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PAYPAL - Jagannatha Hora 7.1 available for downloading

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Om Hari'hi Om


Dear Sri Narasimha,


Many thanks to your contribution.


The software is really great, of superior quality and

I like it very much.


I would like to donate a token amount to your

organization as appreciation. Kindly reply with your

org. PayPal details.



Raj Upadhrasta.


--- " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Hare Rama Krishna

> Namaste friends,


> Jagannatha Hora 7.1 is ready for downloading. This

> is the latest version. It has some bug-fixes and

> improvements from the previous version 7.03. The

> important ones are given below:


> (1) Jagannatha Hora now works on Windows Vista.

> Earlier, it would work on Vista, but the preferences

> could not be saved. The problem is fixed now.

> (2) US changed daylight saving time definition from

> 2007. The previous version of JHora did not have the

> correct definition. So standard time would be

> incorrectly used instead of daylight saving time for

> some charts in March, the first few days of April

> and the last few days of October. This is fixed in

> version 7.1 and daylight saving time will be

> correctly calculated for 2007 and later years.

> (3) Drigdasa of Parasara as explained in my Jyotish

> Digest article is included. You can still use the

> drigdasa variation taught by some SJC gurus

> (including me) in the last 10 years. However, I

> strongly recommend using Parasara's drigdasa.

> (4) Some more options are added in ayanamsa.

> Specifically, you can use a variation of

> Chitrapaksha ayanamsa (aka Lahiri ayanamsa) that

> uses the mean Sun-earth plane for projecting

> planetary positions, instead of the normal

> oscillating Sun-earth plane. While we are fixing the

> starting point of the zodiac in each ayanamsa, the

> plane of the zodiac itself is oscillating in the

> regular ayanamsa implementations. But the plane is

> also fixed in this variation. Look for " Vishnunabhi

> plane (Chitrapaksha) " under the ayanamsa options. I

> recommend that. It makes hardly any difference for

> natal charts (even in divisional charts), but makes

> a difference in the divisional charts of Tithi

> Pravesha charts.

> (5) Some overlapping text in Kalachakra dasa and

> Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa in the printouts is fixed.


> Please download from the followng site:


> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/jh


> Best regards,

> Narasimha






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