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, <siha wrote:



Hello dear Mr. Sinan,


The date of the establishment of the government of the resisting


Army against the invading Greek Army, in my view would be the right

date for

consideration for the chart of Turkey.


Things are likely to be difficult for Turkey in the first half of

Turkey and

especially around the end of February. The vulnerability to some


disaster besides other problems including financial affairs cannot be


out as the Rahu-Ketu axis would be stationary at the ascending degree.


Best wishes,





" Sinan Karacan " <sbkaracan


Friday, December 22, 2006 4:25 AM

Re: Re: Behaviour of Financial markets



Dear Arun,


I know this is a very belated mail, somehow it got stuck to the


layers of my mailbox. I have noticed while I was deleting old stuff.


for that.


I count on the data of the birth of today's Turkey as the declaration

of the

Republic on the date of October 29, 1923 at 20h40 in Ankara.


The date you take as reference is the date of the establishment of


government of the resisting Turkish Army against the invading Greek


right after the WW1.


Maybe Dear Professor would clarify which date is to be taken as a

rebirth of

a nation as a free state.


One more question; do you see any natural disaster (like eartquake)


happen in Turkey in 2007, sir?


Thanks and best wishes.






Arun Rao <arunrao9


Monday, July 24, 2006 10:03:29 PM

Re: Behaviour of Financial markets



Dear Mr. Sinan Karacan,


The chart of Turkey gives us an ascendant in Cancer.



Apr 23, 1920 12:03 PM -02:00 EET

Ankara, Turkey Longitude: 32E52 Latitude: 39N56

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:44 Current Period: VE/ME/ME


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

============ ========= ========= ========= =========

Asc 23:30 Can Aslesha Me

Sun 10:11 Ari +00:58:27 WK Aswini Ke

Moon 11:53 Gem +14:27:13 WK Ardra Ra

MarsR 07:25 Lib -00:22:36 WK Swati Ra

Merc 13:40 Pis +01:14:47 WK U.Bhadra Sa

Jupt 15:56 Can +00:03:32 FM Pushya Sa

Ven 21:09 Pis +01:13:38 WK Revati Me

Sat R 12:13 Leo -00:01:24 FM Magha Ke

Rahu 22:55 Lib +00:00:56 FM Vishakha Ju

Ketu 22:55 Ari +00:00:56 FM Bharani Ve


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 461 beats

Day: Friday Sunrise: 5:02 AM

Tithi: Shukla Shashthi

Yoga Pt: 25:24 Vi Yogi:Ma AviYogi:Ke Dup Yogi: Me

Dagha Rashis: Ari Leo


Sytems Approach Analysis

============ ========= ===

Sun Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Moon Bad Placement, Moon Not Bright 14%,

Afflicted House MEP

Mars Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Mercury Good Placement, Debilitated,

Jupiter Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Venus Good Placement,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Saturn Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicts 4 8 10 12 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP

Ketu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicts 2 4 6 10 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP


Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis

============ ========= ===

Ve/Me 4/4/2006

Ve/Ke 2/2/2009

Su/Su 4/4/2010

Su/Mo 7/23/2010

Su/Ma 1/21/2011

Su/Ra 5/29/2011

Su/Ju 4/22/2012

Su/Sa 2/8/2013

Su/Me 1/21/2014

Su/Ke 11/28/2014

Su/Ve 4/5/2015


Present period is Venus/Mercury. Mercury is debilitated and is under

the close influence of malefic Jupiter. Venus is weak as the nodes are

conjunct its mooltrikona MEP.


Transit-wise, MMP Saturn is approaching the MEP of the Ascendant and

will, in the coming months, cause severe afflictions to the houses 1,

3, 7, and 10. Transit Jupiter will approach the MEP of houses too and

will come conjunct the natal position of the nodes.


Earlier on, MMP Saturn was afflicting the natal position of L6

Jupiter, ruling both financial stability and the nation's banking and

financial institutions. Also, L2 Sun was transiting the 12th house

and, until today, had been under the influence of Rahu for the past

several days.


Best Wishes,


Arun Rao


@ s.com, Sinan Karacan <sbkaracan@ ..> wrote:


> Dear Professor,


> The same has been happening in Turkish market. The local currency

rates against euro and dollar were down by around 22 - 25 % during

past 5 weeks. Ascending sign in Turkey's chart is gemini. Is it

possible to predict how long this volatility could last?


