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Change of Government in Myanmar

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Change of Government in Myanmar.


Dear Professor and astrologers,

The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic

for Vedic Mundane astrology.

Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,

16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are

drastically worsen by each and every day.

- There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the

country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.

- People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,

there was a general election held by military government who couped

the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for

Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,

military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.

-Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).



_Aung San Suu Kyi,

- Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )

(Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :

- Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and

she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was

drown tragically at an early age.

- She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to

New Delhi, India.

- Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became

the mother of two sons.

- Mother died December 27, 1988

- Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,


- She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of

detainment out of 17 year in country).

Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her

birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:


Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my

country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of

leadership in Myanmar.


With Thanks and sincere hopes,


Khin Maung Soe

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Hello Khin Maung Soe,


The country horoscopes shows better time from April, 2007. The horoscope of

Ms Aung San Suu Kyi also shows better time now. May be there are good

developments around the time when in country chart the main period of

Mercury begins.


Ms Aung San Suu Kyi has her Saturn the lord of the sixth house under the

close affliction of nodes in the house which is under the close affliction

of the lord of the twelfth house. Saturn sub period started from February

1987 and was operative till 2nd February, 2006.


Best wishes,




A-105, South City II,

Gurgaon 122018 (India)

PH: 91 124 2219240



" Khin Maung Soe " <kmsoe2001


Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:19 PM

Change of Government in Myanmar



> Change of Government in Myanmar.


> Dear Professor and astrologers,

> The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic

> for Vedic Mundane astrology.

> Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,

> 16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are

> drastically worsen by each and every day.

> - There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the

> country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.

> - People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,

> there was a general election held by military government who couped

> the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for

> Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,

> military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.

> -Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).



> _Aung San Suu Kyi,

> - Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )

> (Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :

> - Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and

> she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was

> drown tragically at an early age.

> - She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to

> New Delhi, India.

> - Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became

> the mother of two sons.

> - Mother died December 27, 1988

> - Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,

> 1999.

> - She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of

> detainment out of 17 year in country).

> Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her

> birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:


> Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my

> country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of

> leadership in Myanmar.


> With Thanks and sincere hopes,


> Khin Maung Soe









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Dear Khin

Maung Soe,


This is the rectified chart of Myanmar:











As we can see, natal Mercury, L1, is

exactly afflicted and combust by the Sun, and its mahadasha it is still to begin

in September 2008.  


Transit Saturn, L6, is now afflicting

natal Venus, L2, and MEP1, MEP5, MEP8 and MEP11. Transit Sun is afflicted by natal

Ketu and transit Rahu.


Some of

the data/events used in the rectification:


Official Name - Union of Burma: Note:

Since 1989 the military authorities in Burma have promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional name for their state. This decision was not (and

is not) approved by any sitting legislature in Burma, and is not accepted by

the U.S. However, the name Myanmar is widely accepted by numerous countries, and by the United



Independence of Burma

1. -


(1) On the appointed day, Burma shall become an

independent country, neither forming part of His Majesty's dominions nor entitled

to His Majesty's protection.


(2) In this Act, the expression " the

appointed day " means the fourth day of January, nineteen hundred and



(3) The suzerainty of His Majesty over the

part of Burma known as the Karenni States shall lapse as from the appointed

day, and with it all treaties and agreements in force between His Majesty and

the rulers of the Karenni States, all functions exercisable by His Majesty with

respect to

the Karenni States, all obligations of His Majesty towards the Karenni States

or the rulers thereof, and all powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction

exercisable by His Majesty in or in relation to the Karenni States by treaty,

grant, usage, sufferance or otherwise.




Regaining of independence


The British scheme to practise

divide-and-rule policy failed as all the national people showed their unity by

signing the Panlong Agreement on 12 February 1947. Myanmar became an independent

and sovereign nation on 4 January ] 948 as struggles were launched with the spirit of national

solidarity forged at the Panlong Conference as the base.


