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The 21° Virgo rising chart for the USA

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Dear John,


Thank you very much for this information. You are an

exceptional resource on US history. How lucky this

list is to count you as a distinguished member!


I attach a brief reading for this 21° Virgo rising

chart for the USA, test some historical events against

it and then include one prediction.


Others are invited to comment on this chart or

analysis. It is an exploratory effort.


Best regards,





Natal analysis – Rasi chart (strong planets: Moon,

Venus and Sun).

21° 07’ Virgo is rising in this chart. Virgo is not

typically identified as a leader, as it tends to be

“analytical and thorough leading to perfection.”

Moreover, in this chart, L1 Mercury is weak but well

placed at 1° 37’ Cancer / H11. The self-identity would

be linked to commerce, income, aspirations and

friendships. The weakness of Mercury would suggest a

marked nervousness to the national psyche. L2 Venus is

strong and well placed at 22° 51’ Cancer/ H11 MEP.

Assets generate income and comforts are generally

good. A bright L11 Moon is located in Capricorn / H5,

giving interest in entertainment, income from

speculation, romance. The strength of Venus and Moon

give support to Mercury’s weakness by being in



L4 Jupiter is well placed but combust L12 Sun in

Gemini / H10. An interest or sense of duty in having a

role in the world at large, but foreign governments

create problems and losses. A country that produces

large cars that waste energy is symbolized by this



L6 Saturn is located in H6 on MEP, which is good for

financial stability, health and outcome of conflict.

However, this placement creates a lot of conflict,

which causes problems for overseas activities (aspect

on H12), fixed assets and social harmony (aspect on

H4) and easy gains and beliefs of the masses (aspect

on H8). Conflict may cause losses, especially as L8

Mars is weak due to its placement in Leo / H12.

Moreover, there would be no gains from legacy. The US

lost some of its UK inheritance through the war of

independence but the strong Moon and Venus quickly

made up for it. L12 Sun strong and well placed in

Gemini / H10 gives influence from foreign countries on

profession and protects against influence from Saturn

and placement of MMP Mars in H12. Government has

significant foreign involvement, which is troublesome.



Rahu in H3 MEP indicates crisis for communication or

transportation, foreign travel and relations (H7),

higher learning or philosophy (aspect on H9) and

income and aspirations (H11). The wide aspect of Rahu

to L2 Venus may create stress for relations with

neighbors, but strength of Venus and Moon protects.

Ketu in H9 MEP indicates crisis for higher learning,

self-identity (aspect on H1), communication and

transportation (aspect on H3), entertainment and

speculation (aspect on H5).


Natal analysis – Navamsa chart (strong planets: Moon,

Venus and Mercury).

Cancer is rising with L1 Moon exalted in Taurus / H11.

L3 Mercury is well placed in H1

L4 Venus is well placed in H7. L8 Saturn is well

placed but debilitated in Aries / H10. Ketu is well

placed in Leo / H2. Other planets are badly placed

and/or afflicted. Jupiter is conjunct Rahu in H8. Mars

in H12 under aspect from FM Rahu and Saturn, but also

in mutual aspect with L2 Sun in H6, which is under

aspect from FM Ketu in H2.


Historical events.


Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on

April 12, 1861 to the first real Battle of Bull Run in

July 1861. The civil war saw three percent of the

population killed and unleashed major suffering on

large numbers of people. That summer, Rahu was

stationary at 21° Sagittarius / H4, which would be

appropriate for a war at home. L6 Saturn was

transiting H12 conjunct L8 Mars. Me/Ve period was

running until 20 November 1861, when the Me/Su period

began. The bloodshed of the Sun period was greater

than in the Venus period.


Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14

April 1865. For a country trying to come to grips with

the calamity of the civil war, it was again catapulted

into still more sorrow. Me/Ra period was running. Tr

Rahu was stationary in H2 conjunct tr L6 Saturn, while

stationary tr Ketu in H8 afflicted natal L8 Mars in

H12. Tr L4 Jupiter was in H4 under affliction from

natal L12 Sun in H10. Tr L8 Mars was

Conjunct natal L4 Jupiter.


The stock market crash that began the Great Depression

of the 1930s hit on 25 October 1929. Ra/Sa period was

running. Tr FM Ketu was stationary and exactly

conjunct tr L8 Mars at 19° 20’ Libra / H2 MEP,

aspecting natal L6 Saturn in H6. Tr L12 Sun was at 8°

Libra / H2. Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal FM Rahu

in Taurus / H9. Tr L6 Saturn was in H4. By December

1929 tr Saturn opposed natal L12 Sun. In early 1930,

the nodes move to 10° from where they aspected natal

L8 Mars in Leo / H12. Later, Saturn become stationary

at 19° Sagittarius / H4 MEP.


Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which

caused US to join the war. Ju/Ju period was running.

Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal Ketu in Gemini / H9.

Tr Rahu was in H12 MEP and tr Ketu in H6 MEP. Tr L8

was in Pisces / H7 MEP. Tr L12 Sun was in Scorpio /H3

MEP. The transits could hardly have been any worse.


Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November

1963, which caused much grief in the USA. Sa/Ve period

was running. Tr Venus was exactly conjunct natal Rahu

and tr L8 Mars in H3. Tr L12 Sun was also in H3, with

L1 Mercury. Tr L6 Saturn was in H5 MEP under aspect of

natal FM Ketu. Tr Rahu was in H10 conjunct natal L4

Jupiter and afflicting L6 Saturn.


Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event

that had less impact than what it appeared to have.

Me/Ju period was running and tr Jupiter was in infancy

in H8 under exact aspect from tr L12 Sun in H2. L6

Saturn was in H3 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis. Tr

Mars and tr Ketu were conjunct in H1. Tr L1 Mercury

and tr L2 Venus were in H2. Tr L11 Moon was in H12.


