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FW: GCWP-GB NEWS - Invincible America: A Progress Report (About Astral Remed

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Serious attempts are being made in 40 countries but Holland is the

only country with a group of the required size, which it has had for

many months now.


SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino wrote:


> Dear Vyas,




> I just wanted the list to be aware of the kind of events that are

going on all over the world.




> It would also be good to know about these 39 countries and see if

things are happening in accord with their rectified charts or not.




> Even the fact of having these groups creating coherence now must be

visible in their rectified charts, I think.




> Let us look to the US rectified chart:





" http://www.invincibleamerica.org/mvc_photos.html " http://www.invincibleamerica.o\


it seems the course started on July 22, 2006, in US.




> Operational dasha on July 22, 2006: Ve/Sa/Mo/Ve/Ma




> D1 and D9 have the same lagna (vargottama). Saturn (yoga,

meditation), L4 (mind, supporters, the MBP), and the Moon (mind,

caring nature), L9 (fortune, support of Nature), are the spiritual

planets for the country, together with the FB Sun, FB Jupiter and

Ketu. As the country is vargottama, the role of all these planets is

reinforced regarding H9 matters.




> Transit Venus is placed in Leo, unafflicting and unafflicted. Its

dispositor, the Sun, conjoins transit Saturn in H9, almost exactly

over natal Mercury, L11, and in mutual aspect with natal Moon, L9.

Natal Venus, L12 (ashram, enlightenment), is placed in H8 (yoga,

meditation, transformations). In D9, Venus is placed in H2 (gains).




> Natal Saturn is under the influence of transit Ketu, and transit

Jupiter over MEP11. Natal Ketu is in H3 (spiritual initiation), and

natal Jupiter is in H8 (yoga, meditation). Transit Saturn is exactly

conjunct with transit Sun in H9. Both are under the influence of natal

Moon, L9, natal retrograde Mercury, L11, and transit Mars (action, H3

karaka). In D9, Saturn aspects its own MT house, conjoins Mercury in

H10 and is aspected by Jupiter from H4.




> Transit Moon is aspected by natal Ketu, transit Ketu and transit

Jupiter. Natal Moon, being placed in H3 (spiritual initiation) under

the aspect of natal Mercury, L11 in H9, is aspected by transit Saturn

and transit Sun in H9. In D9, the Moon is well placed in H5, and under

the influence of Mars and Rahu.




> Transit Mars is in its own MT house, unafflicted. In D9, Mars is in

H11, aspected by the Moon and Ketu. So its influence over transit

Saturn, transit Sun and natal Mercury brings also some gains of

spiritual nature, we can say.




> Natal Mercury is in H9, transit Mercury is in H9. In D9, Mercury

conjoins Saturn in H10 and is aspected by Jupiter from H4. So its

influence over transit Saturn and transit Sun was also of a spiritual





Even though being a post event analysis, it makes us to think as the

potential for this kind of event was present in the US rectified

chart. If the list members want to know more about these kind of

creating coherence events, they may like to see also:


> What the Bleep Do We Know!?: Quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin

appeared in this movie. Read a short HYPERLINK

" http://www.invinciblemilitary.org/articles/sapratableii.html#b33 " summary

of his experiment using Invincible Defense Technology to reduce crime

in Washington D.C.



" http://www.invinciblemilitary.org/ " http://www.invinciblemilitary.org/




> I have been helping in Mozambique in 1990, teaching TM to the Army

and to about 1500 civilians in Maputo, and I must tell you that the

influence of coherence in the city and in the country, according with

my inner feelings, was fantastic. If it was due to this or not, what

is true is that peace came very soon after that event. However, I

strongly believe that THINGS JUST HAPPEN, and we are the instruments

that Mother Nature uses to make them happen. That is our co-creative

role. The more conscious of this we are the better is our role on

creating peace, I think.




> No one can go to the past to make a new beginning, but everyone can

begin now to make a better future.




> Best wishes,




> Jorge





> SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf

Of Vyas Munidas

> domingo, 15 de Outubro de 2006 02:43


> Re: FW: GCWP-GB NEWS - Invincible America: A

Progress Report (About Astral Remedies for countries)






> Dear Jorge,






> Thanks for your post.




> Once their ring is in place, this will have statistical significance

if there are no major and minor wars, economic prosperity globally and

no natural/manmade disasters for the next 10 years. Otherwise, it's

jumping the gun.




> I am not sure if they are causing such good events. I (and likely

many others) foresaw the same on a global level, understanding the

upcoming transits.




> If the economy is in a slump, start/engage in a war - this has been

common in the US for the last century. Any macro economist will tell

you this without astrology. This is just economic and seasonal cycle-

common sense.




> However, every little bit helps and I am a firm believer in such

practices to raise the global consciousness. We should all do our part

to meditate or chant some japa and send out good thoughts and

blessings to others on a global level.