At the Secretariat (now, the Office of the

Ministers) at 4.20 am on 4 January 1948, the Independence Day flag hoisting ceremony was held. After

independence declaration paper was read, the government was formed and Shan

national Sao Shwe Thaik was declared the first president of the Union of





4.20 am, January 4, 1999,  was the 51st Anniversary of the astrologically auspicious hour when Burma gained her independence

from British colonial rule.


ATTENTION: At 4:20 AM they were already independent, according with the

British tradition to give independence at 12:00 AM. So, the flag hoisting ceremony was held 4:20hrs

after the real independence moment. However, please note that the MEPs of both

charts are 17:23 and 17:32 which may lead to some confusion (Jorge Angelino).


Top 10 Natural Disasters in Myanmar

sorted by numbers of people killed and


Disaster Date Killed

Wind Storm 10-May-1968 1,070

Wind Storm 19-May-2004 236

Wind Storm 23-Oct-1967 178

Wind Storm 23-Oct-1965 100

Wind Storm 16-May-1967 100


Disaster Date Affected

Flood 15-Jul-1974 1,400,000

Wind Storm 23-Oct-1965 500,000

Flood 13-Jul-1991 377,546

Flood Jun-1976 200,000

Flood 21-Aug-1997 137,418

Wind Storm 17-May-1978 132,000

Wind Storm 16-May-1967 130,200

Wind Storm 10-May-1968 90,000

Wind Storm 2-May-1994 64,970


Top 10 Technological Disasters in Myanmar

sorted by numbers of people killed and


Disaster Date Killed

Transport Accident 6-Apr-1990 200

Transport Accident 11-Apr-1982 160

Transport Accident 23-May-1993 137

Transport Accident 28-Mar-1982 130

Transport Accident May-1987 117

Misc Accident 20-Mar-1988 113

Transport Accident 29-Nov-1987 110

Transport Accident 30-Dec-1994 102

Transport Accident 4-Oct-1987 100

Transport Accident Oct-1989 60


Disaster Date Affected

Misc Accident 10-May-1981 35,000

Misc Accident 24-Mar-1984 23,000

Misc Accident 16-Feb-1989 22,324

Misc Accident 16-Feb-1988 22,008

Misc Accident 4-Mar-1986 21,540

Misc Accident 16-Dec-1972 20,000

Misc Accident 20-Mar-1988 20,000

Misc Accident 9-Jun-1993 10,030

Misc Accident 12-Apr-1982 10,000

Misc Accident 27-Jul-1989 9,50


date type registration operator fat. location

pic cat

26-OCT-1999 Airbus A.320 VT-ESL Indian Airlines 0 Myanmar   A2

02-JUL-1999 Fokker F-27 XY-AEO Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar  A1

24-AUG-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AEN Myanma Airways 36 Myanmar   A1

27-JAN-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AES Myanma Airways 16 Myanmar  A1

24-JUL-1996 Fokker F-27 XY-AET Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar  A1

06-OCT-1993 Fokker F-27 XY-AEP Myanma Airways 0 Myanmar  A1

03-FEB-1989 Fokker F-27 XY-AEK Burma Airways 26 Myanmar  A1

16-JUN-1988 Fokker F-27 XY-ADQ Burma Airways 4 Myanmar   A1

11-OCT-1987 Fokker F-27 XY-AEL Burma Airways 49 Myanmar   A1

21-JUN-1987 Fokker F-27 XY-ADP Burma Airways 45 Myanmar   A1

12-OCT-1985 Fokker F-27 XY-ADS Burma Airways 4 Myanmar   A1

08-OCT-1983 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEE Burma Airways 9 Myanmar   A1

12-AUG-1982 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEB Burma Airways 8 Myanmar   A1

29-JUN-1981 Fokker F-27 XY-ADN Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

19-AUG-1980 Fokker F-27 XY-ADO Burma Airways 0 Myanmar  A1

24-JAN-1980 Fairchild FH-227 5003 Burma AF 43 Myanmar  A1

03-OCT-1978 Fokker F-27 XY-ADY Burma Airways 2 Myanmar  A1

26-AUG-1978 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEI Burma Airways 14 Myanmar   A1