The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which

shocked the psyche of the people, disrupted life in

the country and turned Americans inward and vengeful

in striking out at the perpetrators. Ve/Ve period was

running. Tr Ketu and tr L8 Mars were conjunct in H4

opposite natal L12 Sun in H12, which was also conjunct

tr FM Rahu. Tr Ketu also afflicted natal L8 Mars in

H12. Stationary L6 Saturn was conjunct H9 MEP and

aspecting its natal placement in H6. Tr Venus was

conjunct natal Venus but also under close aspect of

natal FM Rahu in H3. Tr L12 Sun was in H12 under

aspect from L6 Saturn in H6. L! Mercury was in H1 MEP.

Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct its own natal placement in




Ve/Ra period is running for three years, from 27

October 2006 until same date in 2009. During this

period, Rahu and Saturn will become conjunct at 11° in

Leo / H12 and also conjunct L8 Mars in October 2007.

This is not a good contact in this chart. At that

time, L8 Mars will also be conjunct natal L4 Jupiter

in H10, while L4 Jupiter will be conjunct natal FM

Rahu in H3. There could be accidents, losses or some

significant other problems disturbing the communal









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Hi Cosmologer,


Thanks for the chart and your analysis.


Where it doesn't sit right...


My impression is that the people signified by this chart would be more peaceful (Me in H11 Cn with Ve on the MEP and strong Mo), and spiritual minded (Ke asp from H9) than the current observation. We can also consider the well placed, wide Su-Ju as strongly favourable in the spiritual potential, specifically in bhakti movements as these energies enter 4H with no other influences there. It's more of a satvic chart overal. USA is very tamasic.


The other thing that sticks out is Mars in H12. With such a placement, USA, the land of fulfillment of dreams, opportunity and easy gains may have not had this fame. One can dig deeper and say that the Sun is very strong and well placed in this chart and promotes planets in H12. However Mars is weak by this placement, especially considering Saturns influence on its Aries. Additionally, USA has seen great economic booms after its wars and stands as the mightiest military force in the world. Such Mars would see alot of defeats.


Where it fits...




Extreme enjoyment and trouble in 7H issues

I am sure there's alot more, but these are my first impressions. In my opinion, this doesn't fit overall. As you said, monitoring and repeated accurate predictions are required to determine.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas







Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:35 PM

The 21° Virgo rising chart for the USA



Dear John,Thank you very much for this information. You are anexceptional resource on US history. How lucky thislist is to count you as a distinguished member!I attach a brief reading for this 21° Virgo risingchart for the USA, test some historical events againstit and then include one prediction.Others are invited to comment on this chart oranalysis. It is an exploratory effort.Best regards,CNatal analysis – Rasi chart (strong planets: Moon,Venus and Sun).21° 07’ Virgo is rising in this chart. Virgo is nottypically identified as a leader, as it tends to be“analytical and thorough leading to perfection.”Moreover, in this chart, L1 Mercury is weak but wellplaced at 1° 37’ Cancer / H11. The self-identity wouldbe linked to commerce, income, aspirations andfriendships. The weakness of Mercury would suggest amarked nervousness to the national psyche. L2 Venus isstrong and well placed at 22° 51’ Cancer/ H11 MEP.Assets generate income and comforts are generallygood. A bright L11 Moon is located in Capricorn / H5,giving interest in entertainment, income fromspeculation, romance. The strength of Venus and Moongive support to Mercury’s weakness by being ininfancy. L4 Jupiter is well placed but combust L12 Sun inGemini / H10. An interest or sense of duty in having arole in the world at large, but foreign governmentscreate problems and losses. A country that produceslarge cars that waste energy is symbolized by thisplacement. L6 Saturn is located in H6 on MEP, which is good forfinancial stability, health and outcome of conflict.However, this placement creates a lot of conflict,which causes problems for overseas activities (aspecton H12), fixed assets and social harmony (aspect onH4) and easy gains and beliefs of the masses (aspecton H8). Conflict may cause losses, especially as L8Mars is weak due to its placement in Leo / H12.Moreover, there would be no gains from legacy. The USlost some of its UK inheritance through the war ofindependence but the strong Moon and Venus quicklymade up for it. L12 Sun strong and well placed inGemini / H10 gives influence from foreign countries onprofession and protects against influence from Saturnand placement of MMP Mars in H12. Government hassignificant foreign involvement, which is troublesome.Rahu in H3 MEP indicates crisis for communication ortransportation, foreign travel and relations (H7),higher learning or philosophy (aspect on H9) andincome and aspirations (H11). The wide aspect of Rahuto L2 Venus may create stress for relations withneighbors, but strength of Venus and Moon protects.Ketu in H9 MEP indicates crisis for higher learning,self-identity (aspect on H1), communication andtransportation (aspect on H3), entertainment andspeculation (aspect on H5).Natal analysis – Navamsa chart (strong planets: Moon,Venus and Mercury).Cancer is rising with L1 Moon exalted in Taurus / H11.L3 Mercury is well placed in H1 L4 Venus is well placed in H7. L8 Saturn is wellplaced but debilitated in Aries / H10. Ketu is wellplaced in Leo / H2. Other planets are badly placedand/or afflicted. Jupiter is conjunct Rahu in H8. Marsin H12 under aspect from FM Rahu and Saturn, but alsoin mutual aspect with L2 Sun in H6, which is underaspect from FM Ketu in H2.Historical events.Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter onApril 12, 1861 to the first real Battle of Bull Run inJuly 1861. The civil war saw three percent of thepopulation killed and unleashed major suffering onlarge numbers of people. That summer, Rahu wasstationary at 21° Sagittarius / H4, which would beappropriate for a war at home. L6 Saturn wastransiting H12 conjunct L8 Mars. Me/Ve period wasrunning until 20 November 1861, when the Me/Su periodbegan. The bloodshed of the Sun period was greaterthan in the Venus period.Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14April 1865. For a country trying to come to grips withthe calamity of the civil war, it was again catapultedinto still more sorrow. Me/Ra period was running. TrRahu was stationary in H2 conjunct tr L6 Saturn, whilestationary tr Ketu in H8 afflicted natal L8 Mars inH12. Tr L4 Jupiter was in H4 under affliction fromnatal L12 Sun in H10. Tr L8 Mars wasConjunct natal L4 Jupiter. The stock market crash that began the Great Depressionof the 1930s hit on 25 October 1929. Ra/Sa period wasrunning. Tr FM Ketu was stationary and exactlyconjunct tr L8 Mars at 19° 20’ Libra / H2 MEP,aspecting natal L6 Saturn in H6. Tr L12 Sun was at 8°Libra / H2. Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal FM Rahuin Taurus / H9. Tr L6 Saturn was in H4. By December1929 tr Saturn opposed natal L12 Sun. In early 1930,the nodes move to 10° from where they aspected natalL8 Mars in Leo / H12. Later, Saturn become stationaryat 19° Sagittarius / H4 MEP.Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, whichcaused US to join the war. Ju/Ju period was running.Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal Ketu in Gemini / H9. Tr Rahu was in H12 MEP and tr Ketu in H6 MEP. Tr L8was in Pisces / H7 MEP. Tr L12 Sun was in Scorpio /H3MEP. The transits could hardly have been any worse.Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November1963, which caused much grief in the USA. Sa/Ve periodwas running. Tr Venus was exactly conjunct natal Rahuand tr L8 Mars in H3. Tr L12 Sun was also in H3, withL1 Mercury. Tr L6 Saturn was in H5 MEP under aspect ofnatal FM Ketu. Tr Rahu was in H10 conjunct natal L4Jupiter and afflicting L6 Saturn.Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an eventthat had less impact than what it appeared to have.Me/Ju period was running and tr Jupiter was in infancyin H8 under exact aspect from tr L12 Sun in H2. L6Saturn was in H3 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis. TrMars and tr Ketu were conjunct in H1. Tr L1 Mercuryand tr L2 Venus were in H2. Tr L11 Moon was in H12.The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, whichshocked the psyche of the people, disrupted life inthe country and turned Americans inward and vengefulin striking out at the perpetrators. Ve/Ve period wasrunning. Tr Ketu and tr L8 Mars were conjunct in H4opposite natal L12 Sun in H12, which was also conjuncttr FM Rahu. Tr Ketu also afflicted natal L8 Mars inH12. Stationary L6 Saturn was conjunct H9 MEP andaspecting its natal placement in H6. Tr Venus wasconjunct natal Venus but also under close aspect ofnatal FM Rahu in H3. Tr L12 Sun was in H12 underaspect from L6 Saturn in H6. L! Mercury was in H1 MEP.Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct its own natal placement inH10.PredictionVe/Ra period is running for three years, from 27October 2006 until same date in 2009. During thisperiod, Rahu and Saturn will become conjunct at 11° inLeo / H12 and also conjunct L8 Mars in October 2007.This is not a good contact in this chart. At thattime, L8 Mars will also be conjunct natal L4 Jupiterin H10, while L4 Jupiter will be conjunct natal FMRahu in H3. There could be accidents, losses or somesignificant other problems disturbing the communalharmony.

