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Buffett's strange eating habbits in the Aq chart

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Dear Sheri and list,


Considering the Aq chart

1) Need for strong taste (excess salt) is given by the weak Moon (loss of



2) The weakness of Venus (sense of taste)

Sa and Mars are tamasic planets. Sa-Ma and Sa-H1 MEP and Ma-H9 MEP (MT of

Ve) are the reasons for the addiction to Coca Cola and fast food


Additionally, the strong Su-H1 influence helps to a large degree in

preventing severe health problems from this poor eating habbit. It also

accounts why his tastes aren't more extreme (a bottle of hot sauce on



My suspicion is that his MEP is closer to the 12:30 mark with his given

atheism. According to our dear Professor, " Weak ninth lord and strong Mars,

third lord and Saturn can cause this (atheism). "



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas





" Sheri Powers " <mermaidslace


Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:56 PM

Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart



> Hi Sally,

> It is interesting what the planets will do. Buffett had strange eating

> habits. He drinks 15 cherry cokes a day, loves the stuff. He mainly eats

> cheeseburgers, ham sandwiches and vanilla ice cream, though his friends

> have tried to broaden his culinary tastes. He also excessively salts his

> food. I wonder if the craving for salt has something to do with

> debillitated Moon, and all of the cokes to do with debillitated Venus.

> Have you seen that before? Sheri Powers


> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

> Hi Sheri,


> Thanks. And in looking at Gate's chart, how interesting Jupiter is on the

> second mep. So while he has great wealth, he either struggled at some

> points or as we know, suffered litigation etc.


> Sally


> On 8/8/06, Sheri Powers <mermaidslace wrote: Hi Sally,

> In reading Warren Buffett's bio, he was very stingy in his earlier years.

> He gave nothing to his children for a long time, forcing them to struggle

> as young adults, he was very concerned about spoiling them. He also gave

> only paltry sums to charity for a long time, and spent very little on home

> and comforts. He has obviously changed over the years, being more

> generous now to his children, and extremely generous in charitable giving,

> but his true nature was 'skinflint'- however that definitely contributed

> to his investing success. I think Gates has been historically more

> generous and has lived in luxurious homes. Sheri Powers



> Sally Spencer <sally234 > wrote:



> Hi Jorge and members,


> I checked out Buffet, and there are other dimensions to the fourth house

> than just big money maker, how about character, not knowing for sure,

> here's a quote, could he be selfish, lacking in character, befitting a

> weak fourth house..like you said a disturbed mother. I mean how else do

> we account for discrepancies like that in charts of " successful " people.

> Everyone has something they are working through in life. There has to be

> some grist for the mill..


> Aloha,


> Sally


> The video was not currently working..



> In an era in which most CEOs at least mouth the platitudes of good

> corporate governance and shareholder rights, Buffett, in his good-natured

> way, is a throwback to a time when a mogul was a mogul and did as he damn

> well pleased. ''Berkshire is the company I wanted to create. It's not the

> company Alfred P. Sloan wanted to create. It fits me,'' he says. ''I run

> it with our investors and managers in mind, but it is designed to fit

> me.'' To be blunt, Buffett stands revealed as a driven, even monomaniacal

> corporate empire-builder.


> On 8/7/06, Jorge Angelino < jorge.angelino > wrote:

> My dear Professor,


> Thank you. I thought may be you would like to see himself telling his

> story


> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6701318343299922276


> Best wishes,



> Jorge






> SAMVA [ SAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> siha


> terça-feira, 8 de Agosto de 2006 02:25


> Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart

Hello dear Mr. Jorge,




> The ascending sign has been taken as Aquarius.




> Best wishes,










> -


> Jorge Angelino




> Tuesday, August 08, 2006 3:08 AM


> RE: Warren Buffet rectified chart






> My dear Professor,


> Thanks. And what will be his rising sign?


> Best wishes,


> Jorge



> SAMVA [ SAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> siha

> segunda-feira, 7 de Agosto de 2006 09:08


> Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart

Hello dear Mr. Jorge,




> I have as a hypothesis taken 18 degree as the ascending degree for

> monitoring future developments as and when reported.




> Best wishes,










> -


> Jorge Angelino




> Monday, August 07, 2006 6:43 AM


> RE: Warren Buffet rectified chart






> My dear Professor,


> Thanks again for your input.


