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Default Ayanamsa Change in JHora 7.1

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A lot of people have asked this and I need to clarify about a change in the

default ayanamsa used in JHora 7.1.


The default has been changed from " Lahiri (Chitrapaksha) " to " Vishnunabhi Plane

(Chitrapaksha) " . The name was coined by me in a hurry and perhaps unintuitive -

I will rename it in future versions as " Modified Lahiri (Chitrapaksha - fixed

plane) " . If you like the plain old Lahiri, you can change the default (In main

menu, " Preferences " >> " Related to calculations " >> " Ayanamsa " ). Let me explain

what the modification is.


In astrology, we project the planetary positions from the three-dimensional

space to a two-dimensional plane and find longitudes by measuring the angle from

a reference point (start of the zodiac) in that two dimensional plane and the

projection of planet on that plane. In regular ayanamsa implementations, the

two-dimensional plane onto which planets are projected for the purpose of

finding longitudes is *oscillating*. The plane in use at birth and the plane in

use in the annual chart of a year later and the plane used in transits are all



When we are trying to fix the starting point of the zodiac in each ayanamsa,

does it make sense to have the " plane of zodiac " vary from day to day?


Vishnunabhi plane chitrapaksha ayanamsa is a new addition in JHora 7.1. It is

essentially Lahiri ayanamsa only, but takes a fixed mean plane instead of the

oscillating plane. Thus, when we find planetary longitudes at birth and in an

annual Tajaka/Tithi Pravesha chart later or in transits later, the same fixed

zodiacal plane is used to project planets in all cases.


This is more consistent and logical. In my experience, it gives superior results

with annaul lunar return charts, which are very sensitive to this change.


This normally makes very little difference in natal charts, but can change a

planet's sign in rasi or divisional charts in some border cases. It can also

change the nakshatra dasa dates by several weeks. This also makes a considerable

difference in Tajaka and Tithi Pravesha annual charts. The time of the chart can

change by upto 15 min and lagna in some divisional charts may change in TP and

Tajaka annual charts. Based on my experiments, I am convinced that this works

better than the regular Lahiri ayanamsa.


That is why I have changed the default in the software, but you can revert to

regular Lahiri if you are convinced that that is better.


In general, for questions on Jagannatha Hora software, please use the

" jhora " . Please go to




to or send a mail to jhora- .


Best regards,



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---- Ashish Sharma <ashi078 wrote:

> Dear Sh. PVR ji,


> I just want to highlight the difference in charts using different versions

(7.02 and 7.1b2) of JHORA.


> First, let me thank you for this software and I sincerely appreciate your

efforts into this.


> Now, the issue:


> When I use create chart for a native having DOB 2nd Aug 1985, Kangra (HP,

India), the horoscope caste by above mentioned different versions of JHORA is

different. I couldn't understand why? The horoscope coming with old version

seems to be correct one as per different tools in other websites.


> Also, using 7.1b2, the Mahadasa calculation for native (22nd july 1980, 7.10

AM Delhi, India) is different when compared with old version. Sani Mahadasa ends

on 18th April 08 as per new version but as per old version, it should end in

last week of Mar 08. Again, old version seems to give correct calculation.


> This is just an feedback so that you may look into this (per your time

permitting) and carry out modifications, if required.


> Regards

> Ashish

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