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A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart

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Hello list, After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA) techniques of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been established beyond doubt. The chart in question is based on the time when independence was officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir national park at

2:00 PM on 17 June 1944. Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit influences. Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal pattern of a mundane chart as per SA. The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is afflicted

and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role. For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for Iceland. In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes. However,

Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun. As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved which

suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.

In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or loss of life. The earthquake struck in the

Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars. As study of a similar sized earthquake that

struck only a few days later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern. The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being triggered by the transits. The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit. By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit. An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart at that time. For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of financial market turbulence. Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions. Best regards, C

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Dear C,


Thanks for the study. Just yesterday I was looking at the power of the Ke-Ma

combination. In particular, when there's a Ke-Ma combination and Ke aspects

Aries, it involves explosive happenings (see 9-11 and WWII Japan bombing

Aug 9, 1945).


Of course, this trigger needs further study. I would be happy to look at

dates of major man-made explosive events if yourself or others kindly



An upcoming key date is Aug 16, 2007.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas





" Cosmologer " <cosmologer

<samva >

Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM

A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an

authentic mundane chart



> Hello list,


> After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques of

> interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been

> established beyond doubt.


> The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

> officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir

> national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.


> Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate

> earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some

> significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the

> chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit

> influences.


> Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic

> dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal

> pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.


> The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over

> fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain

> why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is

> afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes

> that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords

> also play a role.


> For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun

> is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general

> indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart

> Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore

> important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.


> In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely

> afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11.

> Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically

> earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a

> Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On

> the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury

> in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in

> the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this

> certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in

> the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and

> severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of

> the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

> necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

> country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong

> and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.


> As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved

> which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result

> in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the

> world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the

> largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This

> is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up

> against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is

> associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the

> release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is

> mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence,

> buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright

> collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.


> In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

> registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and

> infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or

> loss of life.


> The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure

> strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden

> events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy

> in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct

> natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its

> own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal

> placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit

> Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.


> As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later,

> in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.


> The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the

> Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being

> triggered by the transits.


> The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for

> it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was

> visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are

> playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.


> By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman

> island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All

> had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It

> took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in

> transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption

> which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1

> Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.


> An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a

> massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be

> rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart

> at that time.


> For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on

> http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images


> A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained

> based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of

> financial market turbulence.



> Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing

> the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic

> mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions.


> Best regards,


> C






> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call

> rates.



































































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Hello my dear C,


Great work. When one develops full confidence in a chart, the same can be successfully used for predictions in all aspects of the life and mundane events of the country.


Best wishes for your further endeavours.







Monday, August 14, 2006 1:43 AM

A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart


Hello list,


After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA) techniques of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been established beyond doubt.



The chart in question is based on the time when independence was officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.


Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit influences.


Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.


The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.


For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.


In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.


As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.


In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or loss of life.


The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.


As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.


The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being triggered by the transits.


The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.


By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.


An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart at that time.


For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on



A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of financial market turbulence.


Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions.


Best regards,







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Dear C,This is an excellent and very informative analysis. Thank you very much as always for your posts.Best Wishes,ArunCosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Hello list, After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA) techniques of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been established beyond doubt. The chart in question is based on the time when independence was officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944. Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit influences.

Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal pattern of a mundane chart as per SA. The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is

weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role. For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for Iceland. In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the country may therefore experience setbacks.

However, this would not necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun. As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up against each

other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse in an earthquake in Iceland. In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or loss of life. The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars. As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern. The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being triggered by the transits. The volcanic eruption that began in 14

November 1963 is fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit. By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in

transit. An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart at that time. For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of financial market turbulence. Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing the list members

success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions. Best regards, C How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Dear Vyas,Yes Ketu-Mars afflictions can indeed be highly inflammatory as both are fiery planets.Rahu-Mars can be troublesome too, as we saw last year via the 7/7/05 bomb blasts in London. The UK chart at the time was highly afflicted as well.Best Wishes,ArunVyas Munidas <muni> wrote: Dear C, Thanks for the study. Just yesterday I was looking at the power of the Ke-Ma combination. In particular, when there's a Ke-Ma combination and Ke aspects Aries, it involves explosive

happenings (see 9-11 and WWII Japan bombing Aug 9, 1945). Of course, this trigger needs further study. I would be happy to look at dates of major man-made explosive events if yourself or others kindly submit. An upcoming key date is Aug 16, 2007. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - "Cosmologer" <cosmologer > <samva > Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart > Hello list, > > After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques of > interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been > established beyond doubt. > > The chart in question is based on the time

when independence was > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944. > > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit > influences. > > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA. > > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over > fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is >

afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords > also play a role. > > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland. > > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically > earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to

contend with. On > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this > certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong > and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun. > > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result

> in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This > is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up > against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland. > > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and > infrastructure was reported. However, there were

no serious accidents or > loss of life. > > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure > strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars. > > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later, > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern. > > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the > Richter) and

less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being > triggered by the transits. > > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit. > > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1 > Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in

transit. > > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart > at that time. > > For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on > http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images > > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of > financial market turbulence. > > > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing > the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic > mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions. > > Best

regards, > > C > > > > > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call > rates. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

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Thanx C great post ! ciao Iver - "Cosmologer" <cosmologer ><samva >Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart> Hello list,>> After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques of >

interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been > established beyond doubt.>> The chart in question is based on the time when independence was > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.>> Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit > influences.>> Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.>> The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over > fixed assets and natural

resources, are important in astrology to explain > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is > afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords > also play a role.>> For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.>> In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically > earthquakes and

volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this > certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong> and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.>> As the above configurations shows, there is a

complex pattern involved > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result > in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This > is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up > against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.>> In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which > registered at 5.5 on the Richter

scale, widespread damage to property and > infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or > loss of life.>> The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure > strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.>> As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later, > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.>> The earthquake

on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the > Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being > triggered by the transits.>> The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume was > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.>> By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. It > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1 >

Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.>> An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart > at that time.>> For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on> http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images>> A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of > financial market turbulence.>>> Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. Wishing > the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use authentic > mundane charts for various types of mundane

predictions.>> Best regards,>> C>>>>> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call >



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Dear Arun,


Thanks, I took a look and I agree.


