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Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

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Anybody care to tackle this date;)








interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus:




" There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus

based on the " bright star that appeared on the birth " . It

is visible once in 800 years, it is said. Some say he was born on

the 15th of September. But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December

28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006). It was Sunday. The

Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800 years. It's

appearance had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. There is no

rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on Earth, a

star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus

was himself a " Star " of infinite value, spreading brilliance of

infinite dimension. Why posit another less brilliant

glow? "






-- Sally Spencer, Jyotish KovidA Gentle Journey to Deep Healing Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,Western Astrology reports www.Devi3.byregion.net

sally234 *Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science, which determines, strengthens or propitiates planetary results.



It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.The time has come, for us to polish you.We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?

It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.Let us cremate your impurities.Rumi

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Hi Sally How about considering: the nativity @ around midnight Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7, the year 2 B.C, [*** according to the Julian Calendar, which on astrological computer programs is "OS" for OLD STYLE. This date would need adjustment to the subsequent and current Gregorian Calendar, being "NS" for NEW STYLE. ***] The birth of Jesus has been traditionally celebrated by Christian churches on December 25th since the year 354 A.D. Prior to this the chosen date was January 6. January 6 being the date of the nativity still celebrated in the Armenian Church. The date January 6 was first chosen by the Alexandrian Church fathers during the third century A.D. Before this election in the 3rd century the nativity was for more than 200 years "undocumented". Bear in mind that according the Alexandrians' belief, as they

mis-understood it to be in accordance with the Julian Calendar [introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.] the winter solstice occurred on January 5/6, when in fact at the turn of the millennium the actual solstice occurred on December 22/23. To early Christians the identification of Christ with the spirit of the Sun was self-evident. By the era of the Roman Church fathers, by the fourth century, they calculated that the winter solstice - the longest night of the year - fell on December 24/25, however actually inaccurate by being 3 days after the fact of December 21/22. The parallel is nonetheless clear, the traditional assigned date was derived by way of analogy: the birthday of the physical Sun, Helios, was thought to fall on the same day as that of its archetype, the spiritual Sun - Christ. Thus by A.D. 354, December 25, previously the pagan festival

of the Invincible Sun, was being celebrated as day of the Christ's nativity. For those interested in exploring this one particular sidereal astrological rendering, that of the birthday of Jesus as December 6/7, year 2 B.C. [OS], I recommend Robert A.Powell's CHRONICLE OF THE LIVING CHRIST [Anthroposophic Press, 1996, 495 pp.] Merry Christmas, John Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote: Anybody care to tackle this date;) Aloha, Sally Some interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus: "There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus based on the "bright star that appeared on the birth". It is visible once in 800 years, it is said. Some say he was born on the 15th of September. But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006). It was Sunday. The Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800 years. It's appearance had nothing to do with

the birth of Jesus. There is no rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on Earth, a star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus was himself a "Star" of infinite value, spreading brilliance of infinite dimension. Why posit another less brilliant glow?" -- Sally Spencer, Jyotish KovidA Gentle Journey to Deep Healing Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,Western Astrology reports www.Devi3.byregion.net sally234 (AT) earthlink (DOT) net *Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science,which determines, strengthens or propitiatesplanetary

results.www.EnlightenedLiving/AscensionJoyshttp://www.feed333.com/?fid=1132935049 http://health.ElectroMagneticHealth/http://www.mybiopro.com/Home.aspx?ID=SallySpencer It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.The time has come, for us to polish you.We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth? It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.Let us cremate your


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It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a chart for 2BC?


SallyOn 12/25/06, JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:


Hi Sally How about considering: the

nativity @ around midnight Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7, the year 2

B.C, [*** according to the Julian Calendar, which on astrological

computer programs is " OS " for OLD STYLE. This date would need

adjustment to the subsequent and current Gregorian Calendar, being

" NS " for NEW STYLE. ***] The birth of

Jesus has been traditionally

celebrated by Christian churches on December 25th

since the year 354 A.D. Prior to this the chosen date was January 6.

January 6 being the date of the nativity still celebrated in the

Armenian Church. The date January 6 was first chosen by the Alexandrian

Church fathers during the third century A.D. Before this election in

the 3rd century the nativity was for more than 200

years " undocumented " .

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I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

available as a shareware.




SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:


> It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

chart for

> 2BC?


> Sally


> On 12/25/06, JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:

> >

> > Hi Sally

> >

> > How about considering: the nativity @ around midnight Saturday/Sunday,

> > December 6/7, the year 2 B.C, [*** according to the Julian

Calendar, which

> > on astrological computer programs is " OS " for OLD STYLE. This date


> > need adjustment to the subsequent and current Gregorian Calendar,

being " NS "

> > for NEW STYLE. ***]

> >

> > The birth of Jesus has been traditionally celebrated by Christian

> > churches on December 25th since the year 354 A.D. Prior to this

the chosen

> > date was January 6. January 6 being the date of the nativity still

> > celebrated in the Armenian Church. The date January 6 was first

chosen by

> > the Alexandrian Church fathers during the third century A.D.