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Hi Vyas,


Thanks for the reaction. I agree with your inishgts to a large

extent. The interpretation involved in such an effort it often

precursory. Predictions are key to resolve the doubts. For instance,

the 21° Cancer rising chart had many interesting placements, but

overall weakness, which many found odd for such a strong country. It

did, however, produce many correct predictions. It was rejected on a

technicality, albeit important one, that the historical event it was

based on occurred earlier in the day. It is also being tested at this

time with predictions. Interestingly, this Virgo chart share a rising

degree, 21° with that chart, which we have found to be important for

the events in this countries history.


One point regarding Virgo rising sign mundane charts. Australia and

UK have Virgo rising charts which seem to work. They appear to have a

lot in common with the US. That said, the predictions are key. This

chart goes into Rahu sub period tomorrow, with Rahu about to enter

H12, along with L6 Saturn. This would signal a trend change regarding

financial stability or health in the country which would increasingly

be felt next year, especially during the Autumn months.


Last but not least, congratulations on your accurate predictions of

financial asset prices based on SA.


Best regards,






SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Hi Cosmologer,


> Thanks for the chart and your analysis.


> Where it doesn't sit right...


> My impression is that the people signified by this chart would be

more peaceful (Me in H11 Cn with Ve on the MEP and strong Mo), and

spiritual minded (Ke asp from H9) than the current observation. We

can also consider the well placed, wide Su-Ju as strongly favourable

in the spiritual potential, specifically in bhakti movements as these

energies enter 4H with no other influences there. It's more of a

satvic chart overal. USA is very tamasic.


> The other thing that sticks out is Mars in H12. With such a

placement, USA, the land of fulfillment of dreams, opportunity and

easy gains may have not had this fame. One can dig deeper and say

that the Sun is very strong and well placed in this chart and

promotes planets in H12. However Mars is weak by this placement,

especially considering Saturns influence on its Aries. Additionally,

USA has seen great economic booms after its wars and stands as the

mightiest military force in the world. Such Mars would see alot of



> Where it fits...

> Status

> Income

> Vehicles/Properties

> Extreme enjoyment and trouble in 7H issues


> I am sure there's alot more, but these are my first impressions. In

my opinion, this doesn't fit overall. As you said, monitoring and

repeated accurate predictions are required to determine.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:35 PM

> The 21° Virgo rising chart for the USA



> Dear John,


> Thank you very much for this information. You are an

> exceptional resource on US history. How lucky this

> list is to count you as a distinguished member!


> I attach a brief reading for this 21° Virgo rising

> chart for the USA, test some historical events against

> it and then include one prediction.


> Others are invited to comment on this chart or

> analysis. It is an exploratory effort.


> Best regards,


> C


> Natal analysis - Rasi chart (strong planets: Moon,

> Venus and Sun).

