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Major planets change signs

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Hello list, Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 - and Rahu will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their presence in a house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of the house. However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted, the indications of the nodes should at the same time do well. Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is moving backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the nodal axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007. Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants except Cancer, Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and unafflicted it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general indications to the indications

of the house it occupies. The following list shows what house these planets will occupy for each ascendant: Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11) Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10) Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9 Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8) Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7) Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6) Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5 Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4) Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3) Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2) Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1) Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12) For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo. However, for the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring problems to the indications of the houses represented by the sign Leo, and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting. The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where H12 and H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to cope with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition, financial stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign countries, bed pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for Pisceans and Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be mindful to follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest. For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and status. But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their indications should do well and the problems be less. Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through challenging transits with minimum

of difficulty. A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of Scorpio in October: Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9) Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8) Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7) Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6) Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5) Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4) Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3) Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2) Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1) Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12) Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11) Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10) In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being with the nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house. Hence, the situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of Jupiter, especially for the three signs mentioned. Best

wishes, C

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Many thanks for elaborated note.


regards / Prafulla Gang


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of

knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




> cosmologer

> Sat, 2 Sep 2006 05:22:46 -0700 (PDT)

> samva

> Major planets change signs


> Hello list,


> Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 - and Rahu

> will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from Ketu.


> Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their presence in a

> house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of the house.

> However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted, the

> indications of the nodes should at the same time do well.


> Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is moving

> backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the nodal

> axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007.


> Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants except Cancer,

> Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and unafflicted

> it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general indications

> to the indications of the house it occupies.


> The following list shows what house these planets will occupy for each

> ascendant:


> Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11)

> Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10)

> Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9

> Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8)

> Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7)

> Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6)

> Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5

> Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4)

> Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3)

> Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2)

> Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1)

> Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12)


> For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo. However, for

> the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring

> problems to the indications of the houses represented by the sign Leo,

> and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting.


> The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where H12 and

> H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to cope

> with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition, financial

> stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign countries, bed

> pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for Pisceans and

> Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal

> dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be mindful to

> follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest.


> For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and status.

> But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their indications

> should do well and the problems be less.


> Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through challenging

> transits with minimum of difficulty.


> A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of Scorpio in

> October:


> Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9)

> Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8)

> Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7)

> Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6)

> Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5)

> Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4)

> Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3)

> Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2)

> Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1)

> Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12)

> Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11)

> Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10)


> In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being with the

> nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house. Hence, the

> situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of Jupiter,

> especially for the three signs mentioned.


> Best wishes,


> C





> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small

> Business.

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Hello Prafulla and list,


You are welcome.


I have also added a graph in Photos section - SA Theory sub section

showing the transit of Saturn and Ketu in Leo and Cancer, with

stationary degrees indicated.




Best regards,





SAMVA , Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:


> Many thanks for elaborated note.


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> The difference between a successful person and others is not a

lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.



> >

> > cosmologer

> > Sat, 2 Sep 2006 05:22:46 -0700 (PDT)

> > samva

> > Major planets change signs

> >

> > Hello list,

> >

> > Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 -

and Rahu

> > will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from


> >

> > Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their

presence in a

> > house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of

the house.

> > However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted,


> > indications of the nodes should at the same time do well.

> >

> > Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is


> > backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the


> > axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007.

> >

> > Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants

except Cancer,

> > Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and


> > it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general


> > to the indications of the house it occupies.

> >

> > The following list shows what house these planets will occupy

for each

> > ascendant:

> >

> > Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11)

> > Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10)

> > Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9

> > Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8)

> > Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7)

> > Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6)

> > Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5

> > Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4)

> > Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3)

> > Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2)

> > Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1)

> > Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12)

> >

> > For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo.

However, for

> > the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring

> > problems to the indications of the houses represented by the

sign Leo,

> > and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting.

> >

> > The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where

H12 and

> > H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to


> > with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition,


> > stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign

countries, bed

> > pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for

Pisceans and

> > Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal

> > dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be

mindful to

> > follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest.

> >

> > For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and


> > But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their


> > should do well and the problems be less.

> >

> > Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through challenging

> > transits with minimum of difficulty.

> >

> > A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of

Scorpio in

> > October:

> >

> > Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9)

> > Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8)

> > Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7)

> > Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6)

> > Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5)

> > Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4)

> > Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3)

> > Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2)

> > Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1)

> > Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12)

> > Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11)

> > Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10)

> >

> > In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being

with the

> > nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house.

Hence, the

> > situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of


> > especially for the three signs mentioned.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.


> > Business.


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Dear C...


Another great and helpful post! Thank you.


David Hawthorne





Saturday, September 02, 2006 6:22 AM

Major planets change signs


Hello list,


Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 - and Rahu will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from Ketu.


Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their presence in a house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of the house. However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted, the indications of the nodes should at the same time do well.


Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is moving backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the nodal axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007.


Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants except Cancer, Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and unafflicted it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general indications to the indications of the house it occupies.


The following list shows what house these planets will occupy for each ascendant:


Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11)

Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10)

Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9

Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8)

Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7)

Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6)

Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5

Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4)

Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3)

Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2)

Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1)

Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12)


For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo. However, for the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring problems to the indications of the houses represented by the sign Leo, and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting.


The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where H12 and H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to cope with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition, financial stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign countries, bed pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for Pisceans and Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be mindful to follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest.


For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and status. But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their indications should do well and the problems be less.


Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through challenging transits with minimum of difficulty.