Before this

> > election in the 3rd century the nativity was for more than 200

> > years " undocumented " .

> >

> >


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I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.



SallyOn 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which isavailable as a shareware.SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:

>> It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting achart for> 2BC?>> Sally>

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Hi Sally Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast Asia region's internet community. However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to do. Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of Jesus: Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs. How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie, anthroposophy-applied-astrology]. Enough said. Cheers, John Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote: I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.Sally On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca> wrote: I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which isavailable as a shareware.SAMVA , "Sally Spencer" <sally234 wrote: >> It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting achart for> 2BC?>> Sally> Tired of spam? Mail has the

best spam protection around

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Thank you Shukra. I had no idea this program was so extensive.




SallyOn 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which isavailable as a shareware.

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Hello Sally and list members,


This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


Best wishes,








Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth


Hi Sally


Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast Asia region's internet community.


However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to do.


Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of Jesus: Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie, anthroposophy-applied-astrology].


Enough said.




John Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:



I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.Sally

On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca> wrote: I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which isavailable as a shareware.SAMVA , "Sally Spencer" <sally234 wrote: >> It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting achart for> 2BC?>> Sally>



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Dear Professor,


If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't

have access to such accommodative software?



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas






Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth




Hello Sally and list members,


This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


Best wishes,








Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



Hi Sally


Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast Asia

region's internet community.


However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to



Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN

HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of Jesus:

Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring

minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous

message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished

student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,



Enough said.






Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.






On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

available as a shareware.




SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:


> It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

chart for

> 2BC?


> Sally




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;) Professor,


This one?

Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


I was just curious about the one Sai Baba gave, in 11BC.



Could you do me a favor and post the chart, so I can check

different times on this year. Or let me know how I can do it, but

that might be more involved. Thanks.







But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December

28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006).

On 12/29/06, siha <siha

> wrote:



Hello Sally and list members,


This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


Best wishes,










Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth


Hi Sally


Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast Asia region's internet community.


However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to do.


Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of Jesus: Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


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Hello dear Vyas,


I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.


Best wishes,





" Vyas Munidas " <muni>


Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Dear Professor,


> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't

> have access to such accommodative software?



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> <siha

> <SAMVA >

> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM

> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth




> Hello Sally and list members,


> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


> Best wishes,





> -

> JohnTWB


> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Hi Sally


> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast

> Asia

> region's internet community.


> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to

> do.


> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN

> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of

> Jesus:

> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring

> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous

> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished

> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,

> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].


> Enough said.


> Cheers,


> John


> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.



> Sally



> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

> available as a shareware.




> SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:

> >

> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

> chart for

> > 2BC?

> >

> > Sally

> >












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Hello Sally,


I do not have the chart. 6th December around mid night is Leo ascendant, generally.


Best wishes,







Sally Spencer


Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:13 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

;) Professor,This one? Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.I was just curious about the one Sai Baba gave, in 11BC. Could you do me a favor and post the chart, so I can check different times on this year. Or let me know how I can do it, but that might be more involved. Thanks.Aloha, SallyBut, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006).

On 12/29/06, siha <siha > wrote:




Hello Sally and list members,


This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


Best wishes,









Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth


Hi Sally


Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast Asia region's internet community.


However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to do.


Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of Jesus: Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


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Dear Professor and List,


I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings.


It shows the following:


Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem

ASC Virgo 14:39

Sun 19 Sg

Mo 21 Ge

Me 3 Cp

Ve 9 sc

Ma 11 Ta

Ju 1 Sg

Sa 17 Cn


I have attached the picture.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas






Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

> > Hello dear Vyas,> > I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.> > Best wishes,> > > > - > "Vyas Munidas" <muni>> <SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth> > >> Dear Professor,>>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't>> have access to such accommodative software?>>>>>> Best regards,>>>> Vyas Munidas>>>>>> - >> <siha>> <SAMVA >>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>>> Hello Sally and list members,>>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.>>>> Best wishes,>>>> >>>>>> - >> JohnTWB>> SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>> Hi Sally>>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast >> Asia>> region's internet community.>>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to>> do.>>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of >> Jesus:>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.>>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].>>>> Enough said.>>>> Cheers,>>>> John>>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.>>>>>> Sally>>>>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is>> available as a shareware.>>>>>>>> SAMVA , "Sally Spencer" <sally234 wrote:>> >>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a>> chart for>> > 2BC?>> >>> > Sally>> >>>>>>> >> >> >> >>>>>>>>>>