I reckon that Ke-Ma would account for a larger number of deaths and




Best regards,


Vyas Munidas





" Arun Rao " <arunrao9


Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:58 PM

Re: A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an

authentic mundane chart



> Dear Vyas,


> Yes Ketu-Mars afflictions can indeed be highly inflammatory as both are

> fiery planets.


> Rahu-Mars can be troublesome too, as we saw last year via the 7/7/05 bomb

> blasts in London. The UK chart at the time was highly afflicted as well.


> Best Wishes,


> Arun


> Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:

> Dear C,


> Thanks for the study. Just yesterday I was looking at the power of the

> Ke-Ma

> combination. In particular, when there's a Ke-Ma combination and Ke

> aspects

> Aries, it involves explosive happenings (see 9-11 and WWII Japan bombing

> Aug 9, 1945).


> Of course, this trigger needs further study. I would be happy to look at

> dates of major man-made explosive events if yourself or others kindly

> submit.


> An upcoming key date is Aug 16, 2007.


> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas


> -

> " Cosmologer " <cosmologer

> <samva >

> Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM

> A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an

> authentic mundane chart


> > Hello list,

> >

> > After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques of

> > interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been

> > established beyond doubt.

> >

> > The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

> > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir

> > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.

> >

> > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate

> > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some

> > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the

> > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit

> > influences.

> >

> > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic

> > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal

> > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.

> >

> > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over

> > fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to

> > explain

> > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP)

> > is

> > afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect

> > earthquakes

> > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords

> > also play a role.

> >

> > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12

> > Sun

> > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the

> > general

> > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart

> > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore

> > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.

> >

> > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely

> > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11.

> > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically

> > earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a

> > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On

> > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury

> > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in

> > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this

> > certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in

> > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and

> > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of

> > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

> > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

> > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong

> > and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.

> >

> > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved

> > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result

> > in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the

> > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the

> > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This

> > is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up

> > against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is

> > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the

> > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is

> > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence,

> > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to

> > outright

> > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.

> >

> > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

> > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property

> > and

> > infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or

> > loss of life.

> >

> > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

> > configure

> > strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden

> > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy

> > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was

> > conjunct

> > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt

> > its

> > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal

> > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of

> > transit

> > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.

> >

> > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days

> > later,

> > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.

> >

> > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the

> > Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were

> > being

> > triggered by the transits.

> >

> > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for

> > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume

> > was

> > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are

> > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.

> >

> > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman

> > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000.

> > All

> > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava.

> > It

> > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in

> > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption

> > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real damage, L1

> > Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.

> >

> > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a

> > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be

> > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the

> > chart

> > at that time.

> >

> > For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on

> > http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images

> >

> > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained

> > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of

> > financial market turbulence.

> >

> >

> > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.

> > Wishing

> > the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use

> > authentic

> > mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call

> > rates.


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great

> rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Dear Vyas,Ketu tends to trigger immediate suffering more than Rahu does, but Rahu tends to prolong the suffering for a longer duration than Ketu does. Ketu's influence is more destructive and explosive upon immediate contact, but tends to dissipate sooner as well.Ketu = miseries, obstructions, violent accidents, woundsRahu = manipulations, cheating, unexpected events, calamitiesTake your pick :)Best Wishes,ArunVyas Munidas <muni> wrote: Dear Arun, Thanks, I took a look

and I agree. I reckon that Ke-Ma would account for a larger number of deaths and destruction. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - "Arun Rao" <arunrao9 > <SAMVA > Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:58 PM Re: A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart > Dear Vyas, > > Yes Ketu-Mars afflictions can indeed be highly inflammatory as both are > fiery planets. > > Rahu-Mars can be troublesome too, as we saw last year via the 7/7/05 bomb > blasts in London. The UK chart at the time was highly afflicted as well. > > Best Wishes, > > Arun > > Vyas Munidas <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com> wrote: > Dear C, > > Thanks for the study. Just yesterday I was looking at the power of the > Ke-Ma > combination. In particular, when there's a Ke-Ma combination and Ke > aspects > Aries, it involves explosive happenings (see 9-11 and WWII Japan bombing > Aug 9, 1945). > > Of course, this trigger needs further study. I would be happy to look at > dates of major man-made explosive events if yourself or others kindly > submit. > > An upcoming key date is Aug 16, 2007. > > Best regards, > > Vyas Munidas > > - > "Cosmologer" <cosmologer > > <samva > > Sunday, August 13,

2006 4:13 PM > A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in an > authentic mundane chart > > > Hello list, > > > > After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques of > > interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has been > > established beyond doubt. > > > > The chart in question is based on the time when independence was > > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir > > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944. > > > > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate > > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some > > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the > > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major transit > >

influences. > > > > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic > > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal > > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA. > > > > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over > > fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to > > explain > > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) > > is > > afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect > > earthquakes > > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords > > also play a role. > > > > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 > > Sun > > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the > >

general > > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo chart > > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore > > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland. > > > > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally closely > > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age in H11. > > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence, periodically > > earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country, especially as a > > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend with. On > > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury > > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of life in > > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this > > certainly adds to the explanation

for the frequent and sudden tremors in > > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and > > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of > > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not > > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the > > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong > > and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun. > > > > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved > > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result > > in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around the > > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of the > > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter scale). This > > is

because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting up > > against each other as they do in California. The latter phenomena is > > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and the > > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is > > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, > > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported to > > outright > > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland. > > > > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which > > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property > > and > > infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or > > loss of life. > > > > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon > > configure >

> strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden > > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy > > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was > > conjunct > > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt > > its > > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal > > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction of > > transit > > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars. > > > > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days > > later, > > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern. > > > > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the > > Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in

the above pattern were > > being > > triggered by the transits. > > > > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for > > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume > > was > > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are > > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit. > > > > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman > > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. > > All > > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under lava. > > It > > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in > > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption > > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real

damage, L1 > > Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit. > > > > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a > > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be > > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the > > chart > > at that time. > > > > For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click on > > http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images > > > > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and explained > > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent periods of > > financial market turbulence. > > > > > > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information. > > Wishing >

> the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use > > authentic > > mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions. > > > > Best regards, > > > > C > > > > > > > > > > > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call > > rates. > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > >

------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > ------------------------- > > > > > > > > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great > rates starting at 1¢/min.

Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Mail Beta.

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Dear ,


Thank you for the kind words. I agree completely. I would only add

that the predictive success achieved with SA has an important impact

to raise the confidence of the astrologer in his/her abilities.


Best regards,




SAMVA , <siha wrote:



> Hello my dear C,


> Great work. When one develops full confidence in a chart, the same

can be successfully used for predictions in all aspects of the life

and mundane events of the country.


> Best wishes for your further endeavours.




> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Monday, August 14, 2006 1:43 AM

> A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

in an authentic mundane chart



> Hello list,


> After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques

of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has

been established beyond doubt.


> The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at

Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.


> Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how

seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or

greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades

have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods

and the major transit influences.


> Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the

basic dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the

natal pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.


> The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which

rule over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in

astrology to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4

most effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and

afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to

property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.


> For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars

and L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2.

Saturn is the general indicator of things in the ground including

hot magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional

indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this

phenomena for Iceland.


> In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally

closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old

age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,

periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the

country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic

planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed,

strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why

there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes.

However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the

explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and

volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely

afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the

country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and

well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.


> As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern

involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major

earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in

Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7

on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are

pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in

California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful

alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in

earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be

constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while

they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse

in an earthquake in Iceland.


> In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no

serious accidents or loss of life.


> The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which

rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6

Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct

Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and

thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and

that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus

was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11

Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.


> As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few

days later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar



> The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0

on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above

pattern were being triggered by the transits.


> The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of

Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country.

Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was

strong in transit.


> By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the

Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population

of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house

went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the

18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas

and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and

unafflicted in transit.


> An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were

massive in the chart at that time.


> For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click


> http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images


> A host of other events has been successfully predicted and

explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

periods of financial market turbulence.


> Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.

Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how to

use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane



> Best regards,


> C





> -


> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.



> -





















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Dear Arun,


Thank you for the kinds words.


Best regards,




SAMVA , Arun Rao <arunrao9 wrote:


> Dear C,


> This is an excellent and very informative analysis. Thank you very

much as always for your posts.


> Best Wishes,


> Arun


> Cosmologer <cosmologer


> Hello list,


> After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques

of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has

been established beyond doubt.


> The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at

Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.


> Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how

seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or

greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades

have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods

and the major transit influences.


> Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the

basic dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the

natal pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.


> The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which

rule over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in

astrology to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4

most effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and

afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to

property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.


> For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars

and L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2.

Saturn is the general indicator of things in the ground including

hot magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional

indicator of fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this

phenomena for Iceland.


> In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally

closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old

age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,

periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the

country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic

planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed,

strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why

there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes.

However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the

explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and

volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely

afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the

country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is

> strong and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12



> As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern

involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major

earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in

Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7

on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are

pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in

California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful

alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in

earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be

constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while

they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse

in an earthquake in Iceland.


> In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no

serious accidents or loss of life.


> The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which

rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6

Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct

Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and

thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and

that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus

was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11

Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.


> As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few

days later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar



> The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0

on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above

pattern were being triggered by the transits.


> The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of

Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country.

Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was

strong in transit.


> By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the

Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population

of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house

went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the

18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas

and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and

unafflicted in transit.


> An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were

massive in the chart at that time.


> For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click


> http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images


> A host of other events has been successfully predicted and

explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

periods of financial market turbulence.



> Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.

Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how to

use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane



> Best regards,


> C






> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.







> Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Mail Beta.


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Hello Iver,


You are welcome.


Best regards,




SAMVA , del iver <deliver1900 wrote:


> Thanx C

> great post !

> ciao

> Iver

> -

> " Cosmologer " <cosmologer

> <samva >

> Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM

> A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in


> authentic mundane chart


> > Hello list,

> >

> > After years of research, using System's Approach (SA) techniques


> > interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has


> > established beyond doubt.

> >

> > The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

> > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at


> > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.

> >

> > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how


> > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater

and some

> > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest

in the

> > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major


> > influences.

> >

> > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the


> > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the


> > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.

> >

> > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule


> > fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology

to explain

> > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point

(MEP) is

> > afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect


> > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and

their lords

> > also play a role.

> >

> > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars

and L12 Sun

> > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is

the general

> > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a

Virgo chart

> > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is


> > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.

> >

> > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally


> > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old age

in H11.

> > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,


> > earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country,

especially as a

> > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend

with. On

> > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted L1


> > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss of

life in

> > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and


> > certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden

tremors in

> > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally

weak and

> > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the

wealth of

> > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this

would not

> > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in


> > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong

> > and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.

> >

> > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern


> > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

necessarily result

> > in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes

around the

> > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not of


> > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter

scale). This

> > is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting


> > against each other as they do in California. The latter

phenomena is

> > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust and


> > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in

Iceland is

> > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete.


> > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported

to outright

> > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.

> >

> > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

> > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

property and

> > infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious

accidents or

> > loss of life.

> >

> > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon


> > strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules


> > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in


> > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was


> > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was

conjunt its

> > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its


> > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction

of transit

> > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.

> >

> > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few

days later,

> > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.

> >

> > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0

on the

> > Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern

were being

> > triggered by the transits.

> >

> > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

fascinating for

> > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and the

plume was

> > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the

FMs are

> > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.

