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Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg

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Dear and List Members,


California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his right

femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu axis

exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and transiting

Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the eleventh

house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun subperiod.

Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and

transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and affliction

from the nodes to its house.


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET

Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU




Warm regards,


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Dear Shayn:


Thank you for posting this chart data...


Good points you raise.


Additionallly, transit Venus was also under the aspect of Ketu.


Usually, when Venus is under the affliction of the nodes, there are problems for celebrities and entertainers, and due to conveyances.


Best wishes,


David Hawthorne




Shayn Smith


Monday, December 25, 2006 7:50 PM

Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg

Dear and List Members,California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his right femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu axis exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and transiting Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the eleventh house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun subperiod. Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and affliction from the nodes to its house. Arnold SchwarzeneggerJul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EETGraz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JUhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2748783Warm regards,Shayn

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Hello David,

Good call! And recently we've seen the passing of entertainer James

Brown. If we consider politicians as celebrities, former President

Gerald Ford's death and Tony Blair's airplane scare (conveyances)

might qualify.


Warm regards,



SAMVA , " David Hawthorne " <david wrote:


> Dear Shayn:


> Thank you for posting this chart data...


> Good points you raise.


> Additionallly, transit Venus was also under the aspect of Ketu.


> Usually, when Venus is under the affliction of the nodes, there are

problems for celebrities and entertainers, and due to conveyances.


> Best wishes,


> David Hawthorne


> -----

> Shayn Smith


> Monday, December 25, 2006 7:50 PM

> Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg



> Dear and List Members,


> California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his


> femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu


> exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and


> Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the


> house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun


> Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and

> transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and


> from the nodes to its house.


> Arnold Schwarzenegger

> Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET

> Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU


> http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2748783


> Warm regards,

> Shayn






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Dear Friends,


Transit Venus (entertainers) is afflicted by transit Ketu, and in US, it is coming under the close affliction of natal Mars. Also, transit Sun (politics) have been under the affliction of natal Venus.


Best wishes,



On 12/27/06, Shayn Smith <mactunesmith wrote:

Hello David,Good call! And recently we've seen the passing of entertainer JamesBrown. If we consider politicians as celebrities, former President

Gerald Ford's death and Tony Blair's airplane scare (conveyances)might qualify.Warm regards,ShaynSAMVA , " David Hawthorne " <david wrote:

>> Dear Shayn:>> Thank you for posting this chart data...>> Good points you raise.>> Additionallly, transit Venus was also under the aspect of Ketu.>> Usually, when Venus is under the affliction of the nodes, there are

problems for celebrities and entertainers, and due to conveyances.>> Best wishes,>> David Hawthorne>> -----> Shayn Smith>

SAMVA > Monday, December 25, 2006 7:50 PM> Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg>>> Dear and List Members,>> California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his

right> femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketuaxis> exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones andtransiting> Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the

eleventh> house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sunsubperiod.> Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and> transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and

affliction> from the nodes to its house.>> Arnold Schwarzenegger> Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET> Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU

>> http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2748783>> Warm regards,> Shayn>>>>>

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Hello Shyan,


This is a nice chart for study.


One particular thing that strikes me is the affliction of Venus by Ketu in

H6 giving an inordinate delay in marriage (he was nearly 40). I doubt that

he was trying to get married earlier though, but the chart does indicate

late marriage.


The close impact of Jupiter, Mercury and Mars and good placements of most,

have made up for some of the weaknesses. Note also that in the birth of his

four children, Ke was involved somehow. Ke-Ve, LO5. Anyone's deeper insight

into this would be appreciated.


Rahu is unafflicting in H12 outside the wide consideration. We all know the

contributions by Ra in 12, even if unafflicting. I did a google for anything

surrounding him (http://www.governorsteroid.com/); so there is some Rahu at

play and weak benefics in H2 contribute to some defamation as well. Overall

though, these things cannot bring him down in my view. Mars on the MEP of

H12 dilutes some of the negativity of Rahu. As this Mars powers up H12

containing Rahu, it grants great wealth and income in foreign lands.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Shayn Smith " <mactunesmith


Monday, December 25, 2006 8:50 PM

Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg



Dear and List Members,


California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his right

femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu axis

exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and transiting

Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the eleventh

house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun subperiod.

Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and

transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and affliction

from the nodes to its house.


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET

Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU




Warm regards,


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Dear Vyas,

Thank you for the followup analysis of Arnold's chart. I suspect that

as a celebrity there is alot of 6th house worry for the privacy of

his children (weak 5L Venus afflicted by Ketu). On May 1, 1997,

Arnold and his wife were dropping off their son to pre-school when

paparrazi blocked their car to take pictures. Note that this incident

happened while transiting Ketu exactly afflicted his natal Venus.

Ketu's 6H connection showed when the photographers were convicted for

their stunt.


Arnold had an older brother who died in a car accident on May 20,

1971 (11L Mars in the house of losses) when transiting Rahu afflicted

natal Mars which itself was transiting the 8H.


And look how strong Mercury, 4L, on 1MEP, has brought assets,

confidence, and a strong body to his life. He was also very close to

his mother who shared his birthdate.


