Guest guest Posted April 6, 2008 Report Share Posted April 6, 2008 Dear Pascal, Very sound knowledge you have.Really was good writting. Tell me one thing if Ju being exalted placed in 2'nd house then would it imply that there would be separation from spouse. Exact scenario i am telling:- Lagna of Gamini. Ju in Second of cancer, Mo in Virgo, and Ve in Pisces. Means all three in excange of there Zodiac. Now seventh house is of Sagittarius and its lord is Ju 8'th to 7'th house then please predict about married life. Thanks and Regards Prashant Pandey pascalthomas_va <pthomas69 wrote: Dear Prashant, I am opening a new topic because our conversation is not related to the source topic. Thank you very much for your personal information. The behaviour of your grand fathers friend is not respectable, seems he does not take you for serious. But interesting that you came in contact with astrology since your early days. - Varanasi is in East/South/North/West India (sorry, I'm not so familiar with Indian geography)? Saturn is the planet of maturity - it shows in one's chart the area where we have to get more mature, it shows the areas where we lack experience. So Saturn leads us to new experiences, to life changes according to our dharma, and obviously he has stolen some mental peace from you (because you wrote that you are visiting temples and shrines in order to archieve mental peace). The lectures of Saturn are always difficult, but absolutely necessary. In my view after mastering the lessons of Saturn we have the right and the freedom to make new experiences: those of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. But just after Saturn! These " new " planets are not mentioned in old vedic texts, but in our times they will become more and more important, especially for people who have exact conjunctions with these planets - then these planets get personal relevance. Telling girls about palmistry (and astrology) is a good and intelligent way to get in contact in women. In my experience most woman have a better approach to astrology than man, and more interest in their destiny. In western world many men are more superficial than women. Lot of women want to know more details about their true sign and their life. I've read a lot of astrological books since years and studied dozens of charts of famous people. I am going to establish an online psychological and astrological consultancy middle or end of this year, so I have to study and prepare a lot. Since a half year I am deeply studying BPHS, Phaala Deepika, Saravali and Jaimini. Lot of work! And, yes, I am 39 years old, you're right. In many astrological issues I will take another approach, but always based on these ancient vedic scriptures. There are many modern gurus, some of them very respectable, some not very respectable, and there are a lot of not-proved methods (varga and dasa variations for example). I prefer to stick to the proved methods (e.g.: why do we need a D-6 or D-8 chart? We have D-30 and D-27 for hidden weaknesses and strenghts. Why D-5? We have D-10 for power!) Yes, it is incredible that astrology - especially Dasas - work. " Astrology of the Seers " - that is absolutely true. What an old knowledge, what a treasure - mainly unused in this modern world. What a waste! We have to re-learn this old knowledge, which is for us - in kali yuga? - very, very difficult. I am working on astrology since 1993, that are now nearly 15 years. 3 years now studying vedic astrology. Have some fear to give you my birth data. I have a very diffult chart, very hard to live. Perhaps you do not want to speak with me any more??? (Example: Exact Jupiter/Ketu conjunction in 11th, exact Sun/Rahu conjunction in 5th, exact Jupiter/Ketu and Sun/Rahu opposition). Saturn in 6th makes materialistic? Very interesting topic! Saturn is joined (yuti) with Venus, Lord of 12th and 7th. It is also yuti with Moon, Lord of 2nd and 4th. Loss (12th) of homeland/home (Saturn 4th Lord), but also loss (12th) of enemies (6th). Loss of wife (Taurus 7th, Venus in 6th yuti with debilitated Saturn) also. That is dharma. (Explanation: Taurus is Moolatrikona sign of Moon. So Taurus is the root for Moons energy, and Moon has a certain Lordship over Taurus. Cancer is the own house of Moon, so Moon lords Taurus and Cancer. New view, but based on BPHS. By the way, BPHS also tells us that Rahu is the co-lord not only of Aquarius, but of Taurus as well. So three planets spread the influence of Taurus: Moon, Venus, Rahu.) Still interested in conversation with a Rahu/Ketu type? Regards, Pascal Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to know how. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2008 Report Share Posted April 6, 2008 Dear Prashant, please give me one or two hours to reflect on this subject. Quality needs time. See you Pascal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2008 Report Share Posted April 6, 2008 Dear Prashant, Your Question was: " Tell me one thing if Ju being exalted placed in 2'nd house then would it imply that there would be separation from spouse. " Not necessarily. Depends on various individual chart factors (see below). Some chart observations: Lagna Gemini (Drishti from Virgo/Moon, Sagittarius, Pisces/Venus) 2nd Cancer, Ju (Lord of 7th/10th), exalted 4th Virgo, Mo (Lord of 2nd) and 12th (Taurus), Moon in enemy sign (Virgo is debilitation sign of Venus, female planets do not feel fine in analytic sign Virgo) 7th Sagittarius, Lord Ju in 2nd, Cancer, exalted 10th Ve, Pisces, Lord of 5th (Libra) and 12th (Taurus), exalted Positive Factors: 1.) Lord of 7th (Ju) exalted 2.) Venus exalted Negative Factors: 1.) Lord of 2nd/12th (Mo) in 4th (Virgo), in enemy sign (with Dristhi on Lagna and 7th, self)(always consider Moon for Taurus as well!) 2.) Lord of 12th (Ve) with Dristhi on Lagna (self) and 7th Jupiter (Lord 7th and 10th) in 8th bhava (big problems, transformations) from 7th (!): this constellation gives a hint on marriage problems. Lord of 12th in 2 gives even bigger problems. Additionally, Venus in *Karma* Bhava, not only a Kendra, but also an Upachaya house (house of development needed) hints at experiences to do with " Venus themes " in life. So position in D-10 and D-12 would be interesting as well. Two exalted planets do not prevent from life problems. Exaltation seems to produce quick planetary results (including all influences on this planet), whereas debilitation seems to delay these effects. Venus is Lord of 5th Bhava (Libra) as well, which can lead to extra-marital affairs. These are just my first observations. More information is needed: 1.) What is Shadbala and Vimsopaka strength for Jupiter, Moon, Venus? 2.) What is D-9, D-7, D-60, D-4 and D-30 amsa rasi for Jupiter, Moon, Venus? 3.) Jupiter, Moon, Venus are in Sun's or in Moon's Hora? 4.) Jupiter, Moon, Venus receive Rasi/Graha Drishtis from malefics/benefics? 5.) Does your 7th bhava receive Rasi/Graha Drishtis from malefics/benefics? 6.) What is the situation for 7th from AL? 7.) Where is Ketu as co-lord of Sagittarius posited (Sg is Moolatrikona for Ketu!) 8.) All avathas for Jupiter, Moon, Venus needed for complete analysis. So, chart analysis for such relevant questions has to be very profound. Are you still interested in talking about debilitated Saturn? Regards Pascal P.S. Rahu/Ketu people are not always evil people, this depends highly on the level of consciousness. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2008 Report Share Posted April 6, 2008 Solid knowledge you have....Superb!!! 11'th May 1979 08:09AM Varanasi Whatever you see from this chart then please predict. Thanks and Regards Prashant Pandey vedic astrology , " pascalthomas_va " <pthomas69 wrote: > > Dear Prashant, > > Your Question was: > " Tell me one thing if Ju being exalted placed in 2'nd house then would > it imply that there would be separation from spouse. " > > Not necessarily. Depends on various individual chart factors (see below). > > Some chart observations: > Lagna Gemini (Drishti from Virgo/Moon, Sagittarius, Pisces/Venus) > 2nd Cancer, Ju (Lord of 7th/10th), exalted > 4th Virgo, Mo (Lord of 2nd) and 12th (Taurus), > Moon in enemy sign (Virgo is debilitation sign of Venus, female > planets do not feel fine in analytic sign Virgo) > 7th Sagittarius, Lord Ju in 2nd, Cancer, exalted > 10th Ve, Pisces, Lord of 5th (Libra) and 12th (Taurus), exalted > > Positive Factors: > 1.) Lord of 7th (Ju) exalted > 2.) Venus exalted > > Negative Factors: > 1.) Lord of 2nd/12th (Mo) in 4th (Virgo), in enemy sign (with Dristhi > on Lagna and 7th, self)(always consider Moon for Taurus as well!) > 2.) Lord of 12th (Ve) with Dristhi on Lagna (self) and 7th > > Jupiter (Lord 7th and 10th) in 8th bhava (big problems, > transformations) from 7th (!): > this constellation gives a hint on marriage problems. > > Lord of 12th in 2 gives even bigger problems. > Additionally, Venus in *Karma* Bhava, not only a Kendra, but also an > Upachaya house (house of development needed) hints at experiences to > do with " Venus themes " in life. So position in D-10 and D-12 would be > interesting as well. > > Two exalted planets do not prevent from life problems. Exaltation > seems to produce quick planetary results (including all influences on > this planet), whereas debilitation seems to