25-MAR-1978 Fokker F-27 XY-ADK Burma Airways 48 Myanmar   A1

08-SEP-1977 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEH Burma Airways 25 Myanmar   A1

05-JUL-1976 Douglas DC-3 ? Burma AF 17 Myanmar   A1

03-FEB-1975 Boeing 747 N.. Pan Am 0 Myanmar   O2

30-APR-1974 Fokker F-27 XY-ADM Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

24-AUG-1972 Vickers Viscount XY-ADF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar  A1

16-AUG-1972 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACM Burma Airways 28 Myanmar   A1

23-MAY-1969 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACR Union of Burma Airways 6 Myanmar   A1

22-FEB-1967 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACN Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   U2

22-FEB-1967 Douglas DC-3 XY-ABF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   U2

25-JUN-1966 Fokker F-27 XY-ADL Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

19-MAR-1957 Douglas DC-3 XY-ADB Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

08-AUG-1956 Douglas DC-3 XY-ADC Union of Burma Airways 11 Myanmar   A1

02-SEP-1955 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACQ Union of Burma Airways 9 Myanmar   A1

04-AUG-1953 Miles Marathon XY-ACX Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

10-JAN-1953 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACL Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar   A1

18-JAN-1950 Douglas DC-3 PI-C184 Trans Asiatic Airlines 0 Myanmar   A1

13-SEP-1949 Douglas DC-3 VR-HDW Cathay Pacific 0 Myanmar   A1


1975        Jul 8, An earthquake struck

Pagan (Bagan), Burma, and destroyed many monuments.


1988        Aug 8-Aug 13, The police

killed nearly 3,000 protesters in the streets of Rangoon.


1990        Apr 7, In Burma 30 people died when a

ferry flipped over.


2001        Feb 19, A helicopter crash

killed junta Lt. Gen. Tin Oo (67) and left 14 missing.


2004        May 19, A cyclone that swept

through western Myanmar and left more than 140 people dead or missing, and

about 18,000 people homeless.


Official reports from the government of Myanmar (Burma) cite a death toll of 56

due to the tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian

Ocean earthquake on 26 December 2004. Independent media

reports 90 people killed


Best wishes,






[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Khin

Maung Soe

domingo, 16 de Julho de 2006



Change of

Government in Myanmar





Change of

Government in Myanmar.


Dear Professor and astrologers,

The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic

for Vedic Mundane astrology.

Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,

16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are

drastically worsen by each and every day.

- There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the

country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.

- People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,

there was a general election held by military government who couped

the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for

Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,

military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.

-Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).


_Aung San Suu Kyi,

- Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )

(Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :

- Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and

she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was

drown tragically at an early age.

- She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to

New Delhi, India.

- Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became

the mother of two sons.

- Mother died December 27, 1988

- Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,


- She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of

detainment out of 17 year in country).

Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her

birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:


Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my

country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of

leadership in Myanmar.


With Thanks and sincere hopes,


Khin Maung Soe








Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 14.07.2006





Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 14.07.2006

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Dear Sir, Thank you very much for rectification of Myanmar Chart and detail explanation. Do you find something interesting in this chart? With best wishes and thanks, Khin Maung Soe.Jorge Angelino <jorge.angelino wrote: Dear Khin Maung Soe, This is the rectified chart of Myanmar: As we can see, natal Mercury, L1, is exactly afflicted and combust by the Sun, and its mahadasha it is still to begin in September 2008. Transit Saturn, L6, is now afflicting natal Venus, L2, and MEP1, MEP5, MEP8 and MEP11. Transit Sun is afflicted by natal Ketu and transit Rahu. Some of the data/events used in the rectification: Official Name - Union of Burma: Note: Since 1989 the military authorities in Burma have promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional name for their state. This decision was not (and is not) approved by any sitting legislature in Burma, and is not accepted by the U.S.