> >

> > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the


> > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population of

5.000. All

> > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went under

lava. It

> > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak


> > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998


> > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real

damage, L1

> > Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.

> >

> > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

caused a

> > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

needed to be

> > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in

the chart

> > at that time.

> >

> > For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please click


> > http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images

> >

> > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and


> > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

periods of

> > financial market turbulence.

> >

> >

> > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.


> > the list members success in their efforts at learning how to use


> > mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone


> > rates.


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------


> -------------------------



> Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail Beta.


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My dear



Nice work. Thanks for sharing it.


I can imagine how good you feel for having

hit established beyond doubt.


If some list member is interested in a

deeper study of this chart regarding earthquakes, this link may help:




Best wishes,






[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Cosmologer

domingo, 13 de Agosto de

2006 21:14


A study of earthquakes

and volcanic eruptions in an authentic mundane chart






Hello list,






After years of research, using

System’s Approach (SA) techniques of interpretation and prediction, a mundane

chart for Iceland has been established beyond doubt.





The chart in

question is based on the time when independence was officially declared and

celebrated in a national ceremony at Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17

June 1944.


Below please

find attached several gif files that reveal how seperate earthquakes of a

magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater and some significant

volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest in the chart, both in

terms of the planetary periods and the major transit influences.


Before we look

at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic dynamics of earthquakes

and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal pattern of a mundane chart as

per SA.


The fourth

house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule over

fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology to explain

why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective point (MEP) is

afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect earthquakes

that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords

also play a role.


For volcanic

eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and L12 Sun is

important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is the general

indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a Virgo

chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is

therefore important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.


In the 9° 30'

Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is

natally closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in

old age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,

periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country,

especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend

with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong

and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has

never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu

afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the explanation for the

frequent and sudden tremors in the country and volcanic eruptions. L2

Venus is also natally weak and severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well

placed in H10, the wealth of the country may therefore

experience setbacks. However, this would not necessarily be expected

to undermine the financial stability in the country as L6

Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and well placed in H10,

although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.


As the above

configurations shows, there is a complex pattern involved which suggests

earthquakes that are costly but do not necessarily result in

loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes around

the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland

are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter

scale). This is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not butting

up against each other as they do in California. The latter

phenomena is associated with more forceful alignments of

the earths crust and the release of more energy in earthquakes. Second,

housing in Iceland is mandated to be constructed

with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while they may be

damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse in an

earthquake in Iceland.



the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to property and

infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious accidents or

loss of life.


The earthquake

struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon configure strongly in

the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules sudden events, was

afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both in infancy in H9.

Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal

L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal

placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit

Venus was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11 Moon

was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.


As study of a

similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days later, in the morning

of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.


The earthquake

on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0 on the Richter) and less

damaging. Again factors in the above pattern were being triggered by the



The volcanic

eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is fascinating for it led to the

creation of a new island south of Iceland and the plume

was visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the FMs are

playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.


By comparison

the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the Westman island was both

devastating and dangerous for the population of 5.000. All had to be evacuated

immediately and half of the house went under lava. It took the island decades

to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at

work. In the 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas

and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and

unafflicted in transit.


An earthquake

in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that caused a massive flood

that wiped out a section of the highway that needed to be rebuilt at

considerable expense. The afflictions were massive in the chart at that



For access to the

abovementioned charts on the net please click on




A host of other

events has been successfully predicted and explained based on this mundane

chart for Iceland, including recent periods of

financial market turbulence.




Hopefully, interested students can

make use of this information. Wishing the list members success in their efforts

at learning how to use authentic mundane charts for various

types of mundane predictions.






Best regards,


















How low will we go? Check

out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone

call rates.








Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release 11.08.2006





Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release 11.08.2006

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Dear Jorge,


Thank you for the additional information.


I suggest interested members explore the following biggest

earthquakes from 1944 - 1990 (I had data for earthquakes since 1990

and major volcanic eruptions since 1960).


Best regards,




Date Time Lat Long Richter

28.3.1963 00:16 66,3 -19,6 7 (out at sea)

13.1.1976 13:29 66,2 -16,6 6,2 (oas)

19.2.1944 11:36 63,4 -23,6 5,8 (oas)

25.5.1987 11:31 63,9 -19,8 5,8 (oas)

19.2.1944 13:47 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

21.2.1944 15:26 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

1.4.1955 18:41 64,1 -21,2 5,5 (on land - pop area)

15.9.1973 01:46 63,9 -22,2 5,5 (ol - pa)

12.6.1974 17:55 64,8 -21,2 5,5 (on land - rural area)

28.3.1963 00:26 66,3 -20,2 5,4 (oas)

28.3.1963 01:00 66,4 -19,6 5,4 (oas)

5.12.1968 09:44 63,9 -21,7 5,4 (ol-pa)

16.9.1973 21:26 63,9 -22,3 5,3 (oas)

25.12.1975 22:04 66,3 -16,4 5,3 (oas)

12.8.1980 12:11 64,7 -17,1 5,3 (ol-ra)

4.2.1944 18:13 66 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

18.2.1944 21:37 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

20.2.1944 19:32 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

21.2.1944 00:26 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

21.2.1944 08:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

21.2.1944 17:34 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

22.2.1944 02:13 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

23.2.1944 01:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

28.2.1944 12:24 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

29.3.1947 07:50 64 -19,7 5,2 (oas)

3.7.1948 15:45 64 -20,5 5,2 (ol-pa)

30.8.1948 01:29 66,5 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

12.3.1952 12:13 63,9 -22,1 5,2 (ol-pa)

15.10.1963 10:00 67 -19,3 5,2 (oas)



SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino



> My dear C.




> Nice work. Thanks for sharing it.