delay these effects. > > Venus is Lord of 5th Bhava (Libra) as well, which can lead to > extra-marital affairs. > > These are just my first observations. > > More information is needed: > 1.) What is Shadbala and Vimsopaka strength for Jupiter, Moon, Venus? > 2.) What is D-9, D-7, D-60, D-4 and D-30 amsa rasi for Jupiter, Moon, > Venus? > 3.) Jupiter, Moon, Venus are in Sun's or in Moon's Hora? > 4.) Jupiter, Moon, Venus receive Rasi/Graha Drishtis from > malefics/benefics? > 5.) Does your 7th bhava receive Rasi/Graha Drishtis from > malefics/benefics? > 6.) What is the situation for 7th from AL? > 7.) Where is Ketu as co-lord of Sagittarius posited (Sg is > Moolatrikona for Ketu!) > 8.) All avathas for Jupiter, Moon, Venus needed for complete analysis. > > So, chart analysis for such relevant questions has to be very profound. > > Are you still interested in talking about debilitated Saturn? > > Regards > Pascal > > P.S. Rahu/Ketu people are not always evil people, this depends highly > on the level of consciousness. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2008 Report Share Posted April 6, 2008 Hey, you are so young, I didn't expect! Three more observations: Ju, Lord of 7th, in 2 receives Drishti from Ketu (problems, need for moksha) and Neptune (in 6, Neptune as dissolving planet). Lords of Ketu in 9 are Saturn and Rahu. Look: Both are yuti (relative near conjunction) in 3! This indicate some problems. 7th receives Drishti from Pluto (in 4; transformation planet) So, once more, exaltation planets do not prevent from crisis, if there are other malefic influences. By the way: Venus (love) is in Pisces, co-lord of Pisces is Ketu, which you know can be very problematic. Ketu influences Ketu, which reduces the good effects of Venus exaltation. Dasa observation: Moola Dasa: Moon mahadasa started May 2007, 7th from Moon are Mars (!), Sun (!) and Mercury, which can make a person very harsh in feelings, very dominant and sometimes even egocentric. Try to master these influences. Chara Dasa: Aries mahadasa since 2000. Supporting this view, Mars as regent (and Pluto as Co-Lord!) is activated. Don't need you to tell about Mars, you know. Pisces mahadasa will start 2012, with exalted Venus, so better love prospects beginning with year 2012 (may). Yours sincerely Pascal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Dear Pascal Ji, Yes i am young and still unmarried. I have to duck all crisis any how which are being created by malefic planets. When Sa was margi then i was going rapidly in dirty gutter of politics and had made myself firm to go in coming general election of India.Polictics is really dirty gutter. Now i dont want and also trying to synergize energy of Ra+Sa in right direction.Because those will give me alot strenght to blow all blocks in my way. Please dont take me as dangerous person,i am very cool and compose as my Mo,Ju and Ve in exchange,please dont measure according to my malefics.I am not destructive but i am constructive.... Thanks and Regards Prashant Pandey pascalthomas_va <pthomas69 wrote: Hey, you are so young, I didn't expect! Three more observations: Ju, Lord of 7th, in 2 receives Drishti from Ketu (problems, need for moksha) and Neptune (in 6, Neptune as dissolving planet). Lords of Ketu in 9 are Saturn and Rahu. Look: Both are yuti (relative near conjunction) in 3! This indicate some problems. 7th receives Drishti from Pluto (in 4; transformation planet) So, once more, exaltation planets do not prevent from crisis, if there are other malefic influences. By the way: Venus (love) is in Pisces, co-lord of Pisces is Ketu, which you know can be very problematic. Ketu influences Ketu, which reduces the good effects of Venus exaltation. Dasa observation: Moola Dasa: Moon mahadasa started May 2007, 7th from Moon are Mars (!), Sun (!) and Mercury, which can make a person very harsh in feelings, very dominant and sometimes even egocentric. Try to master these influences. Chara Dasa: Aries mahadasa since 2000. Supporting this view, Mars as regent (and Pluto as Co-Lord!) is activated. Don't need you to tell about Mars, you know. Pisces mahadasa will start 2012, with exalted Venus, so better love prospects beginning with year 2012 (may). Yours sincerely Pascal Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Dear Prashant, I appreciate your way of thinking. " Synergize energy of Ra+Sa in right direction " is absolutely the correct approach. Why do you think I could be thinking in a bad manner about you? This is ABSOLUTELY not the case. I use vedic astrology methods, for grahas I try to interpret them as neutral as possible. To Saturn/Rahu CAN lead so some bad