However, the name Myanmar is widely accepted by numerous countries, and by the United Nations. Independence of Burma 1. - (1) On the appointed day, Burma shall become an independent country, neither forming part of His Majesty's dominions nor

entitled to His Majesty's protection. (2) In this Act, the expression "the appointed day" means the fourth day of January, nineteen hundred and forty-eight. (3) The suzerainty of His

Majesty over the part of Burma known as the Karenni States shall lapse as from the appointed day, and with it all treaties and agreements in force between His Majesty and the rulers of the Karenni States, all functions exercisable by His Majesty with respect to the Karenni States, all obligations of His Majesty towards the Karenni States or the rulers thereof, and all powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by His Majesty in or in relation to the Karenni States by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance or otherwise. http://www.ibiblio.org/freeburma/docs/burma_independence_docs.html Regaining of independence The British scheme to practise divide-and-rule policy failed as all the national people showed their unity by signing the Panlong Agreement on 12 February 1947. Myanmar became an independent and sovereign nation on 4 January ] 948 as struggles were launched with the spirit of national solidarity forged at the Panlong Conference as the base. At the Secretariat (now, the Office of the Ministers) at 4.20 am on 4 January 1948, the Independence Day flag hoisting ceremony was held. After independence declaration paper was read, the government was formed and Shan national Sao Shwe Thaik was declared the first president of the Union of Myanmar. http://www.myanmar.com/Union/independence.html 4.20 am, January 4, 1999, was the 51st

Anniversary of the astrologically auspicious hour when Burma gained her independence from British colonial rule. ATTENTION: At 4:20 AM they were already independent, according with the British tradition to give independence at 12:00 AM. So, the flag hoisting ceremony was held 4:20hrs after the real independence moment. However, please note that the MEPs of both charts are 17:23 and

17:32 which may lead to some confusion (Jorge Angelino). Top 10 Natural Disasters in Myanmar sorted by numbers of people killed and affected Disaster Date Killed Wind Storm 10-May-1968 1,070 Wind Storm 19-May-2004 236 Wind Storm 23-Oct-1967 178 Wind Storm 23-Oct-1965 100 Wind Storm 16-May-1967 100 Disaster Date Affected Flood 15-Jul-1974 1,400,000 Wind Storm 23-Oct-1965 500,000 Flood 13-Jul-1991 377,546 Flood Jun-1976 200,000 Flood 21-Aug-1997 137,418 Wind Storm 17-May-1978 132,000 Wind Storm 16-May-1967 130,200 Wind Storm 10-May-1968 90,000 Wind Storm 2-May-1994 64,970 Top 10 Technological Disasters in Myanmar sorted by numbers of people killed and affected Disaster Date Killed Transport Accident 6-Apr-1990 200 Transport Accident 11-Apr-1982 160 Transport Accident 23-May-1993 137 Transport Accident 28-Mar-1982 130 Transport Accident May-1987 117 Misc Accident 20-Mar-1988 113 Transport Accident 29-Nov-1987 110 Transport Accident 30-Dec-1994 102 Transport Accident 4-Oct-1987 100 Transport Accident Oct-1989 60 Disaster Date Affected Misc Accident 10-May-1981 35,000 Misc Accident 24-Mar-1984 23,000 Misc Accident 16-Feb-1989 22,324 Misc Accident 16-Feb-1988 22,008 Misc Accident 4-Mar-1986 21,540 Misc Accident 16-Dec-1972 20,000 Misc Accident 20-Mar-1988 20,000 Misc Accident 9-Jun-1993 10,030 Misc Accident 12-Apr-1982 10,000 Misc Accident 27-Jul-1989 9,50

date type registration operator fat. location pic cat 26-OCT-1999 Airbus A.320 VT-ESL Indian Airlines 0 Myanmar A2 02-JUL-1999 Fokker F-27 XY-AEO Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1 24-AUG-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AEN Myanma Airways 36 Myanmar A1 27-JAN-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AES Myanma Airways 16 Myanmar A1 24-JUL-1996 Fokker F-27 XY-AET Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1 06-OCT-1993 Fokker F-27 XY-AEP Myanma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 03-FEB-1989 Fokker F-27 XY-AEK Burma Airways 26 Myanmar A1 16-JUN-1988 Fokker F-27 XY-ADQ Burma Airways 4 Myanmar A1 11-OCT-1987 Fokker F-27

