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[Bulk] Sai Baba on Jesus' birth

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Hi Sally,


More in unknown about events in Jesus' life than is known. Especially in a

case like this, I'd err on the side of initial impression without looking

too deeply.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Sally Spencer " <sally234


Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:02 PM

[bulk] Re: Re: Sai Baba on Jesus' birth



> Hello Vyas,


> Thank you for doing this. I totally see your point with the Sun and Mars.

> (I am posting the JH chart here)..


> http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/Devi234/chart.jpg


> One point; he was an enemy of the state, the Sun, as well as the general

> public, 10L. He was ultimately murdered by the state (Su/Mars exact)

> Also,

> sixth lord Mars, on the Sun..his career was service and it was to the

> sick

> and needy. He was paid very little, therefore his assets, Mars, were few

> and meager. These all explain debilitation. A luminary soul who took on

> a

> meager existence to live with those who needed his Light the most and were

> in a position to listen the most, makes moving sense to me.


> Thank you for the opportunity to discuss such a figure in history.


> I also like the Scorpio rising, as I have found Scorpio people to be deep,

> mysterious and always have a life of trials bordering on the fantastic.


> Much aloha,


> Sally



> P. S. As for the Moon in the eighth, I believe he was a master of the

> occult. It would also speak to his father, who by my imagination would

> have

> faced many obstacles in life.

> Come to think of it, the Essenes was an esoteric teaching at the time and

> would represent the eighth house.


> Also, his knowledge certainly didn't come from religion, the ninth house,

> but from teachings, voices from within, God. He ended up teaching the

> teachers of the day. He must have encountered numerous obstacles As

> well

> as learning in secret societies, underground if you will.


> He brought teachings, 9H to change the beliefs of the masses (8H).


> Moon is well placed in the fifth with Mercury (N-8L) in navamsa. Occult

> knowledge.

> Also, Moon travel lord, in eighth signifies secret travel later in life.


> Go here to view navamsa from JH.

> http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/Devi234/chart-1.jpg


> Ketu and Venus are well placed in the fourth house.

> The dispositor, Saturn is well placed in the third, own sign. They reside

> in Aquarius the sign of revolutionary movements.


> HIs mother was a woman among women, Venus in the fourth.


> His teachings were foremost about Love..Venus 12 L in house of education

> and

> mother, with the karaka for enlightenment.


> The Sun (career lord) and Mercury (aspirations, associates) are well

> placed

> in the third, house of communications. Their dispositor is in it's own

> house, Saturn, the karaka for the working class, the masses.


> Jupiter, second lord of speech, wealth and status is very well placed in

> the

> first house. As he was the teaching, not so much his job. The lord of

> Jupiter is in the eighth which is disturbing however it is the house of

> the

> occult and secrets and I've read esoteric teachings where he underwent

> severe trials of disturbances (petty tyrant) and days underground to face

> fears.


> Jupiter is also well placed with Saturn, the masses in the house of others

> in the navamsa.


> Jupiter is the karaka for teacher, as well as natural signifier for the

> ninth house of philosophy and fortune.


> The Sun, lord of the chart, is in the sign of Capricorn with the lord of

> that sign.


> Saturn (Most benefic planet), lord of the mind I just saw, is right on the

> mep of the third house! This is his legacy, fourth lord on the third,

> educating the people...fourth has Venus and Ketu~


> It aspects fifth house of higher knowledge, intellect, children, emotional

> health. It aspects the ninth house of philosophy, religion, father,

> travel. And it aspects twelfth house of foreign stays and moksha, final

> liberation.....which is hosted by strong Venus (he was resurrected)


> So I don't know, all things considered I really like this chart for these

> reasons.


> I did go on;)


> Also, Venus goes to the twelfth house in navamsa, his dharma was final

> liberation.

> The Sun is exalted in navamsa. And Jupiter is in Leo...

> The mundane life had trials but the results were better shown in navmasa.

> Moon in fifth etc.


> The lord of navamsa was in seventh house with an exalted Sun and Jupiter;

> lord of gains and aspirations as well as teacher karaka and major

> beneficent.


> The Moon , fortune in the eighth, Gemini...he was born in a manger

> afterall,

> with farm animals. There was no room at the inn..major obstacle.


> HIs father was a carpenter, Gemini, tradesman.


> I can find lots of things..if I keep looking, I suppose.


> I also tend to trust illumined information, even if the source may be

> questionable, rather than the textbooks in cases of history so far back.

> In

> any case, I have enjoyed this foray into this chart, as it illumined the

> life of Jesus for me.


> Thanks again for everyone's help.))





> On 12/30/06, Vyas Munidas <muni> wrote:


>> Hi Sally,


>> With that data, we get a Sc Asc 20:33 on a Thursday. I have included the

>> data from astro.com for reference of the planetary positions per the

>> Vedic

>> system. I have attached the picture of the output to note the planetary

>> degrees.


>> For such a personality, I imagine that both the Sun and Jupiter would

>> have

>> to be very strong, in addition to a stong H9. In this chart, the Sun is

>> exactly afflicted by deb Mars. LO9, Moon is badly placed in old age in

>> H8.

>> I

>> don't have a D9 table to check for weakness there. My initial impression

>> is

>> that this data is innacurate.



>> Best regards,


>> Vyas Munidas



>> >>

>> >

>> > Some interesting facts from Sai Baba about Jesus:

>> >

>> > " There are various theories about the date of the birth of Jesus based

>> on

>> > the " bright star that appeared on the birth " . It is visible once in

>> > 800

>> > years, it is said. Some say he was born on the 15th of September.

>> > But,


>> > he

>> > was born at 3:15 a.m. on December 28, 2017 years ago, (figured from

>> 2006).

>> > It was Sunday. The Star that appeared that day appears only once in

>> > 800

>> > years. It's appearance had nothing to do with the birth of

>> Jesus. There

>> > is

>> > no rule that, when Christ Energy of Devine Incarnation descends on

>> Earth,

>> > a

>> > star has to appear. That is the opinion of devotees only. But Jesus

>> > was

>> > himself a " Star " of infinite value, spreading brilliance of infinite

>> > dimension. Why posit another less brilliant glow? "

>> >

>> > On 12/30/06, ronate12 <ronate12 wrote:

>> >>

>> >> Can anyone tell me what did Sai Baba Say exactly was Jesus Birth info?




> Sally Spencer, Jyotish Kovid

> A Gentle Journey to Deep Healing

> Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*,

> Western Astrology reports

> www.Devi3.byregion.net

> sally234


> *Vedic Astrology, a co creative sacred science,

> which determines, strengthens or propitiates

> planetary results.


> www.EnlightenedLiving/

> AscensionJoys

> http://www.feed333.com/?fid=1132935049

> http://health.ElectroMagneticHealth/

> http://www.mybiopro.com/Home.aspx?ID=SallySpencer



> It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.

> The time has come, for us to polish you.

> We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.

> You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?

> It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.

> Let us cremate your impurities.

> Rumi


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