behaviour, it is a critical constellation, but EVERYONE in this constellatin - at first including me - has some of these constellation in his/her chart (are there women in this group???). I don't think you're dangerous or that you have a bad character, not at all, there is no need for this. But be aware: Mars and Mercury are very close together (yuti), this gives sometimes a very radical speech and writing (I can see this from your mail to Rafal). I know this problem very well, sometimes I have to cope with this problem as well, so I can understand you. Prashant, be happy, you have TWO EXALTED PLANETS in your chart: Jupiter and Venus! This is a gift and a great chance you can use, especially when activated in dasa. Moreover, Venus is Vargottama (same sign in Rasi and Navamsa)! Very good! So, you have strong third bhava qualities, strong and difficult, but you have THIS strong Venus as well. So, every chart has challenges and opportunities. Venus is very dominant in Karma Bhava, Lord of Venus is Jupiter, exalted as well. Could you borrow me your Venus for some time, please, Prashant? Yours sincerely Pascal P.S. Taken Pluto into account as well, there is Venus/Pluto Aspect (Opposition). You may think about that. And reflect how you can live your third house the best way - a life-long challenge, do not hesitate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Sir, Why you missed my Su,it is also exalted. Thanks and Regards Prashant Pandey pascalthomas_va <pthomas69 wrote: Dear Prashant, I appreciate your way of thinking. " Synergize energy of Ra+Sa in right direction " is absolutely the correct approach. Why do you think I could be thinking in a bad manner about you? This is ABSOLUTELY not the case. I use vedic astrology methods, for grahas I try to interpret them as neutral as possible. To Saturn/Rahu CAN lead so some bad behaviour, it is a critical constellation, but EVERYONE in this constellatin - at first including me - has some of these constellation in his/her chart (are there women in this group???). I don't think you're dangerous or that you have a bad character, not at all, there is no need for this. But be aware: Mars and Mercury are very close together (yuti), this gives sometimes a very radical speech and writing (I can see this from your mail to Rafal). I know this problem very well, sometimes I have to cope with this problem as well, so I can understand you. Prashant, be happy, you have TWO EXALTED PLANETS in your chart: Jupiter and Venus! This is a gift and a great chance you can use, especially when activated in dasa. Moreover, Venus is Vargottama (same sign in Rasi and Navamsa)! Very good! So, you have strong third bhava qualities, strong and difficult, but you have THIS strong Venus as well. So, every chart has challenges and opportunities. Venus is very dominant in Karma Bhava, Lord of Venus is Jupiter, exalted as well. Could you borrow me your Venus for some time, please, Prashant? Yours sincerely Pascal P.S. Taken Pluto into account as well, there is Venus/Pluto Aspect (Opposition). You may think about that. And reflect how you can live your third house the best way - a life-long challenge, do not hesitate. Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Oh yes, you are right!!! Is this justice? You have THREE exalted planets! Sun/Mars and Saturn/Mercury are dominating planets in your chart. In a way one can say that you have a chart of extremes, which makes you a very interesting person, like me (Rahu/Sun and Ketu/Jupiter). By the way: Your Moon is not Virgo in 4th as you stated, it is Libra in 5th (JHora Calculation). Sunny Greetings Pascal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Yes its in Libra sir.... Sir i am not from underworld and also not a criminal...please dont think that my malefics will influenece me much.My benefics are also doing well in natal chart... Baisay our arudha champ also have very good chart.... 25 oct 82 19:36 poland Prashant Pandey vedic astrology , " pascalthomas_va " <pthomas69 wrote: > > Oh yes, you are right!!! > > Is this justice? You have THREE exalted planets! > Sun/Mars and Saturn/Mercury are dominating planets in your chart. > In a way one can say that you have a chart of extremes, which makes > you a very interesting person, like me (Rahu/Sun and Ketu/Jupiter). > > By the way: Your Moon is not Virgo in 4th as you stated, it is Libra > in 5th (JHora Calculation). > > Sunny Greetings > Pascal > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 Dear Prashant, yes, I know, of course, I already told you... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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