Warm regards,



SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Hello Shyan,


> This is a nice chart for study.


> One particular thing that strikes me is the affliction of Venus by

Ketu in

> H6 giving an inordinate delay in marriage (he was nearly 40). I

doubt that

> he was trying to get married earlier though, but the chart does


> late marriage.


> The close impact of Jupiter, Mercury and Mars and good placements

of most,

> have made up for some of the weaknesses. Note also that in the

birth of his

> four children, Ke was involved somehow. Ke-Ve, LO5. Anyone's deeper


> into this would be appreciated.


> Rahu is unafflicting in H12 outside the wide consideration. We all

know the

> contributions by Ra in 12, even if unafflicting. I did a google for


> surrounding him (http://www.governorsteroid.com/); so there is some

Rahu at

> play and weak benefics in H2 contribute to some defamation as well.


> though, these things cannot bring him down in my view. Mars on the

MEP of

> H12 dilutes some of the negativity of Rahu. As this Mars powers up


> containing Rahu, it grants great wealth and income in foreign lands.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Shayn Smith " <mactunesmith

> <SAMVA >

> Monday, December 25, 2006 8:50 PM

> Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg



> Dear and List Members,


> California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his


> femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu axis

> exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and transiting

> Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the eleventh

> house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun subperiod.

> Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and

> transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and affliction

> from the nodes to its house.


> Arnold Schwarzenegger

> Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET

> Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU


> http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2748783


> Warm regards,

> Shayn


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Dear Shayn,


Thank you for your insights and further information. It's a text book match

and the data bodes well as an accurate TOB so far.


Jupiter's aspect on the ascendant has granted the expansive physique. Strong

Mercury ensures that he's not the jolly looking type. Mars' aspect to H3 was

instrumental to his success in competitions.


In my first email on this, I mentioned Mars in H12 with respect to wealth.

In a message this morning on SATVA, I have included in this regard:


" ... Mars on the MEP of H12 blesses with income in foreign lands and not

necessarily grants wealth with unafflicting Rahu in that house. The rise of

wealth is due to the LO2 in H7 -strong Mercury is on the MEP of H1. LO3 & 9

sit in H2 with (Venus) and have some weakness. Additionally, the close

activation of

Mars and Jupiter contribute positively to otherwise eclipsed strengths. "



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Shayn Smith " <mactunesmith


Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:43 AM

Re: Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg



Dear Vyas,

Thank you for the followup analysis of Arnold's chart. I suspect that

as a celebrity there is alot of 6th house worry for the privacy of

his children (weak 5L Venus afflicted by Ketu). On May 1, 1997,

Arnold and his wife were dropping off their son to pre-school when

paparrazi blocked their car to take pictures. Note that this incident

happened while transiting Ketu exactly afflicted his natal Venus.

Ketu's 6H connection showed when the photographers were convicted for

their stunt.


Arnold had an older brother who died in a car accident on May 20,

1971 (11L Mars in the house of losses) when transiting Rahu afflicted

natal Mars which itself was transiting the 8H.


And look how strong Mercury, 4L, on 1MEP, has brought assets,

confidence, and a strong body to his life. He was also very close to

his mother who shared his birthdate.


Warm regards,



SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Hello Shyan,


> This is a nice chart for study.


> One particular thing that strikes me is the affliction of Venus by

Ketu in

> H6 giving an inordinate delay in marriage (he was nearly 40). I

doubt that

> he was trying to get married earlier though, but the chart does


> late marriage.


> The close impact of Jupiter, Mercury and Mars and good placements

of most,

> have made up for some of the weaknesses. Note also that in the

birth of his

> four children, Ke was involved somehow. Ke-Ve, LO5. Anyone's deeper


> into this would be appreciated.


> Rahu is unafflicting in H12 outside the wide consideration. We all

know the

> contributions by Ra in 12, even if unafflicting. I did a google for


> surrounding him (http://www.governorsteroid.com/); so there is some

Rahu at

> play and weak benefics in H2 contribute to some defamation as well.


> though, these things cannot bring him down in my view. Mars on the

MEP of

> H12 dilutes some of the negativity of Rahu. As this Mars powers up


> containing Rahu, it grants great wealth and income in foreign lands.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Shayn Smith " <mactunesmith

> <SAMVA >

> Monday, December 25, 2006 8:50 PM

> Arnold Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg



> Dear and List Members,


> California Governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger fractured his


> femur on a skiing trip this past Saturday. Transiting Rahu-Ketu axis

> exactly afflicts Saturn's house. Saturn rules bones and transiting

> Saturn is weak. Additionally, transiting Ketu afflicts the eleventh

> house which signifies the right leg. He is in a weak Sun subperiod.

> Sun's house is afflicted by the transiting Ketu-Rahu axis and

> transiting Sun's dispositor is weak by poor placement and affliction

> from the nodes to its house.


> Arnold Schwarzenegger

> Jul 30, 1947 4:10 AM -02:00 EET

> Graz, Austria Longitude: 15E26 Latitude: 47N05

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: RA/SU/JU


> http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2748783


> Warm regards,

> Shayn


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