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NASA - Pesky panels foil NASA's finest

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panels foil NASA's finest

POSTED: 11:12 p.m. EST, December 13, 2006




• NEW: NASA can't solve problem retracting solar panel

• NEW: Engineers give up, decide to leave it for now

• Rewiring of space station will help provide power to future laboratories

• Spacewalks scheduled for Thursday and Saturday


Texas (AP) -- After almost 50 start-and-stop commands, dozens

of engineering huddles and seven hours of working on the task, NASA has decided

to leave a 115-foot solar wing on the international space station halfway retracted.

The space agency had wanted to retract it fully via remote

control, but stubborn kinks and slackness in wire tension did not improve after

several attempts.

Managers compared the challenge to folding up a used road map and

stuffing it in the glove compartment.

The electricity-generating solar array served as a temporary power

source aboard the orbiting outpost. NASA needed to move it out of

the way so that a new, permanent pair of solar wings could rotate in the

direction of the sun and generate power for the space station.

The wing was pulled back far enough, though, to allow that rotation to

happen, and NASA began rotating the new solar wings shortly before 8

p.m. ET.

" We all tried as much up here as you guys did on the ground and it

just wasn't going to work for us today, " space station

resident Michael Lopez-Alegria radioed to Houston. " But that stuff happens

and I'm sure we'll get through it. "

" Actually we consider it a success, " Mission Control astronaut

Steve Robinson replied. " We're looking at the SARJ rotating

on the big screen up there and people are darn happy about it. "

" Yes, Steve, " Lopez-Alegria said, " the glass is

definitely at least half full. "

The work was tedious and difficult, both for the

flight controllers on the ground and the astronauts at the space station.

They were repeatedly forced to unfold large sections of the golden wing they

had just retracted in order to smooth out creases in the panels and counter

slackness in the wire tension.

Because it had been six years since the wing was last folded up, flight

controllers and astronauts were not sure how easy it would be.

" It's kind of like folding a map up, " space

shuttle Discovery commander Mark Polansky radioed Mission Control after the

crease appeared. " You start folding it and the folding goes the wrong way.

.... There's nothing you can do to it other than pop it back in place or unfold

it and try again. "

NASA managers were meeting to discuss sending spacewalkers

to manually retract the array. That could happen as early as the third planned spacewalk

of this mission, scheduled for Saturday.

Managers could also plan a fourth spacewalk for the space shuttle Discovery

crew, or send one of the space station residents out to do the job.

The Discovery astronauts have trained for such contingencies.

The old wing -- the one being retracted -- will be moved to another spot

during a later shuttle mission.

During two spacewalks on Thursday and Saturday, astronauts

will rewire connectors from the old solar array to the new solar wings.

Reconfiguring the power system will enable the station to provide electricity

to laboratories that will be added to the structure over the next few years.



NASA dasha: Ju/Ve/Ra/Ra/Me

Problems are coming as natal Mars,

L8, exactly afflicts transit Mars from H8.


































Jorge Angelino



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