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Hi Vyas Thanks for the DATA posting. The Powell book in my hands does not feature the horoscope referenced in the book [it can be found in yet another of Powell's books which book I NOT have.]] However, the ascendant in question is mentioned [p.48 in the chapter, 'The Adoration of the Shepherds']: quote "Shortly before" 23:30 hrs which Powell measures as "At the moment of birth the star-sign of the Virgin was rising in the East; the Ascendant at the birth was 10.5 degrees Virgo." [10Virgo30]. "And Jupiter too was rising in the East, at 12Virgo30. Over in the West the Moon--which was large, but not yet full--was on its way towards setting. It was in the Ram, at 10 degrees Aries. . . . the Sun was in the middle of the star-sign of the Archer, at 16 degrees Sagittarius." unquote Exactly how much shortly before 11:30 pm you may

wish to further establish, given the clarification herein. JohnVyas Munidas <muni> wrote: Dear Professor and List, I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings. It shows the following: Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem ASC Virgo 14:39 Sun 19 Sg Mo 21 Ge Me 3 Cp Ve 9 sc Ma 11 Ta Ju 1 Sg Sa 17 Cn I have attached the picture. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com> <SAMVA > Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth > > Hello dear Vyas,> > I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.> > Best wishes,> > > > -

> "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com>> <SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth> > >> Dear Professor,>>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't>> have access to such accommodative software?>>>>>> Best regards,>>>> Vyas Munidas>>>>>> - >> <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com>>> <SAMVA >>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>>> Hello Sally and list members,>>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.>>>> Best wishes,>>>> >>>>>> - >> JohnTWB>> SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>> Hi Sally>>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake

disruption of the Southeast >> Asia>> region's internet community.>>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to>> do.>>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of >> Jesus:>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.>>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].>>>> Enough said.>>>> Cheers,>>>>

John>>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 > wrote:>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.>>>>>> Sally>>>>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca> wrote:>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is>> available as a shareware.>>>>>>>> SAMVA , "Sally Spencer"

<sally234 wrote:>> >>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a>> chart for>> > 2BC?>> >>> > Sally>> >>>>>>> >> >> >> >>>>>>>>>>

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Dear John,


Thanks for the additional information. At 23:29 we get the 10:30 Virgo

ascendant using Western geocentric. The rest of the narration doesn't quite

match the data with the Western consideration.


Per my understanding, the data from astro.com is very accurate with these

ancient studies. Anyone with better knowledge and experience about this, is

welcome to please correct me on this.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" JohnTWB " <blazingstar1776


Friday, December 29, 2006 11:42 PM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Hi Vyas


> Thanks for the DATA posting.


> The Powell book in my hands does not feature the horoscope referenced in

> the book [it can be found in yet another of Powell's books which book I

> NOT have.]]


> However, the ascendant in question is mentioned [p.48 in the chapter,

> 'The Adoration of the Shepherds']: quote " Shortly before " 23:30 hrs which

> Powell measures as " At the moment of birth the star-sign of the Virgin was

> rising in the East; the Ascendant at the birth was 10.5 degrees Virgo. "

> [10Virgo30]. " And Jupiter too was rising in the East, at 12Virgo30. Over

> in the West the Moon--which was large, but not yet full--was on its way

> towards setting. It was in the Ram, at 10 degrees Aries. . . . the Sun

> was in the middle of the star-sign of the Archer, at 16 degrees

> Sagittarius. " unquote


> Exactly how much shortly before 11:30 pm you may wish to further

> establish, given the clarification herein.


> John


> Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:

> Dear Professor and List,


> I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings.


> It shows the following:


> Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem

> ASC Virgo 14:39

> Sun 19 Sg

> Mo 21 Ge

> Me 3 Cp

> Ve 9 sc

> Ma 11 Ta

> Ju 1 Sg

> Sa 17 Cn


> I have attached the picture.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> - <siha

> <SAMVA >

> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM

> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth





>> Hello dear Vyas,


>> I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.


>> Best wishes,




>> -

>> " Vyas Munidas " <muni>

>> <SAMVA >

>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM

>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



>>> Dear Professor,


>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't

>>> have access to such accommodative software?



>>> Best regards,


>>> Vyas Munidas



>>> -

>>> <siha

>>> <SAMVA >

>>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM

>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth




>>> Hello Sally and list members,


>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


>>> Best wishes,





>>> -

>>> JohnTWB


>>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



>>> Hi Sally


>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast

>>> Asia

>>> region's internet community.


>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable

>>> to

>>> do.


>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN

>>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of

>>> Jesus:

>>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those

>>> inquiring

>>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous

>>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an

>>> accomplished

>>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,

>>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].


>>> Enough said.


>>> Cheers,


>>> John


>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

>>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.



>>> Sally



>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

>>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

>>> available as a shareware.




>>> SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:

>>> >

>>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

>>> chart for

>>> > 2BC?

>>> >

>>> > Sally

>>> >












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Hello dear Vyas,




Best wishes,





Vyas Munidas


Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:48 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth


Dear Professor and List,


I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings.