> I can imagine how good you feel for having hit established beyond





> If some list member is interested in a deeper study of this chart

regarding earthquakes, this link may help:





HYPERLINK " http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/ymislegt/storskjalf.html " http://h





> Best wishes,




> Jorge






Behalf Of Cosmologer

> domingo, 13 de Agosto de 2006 21:14

> samva

> A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in

an authentic mundane chart




> Hello list,




> After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA) techniques

of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has

been established beyond doubt.




> The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at

Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.




> Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how

seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or

greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades

have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods

and the major transit influences.




> Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic

dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the natal

pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.




> The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule

over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology

to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most

effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted,

then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property.

Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.




> For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and

L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn

is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot

magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of

fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for





> In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally

closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old

age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,

periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the

country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic

planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed,

strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why

there has never been a loss of life in the country from earthquakes.

However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the

explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and

volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely

afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the

country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and

well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.




> As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern

involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major

earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in

Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7

on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are

pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in

California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful

alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in

earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be

constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while

they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse

in an earthquake in Iceland.




> In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no

serious accidents or loss of life.




> The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which

rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6

Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct

Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and

thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and

that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus

was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11

Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.




> As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few days

later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar





> The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0

on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above

pattern were being triggered by the transits.




> The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of

Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country.

Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was

strong in transit.




> By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the

Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the population

of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house

went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In the

18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas

and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and

unafflicted in transit.




> An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were

massive in the chart at that time.




> HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/pic.php?

pic=main/8/22414500284.gif & s=f10 " For access to the abovementioned

charts on the net please click on



HYPERLINK " http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images " http://www.putfil

e.-com/cosmologer/-imagesHYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "




> A host of other events has been successfully predicted and

explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

periods of financial market turbulence.




> Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.

Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how to

use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane





> Best regards,




> C




> HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "




> _____


> How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low

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..rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. " PC-to-Phone call




HYPERLINK " http://us.rd./mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http:/us

..rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. "



> --



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> --



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Hello list,


I have added one more earthquake to the study based on the data Jorge

has graciously provided.


I chose the biggest earthquake (5.5 on the Richter) that occurred

near the Reykjavik metropolitan area. It would have been experienced

by more people and likely damaged more property.


1.4.1955 18:41 64,1 -21,2 5,5 (on land - pop area)


The results are astounding in how clearly the contributing factors

show up.


Mo/Ma/Ve period running. Transit nodal axis exactly on top of natal

L6 Saturn, and Rahu in H4 MEP. Transit L6 Saturn in H2 closely

aspecting natal L4 Jupiter in H11 and natal L11 Moon in H8. Transit

L4 Jupiter in H10 aspecting transit L6 Saturn in H2. Natal Ketu

aspecting transit L8 Mars in H5. Transit Ketu aspecting transit L2

Venus in H6. Transit Jupiter aspecting transit L1 Mercury in H6.


SA is really a fantastic system!


The result is seen here:



Best regards,





SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear Jorge,


> Thank you for the additional information.


> I suggest interested members explore the following biggest

> earthquakes from 1944 - 1990 (I had data for earthquakes since 1990

> and major volcanic eruptions since 1960).


> Best regards,


> C


> Date Time Lat Long Richter

> 28.3.1963 00:16 66,3 -19,6 7 (out at sea)

> 13.1.1976 13:29 66,2 -16,6 6,2 (oas)

> 19.2.1944 11:36 63,4 -23,6 5,8 (oas)

> 25.5.1987 11:31 63,9 -19,8 5,8 (oas)

> 19.2.1944 13:47 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

> 21.2.1944 15:26 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

> 1.4.1955 18:41 64,1 -21,2 5,5 (on land - pop area)

> 15.9.1973 01:46 63,9 -22,2 5,5 (ol - pa)

> 12.6.1974 17:55 64,8 -21,2 5,5 (on land - rural area)

> 28.3.1963 00:26 66,3 -20,2 5,4 (oas)

> 28.3.1963 01:00 66,4 -19,6 5,4 (oas)

> 5.12.1968 09:44 63,9 -21,7 5,4 (ol-pa)

> 16.9.1973 21:26 63,9 -22,3 5,3 (oas)

> 25.12.1975 22:04 66,3 -16,4 5,3 (oas)

> 12.8.1980 12:11 64,7 -17,1 5,3 (ol-ra)

> 4.2.1944 18:13 66 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

> 18.2.1944 21:37 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 20.2.1944 19:32 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 21.2.1944 00:26 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 21.2.1944 08:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 21.2.1944 17:34 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 22.2.1944 02:13 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 23.2.1944 01:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 28.2.1944 12:24 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> 29.3.1947 07:50 64 -19,7 5,2 (oas)

> 3.7.1948 15:45 64 -20,5 5,2 (ol-pa)

> 30.8.1948 01:29 66,5 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

> 12.3.1952 12:13 63,9 -22,1 5,2 (ol-pa)

> 15.10.1963 10:00 67 -19,3 5,2 (oas)



> SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino@>

> wrote:

> >

> > My dear C.

> >

> >

> >

> > Nice work. Thanks for sharing it.

> >

> >

> >

> > I can imagine how good you feel for having hit established beyond

> doubt.

> >

> >

> >

> > If some list member is interested in a deeper study of this chart

> regarding earthquakes, this link may help:

> >

> >

> >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/ymislegt/storskjalf.html " http://h

> raun.vedur.is/ja/ymislegt/storskjalf.html

> >

> >

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> >

> >

> > Jorge

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On

> Behalf Of Cosmologer

> > domingo, 13 de Agosto de 2006 21:14

> > samva

> > A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in

> an authentic mundane chart

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello list,

> >

> >

> >

> > After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA)


> of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has

> been established beyond doubt.

> >

> >

> >

> > The chart in question is based on the time when independence was

> officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at

> Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.

> >

> >

> >

> > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how

> seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or

> greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades

> have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary periods

> and the major transit influences.

> >

> >

> >

> > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the basic

> dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the


> pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.

> >

> >

> >

> > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which rule

> over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology

> to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most

> effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted,

> then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property.

> Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.

> >

> >

> >

> > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars and

> L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn

> is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot

> magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator


> fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for

> Iceland.

