesh Verma


> Wish this world could be better...



> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:


> > *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >

> > Dear Mithesh

> >

> > He will be quite spiritual, no doubts. But the rajayoga is denied (at

> > least from Guru) as its in sixth from AL giving pravraja yoga in both

> > Guru and Budha dasas. In Guru dasas it give career setbacks.

Native will

> > also deny the Guru instruction and path due to pitr dosha in

> > dharmabhava. Surya ashtakshari mantra with Ghrini beeja is the remedy

> > here.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> > www: rafal <rafal%40rohinaa.com>

> > @: www.rohinaa.com

> >

> > Mukesh verma napisa?(a):

> >

> > >

> > > Respected Gurujan,

> > >

> > > I am posting the details of a native who is running Guru Mahadasha.

> > > Guru is

> > > exalted in his chart and is lagna lord and 4 lord, placed in 8


> > >

> > > This boy seems to have some special talents, this native has always

> > > desired

> > > to be a Guru in his life, but he is not willing to follow the beaten

> > > path of

> > > past and contemporary Gurus of this world.

> > > I am sure that this Guru Mahadasha will propel him towards great

> > > proesperity

> > > and fame, and he will enjoy life equivalent to a king.

> > >

> > > Could you please tell me if my prediction of this native becoming

> > > equivalent

> > > to a king is correct or not.

> > >

> > > Native's Chart Details:---- -

> > >

> > > date: 11 July 1979

> > > Time: 18:20 (wednesday) evening

> > > Place: Delhi

> > > Latitude: 28o40' N | Longitude: 77o13' E

> > >

> > > Thanks and regards to all gurus and pupils of this divine Vedic


> > > Mukesh Verma

> > >

> > > Wish this world could be better...

> > >

> > >

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