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CHINA rectified chart (Attention please)

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Dear List Members,


Please forget about the Taurus

lagna from October 10, 1911.


For future evaluation, this

will be the rectified chart of




Oct 1, 1949  7:30:00 AM

-08:00 CCT

Beijing, China Longitude:

116E25 Latitude: 39N55

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:09

Current Period: SA/ME/SU


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed    


Nakshatra Lord


Asc    29:24 Vir                 

Chitra     Ma

Sun    14:18 Vir  +00:59:00 

FM   Hasta      Mo

Moon   05:55 Cap  +12:43:05 

ST   U.Shadya   Su

Mars   21:32 Can  +00:36:16 

FM   Aslesha    Me

MercR  20:21 Vir  -01:04:39 

CM   Hasta      Mo

Jupt   29:25 Sag  +00:02:22 

WK   U.Shadya   Su

Ven    25:54 Lib  +01:09:48 

WK   Vishakha   Ju

Sat    19:57 Leo  +00:07:08 

FM   P.Phalguni Ve

Rahu   23:33 Pis  -00:00:46 

FM   Revati     Me

Ketu   23:33 Vir  -00:00:46 

FM   Chitra     Ma


True Node  365.25 Day Year -

Internet Time: 21 beats

Day: Saturday  Sunrise: 6:10


Tithi:  Shukla Dashami

Yoga Pt: 23:33 Vi  Yogi:Ma 

AviYogi:Ke  Dup Yogi: Me

Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco


Rashi Chart



** 7                     *  

* 5                     **   

*8 *                   *      

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*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*        VE 25:54*    

SU 14:18     

SA 19:57*       


*          *   *       MER20:21       

*   *          *   

*            * 6       KE 23:33         

* 4  MA 21:32*   


*          *   *       AS 29:24        *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

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*9       JU 29:25         

* 3                        *   

**                       *  

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*10*                   *      

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*    *              

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*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*MO 05:55    * 12      RA 23:33         

* 2          *   

*          *   *                      

*   *          *   

*        *      

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* 1                     **   







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AS              *   *          *   

*            * 6       SA                * 4  MER    


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*                       *   *  SU      *   

*MA          *

12                        * 2  VE      *   

*          *   *                      

*   *          *   

*        MO     

*                   *       *        *   

*      * RA       

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*  *                  

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** 11                    *  

* 1                     **   




Some of the events/facts

used in the rectification:


The Chinese Civil War ended

in 1949 with the Communist Party of China in control of the mainland, and the

Kuomintang retreating to Taiwan and some outlying islands of Fujian. On October

1, 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China, declaring " the Chinese people have

stood up. "


Following a series of

dramatic economic failures, Mao stepped down from his position as chairman in

1959, with Liu Shaoqi, elected by the National People's Congress, as successor.

Mao still had a huge influence over the Party, but was removed from day-to-day

management of economic affairs, which came under the control of a more moderate

leadership consisting of Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, and others who initiated

economic reforms.


The PRC adopted its current

constitution on December 4, 1982.




Source: " The process

wass completed on 1 October 1949 with a massive rally in Peking ... The New

York Times reported that at 8:00 am on 1 October 1949 all radio stations in Shanghai

played the national anthem. This may be evidence for assuming that the

government itself took office at that time. " Campion, " The Book of

World Horoscopes, " p. 119.





Jan 6, 1950: Britain

recognizes Maoist China


Feb 15, 1950: Russia and

China form alliance against world


May 22, 1950: Mao offers

Tibet autonomy within China


Oct 21, 1950: Chinese troops

invade Tibet


Mar 30, 1951: Gen MacArthur

threatens military attack on China


May 27, 1951: Tibet

surrenders army to Chinese


Aug 28, 1951: 4,800

fatalities, Flood


Oct 25, 1952: China refused

entry into United Nations


May 14, 1954: Communist

China allowed into Olympics


During a disastrous

landslide dam outburst flood on July 26, 1954, 407 people were killed in Tibet.


