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Left side vs Right side

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*kleem namah narasimhaaya*

Dear Bhagavathi , Namaskar


Its related to Hora division of Rasi. First hora in even sign - Moon

hora is left side.



Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

www: http://rohinaa.com / email: rafal



bhagavathi_hariharan napisa?(a):


> Respected Gurujans,


> If we divide the human body into two, which single planet or rasi is

> responsible for the left and which is responsible for the right. I see

> strange things with me for the last 4 months, I have problems on the

> left ear, left side of chest, left elbow itching, if I get hurt it is

> only on the left side, I cut my left thumb today, jammed my left foot

> yesterday. I am currently running Rahu/moon. Moon is in Sun star. Sun

> is lord of third house in 4th with mercury, so that explains elbow and

> chest problems, all these problems began in my Rahu/sun. Third house

> has Mars, Mars is lord of 6 and 11, so that explains trouble to left

> ear. But why all organs only on the left side. Please throw some light.


> Thanks

> bhagavathi






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Namaste Bhagavathi


Perhaps the attached doc maybe of some use - Body Parts breakdown per

Drekkana (D3) Chart?


Drekkana (D3) Table




1st Drekkana 0 - 9d59m

2nd Drekkana 10 - 19d59m

3rd Drekkana 20 - 29d59m








Right eye

Right shoulder

Generating organ



Right ear

Right arm

Right testicle



Right nostril

Right side of body

Right thigh



Right cheek

Right part of heart

Right knee



Right jaw

Right lung & mamma

Right calf








Left jaw

Left lung & mamma

Left calf



Left cheek

Left part of heart

Left knee



Left nostril

Left side of body

Left thigh



Left ear

Left arm

Left testicle



Left eye

Left shoulder









Best wishes and hope you recover soon ...


Jai Sita Ram






vedic astrology

[vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of Rafal Gendarz

27 March 2008 15:40

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Left side vs Right side


*kleem namah narasimhaaya*

Dear Bhagavathi , Namaskar


Its related to Hora division of Rasi. First hora in even sign - Moon

hora is left side.



Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

www: http://rohinaa. <http://rohinaa.com> com / email: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT)

<rafal%40rohinaa.com> com


bhagavathi_hariharan napisa?(a):


> Respected Gurujans,


> If we divide the human body into two, which single planet or rasi is

> responsible for the left and which is responsible for the right. I see

> strange things with me for the last 4 months, I have problems on the

> left ear, left side of chest, left elbow itching, if I get hurt it is

> only on the left side, I cut my left thumb today, jammed my left foot

> yesterday. I am currently running Rahu/moon. Moon is in Sun star. Sun

> is lord of third house in 4th with mercury, so that explains elbow and

> chest problems, all these problems began in my Rahu/sun. Third house

> has Mars, Mars is lord of 6 and 11, so that explains trouble to left

> ear. But why all organs only on the left side. Please throw some light.


> Thanks

> bhagavathi





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