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Differentiate between the elected government & de facto governmen

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Dear Cosmologer,


As you are using a different chart for Burma, you must have your very good reason to do it. It would be good for all the list members, if you can find some time to share with us the reasoning of your choice.


Let me share with you and the list my reasoning for the preference of a Virgo rising chart.


In the list of events/facts used in the rectification of Burma, (my message #8409, from February 24, 2005) I said:



At 4:20 AM they were already independent, according with the British tradition to give independence at 12:00 AM. So, the flag hoisting ceremony was held 4:20hrs after the real independence moment. However, please note that the MEPs of both charts are 17:23 and 17:32 (Jorge Angelino).



As in this case we have only 2 possible options, a

Virgo rising chart and a Scorpio rising chart, both with the same MEPs, it becomes easier to compare the charts. Both share 3 common FMPs (Mars, Rahu, and Ketu), so we will forget about them. Virgo has the Sun and Saturn as FMPs, and Scorpio has a different one, the MMP Venus.



Doing a little exercise with the dates of some calamities, we should be able to see if we get more cases of Venus closer to 17 degrees, or more cases of Saturn and/or the Sun closer to the same MEP longitude.


Let us do it for some of the events used in the rectification work:


Natural Disasters in Myanmar

Disaster Date Killed Wind Storm 10-May-1968 1,070 > Sa 26:15, Su 26:20, Ve 15:17

Wind Storm 19-May-2004 236 > Sa 16:43, Su 04:39, Ve 02:11Wind Storm 23-Oct-1967 178 >

Sa 14:04, Su 05:42, Ve 20:22Wind Storm 23-Oct-1965 100 > Sa 17:31, Su 06:13, Ve 21:50Wind Storm 16-May-1967 100 > Sa 15:15, Su 01:16,

Ve 13:20 Disaster Date Affected Flood 15-Jul-1974 1,400,000 > Sa 16:44, Su 28:51, Ve 29:21Wind Storm 2-May-1994 64,970 > Sa 16:29, Su 17:48, Ve 13:28

Technological Disasters in MyanmarDisaster Date Killed Transport Accident 30-Dec-1994 102 > Sa 14:03,

Su 14:29, Ve 28:28Transport Accident 4-Oct-1987 100 > Sa 22:29, Su 16:46, Ve 28:03

Disaster Date Affected Misc Accident 24-Mar-1984 23,000 > Sa 22:03, Su 10:07, Ve 18:20

Misc Accident 16-Feb-1989 22,324 > Sa 16:55, Su 03:49, Ve 21:

56Misc Accident 4-Mar-1986 21,540 > Sa 15:50, Su 19:40, Ve 00:12Misc Accident 20-Mar-1988 20,000 > Sa 08:28, Su 06:08, Ve 21:26Misc Accident 27-Jul-1989 9,50 >

Sa 15:10, Su 10:27, Ve 10:06 date type registration operator fat. location pic cat 02-JUL-1999 Fokker F-27 XY-AEO Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1

24-AUG-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AEN Myanma Airways 36 Myanmar A1 27-JAN-1998 Fokker F-27 XY-AES Myanma Airways 16 Myanmar A1

24-JUL-1996 Fokker F-27 XY-AET Myanma Airways 8 Myanmar A1 06-OCT-1993 Fokker F-27 XY-AEP Myanma Airways 0 Myanmar A1

03-FEB-1989 Fokker F-27 XY-AEK Burma Airways 26 Myanmar A1 11-OCT-1987 Fokker F-27 XY-AEL Burma Airways 49 Myanmar A1

21-JUN-1987 Fokker F-27 XY-ADP Burma Airways 45 Myanmar A1 08-OCT-1983 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEE Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1 24-JAN-1980 Fairchild FH-227 5003 Burma AF 43 Myanmar A1 03-OCT-1978 Fokker F-27 XY-ADY Burma Airways 2

Myanmar A1 08-SEP-1977 DHC-6 Twin Otter XY-AEH Burma Airways 25 Myanmar A1

05-JUL-1976 Douglas DC-3 ? Burma AF 17 Myanmar A1 16-AUG-1972 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACM Burma Airways 28 Myanmar A1 08-AUG-1956 Douglas DC-3 XY-ADC Union of Burma Airways 11

Myanmar A1 02-SEP-1955 Douglas DC-3 XY-ACQ Union of Burma Airways 9 Myanmar A1

1975 Jul 8, An earthquake struck Pagan (Bagan), Burma, and destroyed many monuments.

1988 Aug 8-Aug 13, The police killed nearly 3,000 protesters in the streets of Rangoon.

1990 Apr 7, In Burma 30 people died when a ferry flipped over.

2001 Feb 19, A helicopter crash killed junta Lt. Gen. Tin Oo (67) and left 14 missing.

2004 May 19, A cyclone that swept through western Myanmar and left more than 140 people dead or missing, and about 18,000 people homeless.

Official reports from the government of Myanmar (Burma) cite a death toll of 56 due to the tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on 26 December 2004. Independent media reports 90 people killed

As the green colour predominates (20 isolated green cases against

7 isolated yellow cases), I would keep the Virgo rising chart as the most probable chart in the list of rectified charts.