> Best wishes.


> Sinan


> siha@ wrote:


> Hello Mahendra,


> Indian market is an important factor of the international financial


> Because of the current transit influences of nodes and Mars in the


> independence chart, the markets were destined to retreat. All those


> sought my opinion when the market was going up were advised to

desist from

> the temptation. I think these can go

> further down by another around 8 to ten per cent. However, this is


> personal astrological view and people should proceed in markets as

per their

> own assessment of financial markets and as per their own charts.


> Best wishes,



> www.YourNetAstrolog er.com

> www.JyotishRemedies 121.com

> A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India)

> Phones: 91 124 - 2219240

> Mobile 98110 16333


> -

> " Mahendra " <mahendra_gr@ ...>

> <@ s.com>

> Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:50 AM

> Behaviour of Financial markets


> Prof ji: I am not sure if this may be a more appropriate question


> SAMVA but whats your observation on the cause of the collapse of

> financial markets? Do you see this to deteriorate further? Thanks,

> Mahendra



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My dear Professor,


The exact afflictions of Saturn over MEP1 and Jupiter over MEP5 happen at the same time that the Rahu/Ketu axis afflicts all the even houses and makes an exact aspect with its natal position. Due to the persistent afflictions of Saturn and Jupiter over the ascending degree, I agree with you that things may not be easy in the first part of 2007, especially during February and March.



Best wishes,



On 12/22/06, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

, <siha wrote:

Hello dear Mr. Sinan,The date of the establishment of the government of the resistingTurkishArmy against the invading Greek Army, in my view would be the rightdate forconsideration for the chart of Turkey.

Things are likely to be difficult for Turkey in the first half ofTurkey andespecially around the end of February. The vulnerability to somenaturaldisaster besides other problems including financial affairs cannot be

ruledout as the Rahu-Ketu axis would be stationary at the ascending degree.Best wishes,- " Sinan Karacan " <sbkaracan<

>Friday, December 22, 2006 4:25 AMRe: Re: Behaviour of Financial marketsDear Arun,I know this is a very belated mail, somehow it got stuck to the

deepestlayers of my mailbox. I have noticed while I was deleting old stuff.Sorryfor that.I count on the data of the birth of today's Turkey as the declarationof theRepublic on the date of October 29, 1923 at 20h40 in Ankara.

The date you take as reference is the date of the establishment ofthegovernment of the resisting Turkish Army against the invading GreekArmyright after the WW1.Maybe Dear Professor would clarify which date is to be taken as a

rebirth ofa nation as a free state.One more question; do you see any natural disaster (like eartquake)tohappen in Turkey in 2007, sir?Thanks and best wishes.Sinan

Arun Rao <arunrao9 Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:03:29 PM Re: Behaviour of Financial markets

Dear Mr. Sinan Karacan,The chart of Turkey gives us an ascendant in Cancer.TurkeyApr 23, 1920 12:03 PM -02:00 EETAnkara, Turkey Longitude: 32E52 Latitude: 39N56Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:44 Current Period: VE/ME/ME

Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord============ ========= ========= ========= =========Asc 23:30 Can Aslesha MeSun 10:11 Ari +00:58:27 WK Aswini KeMoon 11:53 Gem +14:27:13 WK Ardra RaMarsR 07:25 Lib -00:22:36 WK Swati Ra

Merc 13:40 Pis +01:14:47 WK U.Bhadra SaJupt 15:56 Can +00:03:32 FM Pushya SaVen 21:09 Pis +01:13:38 WK Revati MeSat R 12:13 Leo -00:01:24 FM Magha KeRahu 22:55 Lib +00:00:56 FM Vishakha JuKetu 22:55 Ari +00:00:56 FM Bharani Ve

True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 461 beatsDay: Friday Sunrise: 5:02 AMTithi: Shukla ShashthiYoga Pt: 25:24 Vi Yogi:Ma AviYogi:Ke Dup Yogi: MeDagha Rashis: Ari LeoSytems Approach Analysis

============ ========= ===Sun Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPsMoon Bad Placement, Moon Not Bright 14%,Afflicted House MEPMars Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Mercury Good Placement, Debilitated,Jupiter Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted Mool MEPVenus Good Placement,Afflicted Mool MEPSaturn Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicts 4 8 10 12 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEPKetu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicts 2 4 6 10 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEPVimshottari Dasha/Buktis

