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NASA gets set for Saturday launch

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NASA gets set

for Saturday launch

POSTED: 1:16 p.m. EST, December 9, 2006



(AP) -- NASA finished shuttle preparations in time to begin fueling Discovery,

but bad weather continued to threaten the Saturday night launch.

Cold weather forced a slower burnoff of the fuel put in for Thursday's

try, and there was concern the tank cooldown wouldn't be complete by the early

afternoon cutoff to begin refueling, but the agency cleared that hurdle.

Still, there was only a 30 percent chance weather would cooperate for

the scheduled 8:47 p.m.


The countdown marched to the wire Thursday, with a worse than 50-50

chance all along that the weather would cooperate. NASA aborted

the launch in the last few minutes because of low clouds.

Each launch scrub costs the space agency $500,000.

The chances for good weather improve to 40 percent Sunday and Monday.

The best opportunity over the next several days is Tuesday, with a 60 percent

chance of decent weather.

NASA wants Discovery back from its 12-day mission by New

Year's Eve because shuttle computers are not designed to make the change from

the 365th day of the old year to the first day of the new year while in flight.

Engineers have developed a fix but are reluctant to try it because it hasn't

been thoroughly tested.

Discovery's astronauts will rewire the space station,

bring up a new 2-ton addition to the space lab and rotate out one of the three

station crew members.



NASA dasha: Ju/Ve/Ra/Ra/Sa


Natal Jupiter is afflicted by

transit retrograde Saturn from H12. Transit Jupiter is afflicted by transit

MMP, Mars. Transit Venus, disposed by afflicted Jupiter, is afflicted by natal Ketu from

H8. Transit Rahu is badly placed in H6 and in the same longitude as natal

retrograde Saturn, L6. Transit Saturn is badly placed and afflicted by natal

Ketu from H8.


Transit Mercury, L1, is afflicted by

transit Mars. Natal Moon is afflicted by transit retrograde Saturn from H12.


In 2-3 days, transit Sun will be

exactly conjunct natal Saturn.


There is also lack of support from Natural

Law. Attention is needed.




Muhurta: Me/Ra/Mo

Mercury is exactly afflicted by

Jupiter, L6, and Rahu is badly placed. The Moon is placed in the afflicted H1.

Things will not be easy to succeed.  

































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão














Skype ID:
































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Hi Jorge et al,


Just a few points.


There will large expenses occuring with the launch, hence the

Sun/Saturn transit. The question is how strong is the natal

Sun. It's final dispositor is strong. The others are weak

by degree signifying setbacks, delays, fledgling projects that

don't make it..or flounder.



Thanks Jorge for the post.





Also Jupiter's affliction signifies lack of mental peace, yes, of course.


The dasha is a strong Venus.



On 12/9/06, jorge angelino <jorge.angelino wrote:




SA gets set

for Saturday launch

POSTED: 1:16 p.m. EST

, December 9, 2006



(AP) -- NASA finished shuttle preparations in time to begin fueling Discovery,

but bad weather continued to threaten the Saturday night launch.

Cold weather forced a slower burnoff of the fuel put in for Thursday's

try, and there was concern the tank cooldown wouldn't be complete by the early

afternoon cutoff to begin refueling, but the agency cleared that hurdle.

Still, there was only a 30 percent chance weather would cooperate for

the scheduled 8:47 p.m.


The countdown marched to the wire Thursday, with a worse than 50-50

chance all along that the weather would cooperate. NASA aborted

the launch in the last few minutes because of low clouds.

Each launch scrub costs the space agency $500,000.

The chances for good weather improve to 40 percent Sunday and Monday.

The best opportunity over the next several days is Tuesday, with a 60 percent

chance of decent weather.

NASA wants Discovery back from its 12-day mission by New

Year's Eve because shuttle computers are not designed to make the change from

the 365th day of the old year to the first day of the new year while in flight.

Engineers have developed a fix but are reluctant to try it because it hasn't

been thoroughly tested.

Discovery's astronauts will rewire the space station,

bring up a new 2-ton addition to the space lab and rotate out one of the three

station crew members.





SA dasha: Ju/




Natal Jupiter is afflicted by

transit retrograde Saturn from H12. Transit Jupiter is afflicted by transit

MMP, Mars. Transit Venus, disp

osed by afflicted Jupiter, is afflicted by natal Ketu from

H8. Transit Rahu is badly placed in H6 and in the same longitude as natal

retrograde Saturn, L6. Transit Saturn is badly placed and afflicted by natal

Ketu from H8.


Transit Mercury, L1, is afflicted by

transit Mars. Natal Moon is afflicted by transit retrograde Saturn from H12.


In 2-3 days, transit Sun will be

exactly conjunct natal Saturn.


There is also lack of support from Natural

Law. Attention is needed.




Muhurta: Me/


Mercury is exactly afflicted by

Jupiter, L6, and Rahu is badly placed. The Moon is placed in the afflicted H1.

Things will not be easy to succeed.


































Jorge Angelino




Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão















Skype ID:































---- Sally Spencer, Jyotish KovidA Gentle Journey to Deep Healing Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,Western Astrology reports

www.Devi3.byregion.netsally234 *Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science, which determines, strengthens or propitiates planetary results.




http://devichandra.zaadz.comIt is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.The time has come, for us to polish you.We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?

It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.Let us cremate your impurities.Rumi

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lights up night sky

POSTED: 12:32 a.m. EST, December 10, 2006



(CNN) -- Space shuttle Discovery lifted off Saturday evening, beginning a

12-day mission with the first night launch in four years.