It shows the following:


Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem

ASC Virgo 14:39

Sun 19 Sg

Mo 21 Ge

Me 3 Cp

Ve 9 sc

Ma 11 Ta

Ju 1 Sg

Sa 17 Cn


I have attached the picture.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas






Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

> > Hello dear Vyas,> > I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.> > Best wishes,> > > > - > "Vyas Munidas" <muni>> <SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth> > >> Dear Professor,>>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't>> have access to such accommodative software?>>>>>> Best regards,>>>> Vyas Munidas>>>>>> - >> <siha>> <SAMVA >>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>>> Hello Sally and list members,>>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.>>>> Best wishes,>>>> >>>>>> - >> JohnTWB>> SAMVA >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>> Hi Sally>>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast >> Asia>> region's internet community.>>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable to>> do.>>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of >> Jesus:>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.>>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those inquiring>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an accomplished>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].>>>> Enough said.>>>> Cheers,>>>> John>>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.>>>>>> Sally>>>>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is>> available as a shareware.>>>>>>>> SAMVA , "Sally Spencer" <sally234 wrote:>> >>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a>> chart for>> > 2BC?>> >>> > Sally>> >>>>>>> >> >> >> >>>>>>>>>>

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Dear Vyas,


The data I have is




10:18 PM ( LAT -31 43 N LONG 35 13 E )


The fact that


1) Jesus was born to Virgin Mary (Virgo Lagna )

2) He was crucified (FM Mars and Saturn

aspecting Lagna )

3) Spiritual person (Many comb)


SG .

--- Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:


> Dear Professor and List,


> I did a search on astro.com with the data and output

> for Vedic settings.


> It shows the following:


> Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem

> ASC Virgo 14:39

> Sun 19 Sg

> Mo 21 Ge

> Me 3 Cp

> Ve 9 sc

> Ma 11 Ta

> Ju 1 Sg

> Sa 17 Cn


> I have attached the picture.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> <siha

> <SAMVA >

> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM

> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> >

> > Hello dear Vyas,

> >

> > I also do not have the chart or access to such

> accommodative software.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > " Vyas Munidas " <muni>

> > <SAMVA >

> > Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM

> > Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

> >

> >

> >> Dear Professor,

> >>

> >> If possible, can you please post the potential

> chart as most of us don't

> >> have access to such accommodative software?

> >>

> >>

> >> Best regards,

> >>

> >> Vyas Munidas

> >>

> >>

> >> -

> >> <siha

> >> <SAMVA >

> >> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM

> >> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Hello Sally and list members,

> >>

> >> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the

> Leo ascentant.

> >>

> >> Best wishes,

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> -

> >> JohnTWB

> >> SAMVA

> >> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

> >> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus'

> birth

> >>

> >>

> >> Hi Sally

> >>

> >> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake

> disruption of the Southeast

> >> Asia

> >> region's internet community.

> >>

> >> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an

> answer which I am unable to

> >> do.

> >>

> >> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of

> Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN

> >> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the

> date of the birth of

> >> Jesus:

> >> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.

> >>

> >> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall

> leave for those inquiring

> >> minds who wish to consult this work and the other

> title in my previous

> >> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a

> siderealist, is an accomplished

> >> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and

> astrosophy [ie,

> >> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].

> >>

> >> Enough said.

> >>

> >> Cheers,

> >>

> >> John

> >>

> >> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

> >> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to

> 1600.

> >>

> >>

> >> Sally

> >>

> >>

> >> On 12/26/06, shukra69

> <stephen4359 wrote:

> >> I think maybe you can do it with Sri

> Jagannatha Hora, which is

> >> available as a shareware.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> SAMVA , " Sally

> Spencer " <sally234 wrote:

> >> >

> >> > It's all very interesting John. How would

> one go about getting a

> >> chart for

> >> > 2BC?

> >> >

> >> > Sally

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>


> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Thanks once again, Vyas Naturtally, I can't speak for the author, Robert H. Powell, but we all certainly benefit from your clarification. Happy new year ! John Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote: Dear John,Thanks for the additional information. At 23:29 we get the 10:30 Virgo ascendant using Western geocentric. The rest of the narration doesn't quite match the data with the Western

consideration.Per my understanding, the data from astro.com is very accurate with these ancient studies. Anyone with better knowledge and experience about this, is welcome to please correct me on this.Best regards,Vyas Munidas- "JohnTWB" <blazingstar1776 ><SAMVA >Friday, December 29, 2006 11:42 PMRe: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth> Hi Vyas>> Thanks for the DATA posting.>> The Powell book in my hands does not feature the horoscope referenced in > the book [it can be found in yet another of Powell's books which book I > NOT have.]]>> However, the ascendant in question is mentioned [p.48 in the chapter, > 'The Adoration of the Shepherds']: quote "Shortly

before" 23:30 hrs which > Powell measures as "At the moment of birth the star-sign of the Virgin was > rising in the East; the Ascendant at the birth was 10.5 degrees Virgo." > [10Virgo30]. "And Jupiter too was rising in the East, at 12Virgo30. Over > in the West the Moon--which was large, but not yet full--was on its way > towards setting. It was in the Ram, at 10 degrees Aries. . . . the Sun > was in the middle of the star-sign of the Archer, at 16 degrees > Sagittarius." unquote>> Exactly how much shortly before 11:30 pm you may wish to further > establish, given the clarification herein.>> John>> Vyas Munidas <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com> wrote:> Dear Professor and List,>> I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings.>> It shows the following:>>

Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem> ASC Virgo 14:39> Sun 19 Sg> Mo 21 Ge> Me 3 Cp> Ve 9 sc> Ma 11 Ta> Ju 1 Sg> Sa 17 Cn>> I have attached the picture.>>> Best regards,>> Vyas Munidas>>> - <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com>> <SAMVA >> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>> Hello dear Vyas,>>>> I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.>>>> Best wishes,>>>> >>>> - >> "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com>>> <SAMVA >>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>> Dear Professor,>>>>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us don't>>> have access to such accommodative software?>>>>>>>>> Best regards,>>>>>> Vyas Munidas>>>>>>>>> - >>> <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com>>>> <SAMVA >>>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM>>> Re:

Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Sally and list members,>>>>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.>>>>>> Best wishes,>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> - >>> JohnTWB>>> SAMVA >>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth>>>>>>>>> Hi Sally>>>>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast>>> Asia>>> region's internet community.>>>>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable >>>

to>>> do.>>>>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN>>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of>>> Jesus:>>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.>>>>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those >>> inquiring>>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous>>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an >>> accomplished>>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,>>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].>>>>>> Enough said.>>>>>> Cheers,>>>>>> John>>>>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 > wrote:>>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.>>>>>>>>> Sally>>>>>>>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 (AT) sympatico (DOT) ca> wrote:>>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is>>> available as a shareware.>>>>>>>>>>>> SAMVA , "Sally Spencer" <sally234 wrote:>>> >>>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a>>> chart for>>> > 2BC?>>> >>>> > Sally>>> >>>>>>>>>>

>>> >>> >>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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II Om Gurave Namah IIHari om , Friend,

Dr B.V.Raman has discussed Chart of Jesus Christ.He ha s taken DOB as 25 december 7 BC on Friday at about 10_18PM( AVC 747) lat 31N43 Long 35E13.His data is said to be based on writings of Cyril Fagan writing in 1937 in American Journal of Astrology.Therein he has described logic also involved in arriving at the year.

I am pasting Output in chart 2 for Data of Dr B.V.Rama for comparison and examination in light of Teachings BY System analysis from Rev Professor and others.

In continuation to current discussion it is of interest i wanted to know about Date of Birth and time for Christ from other sources also.Can somebody tell me the date is arrived at is on which reckoning.Julian or Gregorian?as it is 6 Dec 19 days difference, ( calender correction!)Here is output for data .From J hora, (There are three to four software of Western system that give calculation for BC years up to 2500 years before.)Here we put minus sign to cast chart for BC in J hora.and choose option of type of reckoning.


December 6, -2Time: 23:30:00Time Zone: 2:20:40 (East of GMT)Place: 35 E 10' 00", 32 N 43' 00" Bethlehem-Waldheim, IsraelLunar Yr-Mo: Kaala-yukta - PushyaTithi: Sukla Dwitiya (Mo) (98.97% left)Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)Nakshatra: Uttarashadha (Su) (64.62% left)Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve) (20.17% left)Karana: Balava (Mo) (97.93% left)Hora Lord: Sun (5 min sign: Cp)Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Sc)Kaala Lord: Mars (Mahakala: Mars)

Sunrise: 6:58:25 Sunset: 16:53:09Janma Ghatis: 41.3162 Ayanamsa: 3-57-46.76Sidereal Time: 4:29:58

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 14 Vi 50' 23.11" Hast 2 Vi TaSun - BK 19 Sg 15' 35.91" PSha 2 Sg ViMoon - DK 1 Cp 23' 02.47" USha 2 Cp CpMars - GK 8 Pi 04' 21.49" UBha 2 Pi ViMercury - AmK 27 Sc 14' 44.67" Jye 4 Sc PiJupiter ® - PK 13 Le 31' 04.98" PPha 1 Le LeVenus - AK 28 Sg 10' 12.84" USha 1 Sg SgSaturn ® - PiK 16 Ta 17' 12.59" Rohi 2 Ta TaRahu - MK 12 Aq 25' 58.16" Sata 2 Aq CpKetu 12 Le 25' 58.16" Magh 4 Le CnMaandi 5 Sc 20' 22.78" Anu 1 Sc LeGulika 12 Li 57' 38.43" Swat 2 Li CpUranus 21 Pi 55' 46.70" Reva 2 Pi CpNeptune 18 Sc 40' 50.73" Jye 1 Sc SgPluto 26 Vi 12' 08.22" Chit 1 Vi Le

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Maha Dasas:

Sun: -4-10-24 - 2-10-24 Moon: 2-10-24 - 12-10-24 Mars: 12-10-24 - 19-10-24 Rah: 19-10-24 - 37-10-24 Jup: 37-10-24 - 53-10-24 Sat: 53-10-24 - 72-10-24 Merc: 72-10-24 - 89-10-24 Ket: 89-10-24 - 96-10-24 Ven: 96-10-24 - 116-10-25

Chart 2 For data of Dr B.V.Raman


Jesus Christ_raman


Natal Chart


December 25, -7Time: 22:18:00Time Zone: 2:20:52 (East of GMT)Place: 35 E 13' 00", 31 N 43' 00"