============ ========= ===Ve/Me 4/4/2006Ve/Ke 2/2/2009Su/Su 4/4/2010Su/Mo 7/23/2010Su/Ma 1/21/2011Su/Ra 5/29/2011Su/Ju 4/22/2012Su/Sa 2/8/2013Su/Me 1/21/2014Su/Ke 11/28/2014

Su/Ve 4/5/2015Present period is Venus/Mercury. Mercury is debilitated and is underthe close influence of malefic Jupiter. Venus is weak as the nodes areconjunct its mooltrikona MEP.Transit-wise, MMP Saturn is approaching the MEP of the Ascendant and

will, in the coming months, cause severe afflictions to the houses 1,3, 7, and 10. Transit Jupiter will approach the MEP of houses too andwill come conjunct the natal position of the nodes.Earlier on, MMP Saturn was afflicting the natal position of L6

Jupiter, ruling both financial stability and the nation's banking andfinancial institutions. Also, L2 Sun was transiting the 12th houseand, until today, had been under the influence of Rahu for the past

several days.Best Wishes,Arun Rao@ s.com, Sinan Karacan <sbkaracan@ ..> wrote:>> Dear Professor,>> The same has been happening in Turkish market. The local currency

rates against euro and dollar were down by around 22 - 25 % duringpast 5 weeks. Ascending sign in Turkey's chart is gemini. Is itpossible to predict how long this volatility could last?>> Best wishes.

>> Sinan>> siha@ wrote:>> Hello Mahendra,>> Indian market is an important factor of the international financialmarkets.> Because of the current transit influences of nodes and Mars in the

Indian> independence chart, the markets were destined to retreat. All thosewho> sought my opinion when the market was going up were advised todesist from> the temptation. I think these can go

> further down by another around 8 to ten per cent. However, this ismy> personal astrological view and people should proceed in markets asper their> own assessment of financial markets and as per their own charts.

>> Best wishes,>> > www.YourNetAstrolog er.com> www.JyotishRemedies 121.com> A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India)

> Phones: 91 124 - 2219240> Mobile 98110 16333>> -> " Mahendra " <mahendra_gr@ ...>> <@

s.com>> Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:50 AM> Behaviour of Financial markets>> Prof ji: I am not sure if this may be a more appropriate questionfor> SAMVA but whats your observation on the cause of the collapse of

> financial markets? Do you see this to deteriorate further? Thanks,> Mahendra>>

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Hello my dear Jorge,


Best wishes,






Jorge Angelino


Friday, December 22, 2006 6:43 PM

Re: Fwd: Re: Re: Behaviour of Financial markets


My dear Professor,


The exact afflictions of Saturn over MEP1 and Jupiter over MEP5 happen at the same time that the Rahu/Ketu axis afflicts all the even houses and makes an exact aspect with its natal position. Due to the persistent afflictions of Saturn and Jupiter over the ascending degree, I agree with you that things may not be easy in the first part of 2007, especially during February and March.