> In your opinion, and with all the events already gathered, would you

> please tell us what will be his rectified MEP1?


> Thanks in advance.


> Best wishes,


> Jorge



> SAMVA [ SAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> siha

> domingo, 6 de Agosto de 2006 13:11


> Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart

Hello my dear Jorge,




> The proposed chart with Cancer ascendant does not prominently link his

> professional matters with investments and speculative investments. As

> already said this chart, at all, does not show the natal promise.




> Best wishes,










> -


> Jorge Angelino




> Sunday, August 06, 2006 12:58 PM


> RE: Warren Buffet rectified chart






> My dear Professor,


> I respect your opinion as always.


> But as my hability to predict is not used so often, I always follow the

> practice of doing an exhaustive research of events before diving in the

> rectification process. Many times I even sleep over them and let my brain

> do the job while I am sleeping. This previous research helps a lot.


> In this case, the only retrograde planet, Saturn, L8, aspects its own MT

> sign. Saturn is in the same longitude as the Sun and Mercury, and you know

> already my opinion about retrogrades. They are closer to Earth and I have

> seen many times that they influence and are influenced in a different way.


> Partial aspects are also taken into consideration. Many times they help

> us to understand the ocurrence of the event.


> But this does not belong to SA, and I respect it while posting.


> Best wishes,


> Jorge





> SAMVA [sAMVA@ ] On Behalf Of

> siha

> domingo, 6 de Agosto de 2006 02:46


> Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart

Hello my dear Jorge,




> Besides the fourth lord being so weak the lord of the 6th house is

> placed in the house of losses. I always follow the practice of seeing the

> rectified chart for predictions in the past. That is if we were not

> knowing the incidents of one's past, could we have predicted such events

> from the chart? The Cancer ascendant chart does not do satisfactory on

> this.




> Best wishes,










> -


> Jorge Angelino




> Sunday, August 06, 2006 4:49 AM


> RE: Warren Buffet rectified chart






> My dear Professor,


> Thank you for your comments.


> I understand all your points and, since this rectification was done for

> an interval of 24 hours, it would be no surprise if my trial was wrong. In

> that case, at least SAMVA was provided with a long list of events of

> Warren Buffet's life and the interested list members can now do a deeper

> rectification work, which is a very good learning exercise anyway.


> But as I think that this is his correct TOB, let me share some thoughts

> on your points:


> 1) A debilitated Moon with utterly weak fourth lord cannot give long

> lived mother. The Moon is just debilitated, but is also well placed in

> House 5 and unafflicted. The weak and afflicted L4 has a strong dispositor

> in its own MT sign. House 4 is unafflicted. Warren's mother had mental and

> emotional problems and raged at the children on a regular basis.

> Regarding the debilitated and afflicted L4: Despite his immense wealth,

> Buffett is famous for his unpretentious and frugal lifestyle. He continues

> to live in the same suburban house in Omaha he bought in 1957 for $31,500.

> He used to drive a 2001 Lincoln Town Car, though he recently purchased a

> Cadillac DTS.

> 2) The debilitated fourth lord in the thirtieth degree cannot be that

> of a person who is one of the wealthiest persons of the world. He has a

> very strong Sun, L2, in its own MT sign, closely influencing MEP2 and

> MEP8. As H2 has to do with face, this is the reason why some list members

> say that he resembles a Leo native. Adding to this, he also has a very

> strong Sun like Mercury, L3 in his own MT sign, giving him a highest level

> of entrepreneurship.

> 3) Similar is the situation of the lord of the tenth house in the

> 12th house under the influence of the lord of the eighth house from the

> sixth house. Mars, L10 (action) in H12 (expenses), is also L6 (financial

> stability) placed in H2 (wealth) in navamsa. Only a person that is so

> willing to spend money wisely can be a stock investor of this calibre.


> I understand that only a valid birth certificate can remove the doubts of

> our dear list members, but may be a deeper analysis of the dashas and TTT

> influence can throw some light on his rectified chart.


> It would be nice if someone finds somewhere some trustable data regarding

> his true TOB.


> Best wishes,


> Jorge





> SAMVA [ SAMVA ] On Behalf Of

> siha

> sábado, 5 de Agosto de 2006 17:14


> Re: Warren Buffet rectified chart

Hello dear Mr. Angelino,




> A debilitated Moon with utterly weak fourth lord cannot give long lived

> mother.