A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of Scorpio in October:


Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9)

Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8)

Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7)

Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6)

Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5)

Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4)

Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3)

Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2)

Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1)

Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12)

Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11)

Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10)


In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being with the nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house. Hence, the situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of Jupiter, especially for the three signs mentioned.


Best wishes,






Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small Business.

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Dear C.


Great work!


Best wishes,




> Hello list,


> Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 - and Rahu

> will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from Ketu.


> Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their presence in a

> house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of the house.

> However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted, the

> indications of the nodes should at the same time do well.


> Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is moving

> backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the nodal

> axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007.


> Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants except Cancer,

> Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and unafflicted

> it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general indications

> to the indications of the house it occupies.


> The following list shows what house these planets will occupy for each

> ascendant:


> Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11)

> Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10)

> Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9

> Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8)

> Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7)

> Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6)

> Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5

> Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4)

> Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3)

> Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2)

> Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1)

> Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12)


> For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo. However, for

> the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring

> problems to the indications of the houses represented by the sign Leo,

> and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting.


> The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where H12 and

> H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to cope

> with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition, financial

> stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign countries, bed

> pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for Pisceans and

> Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal

> dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be mindful

> to follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest.


> For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and status.

> But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their indications

> should do well and the problems be less.


> Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through challenging transits

> with minimum of difficulty.


> A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of Scorpio in

> October:


> Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9)

> Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8)

> Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7)

> Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6)

> Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5)

> Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4)

> Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3)

> Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2)

> Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1)

> Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12)

> Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11)

> Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10)


> In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being with the

> nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house. Hence, the

> situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of Jupiter,

> especially for the three signs mentioned.


> Best wishes,


> C





> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small

> Business.

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Dear David and Jorge,


Glad you like it and thanks for the kind words.


Best regards,



SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino



> Dear C.


> Great work!


> Best wishes,


> Jorge


> > Hello list,

> >

> > Saturn and Ketu will enter the sign of Leo in November 2006 -

and Rahu

> > will move into the sign of Aquarius and the house opposite from


> >

> > Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets, so their

presence in a

> > house will create difficulty or strain for the indications of

the house.

> > However, if well placed, strong, unafflicting and unafflicted,


> > indications of the nodes should at the same time do well.

> >

> > Saturn is moving forward from Cancer into Leo while Ketu is


> > backward (retrograde) from Virgo to Leo. Saturn passes over the


> > axis at 11° Leo in Autumn of 2007.

> >

> > Saturn is a functional benefic planet for all ascendants

except Cancer,

> > Virgo and Pisces. If it is well placed by house, strong and


> > it will bring benefits linked to its functional and general


> > to the indications of the house it occupies.

> >

> > The following list shows what house these planets will occupy

for each

> > ascendant:

> >

> > Aries - H5 (Saturn is L11)

> > Taurus - H4 (Saturn is L10)

> > Gemini - H3 (Saturn is L9

> > Cancer - H2 (Saturn is L8)

> > Leo - H1 (Saturn is L7)

> > Virgo - H12 (Saturn L6)

> > Libra - H11 (Saturn is L5

> > Scorpio - H10 (Saturn is L4)

> > Sagittarius - H9 (Saturn is L3)

> > Capricorn - H8 (Saturn is L2)

> > Aquarius - H7 (Saturn is L1)

> > Pisces - H6 (Saturn L12)

> >

> > For most of the signs Saturn will bring benefits in Leo.

However, for

> > the abovementioned ascendants where Saturn is a FM, it will bring

> > problems to the indications of the houses represented by the

sign Leo,

> > and more so if it is weak, afflicted or afflicting.

> >

> > The challenge is greater for the signs Virgo and Pisces, where

H12 and

> > H6 issues are brought to the fore. These ascendants will have to


> > with the adverse interaction of on the one hand: opposition,


> > stability, health and on the other hand: losses, foreign

countries, bed

> > pleasures, sleep. During these transits it is important for

Pisceans and

> > Virgos to minimise conflict, be flexible and cautious in personal

> > dealings and concerning financial undertakings. They should be


> > to follow a healthy livestyle, meditate and get enough rest.

> >

> > For Cancers some strain may emerge for family life, wealth and


> > But as Saturn and Ketu are transiting a good house, their


> > should do well and the problems be less.

> >

> > Astral remedies are helpful to help one get through

challenging transits

> > with minimum of difficulty.

> >

> > A similar list follows for Jupiter, which enters the sign of

Scorpio in

> > October:

> >

> > Aries - H8 (Jupiter is L9)

> > Taurus - H7 (Jupiter is L8)

> > Gemini - H6 (Jupiter is L7)

> > Cancer - H5 (Jupiter is L6)

> > Leo - H4 (Jupiter is L5)

> > Virgo - H3 (Jupiter is L4)

> > Libra - H2 (Jupiter is L3)

> > Scorpio - H1 (Jupiter is L2)

> > Sagittarius - H12 (Jupiter is L1)

> > Capricorn - H11 (Jupiter is L12)

> > Aquarius - H10 (Jupiter is L11)

> > Pisces - H9 (Jupiter is L10)

> >

> > In the coming year, there are no combinations of Jupiter being

with the

> > nodes, or where it, as an FM, resides in a dusthana house.

Hence, the

> > situation in the coming year becomes easier on account of


> > especially for the three signs mentioned.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.


> > Business.


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