> >

> >

> >

> > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is natally

> closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old

> age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,

> periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the

> country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional


> planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well placed,

> strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains why

> there has never been a loss of life in the country from


> However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the

> explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country and

> volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely

> afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of the

> country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would not

> necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in the

> country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and

> well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.

> >

> >

> >

> > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern

> involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

> necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when major

> earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes in

> Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7

> on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are

> pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in

> California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful

> alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in

> earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be

> constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings, while

> they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright collapse

> in an earthquake in Iceland.

> >

> >

> >

> > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

> registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

> property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no

> serious accidents or loss of life.

> >

> >

> >

> > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

> configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which

> rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6

> Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct

> Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and

> thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement and

> that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit Venus

> was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit L11

> Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.

> >

> >

> >

> > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few


> later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar

> pattern.

> >

> >

> >

> > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe (5.0

> on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above

> pattern were being triggered by the transits.

> >

> >

> >

> > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

> fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of

> Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country.

> Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter was

> strong in transit.

> >

> >

> >

> > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the

> Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the


> of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house

> went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

> Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In


> 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated areas

> and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and

> unafflicted in transit.

> >

> >

> >

> > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

> caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

> needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were

> massive in the chart at that time.

> >

> >

> >

> > HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/pic.php?

> pic=main/8/22414500284.gif & s=f10 " For access to the abovementioned

> charts on the net please click on

> >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images " http://www.putfil

> e.-com/cosmologer/-imagesHYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "

> >

> >

> >

> > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and

> explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

> periods of financial market turbulence.

> >

> >

> >

> > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this information.

> Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how


> use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane

> predictions.

> >

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> >

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> > HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low


HYPERLINK " http://us.rd./mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http:/us

> .rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. " PC-to-Phone call

> rates.

> >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://us.rd./mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http:/us

> .rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. "

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date:

> 11.08.2006

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date:

> 11.08.2006

> >


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Hello list,


One other large (5.4 on the Richter scale) earthquake on 5 December

1968 has been added to the list. The same result is there. The more

evidence I study regarding this particular issue the more impressed I

become with SA. Wishing you similar results in your research.




Best regards,




SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Hello list,


> I have added one more earthquake to the study based on the data


> has graciously provided.


> I chose the biggest earthquake (5.5 on the Richter) that occurred

> near the Reykjavik metropolitan area. It would have been


> by more people and likely damaged more property.


> 1.4.1955 18:41 64,1 -21,2 5,5 (on land - pop area)


> The results are astounding in how clearly the contributing factors

> show up.


> Mo/Ma/Ve period running. Transit nodal axis exactly on top of natal

> L6 Saturn, and Rahu in H4 MEP. Transit L6 Saturn in H2 closely

> aspecting natal L4 Jupiter in H11 and natal L11 Moon in H8. Transit

> L4 Jupiter in H10 aspecting transit L6 Saturn in H2. Natal Ketu

> aspecting transit L8 Mars in H5. Transit Ketu aspecting transit L2

> Venus in H6. Transit Jupiter aspecting transit L1 Mercury in H6.


> SA is really a fantastic system!


> The result is seen here:

> http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images


> Best regards,


> C



> SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jorge,

> >

> > Thank you for the additional information.

> >

> > I suggest interested members explore the following biggest

> > earthquakes from 1944 - 1990 (I had data for earthquakes since


> > and major volcanic eruptions since 1960).

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > C

> >

> > Date Time Lat Long Richter

> > 28.3.1963 00:16 66,3 -19,6 7 (out at sea)

> > 13.1.1976 13:29 66,2 -16,6 6,2 (oas)

> > 19.2.1944 11:36 63,4 -23,6 5,8 (oas)

> > 25.5.1987 11:31 63,9 -19,8 5,8 (oas)

> > 19.2.1944 13:47 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

> > 21.2.1944 15:26 63,4 -23,6 5,5 (oas)

> > 1.4.1955 18:41 64,1 -21,2 5,5 (on land - pop area)

> > 15.9.1973 01:46 63,9 -22,2 5,5 (ol - pa)

> > 12.6.1974 17:55 64,8 -21,2 5,5 (on land - rural area)

> > 28.3.1963 00:26 66,3 -20,2 5,4 (oas)

> > 28.3.1963 01:00 66,4 -19,6 5,4 (oas)

> > 5.12.1968 09:44 63,9 -21,7 5,4 (ol-pa)

> > 16.9.1973 21:26 63,9 -22,3 5,3 (oas)

> > 25.12.1975 22:04 66,3 -16,4 5,3 (oas)

> > 12.8.1980 12:11 64,7 -17,1 5,3 (ol-ra)

> > 4.2.1944 18:13 66 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

> > 18.2.1944 21:37 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 20.2.1944 19:32 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 21.2.1944 00:26 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 21.2.1944 08:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 21.2.1944 17:34 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 22.2.1944 02:13 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 23.2.1944 01:29 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 28.2.1944 12:24 63,4 -23,6 5,2 (oas)

> > 29.3.1947 07:50 64 -19,7 5,2 (oas)

> > 3.7.1948 15:45 64 -20,5 5,2 (ol-pa)

> > 30.8.1948 01:29 66,5 -17,5 5,2 (oas)

> > 12.3.1952 12:13 63,9 -22,1 5,2 (ol-pa)

> > 15.10.1963 10:00 67 -19,3 5,2 (oas)

> >

> >

> > SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > My dear C.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nice work. Thanks for sharing it.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I can imagine how good you feel for having hit established


> > doubt.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If some list member is interested in a deeper study of this


> > regarding earthquakes, this link may help:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/ymislegt/storskjalf.html " http://h

> > raun.vedur.is/ja/ymislegt/storskjalf.html

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jorge

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On

> > Behalf Of Cosmologer

> > > domingo, 13 de Agosto de 2006 21:14

> > > samva

> > > A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions


> > an authentic mundane chart

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello list,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > After years of research, using System’s Approach (SA)

> techniques

> > of interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has

> > been established beyond doubt.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The chart in question is based on the time when independence


> > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at

> > Thingvellir national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how

> > seperate earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or

> > greater and some significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades

> > have manifest in the chart, both in terms of the planetary


> > and the major transit influences.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the


> > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the

> natal

> > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which


> > over fixed assets and natural resources, are important in


> > to explain why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most

> > effective point (MEP) is afflicted and/or L4 is weak and


> > then one may expect earthquakes that cause damage to property.