XY-AEL Burma Airways 49 Myanmar A1 21-JUN-1987

Fokker F-27 XY-ADP Burma Airways 45 Myanmar A1 12-OCT-1985 Fokker F-27 XY-ADS Burma Airways 4 Myanmar A1 08-OCT-1983 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEE Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1 12-AUG-1982 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEB Burma Airways 8 Myanmar A1 29-JUN-1981 Fokker F-27 XY-ADN Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 19-AUG-1980 Fokker F-27 XY-ADO Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 24-JAN-1980 Fairchild FH-227 5003 Burma AF 43 Myanmar A1 03-OCT-1978 Fokker F-27 XY-ADY Burma Airways 2 Myanmar A1 26-AUG-1978 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEI Burma Airways 14 Myanmar A1 25-MAR-1978 Fokker F-27 XY-ADK Burma Airways 48 Myanmar A1 08-SEP-1977 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEH Burma Airways 25 Myanmar A1 05-JUL-1976 Douglas DC-3 ? Burma AF 17 Myanmar A1 03-FEB-1975 Boeing 747 N.. Pan Am 0 Myanmar O2 30-APR-1974 Fokker F-27 XY-ADM Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 24-AUG-1972 Vickers Viscount XY-ADF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 16-AUG-1972 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACM Burma Airways 28 Myanmar A1 23-MAY-1969 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACR Union of Burma Airways 6 Myanmar A1 22-FEB-1967 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACN Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar U2 22-FEB-1967 Douglas DC-3 XY-ABF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar U2 25-JUN-1966 Fokker F-27 XY-ADL Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 19-MAR-1957 Douglas DC-3 XY-ADB Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 08-AUG-1956 Douglas DC-3 XY-ADC Union of Burma Airways 11 Myanmar A1 02-SEP-1955 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACQ Union of Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1 04-AUG-1953 Miles Marathon XY-ACX Union of Burma Airways 0

Myanmar A1 10-JAN-1953 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACL Union

of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1 18-JAN-1950 Douglas

DC-3 PI-C184 Trans Asiatic Airlines 0 Myanmar A1 13-SEP-1949 Douglas DC-3 VR-HDW Cathay Pacific 0 Myanmar A1 1975 Jul 8, An earthquake struck Pagan (Bagan), Burma, and destroyed many monuments. 1988 Aug 8-Aug 13, The police killed nearly 3,000 protesters in the streets of Rangoon. 1990 Apr 7, In Burma 30 people died when a ferry flipped over. 2001 Feb 19, A helicopter crash killed junta Lt. Gen. Tin Oo (67) and left 14 missing. 2004 May 19,

A cyclone that swept through western Myanmar and left more than 140 people dead or missing, and about 18,000 people homeless. Official reports from the government of Myanmar (Burma) cite a death toll of 56 due to the tsunami caused by the 2004

Indian Ocean earthquake on 26 December 2004. Independent media reports 90 people killed Best wishes, Jorge SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Khin Maung Soedomingo, 16 de Julho de 2006 16:50SAMVA Subject: Change of Government in Myanmar Change of Government in Myanmar.Dear Professor and astrologers,The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic for Vedic Mundane astrology.Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10, 16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are drastically worsen by each and every day. - There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.- People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result, there was a general election held by military government who couped the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,

military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.-Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma)._Aung San Suu Kyi, - Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )(Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :- Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was drown tragically at an early age.- She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to New Delhi, India.- Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became the mother of two sons.- Mother died December 27, 1988- Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27, 1999.- She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of detainment out of 17 year in country).Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:Please

analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of leadership in Myanmar.With Thanks and sincere hopes,Khin Maung Soe --Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 14.07.2006 --Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 14.07.2006 Khin Maung SoeE-mail: kmsoe, kmsoeBlk 689, Jurong West Central 1#09-217Singapore 640689Tel:(65)6729 2609