> 21° 07' Virgo is rising in this chart. Virgo is not

> typically identified as a leader, as it tends to be

> " analytical and thorough leading to perfection. "

> Moreover, in this chart, L1 Mercury is weak but well

> placed at 1° 37' Cancer / H11. The self-identity would

> be linked to commerce, income, aspirations and

> friendships. The weakness of Mercury would suggest a

> marked nervousness to the national psyche. L2 Venus is

> strong and well placed at 22° 51' Cancer/ H11 MEP.

> Assets generate income and comforts are generally

> good. A bright L11 Moon is located in Capricorn / H5,

> giving interest in entertainment, income from

> speculation, romance. The strength of Venus and Moon

> give support to Mercury's weakness by being in

> infancy.


> L4 Jupiter is well placed but combust L12 Sun in

> Gemini / H10. An interest or sense of duty in having a

> role in the world at large, but foreign governments

> create problems and losses. A country that produces

> large cars that waste energy is symbolized by this

> placement.


> L6 Saturn is located in H6 on MEP, which is good for

> financial stability, health and outcome of conflict.

> However, this placement creates a lot of conflict,

> which causes problems for overseas activities (aspect

> on H12), fixed assets and social harmony (aspect on

> H4) and easy gains and beliefs of the masses (aspect

> on H8). Conflict may cause losses, especially as L8

> Mars is weak due to its placement in Leo / H12.

> Moreover, there would be no gains from legacy. The US

> lost some of its UK inheritance through the war of

> independence but the strong Moon and Venus quickly

> made up for it. L12 Sun strong and well placed in

> Gemini / H10 gives influence from foreign countries on

> profession and protects against influence from Saturn

> and placement of MMP Mars in H12. Government has

> significant foreign involvement, which is troublesome.


> Rahu in H3 MEP indicates crisis for communication or

> transportation, foreign travel and relations (H7),

> higher learning or philosophy (aspect on H9) and

> income and aspirations (H11). The wide aspect of Rahu

> to L2 Venus may create stress for relations with

> neighbors, but strength of Venus and Moon protects.

> Ketu in H9 MEP indicates crisis for higher learning,

> self-identity (aspect on H1), communication and

> transportation (aspect on H3), entertainment and

> speculation (aspect on H5).


> Natal analysis - Navamsa chart (strong planets: Moon,

> Venus and Mercury).

> Cancer is rising with L1 Moon exalted in Taurus / H11.

> L3 Mercury is well placed in H1

> L4 Venus is well placed in H7. L8 Saturn is well

> placed but debilitated in Aries / H10. Ketu is well

> placed in Leo / H2. Other planets are badly placed

> and/or afflicted. Jupiter is conjunct Rahu in H8. Mars

> in H12 under aspect from FM Rahu and Saturn, but also

> in mutual aspect with L2 Sun in H6, which is under

> aspect from FM Ketu in H2.


> Historical events.


> Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on

> April 12, 1861 to the first real Battle of Bull Run in

> July 1861. The civil war saw three percent of the

> population killed and unleashed major suffering on

> large numbers of people. That summer, Rahu was

> stationary at 21° Sagittarius / H4, which would be

> appropriate for a war at home. L6 Saturn was

> transiting H12 conjunct L8 Mars. Me/Ve period was

> running until 20 November 1861, when the Me/Su period

> began. The bloodshed of the Sun period was greater

> than in the Venus period.


> Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14

> April 1865. For a country trying to come to grips with

> the calamity of the civil war, it was again catapulted

> into still more sorrow. Me/Ra period was running. Tr

> Rahu was stationary in H2 conjunct tr L6 Saturn, while

> stationary tr Ketu in H8 afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> H12. Tr L4 Jupiter was in H4 under affliction from

> natal L12 Sun in H10. Tr L8 Mars was

> Conjunct natal L4 Jupiter.


> The stock market crash that began the Great Depression

> of the 1930s hit on 25 October 1929. Ra/Sa period was

> running. Tr FM Ketu was stationary and exactly

> conjunct tr L8 Mars at 19° 20' Libra / H2 MEP,

> aspecting natal L6 Saturn in H6. Tr L12 Sun was at 8°

> Libra / H2. Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal FM Rahu

> in Taurus / H9. Tr L6 Saturn was in H4. By December

> 1929 tr Saturn opposed natal L12 Sun. In early 1930,

> the nodes move to 10° from where they aspected natal

> L8 Mars in Leo / H12. Later, Saturn become stationary

> at 19° Sagittarius / H4 MEP.


> Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which

> caused US to join the war. Ju/Ju period was running.

> Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal Ketu in Gemini / H9.

> Tr Rahu was in H12 MEP and tr Ketu in H6 MEP. Tr L8

> was in Pisces / H7 MEP. Tr L12 Sun was in Scorpio /H3

> MEP. The transits could hardly have been any worse.


> Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November

> 1963, which caused much grief in the USA. Sa/Ve period

> was running. Tr Venus was exactly conjunct natal Rahu

> and tr L8 Mars in H3. Tr L12 Sun was also in H3, with

> L1 Mercury. Tr L6 Saturn was in H5 MEP under aspect of

> natal FM Ketu. Tr Rahu was in H10 conjunct natal L4

> Jupiter and afflicting L6 Saturn.


> Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event

> that had less impact than what it appeared to have.

> Me/Ju period was running and tr Jupiter was in infancy

> in H8 under exact aspect from tr L12 Sun in H2. L6

> Saturn was in H3 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis. Tr

> Mars and tr Ketu were conjunct in H1. Tr L1 Mercury

> and tr L2 Venus were in H2. Tr L11 Moon was in H12.


> The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which

> shocked the psyche of the people, disrupted life in

> the country and turned Americans inward and vengeful

> in striking out at the perpetrators. Ve/Ve period was

> running. Tr Ketu and tr L8 Mars were conjunct in H4

> opposite natal L12 Sun in H12, which was also conjunct

> tr FM Rahu. Tr Ketu also afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> H12. Stationary L6 Saturn was conjunct H9 MEP and

> aspecting its natal placement in H6. Tr Venus was

> conjunct natal Venus but also under close aspect of

> natal FM Rahu in H3. Tr L12 Sun was in H12 under

> aspect from L6 Saturn in H6. L! Mercury was in H1 MEP.

> Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct its own natal placement in

> H10.


> Prediction

> Ve/Ra period is running for three years, from 27

> October 2006 until same date in 2009. During this

> period, Rahu and Saturn will become conjunct at 11° in

> Leo / H12 and also conjunct L8 Mars in October 2007.

> This is not a good contact in this chart. At that

> time, L8 Mars will also be conjunct natal L4 Jupiter

> in H10, while L4 Jupiter will be conjunct natal FM

> Rahu in H3. There could be accidents, losses or some

> significant other problems disturbing the communal

> harmony.










> --



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Hello list,


A file showing the chart has been uploaded in the Photos section of

the SAMVA web page, under SA Theory sub section.




When the Ve/Ra period begins tomorrow, at 1:00 PM EST, transit Rahu

will be in stationary position afflicting both natal L1 Mercury in

H11 and transit Mercury in H3. As a prediction for the short term, we

could therefore expect some crisis (which Rahu typically brings) to

commence tomorrow involving the functional indications of

Mercury as L1 and/or its general mundane indications.


Best regards,





SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Hi Vyas,


> Thanks for the reaction. I agree with your inishgts to a large

> extent. The interpretation involved in such an effort it often

> precursory. Predictions are key to resolve the doubts. For


> the 21° Cancer rising chart had many interesting placements, but

> overall weakness, which many found odd for such a strong country.


> did, however, produce many correct predictions. It was rejected on


> technicality, albeit important one, that the historical event it


> based on occurred earlier in the day. It is also being tested at


> time with predictions. Interestingly, this Virgo chart share a


> degree, 21° with that chart, which we have found to be important


> the events in this countries history.


> One point regarding Virgo rising sign mundane charts. Australia and

> UK have Virgo rising charts which seem to work. They appear to have


> lot in common with the US. That said, the predictions are key. This

> chart goes into Rahu sub period tomorrow, with Rahu about to enter

> H12, along with L6 Saturn. This would signal a trend change


> financial stability or health in the country which would


> be felt next year, especially during the Autumn months.


> Last but not least, congratulations on your accurate predictions of

> financial asset prices based on SA.


> Best regards,


> C




> SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <munidas@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Cosmologer,

> >

> > Thanks for the chart and your analysis.

> >

> > Where it doesn't sit right...

> >

> > My impression is that the people signified by this chart would be

> more peaceful (Me in H11 Cn with Ve on the MEP and strong Mo), and

> spiritual minded (Ke asp from H9) than the current observation. We

> can also consider the well placed, wide Su-Ju as strongly


> in the spiritual potential, specifically in bhakti movements as


> energies enter 4H with no other influences there. It's more of a

> satvic chart overal. USA is very tamasic.

> >

> > The other thing that sticks out is Mars in H12. With such a

> placement, USA, the land of fulfillment of dreams, opportunity and

> easy gains may have not had this fame. One can dig deeper and say

> that the Sun is very strong and well placed in this chart and

> promotes planets in H12. However Mars is weak by this placement,

> especially considering Saturns influence on its Aries.


> USA has seen great economic booms after its wars and stands as the

> mightiest military force in the world. Such Mars would see alot of

> defeats.

> >

> > Where it fits...

> > Status

> > Income

> > Vehicles/Properties

> > Extreme enjoyment and trouble in 7H issues

> >

> > I am sure there's alot more, but these are my first impressions.


> my opinion, this doesn't fit overall. As you said, monitoring and

> repeated accurate predictions are required to determine.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Vyas Munidas

> >

> >

> > -

> > Cosmologer

> > samva

> > Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:35 PM

> > The 21° Virgo rising chart for the USA

> >

> >

> > Dear John,

> >

> > Thank you very much for this information. You are an

> > exceptional resource on US history. How lucky this

> > list is to count you as a distinguished member!

> >

> > I attach a brief reading for this 21° Virgo rising

> > chart for the USA, test some historical events against

> > it and then include one prediction.

> >

> > Others are invited to comment on this chart or

> > analysis. It is an exploratory effort.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > C

> >

> > Natal analysis - Rasi chart (strong planets: Moon,

> > Venus and Sun).

> > 21° 07' Virgo is rising in this chart. Virgo is not

> > typically identified as a leader, as it tends to be

> > " analytical and thorough leading to perfection. "

> > Moreover, in this chart, L1 Mercury is weak but well

> > placed at 1° 37' Cancer / H11. The self-identity would

> > be linked to commerce, income, aspirations and

> > friendships. The weakness of Mercury would suggest a

> > marked nervousness to the national psyche. L2 Venus is

> > strong and well placed at 22° 51' Cancer/ H11 MEP.

> > Assets generate income and comforts are generally

> > good. A bright L11 Moon is located in Capricorn / H5,

> > giving interest in entertainment, income from

> > speculation, romance. The strength of Venus and Moon

> > give support to Mercury's weakness by being in

> > infancy.

> >

> > L4 Jupiter is well placed but combust L12 Sun in

> > Gemini / H10. An interest or sense of duty in having a

> > role in the world at large, but foreign governments

> > create problems and losses. A country that produces

> > large cars that waste energy is symbolized by this

> > placement.

> >

> > L6 Saturn is located in H6 on MEP, which is good for

> > financial stability, health and outcome of conflict.

> > However, this placement creates a lot of conflict,

> > which causes problems for overseas activities (aspect

> > on H12), fixed assets and social harmony (aspect on

> > H4) and easy gains and beliefs of the masses (aspect

> > on H8). Conflict may cause losses, especially as L8

> > Mars is weak due to its placement in Leo / H12.