> Permanent peace in kaliyuga will not happen and I am an optimist.






> Best regards,




> Vyas Munidas






> -


> HYPERLINK " jorge.angelino " Jorge Angelino




> Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:05 PM


> FW: GCWP-GB NEWS - Invincible America: A Progress

Report (About Astral Remedies for countries)




> Dear List,




> Regarding the theme of ASTRAL REMEDIES FOR COUNTRIES, I would like

to share what is claimed by Dr. John Hagelin.




> You may remember him if you have seen the movie that came up last





> Best wishes,




> Jorge











> Stock Market Booms, Oil and Gas Prices Plummet,

> and No Hurricanes Hit U.S. Shores


> Largest Scientific Demonstration Project

> Saves the Nation $200 Billion So Far


> “America is being transformed by the rise of coherence in national

consciousness created by the group of 1200 Yogic Flyers in Washington,

D.C., and Iowa.

> As the number rises to 2000, any lingering problems will be

quickly resolved.â€


> †" World-renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin


> A surprisingly robust U.S. economy and a booming stock market, a

successful U.S.-brokered cease-fire in Lebanon, and an unexpectedly

benign hurricane season are among the clear signs of success of the

first 75 days of the largest scientific demonstration project ever to

monitor the effect of group Yogic Flying practice on the economic,

social, and even climatic trends of the nation.


> This is the assessment of world-renowned quantum physicist Dr. John

Hagelin, director of the ongoing national demonstration project, which

is being funded through a generous gift of $12 million a year by the

“Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America.â€


> Signs of Success


> Dr. Hagelin said that since the “Invincible America Courseâ€

began on July 23 with 1200 advanced Transcendental Meditation†" Yogic

Flying experts in Washington, D.C., and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa,

national trends have improved dramatically, as publicly predicted by

researchers before the course began:


> · A faltering U.S. economy has

suddenly turned robust†" led by a booming stock market, which pulled

out from its downward spiral in mid-July and has since climbed nearly

1000 points, breaking all-time records


> · The price of oil, which peaked at

$78 a barrel in mid-July, has plummeted more than 25% to below $58 a

barrel†" with gas prices dropping 25% as well


> · A surprisingly effective

U.S.-brokered cease-fire in Lebanon has prevented a dangerous

escalation of violence in the region


> · Dire predictions of a destructive

Atlantic hurricane season have proven unfounded, as no hurricanes have

struck U.S. shores this year


> “This dramatic transformation in national trends, which began with

the start of the demonstration project, is no mere coincidence or

anomaly,†Dr. Hagelin said. “This transformation is the direct

result of the increased coherence in national consciousness created by

the 1200 Yogic Flyers.â€

> According to Dr. Hagelin, the nation has saved at least $200 billion

in hurricane costs (Katrina alone caused an estimated $150 billion in

damages), with untold billions more added to the economy by the

bullish stock market.


> Extensive published research confirms the benefits of the

“Maharishi Effectâ€


> Dr. Hagelin cited prior research, published in leading,

peer-reviewed scientific journals, which has documented reduced

negative trends, including reduced crime and violence, and improved

economic and social trends when as few as the square root of one

percent of a population practice Yogic Flying together in a group.


> Scientists named this phenomenon the “Maharishi Effect†after

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogic, the renowned Vedic scholar who

founded the Transcendental Meditation program, and who predicted the

beneficial impact of group meditation on social trends as early as 1975.


> Creating the “Meissner Effect†for the nation


> Dr. Hagelin, who serves as President of the US Peace Government and

Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World

Peace, said that group Yogic Flying practice creates the equivalent in

society of the “Meissner Effect†of physics.


> “The Meissner Effect refers to the ability of a superconductor to

spontaneously repel any disruptive influences, due to the coherent

functioning of its atomic constituents,†Dr. Hagelin said. “The

Meissner Effect explains how coherent national consciousness created

by the Yogic Flyers can similarly repel any disruptive

influence†" terrorism, conflict, or even a hurricane†" and prevent it

from inflicting damage on the nation.â€


> Group of 2000 Yogic Flyers needed to make the nation invincible


> Dr. Hagelin acknowledged that serious problems persist in the world,

but said that as the number of Yogic Flyers in the U.S. reaches the

square root of one percent of the U.S. population (about 2000), there

will be an even more dramatic improvement in national trends, and any

lingering problems will be quickly resolved.


> “This is not wishful thinking,†Dr. Hagelin said. “This is

hard science that has been field-tested for over 50 years and

documented through more than 600 studies conducted at over 250

independent universities and research institutes throughout the world.â€


> Establishing a “Ring of Invincibility†around the globe

> for permanent world peace


> Dr. Hagelin added that similar groups of Yogic Flyers are now being

established in 39 more countries to create a “Ring of

Invincibility†around the globe and quickly raise the whole world to

a state of permanent peace.






> --



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> Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.4/476 - Release Date:



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