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PhD Study Question for my friend: Rahu-mercury dasha

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Dear Members

My friend requested me to post this query. He is doing his PhD in the

US and wants to know when he will complete his studies. He says he is

in the final stage of his PhD but due to some minor obstacles, he is

not able to get a final completion.

Will he complete it in the next few months (a month or two).



DOB: 15th august 1979

Time: 16:28 pm.

Place: Chennai, India





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Dear G!


I am afraid the native, you referred, may not not complete his PhD in

forthcoming two months.


No doubt, Mercury antar dasha (Feb 2006 to August 2008) has been given

him favourable results so far regarding learning, (others') finance,

acquaintance with scholarly people and support from females.


But vidya karaka Mercury is simultaneously playing a role of Bhadakesh

(obstructing planet) for Sagittarius lagna. Secondly, Mercury is

sandwiching in between malefic Mars and Saturn. Hence the concluding

part of Mercury antar may not be desirable. And consequently delay

would occur. The transit of Saturn in 4th from natal Moon (over

radical Rahu & Saturn) may augment the malign results for the time being.


Besides, 2nd house is under beneficial aspect of all 3 shubh-grahas

that bestow the native with excellent learning capabilities. Saturn,

lord of 9th and 10th from Moon, is placed in 4th while its dispositor

(i.e. Sun) is closely conjunct with Gnana Karaka Jupiter. Hence native

may possess a deep-rooted desire to excel in the field of research,

learning and academics. And it will happen as well, since Mercury

(10th lord) and Jupiter (4th lord) are tenanted in 8th house from

janma lagna.



M. Imran





vedic astrology , " gautamkr15 " <gautamkr15



> Dear Members

> My friend requested me to post this query. He is doing his PhD in the

> US and wants to know when he will complete his studies. He says he is

> in the final stage of his PhD but due to some minor obstacles, he is

> not able to get a final completion.

> Will he complete it in the next few months (a month or two).



> DOB: 15th august 1979

> Time: 16:28 pm.

> Place: Chennai, India


> Thanks


> G


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Dear G,


I see some resemblance in the chart of your friend and one of my friend who

was born on

11 July 1979 with Saggitarius lagna.


Since I have known my friend's life for a log time I would like to know from

you if your friend have also had events in his life like my friend had.


Does your friend had bad relations with his grand parents or father due to

rahu and shani in 9 house..?

Did your friend led a life of deprivation since his Rahu Mahadasha began in

1998 and started having deep family and personal problems..?

Let me know about some special events of your friend's life as I may have

spotted the same trends in my friend's life.


Budh Antardasha is going to enhance the research potential of your friend

and it is likely that he will succeed as Budh is in Mithuna rasi in 10th

house in D10 and the forthcoming Antardasha of Ketu from Sep 2008 would be

very beneficial and encouraging for your friend and he will be able to

enhance his position careerwise to a great extent.


Your friend may have bad relations with female relatives in his family

during budh antardasha. Ketu antardasha will bring him more courage and a

large and increased circle of friends for sure.



Mukesh Verma

wish this world could be better...



On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 1:54 PM, M. Imran <astroimran wrote:


> Dear G!


> I am afraid the native, you referred, may not not complete his PhD in

> forthcoming two months.


> No doubt, Mercury antar dasha (Feb 2006 to August 2008) has been given

> him favourable results so far regarding learning, (others') finance,

> acquaintance with scholarly people and support from females.


> But vidya karaka Mercury is simultaneously playing a role of Bhadakesh

> (obstructing planet) for Sagittarius lagna. Secondly, Mercury is

> sandwiching in between malefic Mars and Saturn. Hence the concluding

> part of Mercury antar may not be desirable. And consequently delay

> would occur. The transit of Saturn in 4th from natal Moon (over

> radical Rahu & Saturn) may augment the malign results for the time being.


> Besides, 2nd house is under beneficial aspect of all 3 shubh-grahas

> that bestow the native with excellent learning capabilities. Saturn,

> lord of 9th and 10th from Moon, is placed in 4th while its dispositor

> (i.e. Sun) is closely conjunct with Gnana Karaka Jupiter. Hence native

> may possess a deep-rooted desire to excel in the field of research,

> learning and academics. And it will happen as well, since Mercury

> (10th lord) and Jupiter (4th lord) are tenanted in 8th house from

> janma lagna.


> Regards,

> M. Imran


> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40>,

> " gautamkr15 " <gautamkr15

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Members

> > My friend requested me to post this query. He is doing his PhD in the

> > US and wants to know when he will complete his studies. He says he is

> > in the final stage of his PhD but due to some minor obstacles, he is

> > not able to get a final completion.

> > Will he complete it in the next few months (a month or two).

> >

> >

> > DOB: 15th august 1979

> > Time: 16:28 pm.

> > Place: Chennai, India

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > G

> >







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Dear Sir,


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya,

Jai Raj Rajeshari.


As a matters of interest, I saw the chart and was struck with the

beauty of it. Lagna Chart clearly shows a Ph D (so many planets in the



From Karakansa, those plannets shift into the fifth. (Ve Ju Sa Me).

And when ever Mercury is involved , it the synthesizer and a catalist.

undoubtedly, its dasa or antar dasa will be very fruitful. Mercury

antar dasa under Rahu Mahadasa which happens to be in the sixth in

Karakansa chart is harbinger of perfect achievement. Mercury is GK

signifying sixth house, meaning success in exams.


Let us look at the Transit : Jupiter transiting over lagna looking at

fifth and ninth and Saturn transiting over the ninth is excellent

wherein Jupiter is blessing and Saturn is granting. Look at his past

transit affairs. Earlier the Jupiter was aspectin his 8th house while

Saturn was crossing over his 8th house. That is why, he was engaged in

research (Ph D). Saturn and Jupiter are timers of the big events.

In the navansa transits, Jupiter is aspecting its radical Navansa

postion and Saturn is transiting over the trines of its radical navmsa



The Vinshotary dasa lord is transiting over favorable third. Aantar

dasa lord's transits are too fast to be reckoned but in the next 15

days it will be over the fifth house. and within next three month , it

will be over its radical position. If not while transitting over the

radical fifth, it will certainly complete the events being promised by

the Saturn and Jupiter with in next three months.


I, as a learning and humble student of astrology, wish the PH D

student even better success than he is poised for.... he will be

" kamyaab " .....


OM Namo Narayana....





















vedic astrology , " gautamkr15 " <gautamkr15



> Dear Members

> My friend requested me to post this query. He is doing his PhD in the

> US and wants to know when he will complete his studies. He says he is

> in the final stage of his PhD but due to some minor obstacles, he is

> not able to get a final completion.

> Will he complete it in the next few months (a month or two).



> DOB: 15th august 1979

> Time: 16:28 pm.

> Place: Chennai, India


> Thanks


> G


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