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Dear List Members,


These are some " results " from the US Peace Assembly, as perceived by the organizers.

I would say that some of these events are the natural result of the current MBP bhukti.

That is why in the relative world EVERYTHING IS AND IS NOT, at the same time...

I wish you all a GREAT 2007!!!




Global Country of World Peace - Great Britain <info

jorgeangelinoSubject: GCWP-GB NEWS - America transformed!Fri, 29 Dec 2006 14:40:34 -0700













Press release








December 29, 2006For Immediate Release






Contact Norman Zierold





As Predicted, Group of 1800 Meditation Expertsin Iowa Creates Coherent National Consciousness—Transforms America


Fuels 5-Month Record-Breaking Boom in U.S. Stock Market,

Increasingly Robust U.S. Economy


Drives Down Oil Prices, Unemployment Rates, Inflation




Prior to the Invincible America Assembly, since January 3, 2000, the Dow decreased on average approximately 0.02% percent per week. However, immediately following the beginning of the Assembly on July 23, 2006, there was a statistically significant shift to a rapid, positive average rate of growth of 0.45% per week. Statistical analysis indicates that the probability of observing a change this large in the Dow's rate of growth purely by chance is less than a few parts in 1000 (p = 0.016).

"This phenomenon is not wishful thinking. It is hard science that has been field tested for over 50 years and documented through more than 600 studies conducted at over 250 independent universities and research institutes throughout the world."

—John Hagelin, Ph.D., Director of the Invincible America Assembly

(MAHARISHI VEDIC CITY, IOWA) Dr. John Hagelin announced during an international news conference today the dramatic results from the first five months of the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa—the largest scientific demonstration project ever to monitor the effects of a large group of advanced meditation experts on national economic and social trends.


The Assembly was launched on July 23 by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to create coherent national consciousness—the basis of a peaceful, prosperous, invincible country.

Since Maharishi's launch, through December 22, the Dow Jones Industrial Index has climbed 14.5% while setting 21 all-time record highs, the S & P 500 Index has risen 15% to a six-year high while the Nasdaq Composite Index has soared 21.6% to a near six-year high. The unemployment rate is at a 5½-year low of 4.4%, oil and gasoline prices are down 25%, consumer and investor confidence have jumped to their highest levels of the year, and the threat of inflation has dramatically and unexpectedly subsided.

At the same time, U.S. foreign policy has undergone a marked transformation—moving away from a rigid, confrontational approach towards consensus building and peace. For example, the U.S.-forged ceasefire on the Israeli-Lebanon border—a Mideast flashpoint for decades—is now in its fourth peaceful month. The U.S. has also taken a more flexible approach to resolving tensions with Iran and North Korea—while attempting to open improved channels of communication with once isolated Cuba and Venezuela.

Speaking from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, Dr. Hagelin, a world-renowned quantum physicist and director of the Invincible America Assembly, said that rigorous statistical analysis shows that the upsurge of positive economic trends—publicly predicted in advance—started when an initial group of 1200 experts in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying, first assembled in Iowa from across the U.S. and around the world to create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of the ongoing national transformation.

Extensive published scientific research documents the Maharishi Effect

Extensive research published in leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals documents reduced negative trends, including reduced crime and violence, and improved economic and social trends—when as few as the square root of one percent of a population practice Yogic Flying together in a group.


Scientists named this phenomenon the "Maharishi Effect" after Maharishi, the renowned Vedic scholar who 50 years ago founded the Transcendental Meditation program, and who predicted the beneficial impact of group meditation on social trends as early as 1975.


Group of 2000 Yogic Flyers needed to make the nation invincible


Dr. Hagelin said that in recent days the number of Yogic Flyers in the Assembly increased to 1800—further intensifying the positive effect for the nation. And when the number of Yogic Flyers reaches the square root of one percent of the U.S. population (about 2000), there will be an even more dramatic improvement in national trends, and any lingering problems in the country will be quickly resolved.

"This is not wishful thinking," said Dr. Hagelin, who also serves as the Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. "This is hard science that has been field tested for over 50 years and documented through more than 600 studies conducted at over 250 independent universities and research institutes throughout the world."

The Invincible America Assembly is being funded by an annual $12 million grant from the Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America.



Good News

Positive Social and Economic Trends Produced by the Invincible America Assembly

July 23 to December 22, 2006




U.S.-brokered cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah continues to hold after four months


US-China relations improve: White House softens its tone of criticism toward China; demonstrates preference for quiet persuasion over confrontation


U.S. hints at flexibility on North Korea



, US business leaders hail historic trade pact


Sign of progress in once-cantankerous US-Venezuela ties


US Legislators push for an end to four decades of hostility between Cuba and the United States


Nearly eight in 10 Americans favor changing the U.S. mission in Iraq away from direct combat




Three major stock market indexes surge into double-digit boom


US businesses more profitable in the third quarter of 2006 than in any three-month period since 1951


The "Consumer Comfort Index"—a national index of how safe and secure consumers feel—is now at its highest level in 5 years


New housing data shows an unexpected turnaround in the once-badly slumping housing market


Wages of average workers improve significantly after badly lagging behind inflation for past 5 years


Unemployment at its lowest levels in more than 5 years




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