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Dear Professor, Thank you very much for your prediction. Do you see any harm for Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi in her chart? With best wishes and thanks, Khin Maung Soe.siha wrote: Hello Khin Maung Soe,The country horoscopes shows better time from April, 2007. The horoscope ofMs Aung San Suu Kyi also shows better time now. May be there are gooddevelopments around the time when in country chart the main period ofMercury begins.Ms

Aung San Suu Kyi has her Saturn the lord of the sixth house under theclose affliction of nodes in the house which is under the close afflictionof the lord of the twelfth house. Saturn sub period started from February1987 and was operative till 2nd February, 2006.Best wishes,www.YourNetAstrologer.comA-105, South City II,Gurgaon 122018 (India)PH: 91 124 2219240- "Khin Maung Soe" <kmsoe2001 ><SAMVA >Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:19 PM Change of Government in Myanmar> Change of Government in Myanmar.>> Dear Professor and astrologers,> The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic> for Vedic Mundane astrology.> Myanmar gained her

indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,> 16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are> drastically worsen by each and every day.> - There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the> country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.> - People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,> there was a general election held by military government who couped> the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for> Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,> military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.> -Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).>>> _Aung San Suu Kyi,> - Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )> (Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :> - Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19,

1947. and> she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was> drown tragically at an early age.> - She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to> New Delhi, India.> - Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became> the mother of two sons.> - Mother died December 27, 1988> - Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,> 1999.> - She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of> detainment out of 17 year in country).> Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her> birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:>> Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my> country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of> leadership in Myanmar.>> With Thanks and sincere hopes,>> Khin Maung


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Hello Khin Maung Soe,

Time continues to be difficult but it is likely to be better than before and no serious harm is seen.


Best wishes,





Khin Soe


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:42 PM

Re: Change of Government in Myanmar


Dear Professor,

Thank you very much for your prediction. Do you see any harm for Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi in her chart?


With best wishes and thanks,


Khin Maung Soe.siha wrote:



Hello Khin Maung Soe,The country horoscopes shows better time from April, 2007. The horoscope ofMs Aung San Suu Kyi also shows better time now. May be there are gooddevelopments around the time when in country chart the main period ofMercury begins.Ms Aung San Suu Kyi has her Saturn the lord of the sixth house under theclose affliction of nodes in the house which is under the close afflictionof the lord of the twelfth house. Saturn sub period started from February1987 and was operative till 2nd February, 2006.Best wishes,www.YourNetAstrologer.comA-105, South City II,Gurgaon 122018 (India)PH: 91 124 2219240- "Khin Maung Soe" <kmsoe2001 ><SAMVA >Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:19 PM Change of Government in Myanmar> Change of Government in Myanmar.>> Dear Professor and astrologers,> The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic> for Vedic Mundane astrology.> Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,> 16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are> drastically worsen by each and every day.> - There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the> country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.> - People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,> there was a general election held by military government who couped> the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for> Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,> military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.> -Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).>>> _Aung San Suu Kyi,> - Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )> (Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :> - Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and> she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was> drown tragically at an early age.> - She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to> New Delhi, India.> - Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became> the mother of two sons.> - Mother died December 27, 1988> - Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,> 1999.> - She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of> detainment out of 17 year in country).> Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her> birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:>> Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my> country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of> leadership in Myanmar.>> With Thanks and sincere hopes,>> Khin Maung Soe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Dear Khin

Maung Soe,


All the FBPs are well placed and Venus,

L2, is strong.


Mercury, L1, is exactly combust & afflicted

by the Sun, dispositor of Mars, L8 in H12, which creates a lot of worries,

obstacles and difficulties.


After September 2008, the mahadasha of FM Saturn,

L6, will give place to the MD of FB Mercury, L1.


Jupiter, Sun’s dispositor, is debilitated in

navamsa i.e. both natal spiritual planets are weak.


As natal Jupiter is placed in H3, of initiatives,

it will bring in due time an increased interest in spiritual activities, and that

will bring more support of Natural Law.


Best wishes,






[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Khin


segunda-feira, 17 de Julho

de 2006 16:07


RE: Change of

Government in Myanmar






Dear Sir,



Thank you very much for

rectification of Myanmar Chart and detail explanation. Do you find something

interesting in this chart?