> > Afflictions to H1 and H2 and their lords also play a role.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars


> > L12 Sun is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2.


> > is the general indicator of things in the ground including hot

> > magma. In a Virgo chart Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator

> of

> > fire. Saturn is therefore important to explain this phenomena for

> > Iceland.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is


> > closely afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in


> > age in H11. Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8.


> > periodically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the

> > country, especially as a Virgo ascendant has many functional

> malefic

> > planets to contend with. On the upside, Iceland has a well


> > strong and unafflicted L1 Mercury in H9. Perhaps this explains


> > there has never been a loss of life in the country from

> earthquakes.

> > However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP and this certainly adds to the

> > explanation for the frequent and sudden tremors in the country


> > volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally weak and severely

> > afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the wealth of


> > country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this would


> > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability in


> > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong and

> > well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern

> > involved which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

> > necessarily result in loss of life as is often the case when


> > earthquakes around the world. One reason is that the earthquakes


> > Iceland are not of the largest magnitude (typically do not exceed


> > on the Richter scale). This is because the tectonic plates are

> > pulling apart and not butting up against each other as they do in

> > California. The latter phenomena is associated with more forceful

> > alignments of the earths crust and the release of more energy in

> > earthquakes. Second, housing in Iceland is mandated to be

> > constructed with steel-reinforced concrete. Hence, buildings,


> > they may be damaged, have never been reported to outright


> > in an earthquake in Iceland.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000, which

> > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to

> > property and infrastructure was reported. However, there were no

> > serious accidents or loss of life.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and Moon

> > configure strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5,


> > rules sudden events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6

> > Saturn, both in infancy in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct

> > Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars was conjunct natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and

> > thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was conjunt its own natal placement


> > that of L2 Venus in transit and its natal placement. Transit


> > was further involved in a conjunction of transit Mars. Transit


> > Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few

> days

> > later, in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar

> > pattern.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe


> > on the Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above

> > pattern were being triggered by the transits.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

> > fascinating for it led to the creation of a new island south of

> > Iceland and the plume was visible almost all over the country.

> > Interestingly, while the FMs are playing their role, L4 Jupiter


> > strong in transit.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the

> > Westman island was both devastating and dangerous for the

> population

> > of 5.000. All had to be evacuated immediately and half of the


> > went under lava. It took the island decades to recover. Here L4

> > Jupiter is very weak in transit and many afflictions at work. In

> the

> > 18 December 1998 eruption which occurred away from populated


> > and caused no real damage, L1 Mercury and L2 Venus were strong


> > unafflicted in transit.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption that

> > caused a massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway


> > needed to be rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions


> > massive in the chart at that time.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/pic.php?

> > pic=main/8/22414500284.gif & s=f10 " For access to the abovementioned

> > charts on the net please click on

> > >

> > >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images " http://www.putfil

> > e.-com/cosmologer/-imagesHYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and

> > explained based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including


> > periods of financial market turbulence.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this


> > Wishing the list members success in their efforts at learning how

> to

> > use authentic mundane charts for various types of mundane

> > predictions.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > C

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > HYPERLINK " http://putfile.com/cosmologer "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low

> >


HYPERLINK " http://us.rd./mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http:/us

> > .rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. " PC-to-Phone call

> > rates.

> > >

> > >

> >


HYPERLINK " http://us.rd./mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http:/us

> > .rd./evt=39663/*http:/voice. "

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date:

> > 11.08.2006

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date:

> > 11.08.2006

> > >

> >


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Dear Vyas


I am sorry if i missed out on any mail further to your mails of

14th. i thought you mentioned 16th August 2007 as a key date. I

would surmise 1st Sept 2006 could be as critical.


Ketu and Mars are rapt conjunct in Virgo and Sun and Mercury are

rapt conjunct in Leo. That makes mercury combust. Moon is

debilitated as well.


i would guess it could be somewhat disturbing for those with a

rising degress between 1-2 with Virgo as ascendant.





















SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear Arun,


> Thanks, I took a look and I agree.


> I reckon that Ke-Ma would account for a larger number of deaths


> destruction.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas




> -

> " Arun Rao " <arunrao9

> <SAMVA >

> Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:58 PM

> Re: A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

in an

> authentic mundane chart



> > Dear Vyas,

> >

> > Yes Ketu-Mars afflictions can indeed be highly inflammatory as

both are

> > fiery planets.

> >

> > Rahu-Mars can be troublesome too, as we saw last year via the

7/7/05 bomb

> > blasts in London. The UK chart at the time was highly afflicted

as well.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> >

> > Arun

> >

> > Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:

> > Dear C,

> >

> > Thanks for the study. Just yesterday I was looking at the power

of the

> > Ke-Ma

> > combination. In particular, when there's a Ke-Ma combination and


> > aspects

> > Aries, it involves explosive happenings (see 9-11 and WWII

Japan bombing

> > Aug 9, 1945).

> >

> > Of course, this trigger needs further study. I would be happy to

look at

> > dates of major man-made explosive events if yourself or others


> > submit.

> >

> > An upcoming key date is Aug 16, 2007.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Vyas Munidas

> >

> > -

> > " Cosmologer " <cosmologer

> > <samva >

> > Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:13 PM

> > A study of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

in an

> > authentic mundane chart

> >

> > > Hello list,

> > >

> > > After years of research, using System's Approach (SA)

techniques of

> > > interpretation and prediction, a mundane chart for Iceland has


> > > established beyond doubt.