Lunar Yr-Mo: Pramadi - PushyaTithi: Krishna Ekadasi (Ma) (14.32% left)Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)Nakshatra: Jyeshtha (Me) (81.41% left)Yoga: Dhruva (Ke) (89.94% left)Karana: Balava (Mo) (28.63% left)Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Ta)Mahakala Hora: Sun (5 min sign: Li)Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Sun)

Sunrise: 7:08:01 Sunset: 17:02:46Janma Ghatis: 37.9160 Ayanamsa: 4-02-18.80Sidereal Time: 4:33:29

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 15 Vi 30' 25.61" Hast 2 Vi TaSun - PiK 8 Cp 51' 46.83" USha 4 Cp PiMoon - BK 19 Sc 08' 42.38" Jye 1 Sc SgMars - AK 23 Vi 53' 07.09" Chit 1 Vi LeMercury - GK 5 Cp 10' 40.16" USha 3 Cp AqJupiter - AmK 21 Aq 58' 12.41" PBha 1 Aq ArVenus - DK 3 Cp 07' 10.16" USha 2 Cp CpSaturn - PK 8 Pi 26' 10.76" UBha 2 Pi ViRahu - MK 18 Ta 11' 44.96" Rohi 3 Ta GeKetu 18 Sc 11' 44.96" Jye 1 Sc Sg

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Maha Dasas:

Merc: -10-10-30 - 7-10-31 Ket: 7-10-31 - 14-10-30 Ven: 14-10-30 - 34-10-30 Sun: 34-10-30 - 40-10-30 Moon: 40-10-30 - 50-10-31 Mars: 50-10-31 - 57-10-30 Rah: 57-10-30 - 75-10-31 Jup: 75-10-31 - 91-10-31 Sat: 91-10-31 - 110-11-01


Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahSarve Santu NiramayaSarve Bhadrani PasyantuMa Kashchid Dukh Bhaag BhaveitHARI OM TATSAT------------------------R.C.SrivastavaFor Consultation -ServiceE-mail : swami_rcs


199,MMIG "Guru Kripa"Shaheed Nagar. Agra 282001INDIA


Ph +91-562-223-2323/+91-562-400-1223 Mob +91-94122-68768http://www.cosmograce.comhttp://www.kaalvastu.comhttp://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com------------------------ Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy our sins, and guide us in the right direction!



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Can anyone tell me what did Sai Baba Say exactly was Jesus Birth info?



SAMVA , JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:


> Hi Sally


> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the

Southeast Asia region's internet community.


> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am

unable to do.


> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's

CHRISTIAN HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the

birth of Jesus: Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those

inquiring minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in

my previous message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is

an accomplished student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and

astrosophy [ie, anthroposophy-applied-astrology].


> Enough said.


> Cheers,


> John


> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.



> Sally


> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote: I think maybe you

can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

> available as a shareware.




> SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234@> wrote:

> >

> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

> chart for

> > 2BC?

> >

> > Sally

> >










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Dear John,


You are most welcome and my thanks to you for all your research and

historical inputs now and in the past. You've got a special talent in this



Best wishes to you (and all list members) in 2007!



Vyas Munidas




" JohnTWB " <blazingstar1776


Saturday, December 30, 2006 3:34 AM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Thanks once again, Vyas


> Naturtally, I can't speak for the author, Robert H. Powell, but we all

> certainly benefit from your clarification.


> Happy new year !


> John



> Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:

> Dear John,


> Thanks for the additional information. At 23:29 we get the 10:30 Virgo

> ascendant using Western geocentric. The rest of the narration doesn't

> quite

> match the data with the Western consideration.


> Per my understanding, the data from astro.com is very accurate with these

> ancient studies. Anyone with better knowledge and experience about this,

> is

> welcome to please correct me on this.


> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas


> -

> " JohnTWB " <blazingstar1776

> <SAMVA >

> Friday, December 29, 2006 11:42 PM

> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth


>> Hi Vyas


>> Thanks for the DATA posting.


>> The Powell book in my hands does not feature the horoscope referenced in

>> the book [it can be found in yet another of Powell's books which book I

>> NOT have.]]


>> However, the ascendant in question is mentioned [p.48 in the chapter,

>> 'The Adoration of the Shepherds']: quote " Shortly before " 23:30 hrs which

>> Powell measures as " At the moment of birth the star-sign of the Virgin

>> was

>> rising in the East; the Ascendant at the birth was 10.5 degrees Virgo. "

>> [10Virgo30]. " And Jupiter too was rising in the East, at 12Virgo30. Over

>> in the West the Moon--which was large, but not yet full--was on its way

>> towards setting. It was in the Ram, at 10 degrees Aries. . . . the Sun

>> was in the middle of the star-sign of the Archer, at 16 degrees

>> Sagittarius. " unquote


>> Exactly how much shortly before 11:30 pm you may wish to further

>> establish, given the clarification herein.