Weather conditions thought to be threatening the launch earlier in the

day improved markedly as launch time approached Saturday, officials said.

Adverse weather scrubbed a planned Thursday launch at the last second and

pre-empted an attempt Friday.

" We have five people who just haven't stopped smiling

yet, " commander Mark Polansky said after Discovery reached orbit,

according to The Associated Press.

The shuttle team, which was behind schedule because of the bad weather, spent

three hours Saturday afternoon filling the exterior fuel tank with half a

million pounds of super-cold liquid oxygen and hydrogen, a Kennedy Space Center

spokesman said.

The STS-116 mission is the 33rd for Discovery and the 117th space

shuttle flight. During the mission, the crew of seven will continue

construction on the international space station by rewiring the orbiting

laboratory and adding a two-ton segment to its integrated truss structure.

Three 6 1/2-hour spacewalks are scheduled.

Astronaut Robert Curbeam, one of two veterans on the flight, will make

all three spacewalks.

He'll be joined by Christer Fuglesang on the first two and

Sunita Williams on the third. Williams will stay at the international space

station, and space station flight engineer Thomas Reiter will return.

The launch was the first at night since the Columbia

disaster in 2003, when foam shedding from an external fuel tank during launch

damaged the orbiter, leading to a catastrophic failure when the spacecraft

re-entered Earth's atmosphere.

In the wake of the disaster, NASA installed new cameras to

watch for debris and foam strikes during launches. However, because some of

those cameras are of limited use during a night launch, NASA added radar

systems to monitor the launch for debris.

In a post-launch briefing, NASA launch managers said there

was no preliminary indication of any flight-related problems with falling foam

or any other technical issue.

They plan to examine their imagery, and the shuttle and international space

station crews will visually inspect the shuttle for any potential damage in the

coming days.


Dear Sally,


Natal Sun is weak but well placed.


Problems for transit Sun may come in two

days…(by the end of Saturn 5th level dasha…beginning of combust/afflicted

transit Mercury’s 5th level)  


However, as you said, the bhukti is of

strong natal Venus.


So, let us hope they can return safely…


Things will not be easy.


Best wishes,







[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Sally


domingo, 10 de Dezembro de

2006 05:16


Re: NASA gets set

for Saturday launch



Jorge et al,


Just a few points.


There will large expenses occuring with the launch, hence the Sun/Saturn

transit. The question is how strong is the natal Sun. It's final

dispositor is strong. The others are weak by degree signifying setbacks,

delays, fledgling projects that don't make it..or flounder.



Thanks Jorge for the post.





Also Jupiter's affliction signifies lack of mental peace, yes, of course.


The dasha is a strong Venus.





On 12/9/06, jorge angelino <jorge.angelino wrote:



NA SA gets set for Saturday launch


1:16 p.m.

EST , December 9, 2006


CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- NASA finished shuttle preparations

in time to begin fueling Discovery, but bad weather continued to threaten the

Saturday night launch.

Cold weather forced a

slower burnoff of the fuel put in for Thursday's try, and there

was concern the tank cooldown wouldn't be complete by the early afternoon

cutoff to begin refueling, but the agency cleared that hurdle.

Still, there was only a

30 percent chance weather would cooperate for the scheduled 8:47 p.m.


The countdown marched to

the wire Thursday, with a worse than 50-50 chance all along that the weather

would cooperate. NASA aborted the launch in the last few minutes

because of low clouds.

Each launch scrub costs

the space agency $500,000.

The chances for good

weather improve to 40 percent Sunday and Monday. The best opportunity over the

next several days is Tuesday, with a 60 percent chance of decent weather.

NASA wants

Discovery back from its 12-day mission by New Year's Eve because shuttle

computers are not designed to make the change from the 365th day of the old

year to the first day of the new year while in flight. Engineers have developed

a fix but are reluctant to try it because it hasn't been thoroughly tested.


astronauts will rewire the space station, bring up a new 2-ton addition to the

space lab and rotate out one of the three station crew members.



NA SA dasha: Ju/ Ve/Ra/Ra/ Sa


Natal Jupiter is

afflicted by transit retrograde Saturn from H12. Transit Jupiter is afflicted

by transit MMP, Mars. Transit Venus, disp osed by afflicted Jupiter, is

afflicted by natal Ketu from H8. Transit Rahu is badly placed in H6 and in the

same longitude as natal retrograde Saturn, L6. Transit Saturn is badly placed

and afflicted by natal Ketu from H8.


Transit Mercury,

L1, is afflicted by transit Mars. Natal Moon is afflicted by transit retrograde

Saturn from H12.


In 2-3 days,

transit Sun will be exactly conjunct natal Saturn.


There is also lack

of support from Natural Law. Attention is needed.




Muhurta: Me/ Ra/Mo

Mercury is exactly

afflicted by Jupiter, L6, and Rahu is badly placed. The Moon is placed in the

afflicted H1. Things will not be easy to succeed.

































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão














Skype ID:










































Sally Spencer, Jyotish Kovid

A Gentle Journey to Deep Healing

Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,

Western Astrology reports



*Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science,

which determines, strengthens or propitiates

planetary results.












It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.

The time has come, for us to polish you.

We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.

You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?

It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.

Let us cremate your impurities.








Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.15/581 - Release 09.12.2006 15:41





Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.15/581 - Release 09.12.2006 15:41

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