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Re:Urgent Help-naming of my son

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Hari Om,

Baby Boy Name - PL. help


Dear Sagar,


Your question and doubt needs some clarification.


You have identified strong planet in chart of child .It is Benefic



Now you start looking for alternate. My question is why?


Next you are asking about a rule .Where does this rule apply?.


This is all due to mixing of concepts, May I be permitted to state the steps as

have been taught to me.


Rule one: look for strongest planet in Chart under consideration


..Next Examination if it forms Good yoga , is auspicious and in Kendra and

trikona. Remember Strength here means Parashar rules No swar shastra or

katpyadi varga principle.


Is it well placed from Arudh lagna?


Well now first letter of name should belong to Letter in the group of Sanskrit

or devnagari group.


The details are


SUN: Vowels a I u r ler etc


MOON: Ya ra la vas sha shaa saa ha ( semi vowel)


MARS: ka kha gag gha na.


MER: Ta tha da dha na


JUPITOR: ta Thad a Dha Na( Ta Talwar)


VENUS: cha chaca ja jha na


SATURN: pa pha vha bha ma


Rule 2 Now choose name starting from letters falling suitable from applicaton

of rule 1.


Apply hoda chakra .Determne Sign indicated sign nakshatra pada . Look for lord

of this sign.


This planet is very important.


Its consonant is form and vowel is soul. This planet will influence him.


This planet should be in Kendra to moon or Lagna that too first and VII

placement are preferred.


Why they form Satya peeth.


Satwaguna will dominate the life of Child His intellect and chitta will get

direction on path of reality realization. Moon Kendra supports for resources.


Kenra to lagna is preferred.


Any way after you have selected the name.


Now comes rule Three.


Rule Three;


Use katapayadi chakra do not count half letters or vowels


Write in Sanskrit primary consonant in serial order.


Reverse the figure so arrived.


Divide by 12


You get some remainder.


It will represent some sign in natural zodiac and by serial number a bhava

corresponding to that number.


Say remainder is 3 so it is Gemini and Third house.


Now know the results of selected name on charts.


The name is mantra. In long run it will help developing natural abilities of

sign that remainder denotes. And By utilization of it Native will serve the



The Bhava will denote Matters and resources that Native will receive from world

in this life.




Example Gemini ; Qualities of Writing , communication , matri are going to be

dominant. III house in chart – Co operation of Co born , courage , etc will lead

to right direction .


Hope you can apply these simple rules and let me know on group still if you feel

doubts in selection of appropriate Name.
















Swami_RCS (Consulting astrologer)

Tel: +91 562-2232323/4001223;

Mob 9412268768. Email: swami_rcs:



" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has

created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "





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