>> John


>> Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:

>> Dear Professor and List,


>> I did a search on astro.com with the data and output for Vedic settings.


>> It shows the following:


>> Friday 6 (vs Sat 6) 23:30 in Bethlehem

>> ASC Virgo 14:39

>> Sun 19 Sg

>> Mo 21 Ge

>> Me 3 Cp

>> Ve 9 sc

>> Ma 11 Ta

>> Ju 1 Sg

>> Sa 17 Cn


>> I have attached the picture.



>> Best regards,


>> Vyas Munidas



>> - <siha

>> <SAMVA >

>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:45 PM

>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth





>>> Hello dear Vyas,


>>> I also do not have the chart or access to such accommodative software.


>>> Best wishes,




>>> -

>>> " Vyas Munidas " <muni>

>>> <SAMVA >

>>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM

>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



>>>> Dear Professor,


>>>> If possible, can you please post the potential chart as most of us

>>>> don't

>>>> have access to such accommodative software?



>>>> Best regards,


>>>> Vyas Munidas



>>>> -

>>>> <siha

>>>> <SAMVA >

>>>> Friday, December 29, 2006 9:16 PM

>>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth




>>>> Hello Sally and list members,


>>>> This info indicates that Jesus was born in the Leo ascentant.


>>>> Best wishes,





>>>> -

>>>> JohnTWB

>>>> SAMVA

>>>> Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:12 AM

>>>> Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



>>>> Hi Sally


>>>> Was off line due to the Taiwan earthquake disruption of the Southeast

>>>> Asia

>>>> region's internet community.


>>>> However, happy that Shukra69 has given you an answer which I am unable

>>>> to

>>>> do.


>>>> Another reference: I've dusted off my copy of Robert Powell's CHRISTIAN

>>>> HERMETIC ASTROLOGY. In this volume he gives the date of the birth of

>>>> Jesus:

>>>> Saturday 6 December 0002 B.C. @ 23:30 hrs.


>>>> How he gets there, date & time moment, I shall leave for those

>>>> inquiring

>>>> minds who wish to consult this work and the other title in my previous

>>>> message on this matter. Robert Powell, a siderealist, is an

>>>> accomplished

>>>> student of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and astrosophy [ie,

>>>> anthroposophy-applied-astrology].


>>>> Enough said.


>>>> Cheers,


>>>> John


>>>> Sally Spencer <sally234 wrote:

>>>> I have Junior Jyotish and it only goes back to 1600.



>>>> Sally



>>>> On 12/26/06, shukra69 <stephen4359 wrote:

>>>> I think maybe you can do it with Sri Jagannatha Hora, which is

>>>> available as a shareware.




>>>> SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:

>>>> >

>>>> > It's all very interesting John. How would one go about getting a

>>>> chart for

>>>> > 2BC?

>>>> >

>>>> > Sally

>>>> >












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Yes, the original post held this information.






P.S. Gmail is great for keeping threads together..


But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December

28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006).




interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus:




" There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus

based on the " bright star that appeared on the birth " . It

is visible once in 800 years, it is said. Some say he was born on

the 15th of September. But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December

28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006). It was Sunday. The

Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800 years. It's

appearance had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. There is no

rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on Earth, a

star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus

was himself a " Star " of infinite value, spreading brilliance of

infinite dimension. Why posit another less brilliant

glow? " On 12/30/06, ronate12 <ronate12 wrote:

Can anyone tell me what did Sai Baba Say exactly was Jesus Birth info?

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Hi Sally,


With that data, we get a Sc Asc 20:33 on a Thursday. I have included the

data from astro.com for reference of the planetary positions per the Vedic

system. I have attached the picture of the output to note the planetary



For such a personality, I imagine that both the Sun and Jupiter would have

to be very strong, in addition to a stong H9. In this chart, the Sun is

exactly afflicted by deb Mars. LO9, Moon is badly placed in old age in H8. I

don't have a D9 table to check for weakness there. My initial impression is

that this data is innacurate.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Sally Spencer " <sally234


Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:10 PM

Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Yes, the original post held this information.


> Aloha,


> Sally


> P.S. Gmail is great for keeping threads together..


> But, he was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured

> from

>> 2006).



> Some interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus:


> " There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus based on

> the " bright star that appeared on the birth " . It is visible once in 800

> years, it is said. Some say he was born on the 15th of September. But,

> he

> was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006).

> It was Sunday. The Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800

> years. It's appearance had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. There

> is

> no rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on Earth,

> a

> star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus was

> himself a " Star " of infinite value, spreading brilliance of infinite

> dimension. Why posit another less brilliant glow? "


> On 12/30/06, ronate12 <ronate12 wrote:


>> Can anyone tell me what did Sai Baba Say exactly was Jesus Birth info?





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Hello Vyas,


Thank you for doing this. I totally see your point with the Sun

and Mars. (I am posting the JH chart





One point; he was an enemy of the state, the Sun, as well as the

general public, 10L. He was ultimately murdered by the state

(Su/Mars exact) Also, sixth lord Mars, on the Sun..his career was

service and it was to the sick

and needy. He was paid very little, therefore his assets, Mars,

were few and meager. These all explain debilitation. A

luminary soul who took on a meager existence to live with those who

needed his Light the most and were in a position to listen the most,

makes moving sense to me.