> > Moreover, there would be no gains from legacy. The US

> > lost some of its UK inheritance through the war of

> > independence but the strong Moon and Venus quickly

> > made up for it. L12 Sun strong and well placed in

> > Gemini / H10 gives influence from foreign countries on

> > profession and protects against influence from Saturn

> > and placement of MMP Mars in H12. Government has

> > significant foreign involvement, which is troublesome.

> >

> > Rahu in H3 MEP indicates crisis for communication or

> > transportation, foreign travel and relations (H7),

> > higher learning or philosophy (aspect on H9) and

> > income and aspirations (H11). The wide aspect of Rahu

> > to L2 Venus may create stress for relations with

> > neighbors, but strength of Venus and Moon protects.

> > Ketu in H9 MEP indicates crisis for higher learning,

> > self-identity (aspect on H1), communication and

> > transportation (aspect on H3), entertainment and

> > speculation (aspect on H5).

> >

> > Natal analysis - Navamsa chart (strong planets: Moon,

> > Venus and Mercury).

> > Cancer is rising with L1 Moon exalted in Taurus / H11.

> > L3 Mercury is well placed in H1

> > L4 Venus is well placed in H7. L8 Saturn is well

> > placed but debilitated in Aries / H10. Ketu is well

> > placed in Leo / H2. Other planets are badly placed

> > and/or afflicted. Jupiter is conjunct Rahu in H8. Mars

> > in H12 under aspect from FM Rahu and Saturn, but also

> > in mutual aspect with L2 Sun in H6, which is under

> > aspect from FM Ketu in H2.

> >

> > Historical events.

> >

> > Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on

> > April 12, 1861 to the first real Battle of Bull Run in

> > July 1861. The civil war saw three percent of the

> > population killed and unleashed major suffering on

> > large numbers of people. That summer, Rahu was

> > stationary at 21° Sagittarius / H4, which would be

> > appropriate for a war at home. L6 Saturn was

> > transiting H12 conjunct L8 Mars. Me/Ve period was

> > running until 20 November 1861, when the Me/Su period

> > began. The bloodshed of the Sun period was greater

> > than in the Venus period.

> >

> > Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14

> > April 1865. For a country trying to come to grips with

> > the calamity of the civil war, it was again catapulted

> > into still more sorrow. Me/Ra period was running. Tr

> > Rahu was stationary in H2 conjunct tr L6 Saturn, while

> > stationary tr Ketu in H8 afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> > H12. Tr L4 Jupiter was in H4 under affliction from

> > natal L12 Sun in H10. Tr L8 Mars was

> > Conjunct natal L4 Jupiter.

> >

> > The stock market crash that began the Great Depression

> > of the 1930s hit on 25 October 1929. Ra/Sa period was

> > running. Tr FM Ketu was stationary and exactly

> > conjunct tr L8 Mars at 19° 20' Libra / H2 MEP,

> > aspecting natal L6 Saturn in H6. Tr L12 Sun was at 8°

> > Libra / H2. Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal FM Rahu

> > in Taurus / H9. Tr L6 Saturn was in H4. By December

> > 1929 tr Saturn opposed natal L12 Sun. In early 1930,

> > the nodes move to 10° from where they aspected natal

> > L8 Mars in Leo / H12. Later, Saturn become stationary

> > at 19° Sagittarius / H4 MEP.

> >

> > Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which

> > caused US to join the war. Ju/Ju period was running.

> > Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal Ketu in Gemini / H9.

> > Tr Rahu was in H12 MEP and tr Ketu in H6 MEP. Tr L8

> > was in Pisces / H7 MEP. Tr L12 Sun was in Scorpio /H3

> > MEP. The transits could hardly have been any worse.

> >

> > Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November

> > 1963, which caused much grief in the USA. Sa/Ve period

> > was running. Tr Venus was exactly conjunct natal Rahu

> > and tr L8 Mars in H3. Tr L12 Sun was also in H3, with

> > L1 Mercury. Tr L6 Saturn was in H5 MEP under aspect of

> > natal FM Ketu. Tr Rahu was in H10 conjunct natal L4

> > Jupiter and afflicting L6 Saturn.

> >

> > Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event

> > that had less impact than what it appeared to have.

> > Me/Ju period was running and tr Jupiter was in infancy

> > in H8 under exact aspect from tr L12 Sun in H2. L6

> > Saturn was in H3 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis. Tr

> > Mars and tr Ketu were conjunct in H1. Tr L1 Mercury

> > and tr L2 Venus were in H2. Tr L11 Moon was in H12.

> >

> > The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which

> > shocked the psyche of the people, disrupted life in

> > the country and turned Americans inward and vengeful

> > in striking out at the perpetrators. Ve/Ve period was

> > running. Tr Ketu and tr L8 Mars were conjunct in H4

> > opposite natal L12 Sun in H12, which was also conjunct

> > tr FM Rahu. Tr Ketu also afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> > H12. Stationary L6 Saturn was conjunct H9 MEP and

> > aspecting its natal placement in H6. Tr Venus was

> > conjunct natal Venus but also under close aspect of

> > natal FM Rahu in H3. Tr L12 Sun was in H12 under

> > aspect from L6 Saturn in H6. L! Mercury was in H1 MEP.

> > Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct its own natal placement in

> > H10.

> >

> > Prediction

> > Ve/Ra period is running for three years, from 27

> > October 2006 until same date in 2009. During this

> > period, Rahu and Saturn will become conjunct at 11° in

> > Leo / H12 and also conjunct L8 Mars in October 2007.

> > This is not a good contact in this chart. At that

> > time, L8 Mars will also be conjunct natal L4 Jupiter

> > in H10, while L4 Jupiter will be conjunct natal FM

> > Rahu in H3. There could be accidents, losses or some

> > significant other problems disturbing the communal

> > harmony.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ----------

> >


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Hello list,


I need to make two modifications of the prediction - which has the

aim to help gauge the veracity of the chart.


1. The wording " to commence tomorrow " should be " to commence from

tomorrow " . This is because there may be some uncertainty about the

exact start of a bukhti as well as the immediacy of the impact of a

change in a bhukti.