> The debilitated fourth lord in the thirtieth degree cannot be that of a

> person who is one of the wealthiest persons of the world.




> Similar is the situation of the lord of the tenth house in the 12th

> house under the influence of the lord of the eighth house from the sixth

> house.




> When time of birth is not there, there can be many trials but the chart

> must support the events of life.




> Since you use rectification techniques other than SA, as well, the

> chart rectified is not giving true picture, at least to me.





> Best wishes,








> -


> Jorge Angelino




> Saturday, August 05, 2006 6:33 PM


> Warren Buffet rectified chart






> Dear List Members,


> This is the rectified chart of:


> Warren Buffett

> Aug 30, 1930 3:28:13 AM +06:00 CST

> Omaha, NE:USA Longitude: 95W56 Latitude: 41N16


> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:53 Current Period: MA/RA/KE


> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================

> Asc 15:25 Can Pushya Sa

> Sun 13:23 Leo +00:58:02 ST P.Phalguni Ve

> Moon 06:14 Sco +12:55:40 WK Anuradha Sa

> Mars 08:18 Gem +00:37:34 WK Ardra Ra

> Merc 10:09 Vir +00:44:18 ST Hasta Mo

> Jupt 20:40 Gem +00:10:38 FM Punarvasu Ju

> Ven 29:07 Vir +01:02:44 WK Chitra Ma

> Sat R 12:27 Sag -00:01:00 FM Mula Ke

> Rahu 02:00 Ari +00:00:40 FM Aswini Ke

> Ketu 02:00 Lib +00:00:40 FM Chitra Ma


> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 436 beats

> Day: Saturday Sunrise: 5:47 AM

> Tithi: Shukla Saptami

> Yoga Pt: 22:57 Ge Yogi:Ju AviYogi:Su Dup Yogi: Me

> Dagha Rashis: Can Sag


> Rashi Chart

> *******************************************************

> ** 5 * * 3 **

> *6 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MA 08:18 * *

> * SU 13:23* JU 20:40* *

> * ME 10:09 * * * * *

> *VE 29:07 * 4 AS 15:25 * 2 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *7 KE 02:00 * 1 RA 02:00 *

> ** * * **

> *8 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> *MO 06:14 * 10 * 12 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SAR12:27 * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 9 * * 11 **

> *******************************************************


> Navamsha

> *******************************************************

> ** 9 * * 7 **

> *10* * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MA * KE * *

> * * * * * *

> * * 8 AS * 6 VE *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * SU **

> *11 * 5 MO *

> ** * * **

> *12* * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * 2 * 4 SAR *

> * * * * * *

> * ME * * * *

> * * JU * * * *

> * * RA * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 1 * * 3 **

> *******************************************************



> Some of the events/facts used in the rectification:


> " Much success can be attributed to inactivity. Most investors cannot

> resist the temptation to constantly buy and sell. " - Warren Buffett






















> [Message clipped]




> --


> Sally Spencer, Jyotish Kovid

> Enlightened Living Services

> A Gentle Journey to Deep Healing

> www.Devi3.byregion.net

> sally234


> I facilitate deep self healing gently and painlessly in grounded soul

> dimensional work.

> By phone or in person.


> Vedic Astrology is a cocreative sacred science used to strengthen and

> propitiate weak and afflicting planetary energies.


> Tropical Astrology reports; timelines, natal.

> Feel free to contact me for questions, comments or an appointment. I'd

> love to hear from you.


> To view archives of my Light Waves Newsletter and get the list emails

> join:

> www.EnlightenedLiving/



> " If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile,

> the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. " -Unknown



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> Sally Spencer, Jyotish Kovid

> Enlightened Living Services

> A Gentle Journey to Deep Healing

> www.Devi3.byregion.net

> sally234


> I facilitate deep self healing gently and painlessly in grounded soul

> dimensional work.

> By phone or in person.


> Vedic Astrology is a cocreative sacred science used to strengthen and

> propitiate weak and afflicting planetary energies.


> Tropical Astrology reports; timelines, natal.

> Feel free to contact me for questions, comments or an appointment. I'd

> love to hear from you.


> To view archives of my Light Waves Newsletter and get the list emails

> join:

> www.EnlightenedLiving/



> " If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile,

> the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. " -Unknown







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