Thank you for the opportunity to discuss such a figure in history.


I also like the Scorpio rising, as I have found Scorpio people to be

deep, mysterious and always have a life of trials bordering on the



Much aloha,





P. S. As for the Moon in the eighth, I believe he was a master of

the occult. It would also speak to his father, who by my

imagination would have faced many obstacles in life.

Come to think of it, the Essenes was an esoteric teaching at the time and would represent the eighth house.

Also, his knowledge certainly didn't come from religion, the ninth

house, but from teachings, voices from within, God. He

ended up teaching the teachers of the day. He must have

encountered numerous obstacles As well as learning in

secret societies, underground if you will.


He brought teachings, 9H to change the beliefs of the masses (8H).


Moon is well placed in the fifth with Mercury (N-8L) in navamsa. Occult knowledge.

Also, Moon travel lord, in eighth signifies secret travel later in life.


Go here to view navamsa from JH.



Ketu and Venus are well placed in the fourth house.

The dispositor, Saturn is well placed in the third, own sign. They reside in Aquarius the sign of revolutionary movements.


HIs mother was a woman among women, Venus in the fourth.


His teachings were foremost about Love..Venus 12 L in house of education and mother, with the karaka for enlightenment.


The Sun (career lord) and Mercury (aspirations, associates) are well placed in the third, house of

communications. Their dispositor is in it's own house, Saturn, the karaka for the working class, the masses.

Jupiter, second lord of speech, wealth and status is very well


in the first house. As he was the teaching, not so much his

job. The lord of Jupiter is in the eighth which is disturbing

however it is the house of the occult and secrets and I've read

esoteric teachings where he underwent severe trials of disturbances

(petty tyrant) and days underground to face fears.


Jupiter is also well placed with Saturn, the masses in the house of others in the navamsa.


Jupiter is the karaka for teacher, as well as natural signifier for the ninth house of philosophy and fortune.


The Sun, lord of the chart, is in the sign of Capricorn with the lord of that sign.


Saturn (Most benefic planet), lord of the mind I just saw, is right on the mep of the third house! This is his legacy, fourth lord on the third, educating the people...fourth has Venus and Ketu~



It aspects fifth house of higher knowledge, intellect, children, emotional health. It aspects the ninth house

of philosophy, religion, father, travel. And it aspects twelfth

house of foreign stays and moksha, final liberation.....which is hosted

by strong Venus (he was resurrected)


So I don't know, all things considered I really like this chart for these reasons.


I did go on;)


Also, Venus goes to the twelfth house in navamsa, his dharma was final liberation.

The Sun is exalted in navamsa. And Jupiter is in Leo...

The mundane life had trials but the results were better shown in navmasa. Moon in fifth etc.


The lord of navamsa was in seventh house with an exalted Sun and

Jupiter; lord of gains and aspirations as well as teacher karaka and

major beneficent.


The Moon , fortune in the eighth, Gemini...he was born in a manger

afterall, with farm animals. There was no room at the inn..major



HIs father was a carpenter, Gemini, tradesman.


I can find lots of things..if I keep looking, I suppose.


I also tend to trust illumined information, even if the source

may be questionable, rather than the textbooks in cases of history so

far back. In any case, I have enjoyed this foray into this chart,

as it illumined the life of Jesus for me.


Thanks again for everyone's help.))





On 12/30/06, Vyas Munidas <muni

> wrote:

Hi Sally,With that data, we get a Sc Asc 20:33 on a Thursday. I have included thedata from astro.com for reference of the planetary positions per the Vedic

system. I have attached the picture of the output to note the planetary

degrees.For such a personality, I imagine that both the Sun and Jupiter would haveto be very strong, in addition to a stong H9. In this chart, the Sun isexactly afflicted by deb Mars. LO9, Moon is badly placed in old age in H8. I

don't have a D9 table to check for weakness there. My initial impression isthat this data is innacurate.Best regards,Vyas Munidas>>>> Some interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus:

>> " There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus based on> the " bright star that appeared on the birth " . It is visible once in 800> years, it is said. Some say he was born on the 15th of September. But,

> he> was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured from 2006).> It was Sunday. The Star that appeared that day appears only once in 800> years. It's appearance had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. There

> is> no rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on Earth,> a> star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus was> himself a " Star " of infinite value, spreading brilliance of infinite

> dimension. Why posit another less brilliant glow? " >> On 12/30/06, ronate12 <ronate12

> wrote:>>>> Can anyone tell me what did Sai Baba Say exactly was Jesus Birth info?


Sally Spencer, Jyotish KovidA Gentle Journey to Deep Healing Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,Western Astrology reports


sally234 *Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science, which determines, strengthens or propitiates

planetary results.





It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.The time has come, for us to polish you.We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?

It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.Let us cremate your impurities.Rumi

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