Jul  1959 (no day, only

month): 2,000,000 fatalities, Flood

After peaking at 105 mph,

typhoon Billie crossed over northeastern Taiwan, quickly weakened, and made

landfall on eastern China on the 15th July 1959.


Oct 11, 1962: Fighting

breakes out on India-China border


Aug 13, 1966: Chairman Mao declares

Cultural Revolution


Jul 25, 1969: 3,000

fatalities, M 5.9 Tientsin (Swatow Province),  Eastern China


Jan 4 1970: 10,000

fatalities, M 7.5 Yunnan Province, China


Nov 15, 1971: Chinese

delegates take their seats at the UN


Feb 21, 1972: Nixon makes

historic visit to China


May 10, 1974: 20,000

fatalities, M 6.8 Yunnan, Sichuan, China


Feb 4, 1975, at 11:36 GMT: 10,000 fatalities, M 7.4

Anshan Liaoning province, China


Apr 05, 1975: Chiang

Kai-Shek, head of Nationalist China, dies


August 7, 1975: Banqiao and

Shimantan Dams: chain-reaction failure of dams in typhoon, Henan Province, China.

Deaths: officially estimated at 26,000, possibly over 200,000.


Jul 27, 1976, at 19:42 GMT: 255,000 fatalities, M 8.0

Tangshan, Pek.,Tientsin, China; estimated death toll as high as 655,000;

164,000 injured;


Sep 9, 1976, at 10 minutes

past midnight: Chairman Mao Zedong dies


Feb 17, 1979: China invades



Jul 14, 1981: 1,311

fatalities, Flood


Sep 26, 1984: UK and China

agree Hong Kong handover


Dec 19, 1984: Britain signs

over Hong Kong to China


Oct 12, 1986: Queen is first

British monarch to visit China


May 16, 1989: Gorbachev

begins cordial relations after 30 years


Jun 4, 1989: massacre in

Tiananmen square, more than 1000 students were killed.


Jul 14, 1989: 2,000 - 10,000

fatalities, Flood 


Oct 02, 1990: 128

fatalities, Guangzhou, China - Xiamen / China SW - B737 / B757


May 18, 1991: 1,729

fatalities, Flood 


Nov 24, 1992: 141

fatalities, Liutang, Guangxi, China - China Southern Airlines - B737


Apr 26, 1994: 264

fatalities, Komaki, Japan - China Airlines - A300


Jun 06, 1994: 160

fatalities, Xi'an, China - China Northwest Airlines - TU154M


Aug 24, 1994: 1,174

fatalities, Wind storm


Feb 16, 1998: 203

fatalities, Taipei, Taiwan - China Airlines - A300


Feb 18, 1997: China's reformist Deng Xiaoping



Jul 01, 1997: Hong Kong

handed over to Chinese control


Nov 13, 1997: China mine

blast kills at least 87


At 11 o'clock on January 10, 1998,

an earthquake of 6.2 magnitudes took place, 49 people were killed and 11439

people were injured.


Aug 6, 1998: 3,656

fatalities, Flood 


25 février 1999: Explosion

en vol d'un avion des Southwest Airlines (Chine). 64 morts.


May 7, 1999, at 21:45 GMT: the US-led NATO fired five

bombs at the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 3 Chinese

journalists died.


Apr 15, 2000: Chinese mine

blast kills 40


Sep 8, 2000, 1130 GMT, China street blast kills



Nov 5, 2000: Blast kills 32

Chinese miners


Mar 15, 2001, 2100 GMT, China blasts flatten

apartments and kills 200


Jul 16, 2001, up to 200

miners are feared dead after part of their pit was hit by a sudden flood.


Nov 14, 2001, at 09:26 GMT: M 7.9 QINGHAI-XINJIANG



Jan 14, 2002, at 4:00 GMT: Blast kills 25 Chinese



April 8, 2002: Monday night:

Blast kills 24 Chinese miners


Apr 15, 2002: 128

fatalities, Buscan, South Korea - Air China - B767


May 25, 2002: 225

fatalities, Off Penghu, Taiwan - China Airlines - B747


Jun 20, 2002, at 9:45 a.m.