2. The event may not necessarily be a full blown crisis as Mercury,

although weak, is not afflicted natally, although Ketu natally

afflicts H1 MEP. Moreover, the transit impact on natal Mercury is

already seperating. That said, the adverse impact from Rahu should be

felt on its indications from the effective commencement of the

bukhti, i.e. in coming days, if the chart is authentic.


Best regards,



SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Hello list,


> A file showing the chart has been uploaded in the Photos section of

> the SAMVA web page, under SA Theory sub section.




> When the Ve/Ra period begins tomorrow, at 1:00 PM EST, transit Rahu

> will be in stationary position afflicting both natal L1 Mercury in

> H11 and transit Mercury in H3. As a prediction for the short term,


> could therefore expect some crisis (which Rahu typically brings) to

> commence tomorrow involving the functional indications of

> Mercury as L1 and/or its general mundane indications.


> Best regards,


> C



> SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Vyas,

> >

> > Thanks for the reaction. I agree with your inishgts to a large

> > extent. The interpretation involved in such an effort it often

> > precursory. Predictions are key to resolve the doubts. For

> instance,

> > the 21° Cancer rising chart had many interesting placements, but

> > overall weakness, which many found odd for such a strong country.

> It

> > did, however, produce many correct predictions. It was rejected


> a

> > technicality, albeit important one, that the historical event it

> was

> > based on occurred earlier in the day. It is also being tested at

> this

> > time with predictions. Interestingly, this Virgo chart share a

> rising

> > degree, 21° with that chart, which we have found to be important

> for

> > the events in this countries history.

> >

> > One point regarding Virgo rising sign mundane charts. Australia


> > UK have Virgo rising charts which seem to work. They appear to


> a

> > lot in common with the US. That said, the predictions are key.


> > chart goes into Rahu sub period tomorrow, with Rahu about to


> > H12, along with L6 Saturn. This would signal a trend change

> regarding

> > financial stability or health in the country which would

> increasingly

> > be felt next year, especially during the Autumn months.

> >

> > Last but not least, congratulations on your accurate predictions


> > financial asset prices based on SA.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> > SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <munidas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Cosmologer,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the chart and your analysis.

> > >

> > > Where it doesn't sit right...

> > >

> > > My impression is that the people signified by this chart would


> > more peaceful (Me in H11 Cn with Ve on the MEP and strong Mo),


> > spiritual minded (Ke asp from H9) than the current observation.


> > can also consider the well placed, wide Su-Ju as strongly

> favourable

> > in the spiritual potential, specifically in bhakti movements as

> these

> > energies enter 4H with no other influences there. It's more of a

> > satvic chart overal. USA is very tamasic.

> > >

> > > The other thing that sticks out is Mars in H12. With such a

> > placement, USA, the land of fulfillment of dreams, opportunity


> > easy gains may have not had this fame. One can dig deeper and say

> > that the Sun is very strong and well placed in this chart and

> > promotes planets in H12. However Mars is weak by this placement,

> > especially considering Saturns influence on its Aries.

> Additionally,

> > USA has seen great economic booms after its wars and stands as


> > mightiest military force in the world. Such Mars would see alot


> > defeats.

> > >

> > > Where it fits...

> > > Status

> > > Income

> > > Vehicles/Properties

> > > Extreme enjoyment and trouble in 7H issues

> > >

> > > I am sure there's alot more, but these are my first


> In

> > my opinion, this doesn't fit overall. As you said, monitoring and

> > repeated accurate predictions are required to determine.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Vyas Munidas

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > Cosmologer

> > > samva

> > > Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:35 PM

> > > The 21° Virgo rising chart for the USA

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear John,

> > >

> > > Thank you very much for this information. You are an

> > > exceptional resource on US history. How lucky this

> > > list is to count you as a distinguished member!

> > >

> > > I attach a brief reading for this 21° Virgo rising

> > > chart for the USA, test some historical events against

> > > it and then include one prediction.

> > >

> > > Others are invited to comment on this chart or

> > > analysis. It is an exploratory effort.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > C

> > >

> > > Natal analysis - Rasi chart (strong planets: Moon,

> > > Venus and Sun).

> > > 21° 07' Virgo is rising in this chart. Virgo is not

> > > typically identified as a leader, as it tends to be

> > > " analytical and thorough leading to perfection. "

> > > Moreover, in this chart, L1 Mercury is weak but well

> > > placed at 1° 37' Cancer / H11. The self-identity would

> > > be linked to commerce, income, aspirations and

> > > friendships. The weakness of Mercury would suggest a

> > > marked nervousness to the national psyche. L2 Venus is

> > > strong and well placed at 22° 51' Cancer/ H11 MEP.

> > > Assets generate income and comforts are generally

> > > good. A bright L11 Moon is located in Capricorn / H5,

> > > giving interest in entertainment, income from

> > > speculation, romance. The strength of Venus and Moon

> > > give support to Mercury's weakness by being in

> > > infancy.

> > >

> > > L4 Jupiter is well placed but combust L12 Sun in

> > > Gemini / H10. An interest or sense of duty in having a

> > > role in the world at large, but foreign governments

> > > create problems and losses. A country that produces

> > > large cars that waste energy is symbolized by this

> > > placement.

> > >

> > > L6 Saturn is located in H6 on MEP, which is good for

> > > financial stability, health and outcome of conflict.

> > > However, this placement creates a lot of conflict,

> > > which causes problems for overseas activities (aspect

> > > on H12), fixed assets and social harmony (aspect on

> > > H4) and easy gains and beliefs of the masses (aspect

> > > on H8). Conflict may cause losses, especially as L8

> > > Mars is weak due to its placement in Leo / H12.

> > > Moreover, there would be no gains from legacy. The US

> > > lost some of its UK inheritance through the war of

> > > independence but the strong Moon and Venus quickly

> > > made up for it. L12 Sun strong and well placed in

> > > Gemini / H10 gives influence from foreign countries on

> > > profession and protects against influence from Saturn

> > > and placement of MMP Mars in H12. Government has

> > > significant foreign involvement, which is troublesome.