Best wishes,



On 12/22/06, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: , <siha wrote:Hello dear Mr. Sinan,The date of the establishment of the government of the resistingTurkishArmy against the invading Greek Army, in my view would be the rightdate forconsideration for the chart of Turkey. Things are likely to be difficult for Turkey in the first half ofTurkey andespecially around the end of February. The vulnerability to somenaturaldisaster besides other problems including financial affairs cannot be ruledout as the Rahu-Ketu axis would be stationary at the ascending degree.Best wishes,-"Sinan Karacan" <sbkaracan< >Friday, December 22, 2006 4:25 AMRe: Re: Behaviour of Financial marketsDear Arun,I know this is a very belated mail, somehow it got stuck to the deepestlayers of my mailbox. I have noticed while I was deleting old stuff.Sorryfor that.I count on the data of the birth of today's Turkey as the declarationof theRepublic on the date of October 29, 1923 at 20h40 in Ankara. The date you take as reference is the date of the establishment ofthegovernment of the resisting Turkish Army against the invading GreekArmyright after the WW1.Maybe Dear Professor would clarify which date is to be taken as a rebirth ofa nation as a free state.One more question; do you see any natural disaster (like eartquake)tohappen in Turkey in 2007, sir?Thanks and best wishes.Sinan Arun Rao <arunrao9 Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:03:29 PM Re: Behaviour of Financial marketsDear Mr. Sinan Karacan,The chart of Turkey gives us an ascendant in Cancer.TurkeyApr 23, 1920 12:03 PM -02:00 EETAnkara, Turkey Longitude: 32E52 Latitude: 39N56Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:44 Current Period: VE/ME/ME Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord============ ========= ========= ========= =========Asc 23:30 Can Aslesha MeSun 10:11 Ari +00:58:27 WK Aswini KeMoon 11:53 Gem +14:27:13 WK Ardra RaMarsR 07:25 Lib -00:22:36 WK Swati Ra Merc 13:40 Pis +01:14:47 WK U.Bhadra SaJupt 15:56 Can +00:03:32 FM Pushya SaVen 21:09 Pis +01:13:38 WK Revati MeSat R 12:13 Leo -00:01:24 FM Magha KeRahu 22:55 Lib +00:00:56 FM Vishakha JuKetu 22:55 Ari +00:00:56 FM Bharani Ve True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 461 beatsDay: Friday Sunrise: 5:02 AMTithi: Shukla ShashthiYoga Pt: 25:24 Vi Yogi:Ma AviYogi:Ke Dup Yogi: MeDagha Rashis: Ari LeoSytems Approach Analysis ============ ========= ===Sun Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPsMoon Bad Placement, Moon Not Bright 14%,Afflicted House MEPMars Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPs Mercury Good Placement, Debilitated,Jupiter Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted Mool MEPVenus Good Placement,Afflicted Mool MEPSaturn Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicted House and Mool MEPs Rahu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicts 4 8 10 12 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEPKetu Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,Afflicts 2 4 6 10 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEPVimshottari Dasha/Buktis ============ ========= ===Ve/Me 4/4/2006Ve/Ke 2/2/2009Su/Su 4/4/2010Su/Mo 7/23/2010Su/Ma 1/21/2011Su/Ra 5/29/2011Su/Ju 4/22/2012Su/Sa 2/8/2013Su/Me 1/21/2014Su/Ke 11/28/2014Su/Ve 4/5/2015Present period is Venus/Mercury. Mercury is debilitated and is underthe close influence of malefic Jupiter. Venus is weak as the nodes areconjunct its mooltrikona MEP.Transit-wise, MMP Saturn is approaching the MEP of the Ascendant and will, in the coming months, cause severe afflictions to the houses 1,3, 7, and 10. Transit Jupiter will approach the MEP of houses too andwill come conjunct the natal position of the nodes.Earlier on, MMP Saturn was afflicting the natal position of L6 Jupiter, ruling both financial stability and the nation's banking andfinancial institutions. Also, L2 Sun was transiting the 12th houseand, until today, had been under the influence of Rahu for the pastseveral days.Best Wishes,Arun Rao@ s.com, Sinan Karacan <sbkaracan@ ..> wrote:>> Dear Professor,>> The same has been happening in Turkish market. The local currency rates against euro and dollar were down by around 22 - 25 % duringpast 5 weeks. Ascending sign in Turkey's chart is gemini. Is itpossible to predict how long this volatility could last?>> Best wishes. >> Sinan>> siha@ wrote:>> Hello Mahendra,>> Indian market is an important factor of the international financialmarkets.> Because of the current transit influences of nodes and Mars in the Indian> independence chart, the markets were destined to retreat. All thosewho> sought my opinion when the market was going up were advised todesist from> the temptation. I think these can go > further down by another around 8 to ten per cent. However, this ismy> personal astrological view and people should proceed in markets asper their> own assessment of financial markets and as per their own charts. >> Best wishes,>> > www.YourNetAstrolog er.com> www.JyotishRemedies 121.com> A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India) > Phones: 91 124 - 2219240> Mobile 98110 16333>> -> "Mahendra" <mahendra_gr@ ...>> <@ s.com>> Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:50 AM> Behaviour of Financial markets>> Prof ji: I am not sure if this may be a more appropriate questionfor> SAMVA but whats your observation on the cause of the collapse of > financial markets? Do you see this to deteriorate further? Thanks,> Mahendra>>

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