China coal mine explosion kills 93, 22 missing


Jun 28, 2002, at 17:19:30

(UTC): Magnitude 7.2 near Priamurye-Northeastern China border region


Dec 25, 2002, at 12:57:07

(UTC): Magnitude 5.5 near Kyrgyzstan-Xinjiang border region


Feb 24, 2003: 02:03:41 UTC,

M 6.3 SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA Z= 33km 39.64N 77.20E, Quake Kills 257, Injures

1,000 in China. 


May 13, 2003, 0813 GMT: Blast kills 63 Chinese



July 4, 2003, early on

Friday: Explosion kills 22 Chinese miners


July 21, 2003, 15:16:31 UTC,



Sep 27, 2003, 11:33:25 UTC,



Oct 15, 2003: China sends

first man into space


Dec 23, 2003, Nearly 10,000

people have been taken to hospitals suffering from poisoning and chemical burns after Tuesday's blast - the worst such

incident China has had. Over 230 dead


Oct 20, 2004, late on

Wednesday: China mine death toll passes 120


Nov 27, 2004, 2310 GMT, China mine blast traps 170



Feb 14, 2005, Chinese mine

explosion kills 203


Jul 10, 2005, 19:00 GMT, Up to 83 dead in China

mine blast


Oct 12, 2005, 0100 GMT, China astronauts blast

into space


Nov 27, 2005, 23:00, Chinese

mine explosion kills 141


Dec 22, 2005, 0600 GMT, 42 dead in China gas blast



Apr 9, 2006, 1825 GMT, Chinese hospital blast kills 19


Jul 22, 2006, 9:10 a.m. A

magnitude 5.1 earthquake hit Yunnan Province in southwestern China on Saturday

morning, killing at least 19 people and injuring 106,


China's Nuclear Testing

Beginning with its first

test on 16 October 1964, China conducted a total of 45 nuclear weapon tests --

23 atmospheric and 22 underground -- ranging in yield from about 1

kiloton to about 4 megatons. China first tested underground on 23 September

1969. China's largest atmospheric test was 4 MT, conducted on 17 November 1976; its largest underground test

was 660 kT, conducted on 21 May 1992.




(#45) 29 July 1996 1-5 kT

Underground --  China's 45th and most recent test

(#44) 8 June 1996 20-80 kT Underground 

-- Reported detonation of two warheads

(#43) 17 August 1995 60-80

kT Underground  -- Prompted the Japanese Diet (legislative body) to pass a

resolution protesting China's testing; later that month, Japan froze government grants for

the remainder of 1995

(#42) 15 May 1995 95 kT Underground 

-- Prompted Japan to suspend the grant portion of its foreign aid program to China

