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Iceland - financial stability concerns

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Hello list, More interesting developments for Iceland, which are seen clearly in the 9° 30' Virgo rising chart, which has been confirmed with repeat accurate predictions in the past. At 14:00 HRS (GMT) on 22 December 2006 the credit rating agency Standard & Poors announced that it had reduced the sovereign credit rating for Iceland. This signals heigtened concerns about the ability of the government to pay back its debts. The króna exchange rate index immediately began to depreciate and finished the day down almost 3% and the stock market also fell. In the Virgo rising chart the indicators of the strength of the currency are the L12 Sun, L11 Moon and L2 Venus. All are farily weak in the chart. The Sun is in infancy in H10 and afflicted by a conjunction with combust L6 Saturn, which also afflicts H10 and H12, H4 and H7. The

Moon, as lord of income, is natally placed in H8 and hence weak and vulnerable to setbacks. L2 Venus is weak in infancy in H10 and combust and conjunct L12 Sun. Hence the assets or wealth of the country is subject to setbacks. Sa/Sa period is running, signifying the energy of Saturn is important, energising its functional nature as lord of financial stability and its natal placement and aspects. As such Saturn is currently inflicting a destabilising influence on these matters, especially as transit L6 Saturn is currently in infancy in H12. Hence financial stability is vulnerable. Transit afflictions involving Saturn, either in transit or natally can thus undermine the financial stability of the country. At the time of this development L12 Sun was in exaxt opposition to natal L6 Saturn in H10 MEP and natal L12 Sun. This aspect is clearly signifying the above developments. The

more so as natally Sun and Saturn are conjunct, suggesting foreign affairs and losses undermine financial stability. To top the situation off, transit L8 Mars is exactly opposed to natal L1 Mercury in H9, creating obstacles for the image of the country. Natal L8 Mars also casts an eight house aspect to transit Rahu in H6, further adding a destabilising influence. At the time, transit L11 Moon was weak in infancy in H5 at the time, offering little support for the currency. However, L2 Venus is strong in transit, albeit it is weak natally. Best regards, C

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