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I would like to introduce a new Invention and request your suggestions and

corrections of my viewpoints.




Since 1999 I have studied Jyotish with great passion. One of the main

questions that has motivated me is: How much FREE WILL we actually have and

how much is FIXED DESTINY. Can we actually change and how much?




From my understanding, each incarnation is a process of evolution as we

strive to unfold our awakened consciousness. There are 2 ways to reach the





.. The slow way is by means of learning through pain and suffering

which is very effective in showing us the consequences of our thoughts and

actions. With every step away from the path of light we are walking into

" the dark " which is a painful experience. When we are too far away from the

centre of light the pain becomes unbearable and we will turn around. This

would mean that every painful experience is a helpful teacher guiding us

back on our path towards enlightenment. With every lesson we have evolved

and do not need to make the same mistake again. J




.. The highway is by means of constant vigilance and conscious

choice. An evolved soul always has a choice which is guided by higher

wisdom. (life experience) If we decide to walk the path of consciousness we

have to be aware of habits and pattern which are our unconscious self.




To support the process of conscious choice and to prevent the falling back

into an unconscious state of habits and patterns I have created a tool which

I have called THE SECRET WATCH <http://www.thesecretwatch.com/> ,

MEDITATION TIMER <http://www.meditationtimer.info/> & AWARENESS MONITOR





The concept with all of them is the same and based on my astrological

understanding of the human qualities and challenges. On the other side can

the watch be used in many different ways to cater for different needs that I

have used different names during this Beta Phase to approach different

interest groups and see where the greatest feedback is coming from.




How it works.




There are 2 built in systems in this watch. One is the MEDITATION

<http://www.meditationtimer.info/> TIMER which obviously is a count-down

timer as described in the first video but as a second function the watch has

a built in AWARENESS MONITOR <http://www.awarenessmonitor.com/> which works

as follows.




At irregular intervals the user is reminded by a gentle chime, to separate

themselves mentally from any involvement. The user would choose the adequate

area of life ( Spiritual/Sun, Familial/Moon, Physical/Mars, Mental/Mercury,

Financial/Jupiter, Social/Venus and Vocational/Saturn) and then evaluate

their situation from a conscious state of mind.




1. Spiritual / Sun do I have a spiritual mission, a purpose. Do I have

faith that I will achieve my purpose and do I follow with total dedication?

Do I plan my Life and follow my plans? Or do I wander aimlessly from one

goal to the other without knowing my true purpose?


2. Familial / Moon Do I care for my family, friends and partners and

appreciate them for who they are. Do they appreciate me for who I am? Or do

we try to fix each other and argue and hurt each other's feelings by forcing

our values on others?


3. Physical / Mars. Do I care for my physical health and wellbeing?

This includes exercise, discipline, moderation, healthy food, tidiness,

cleanliness and sexual control. Do I treat my body with care and respect or



4. Mental / Mercury Is my mind concentrated, focussed and still so

that I am in charge of my thoughts and feelings? Do I have the ability to

learn and comprehend or am I scattered nervous and confused? Am I honest and

clear in my expressions or am I cheating and lying?


5. Financial / Jupiter Do I have control over my financial situation

and the wisdom on how to create financial independence or do I struggle with

my bills, loans and payments?


6. Social / Venus Am I recognized for my achievements and do I have

social power as a leader. Do I create something that others want or need or

have I become a consumer that is addicted to short term pleasure?


7. Vocational / Saturn I do what I love and love what I do and

therefore I am successful in my career. Do I render good service and receive

adequate compensation or is my work and my service done with no love and no





There are many different ways these questions can be asked but in general,

quality questions will always give quality answers. If we start to evaluate

our own life consciously every 45 minutes or hourly, we might have the

chance to change our path before we hit the darkness of pain and suffering.




This AWARENESS <http://www.awarenessmonitor.com/> MONITOR is a perfect tool

to work with clients, to show them their astrological play as it unfolds in

their daily life. In conjunction with a teacher, guru, trainer it can be

used to track progress, strengthen particular areas of life and to link low

value areas to the highest purpose.




" Meditation is one of the greatest arts in life,


perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody else,

that is the beauty of it.




It has no technique and therefore no authority. When you learn about

yourself, watch yourself, watch the way you talk, how you eat, what you say,

the gossip, the hate, the jealousy - if you are AWARE of all that in

yourself, without any choice, that is part of meditation.










We have found many different ways to use the watch very effectively and

would like to invite some Jyotish Teachers into this Beta Test Program to

find the most effective and most powerful method in guiding people to

consciousness. Every new tool needs guidance until it can be used with

confidence and if you are interested to join me in my endeavour please feel

free to contact me privately on support






Viam Viassa Devaya Namaha









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