(#41) 7 October 1994 40-50

kT Underground  -- --

(#40) 10 June 1994 40-50 kT Underground 

-- --

(#39) 5 October 1993 40-80

kT Underground  -- --



03-JUN-2006, 15:00, Antonov 12

? China AF 40 near Yaocun   A1

21-NOV-2004, 08:20 Canadair

RegionalJet B-3072 China Yunnan 53 Baotou  A1

18-MAY-2004, 10:50, Ilyushin

76 4K-AZ27 Azal Cargo 7 near Urumqi  A1

07-MAY-2002, 21:32, MD-80

B-2138 China Northern 112 near Dalian  A1

22-JUN-2000, 14:51, Yunshuji

Y-7 B-3479 Wuhan Airlines 42 Sitai   A1

15-APR-1999,16:04, MD-11

HL7373 Korean Air 3 Shanghai  A1

24-FEB-1999, 16:34, Tupolev

154 B-2622 China Southwest 61 Ruian  A1

08-MAY-1997, 21:28, Boeing

737-300 B-2925 China Southern 35 Shenzhen Air...  A1

21-JUN-1996, 17:04, Y-12

B-3822 China Flying Dragon 2 Changhai   A1

06-JUN-1994, 08:20, Tupolev

154 B-2610 China Northwest 160 near Xian   A1

23-JUL-1993, 15:40, BAe-146

B-2716 China Northwest 55 Yinchuan Air...   A1

13-NOV-1993, 14:56 LT, MD-80

B-2141 China Northern 12 near Urumqi Airpo...   A1

26-OCT-1993, 13:04, MD-80

B-2103 China Eastern 2 Fuzhou Airpo...  A1  

24-NOV-1992, 07:52, Boeing

737-300 B-2523 China Southern 141 near Guilin  A1

31-JUL-1992, 15:12, Yakovlev

42 B-2755 China General 108 Nanking Airp...   A1

02-OCT-1990, 08:30, Boeing

757 B-2812 China Southern 46 Guangzhou-Ba...   A1

02-OCT-1990, 08:30, Boeing

737-200 B-2510 Xiamen Airlines 82 Guangzhou-Ba...  H1

15-AUG-1989 Antonov 24

B-3417 China Eastern 34 near Shanghai-Hon...   A1

07-OCT-1988 Ilyushin 14

B-4218 Shanxi Airlines 42 Linfen   A1

18-JAN-1988, 22:17, Ilyushin

18 B-222 China Southwest 108 near Chongqing   A1

18-JAN-1985 Antonov 24 B-434

CAAC 38 Jinan   A1

14-SEP-1983, 09:34, HS-121

Trident B-264 CAAC 11 Guilin Airpo...   A1

24-DEC-1982 Ilyushin 18

B-202 CAAC 25 Guangzhou-Ba...   A1

26-APR-1982, 16:45, HS-121

Trident B-266 CAAC 112 near Yangsuo   A1

21-JAN-1976 Antonov 24 B-492

CAAC 40 Changsha   A1

20-JUN-1964, 17:40, Curtiss

C-46 B-908 Civil Air Transport 57 San Chiao  A1

10-JUN-1963 Douglas DC-3

XY-ACS Union of Burma Airways 20 Mt. Kaolokung   A1

23-JUL-1954, 09:00, Douglas

DC-4 VR-HEU Cathay Pacific 10 near Hainan Island   C1

10-DEC-1949 Curtiss C-46

XT-814 Civil Air Transport 17 Hoikow   A1


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release 11.08.2006





Oct 1, 1949 7:30 AM -08:00 CCT

Beijing, China Longitude: 116E25 Latitude: 39N55

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:09 Current Period: SA/ME/SU


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 29:24 Vir Chitra Ma

Sun 14:18 Vir +00:59:00 FM Hasta Mo

Moon 05:55 Cap +12:43:05 ST U.Shadya Su

Mars 21:32 Can +00:36:16 FM Aslesha Me

MercR 20:21 Vir -01:04:39 CM Hasta Mo

Jupt 29:25 Sag +00:02:22 WK U.Shadya Su

Ven 25:54 Lib +01:09:48 WK Vishakha Ju

Sat 19:57 Leo +00:07:08 FM P.Phalguni Ve

Rahu 23:33 Pis -00:00:46 FM Revati Me

Ketu 23:33 Vir -00:00:46 FM Chitra Ma


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 21 beats

Day: Saturday Sunrise: 6:10 AM

Tithi: Shukla Dashami

Yoga Pt: 23:33 Vi Yogi:Ma AviYogi:Ke Dup Yogi: Me

Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco


Rashi Chart


** 7 * * 5 **

*8 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* VE 25:54* SU 14:18 SA 19:57* *

* * * MER20:21 * * *

* * 6 KE 23:33 * 4 MA 21:32*

* * * AS 29:24 * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

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*9 JU 29:25 * 3 *

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*10* * * * *

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*MO 05:55 * 12 RA 23:33 * 2 *

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** 11 * * 1 **





** 7 * * 5 **

*8 * * * * *

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* * * KE * *

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* * 6 SA * 4 MER *

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*9 JU * 3 *

** * * **

*10* * * * *

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* * * * * SU *

*MA * 12 * 2 VE *

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* MO * * * *

* * RA * * * *

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** 11 * * 1 **


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