> > >

> > > Rahu in H3 MEP indicates crisis for communication or

> > > transportation, foreign travel and relations (H7),

> > > higher learning or philosophy (aspect on H9) and

> > > income and aspirations (H11). The wide aspect of Rahu

> > > to L2 Venus may create stress for relations with

> > > neighbors, but strength of Venus and Moon protects.

> > > Ketu in H9 MEP indicates crisis for higher learning,

> > > self-identity (aspect on H1), communication and

> > > transportation (aspect on H3), entertainment and

> > > speculation (aspect on H5).

> > >

> > > Natal analysis - Navamsa chart (strong planets: Moon,

> > > Venus and Mercury).

> > > Cancer is rising with L1 Moon exalted in Taurus / H11.

> > > L3 Mercury is well placed in H1

> > > L4 Venus is well placed in H7. L8 Saturn is well

> > > placed but debilitated in Aries / H10. Ketu is well

> > > placed in Leo / H2. Other planets are badly placed

> > > and/or afflicted. Jupiter is conjunct Rahu in H8. Mars

> > > in H12 under aspect from FM Rahu and Saturn, but also

> > > in mutual aspect with L2 Sun in H6, which is under

> > > aspect from FM Ketu in H2.

> > >

> > > Historical events.

> > >

> > > Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on

> > > April 12, 1861 to the first real Battle of Bull Run in

> > > July 1861. The civil war saw three percent of the

> > > population killed and unleashed major suffering on

> > > large numbers of people. That summer, Rahu was

> > > stationary at 21° Sagittarius / H4, which would be

> > > appropriate for a war at home. L6 Saturn was

> > > transiting H12 conjunct L8 Mars. Me/Ve period was

> > > running until 20 November 1861, when the Me/Su period

> > > began. The bloodshed of the Sun period was greater

> > > than in the Venus period.

> > >

> > > Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14

> > > April 1865. For a country trying to come to grips with

> > > the calamity of the civil war, it was again catapulted

> > > into still more sorrow. Me/Ra period was running. Tr

> > > Rahu was stationary in H2 conjunct tr L6 Saturn, while

> > > stationary tr Ketu in H8 afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> > > H12. Tr L4 Jupiter was in H4 under affliction from

> > > natal L12 Sun in H10. Tr L8 Mars was

> > > Conjunct natal L4 Jupiter.

> > >

> > > The stock market crash that began the Great Depression

> > > of the 1930s hit on 25 October 1929. Ra/Sa period was

> > > running. Tr FM Ketu was stationary and exactly

> > > conjunct tr L8 Mars at 19° 20' Libra / H2 MEP,

> > > aspecting natal L6 Saturn in H6. Tr L12 Sun was at 8°

> > > Libra / H2. Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal FM Rahu

> > > in Taurus / H9. Tr L6 Saturn was in H4. By December

> > > 1929 tr Saturn opposed natal L12 Sun. In early 1930,

> > > the nodes move to 10° from where they aspected natal

> > > L8 Mars in Leo / H12. Later, Saturn become stationary

> > > at 19° Sagittarius / H4 MEP.

> > >

> > > Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which

> > > caused US to join the war. Ju/Ju period was running.

> > > Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct natal Ketu in Gemini / H9.

> > > Tr Rahu was in H12 MEP and tr Ketu in H6 MEP. Tr L8

> > > was in Pisces / H7 MEP. Tr L12 Sun was in Scorpio /H3

> > > MEP. The transits could hardly have been any worse.

> > >

> > > Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November

> > > 1963, which caused much grief in the USA. Sa/Ve period

> > > was running. Tr Venus was exactly conjunct natal Rahu

> > > and tr L8 Mars in H3. Tr L12 Sun was also in H3, with

> > > L1 Mercury. Tr L6 Saturn was in H5 MEP under aspect of

> > > natal FM Ketu. Tr Rahu was in H10 conjunct natal L4

> > > Jupiter and afflicting L6 Saturn.

> > >

> > > Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event

> > > that had less impact than what it appeared to have.

> > > Me/Ju period was running and tr Jupiter was in infancy

> > > in H8 under exact aspect from tr L12 Sun in H2. L6

> > > Saturn was in H3 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis. Tr

> > > Mars and tr Ketu were conjunct in H1. Tr L1 Mercury

> > > and tr L2 Venus were in H2. Tr L11 Moon was in H12.

> > >

> > > The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which

> > > shocked the psyche of the people, disrupted life in

> > > the country and turned Americans inward and vengeful

> > > in striking out at the perpetrators. Ve/Ve period was

> > > running. Tr Ketu and tr L8 Mars were conjunct in H4

> > > opposite natal L12 Sun in H12, which was also conjunct

> > > tr FM Rahu. Tr Ketu also afflicted natal L8 Mars in

> > > H12. Stationary L6 Saturn was conjunct H9 MEP and

> > > aspecting its natal placement in H6. Tr Venus was

> > > conjunct natal Venus but also under close aspect of

> > > natal FM Rahu in H3. Tr L12 Sun was in H12 under

> > > aspect from L6 Saturn in H6. L! Mercury was in H1 MEP.

> > > Tr L4 Jupiter was conjunct its own natal placement in

> > > H10.

> > >

> > > Prediction

> > > Ve/Ra period is running for three years, from 27

> > > October 2006 until same date in 2009. During this

> > > period, Rahu and Saturn will become conjunct at 11° in

> > > Leo / H12 and also conjunct L8 Mars in October 2007.

> > > This is not a good contact in this chart. At that

> > > time, L8 Mars will also be conjunct natal L4 Jupiter

> > > in H10, while L4 Jupiter will be conjunct natal FM

> > > Rahu in H3. There could be accidents, losses or some

> > > significant other problems disturbing the communal

> > > harmony.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam protection


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------------


> --

> > ----------

> > >

> >


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