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Flooding in Iceland

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Hello list, The weather in Iceland in the past 24 hours has shifted from freezing temperatures (-5° Celscius) to unseasonally warm temperatures (+10° C) this time of year. As a lot of snow had gathered on the ground, especially in the mountainous regions, the warm weather caused a lot of it to melt very quickly. Rivers all over the country have been flooding today. Mud slides have also been a problem. This has caused a lot of flooding/mud slide damage in outlying villages. A relatively small dam collapsed, adding to the flooding problem. Infrastructure damage is on the rise as roads have been severed. At the same time, a cargo ship stranded last night on a peninsula in the South Western part of the country. The 9° 30' Virgo rising chart is running Sa/Sa period, with transit L6 Saturn in infancy in H12. This has brought a colder winter than in recent

years. Meanwhile, transit L12 Sun in H4 MEP is aspecting L12 Sun and L6 Saturn in H10, adding to the shift in temperatures.. Transit Rahu in H6 has also come under the aspect of debilitated natal L8 Mars in H11, with a storm also developing. Transit L8 Mars in H3 is conjunct transit L4 Jupiter and opposing natal L1 Mercury, further adding to the problems. With the Rahu going stationary around 22° Aquarius and H6, where it will be under the exact aspect of natal L8 Mars in H11, the weather should be quite stormy in the early months of 2007. Transit L6 Saturn will also be close by natal Mars, at around 25-24° Cancer. At that time, the weather could also be quite harsh and conditions prone to accidents. Best regards, C Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

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