> > >

> > > The chart in question is based on the time when independence


> > > officially declared and celebrated in a national ceremony at


> > > national park at 2:00 PM on 17 June 1944.

> > >

> > > Below please find attached several gif files that reveal how


> > > earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 on the Richter scale or greater

and some

> > > significant volcanic eruptions in recent decades have manifest

in the

> > > chart, both in terms of the planetary periods and the major


> > > influences.

> > >

> > > Before we look at the mundane chart, we must recall how the


> > > dynamics of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are seen in the


> > > pattern of a mundane chart as per SA.

> > >

> > > The fourth house (H4) and lord of the 4th house (L4), which

rule over

> > > fixed assets and natural resources, are important in astrology


> > > explain

> > > why earthquakes take place. If the natal H4 most effective

point (MEP)

> > > is

> > > afflicted and/or L4 is weak and afflicted, then one may expect

> > > earthquakes

> > > that cause damage to property. Afflictions to H1 and H2 and

their lords

> > > also play a role.

> > >

> > > For volcanic eruptions, the role of hot planets Ketu, L8 Mars

and L12

> > > Sun

> > > is important, in addition to H4/L4, H1/L1 and H2/L2. Saturn is


> > > general

> > > indicator of things in the ground including hot magma. In a

Virgo chart

> > > Saturn as L6 becomes functional indicator of fire. Saturn is


> > > important to explain this phenomena for Iceland.

> > >

> > > In the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart for Iceland, H4 MEP is

natally closely

> > > afflicted by L6 Saturn. Moreover, L4 Jupiter is weak in old

age in H11.

> > > Its dispositor, L11 Moon is badly placed in H8. Hence,


> > > earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the country,

especially as a

> > > Virgo ascendant has many functional malefic planets to contend

with. On

> > > the upside, Iceland has a well placed, strong and unafflicted

L1 Mercury

> > > in H9. Perhaps this explains why there has never been a loss

of life in

> > > the country from earthquakes. However, Ketu afflicts H1 MEP

and this

> > > certainly adds to the explanation for the frequent and sudden

tremors in

> > > the country and volcanic eruptions. L2 Venus is also natally

weak and

> > > severely afflicted by L12 Sun, but is well placed in H10, the

wealth of

> > > the country may therefore experience setbacks. However, this

would not

> > > necessarily be expected to undermine the financial stability

in the

> > > country as L6 Saturn, ruler of financial stability, is strong

> > > and well placed in H10, although it is also conjunct L12 Sun.

> > >

> > > As the above configurations shows, there is a complex pattern


> > > which suggests earthquakes that are costly but do not

necessarily result

> > > in loss of life as is often the case when major earthquakes

around the

> > > world. One reason is that the earthquakes in Iceland are not

of the

> > > largest magnitude (typically do not exceed 7 on the Richter

scale). This

> > > is because the tectonic plates are pulling apart and not

butting up

> > > against each other as they do in California. The latter

phenomena is

> > > associated with more forceful alignments of the earths crust

and the

> > > release of more energy in earthquakes. Second, housing in

Iceland is

> > > mandated to be constructed with steel-reinforced concrete.


> > > buildings, while they may be damaged, have never been reported


> > > outright

> > > collapse in an earthquake in Iceland.

> > >

> > > In the earthquake that struck at 3:41 PM of 17 June 2000,


> > > registered at 5.5 on the Richter scale, widespread damage to


> > > and

> > > infrastructure was reported. However, there were no serious

accidents or

> > > loss of life.

> > >

> > > The earthquake struck in the Ju/Mo/Ma period. Jupiter and


> > > configure

> > > strongly in the above pattern. Transit Ketu in H5, which rules


> > > events, was afflicting transit L4 Jupiter and L6 Saturn, both

in infancy

> > > in H9. Saturn was also transit conjunct Jupiter. MMP L8 Mars


> > > conjunct

> > > natal L6 Saturn on H10 MEP and thus afflicting H4. L12 Sun was


> > > its

> > > own natal placement and that of L2 Venus in transit and its


> > > placement. Transit Venus was further involved in a conjunction


> > > transit

> > > Mars. Transit L11 Moon was on H4 MEP also afflicted by L8 Mars.

> > >

> > > As study of a similar sized earthquake that struck only a few


> > > later,

> > > in the morning of 20 June 2000, reveals a very similar pattern.

> > >

> > > The earthquake on 13 November 1998 was slightly less severe

(5.0 on the

> > > Richter) and less damaging. Again factors in the above pattern


> > > being

> > > triggered by the transits.

> > >

> > > The volcanic eruption that began in 14 November 1963 is

fascinating for

> > > it led to the creation of a new island south of Iceland and

the plume

> > > was

> > > visible almost all over the country. Interestingly, while the

FMs are

> > > playing their role, L4 Jupiter was strong in transit.

> > >

> > > By comparison the volcanic eruption on 23 January 1973 in the


> > > island was both devastating and dangerous for the population

of 5.000.

> > > All

> > > had to be evacuated immediately and half of the house went

under lava.

> > > It

> > > took the island decades to recover. Here L4 Jupiter is very

weak in

> > > transit and many afflictions at work. In the 18 December 1998


> > > which occurred away from populated areas and caused no real

damage, L1

> > > Mercury and L2 Venus were strong and unafflicted in transit.

> > >

> > > An earthquake in late September 1996 preceded an eruption

that caused a

> > > massive flood that wiped out a section of the highway that

needed to be

> > > rebuilt at considerable expense. The afflictions were massive

in the

> > > chart

> > > at that time.

> > >

> > > For access to the abovementioned charts on the net please

click on

> > > http://www.putfile.com/cosmologer/images

> > >

> > > A host of other events has been successfully predicted and


> > > based on this mundane chart for Iceland, including recent

periods of

> > > financial market turbulence.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hopefully, interested students can make use of this


> > > Wishing

> > > the list members success in their efforts at learning how to


> > > authentic

> > > mundane charts for various types of mundane predictions.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > C

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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