With best wishes and







Khin Maung Soe.


Jorge Angelino <jorge.angelino









Khin Maung Soe,






This is

the rectified chart of Myanmar:

































As we

can see, natal Mercury, L1, is exactly afflicted and combust by the Sun, and

its mahadasha it is still to begin in September 2008.







Saturn, L6, is now afflicting natal Venus, L2, and MEP1, MEP5, MEP8 and MEP11.

Transit Sun is afflicted by natal Ketu and transit Rahu.






Some of the data/events used in the rectification:







Name - Union of Burma: Note: Since 1989 the military authorities in Burma have

promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional name for their state. This decision

was not (and is not) approved by any sitting legislature in Burma, and is not

accepted by the U.S. However, the name Myanmar is widely accepted by numerous

countries, and by the United Nations.







of Burma



1. -






(1) On

the appointed day, Burma shall become an independent country, neither forming

part of His Majesty's dominions nor entitled to His Majesty's protection.






(2) In

this Act, the expression " the appointed day " means the fourth day of

January, nineteen hundred and forty-eight.






(3) The

suzerainty of His Majesty over the part of Burma known as the Karenni States

shall lapse as from the appointed day, and with it all treaties and agreements

in force between His Majesty and the rulers of the Karenni States, all

functions exercisable by His Majesty with respect to the Karenni States, all

obligations of His Majesty towards the Karenni States or the rulers thereof,

and all powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by His Majesty in

or in relation to the Karenni States by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance or














of independence







British scheme to practise divide-and-rule policy failed as all the national

people showed their unity by signing the Panlong Agreement on 12 February 1947.

Myanmar became an independent and sovereign nation on 4 January ] 948 as

struggles were launched with the spirit of national solidarity forged at the

Panlong Conference as the base.






At the

Secretariat (now, the Office of the Ministers) at 4.20 am on 4 January 1948, the

Independence Day flag hoisting ceremony was held. After independence

declaration paper was read, the government was formed and Shan national Sao

Shwe Thaik was declared the first president of the Union of Myanmar.












4.20 am,

January 4, 1999, was the 51st Anniversary of the astrologically

auspicious hour when Burma gained her independence from British colonial rule.






ATTENTION: At 4:20 AM they were already independent,

according with the British tradition to give independence at 12:00 AM. So, the

flag hoisting ceremony was held 4:20hrs after the real independence moment.

However, please note that the MEPs of both charts are 17:23 and 17:32 which may

lead to some confusion (Jorge Angelino).






Top 10

Natural Disasters in Myanmar




by numbers of people killed and affected




Date Killed




Storm 10-May-1968 1,070




Storm 19-May-2004 236




Storm 23-Oct-1967 178




Storm 23-Oct-1965 100




Storm 16-May-1967 100







Date Affected




15-Jul-1974 1,400,000




Storm 23-Oct-1965 500,000




13-Jul-1991 377,546




Jun-1976 200,000




21-Aug-1997 137,418




Storm 17-May-1978 132,000




Storm 16-May-1967 130,200




Storm 10-May-1968 90,000




Storm 2-May-1994 64,970






Top 10

Technological Disasters in Myanmar




by numbers of people killed and affected




Date Killed




Accident 6-Apr-1990 200




Accident 11-Apr-1982 160




Accident 23-May-1993 137




Accident 28-Mar-1982 130




Accident May-1987 117




Accident 20-Mar-1988 113




Accident 29-Nov-1987 110




Accident 30-Dec-1994 102




Accident 4-Oct-1987 100




Accident Oct-1989 60







Date Affected




Accident 10-May-1981 35,000




Accident 24-Mar-1984 23,000




Accident 16-Feb-1989 22,324




Accident 16-Feb-1988 22,008




Accident 4-Mar-1986 21,540




Accident 16-Dec-1972 20,000




Accident 20-Mar-1988 20,000




Accident 9-Jun-1993 10,030




Accident 12-Apr-1982 10,000




Accident 27-Jul-1989 9,50







type registration operator fat. location pic cat




Airbus A.320 VT-ESL Indian Airlines 0 Myanmar A2




Fokker F-27 XY-AEO Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AEN Myanma Airways 36 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AES Myanma Airways 16 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AET Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AEP Myanma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AEK Burma Airways 26 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADQ Burma Airways 4 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-AEL Burma Airways 49 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADP Burma Airways 45 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADS Burma Airways 4 Myanmar A1




DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEE Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1




DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEB Burma Airways 8 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADN Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADO Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Fairchild FH-227 5003 Burma AF 43 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADY Burma Airways 2 Myanmar A1




DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEI Burma Airways 14 Myanmar A1




Fokker F-27 XY-ADK Burma Airways 48 Myanmar A1




DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEH Burma Airways 25 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 ? Burma AF 17 Myanmar A1




Boeing 747 N.. Pan Am 0 Myanmar O2




Fokker F-27 XY-ADM Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Vickers Viscount XY-ADF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ACM Burma Airways 28 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ACR Union of Burma Airways 6 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ACN Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar U2




Douglas DC-3 XY-ABF Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar U2




Fokker F-27 XY-ADL Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ADB Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ADC Union of Burma Airways 11 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ACQ Union of Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1




Miles Marathon XY-ACX Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 XY-ACL Union of Burma Airways 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 PI-C184 Trans Asiatic Airlines 0 Myanmar A1




Douglas DC-3 VR-HDW Cathay Pacific 0 Myanmar A1







Jul 8, An earthquake struck Pagan (Bagan), Burma, and destroyed many monuments.







Aug 8-Aug 13, The police killed nearly 3,000 protesters in the streets of








Apr 7, In Burma 30 people died when a ferry flipped over.







Feb 19, A helicopter crash killed junta Lt. Gen. Tin Oo (67) and left 14








May 19, A cyclone that swept through western Myanmar and left more than 140

people dead or missing, and about 18,000 people homeless.







reports from the government of Myanmar (Burma) cite a death toll of 56 due to

the tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on 26 December 2004.

Independent media reports 90 people killed





















[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Khin

Maung Soe

domingo, 16 de Julho de 2006



Change of

Government in Myanmar









Change of Government in



Dear Professor and astrologers,

The political situation in Myanmar might be a quite interesting topic

for Vedic Mundane astrology.

Myanmar gained her indepence in Jan 4, 1948 (4:20AM, TZ 6:30, 96E10,

16N47), one year after India's independence but people lives are

drastically worsen by each and every day.

- There was Coup d'etat: Mar 2, 1962; 6 pm by General Ne Win and the

country was led to the socialism and poverty was since initiated.

- People went out for demostration in 8-8-1988 and, as a result,

there was a general election held by military government who couped

the power on Sept 18, 1988; 4 pm. Eventhough National League for

Democray (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won the landslide victory,

military regime refuse to hand over the power until now.

-Here is the horoscope of Myanmar (Burma).


_Aung San Suu Kyi,

- Born June 19, 1945; Noon, Rangoon (TZ 6:30, 96E07, 16N47 )

(Exact birth time is not available). Her life event are as follow :

- Father, General Aung San was assinated on Jul 19, 1947. and

she was the third child with two brothers. The second brother was

drown tragically at an early age.

- She was accompanied with her mother (ambassador to India) to

New Delhi, India.

- Married to a briton Dr. Michael Aris Jan 1, 1972. and became

the mother of two sons.

- Mother died December 27, 1988

- Husband Dr. Michael Aris (1946-March 27) died on March 27,


- She is still under house-arrest until now (10 year of

detainment out of 17 year in country).

Using Kepler rectification, the highest scrore was obtained at her

birthtime 12:04: June 19. 1945. And her horoscope is as below:


Please analyse these two horoscope and predict for the future of my

country as 54 millions of people are expecting for the change of

leadership in Myanmar.


With Thanks and sincere hopes,


Khin Maung Soe










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Khin Maung Soe

E-mail: kmsoe, kmsoe

Blk 689, Jurong West Central 1


Singapore 640689

Tel:(65)6729 2609





See the all-new,

redesigned .com. Check it









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