Best wishes,




On 1/1/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Dear Jorge,Thank you for the additional information.For the time being, I am going with the information in Book of World

Horoscopes. Interestingly, the information submitted by you alsocontains the 4:20 AM hour that was selected by astrologers.As before, predictions will be necessary to resolve the question ofauthenticity of a given birth chart.

Best regards,CSAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelinowrote:>> Dear C.>> As the independence was given by UK, the rectified hour came out to

be 12:00> AM.>> Independence of Burma> 1. ->> (1) On the appointed day, Burma shall become an independentcountry, neither> forming part of His Majesty's dominions nor entitled to His

Majesty's> protection.>> (2) In this Act, the expression " the appointed day " means thefourth day of> January, nineteen hundred and forty-eight.>> (3) The suzerainty of His Majesty over the part of Burma known as

the> Karenni States shall lapse as from the appointed day, and with itall> treaties and agreements in force between His Majesty and the rulersof the> Karenni States, all functions exercisable by His Majesty with

respect to the> Karenni States, all obligations of His Majesty towards the KarenniStates or> the rulers thereof, and all powers, rights, authority orjurisdiction> exercisable by His Majesty in or in relation to the Karenni States

by> treaty, grant, usage, sufferance or otherwise.>> http://www.ibiblio.org/freeburma/docs/burma_independence_docs.html

>> Regaining of independence>> The British scheme to practise divide-and-rule policy failed as allthe> national people showed their unity by signing the Panlong Agreementon 12

> February 1947. Myanmar became an independent and sovereign nationon 4> January ] 948 as struggles were launched with the spirit of national> solidarity forged at the Panlong Conference as the base.

>> At the Secretariat (now, the Office of the Ministers) at 4.20 am on4> January 1948, the Independence Day flag hoisting ceremony was held.After> independence declaration paper was read, the government was formed

and Shan> national Sao Shwe Thaik was declared the first president of theUnion of> Myanmar.>> http://www.myanmar.com/Union/independence.html

> The rectified chart is:> *BURMA*> Jan 4, 1948 12:00 AM -06:30 NST> Rangoon, Burma Longitude: 96E10 Latitude: 16N47> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: SA/JU/ME>> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================> Asc 17:23 Vir Hasta Mo> Sun 19:07 Sag +01:01:10 FM P.Shadya Ve> Moon 22:22 Vir +13:24:11 WK Hasta Mo

> Mars 14:19 Leo +00:03:38 FM P.Phalguni Ve> Merc 19:14 Sag +01:36:53 CM P.Shadya Ve> Jupt 22:35 Sco +00:12:47 WK Jyeshtha Me> Ven 19:09 Cap +01:14:11 ST Shravana Mo

> Sat R 28:43 Can -00:03:08 FM Aslesha Me> Rahu 29:03 Ari +00:00:18 FM Krittika Su> Ketu 29:03 Lib +00:00:18 FM Vishakha Ju>> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 771 beats

> Day: Sunday Sunrise: 6:37 AM> Tithi: Krishna Ashtami> Yoga Pt: 14:49 Vi Yogi:Mo AviYogi:Me Dup Yogi: Me> Dagha Rashis: Gem Vir>> Rashi Chart> *******************************************************

> ** 7 * * 5 **> *8 * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> * KE 29:03* MA 14:19* *> * * * AS 17:23 * * *> *JU 22:35 * 6 MO 22:22 * 4 SAR28:43*> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> ** SU 19:07 * * **> *9 ME 19:14 * 3 *> ** * * **> *10* * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> *VE 19:09 * 12 * 2 *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * RA 29:03 * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> ** 11 * * 1 **> *******************************************************

>> Navamsha> *******************************************************> ** 4 * * 2 **> *5 * * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * MO * * * *> * * * AS * * *

> *MA * 3 VE * 1 *> * * * KE * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> ** SU * * **> *6 ME * 12 SAR *

> ** * * **> *7 * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * * *> * * 9 RA * 11 *> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *> * * * * JU * *> * * * * * *> * * * * * *

> ** 8 * * 10 **> *******************************************************>> Best wishes,> Jorge>>>> On 1/1/07, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

> >> > Dear Mr. Soe and list,> >> > Burma has had a military dictatorship for almost six decades.> >> > In the Book of World Horoscopes (1996 ed.) we find that " Full

independence> > was granted at 4:20 AM on 4 January 1948,* 'the hour having beenchosen by> > Burmese astrologers as auspicious'*. " p. 106.> >> > In this 18° Scorpio rising chart, L6 Mars is placed at 14° Leo

on H10 MEP.> > As such, the sixth lord is aspecting H1, which is suggestive ofmilitary> > government. Moreover, L12 Venus is at 19° Capricorn on H3 MEPsuggestive of> > secrecy or deception in communication.

> >> > Favourably, L2 Jupiter is at 22° Scorpio and H1 MEP, aspectingH5, H7 and> > H9. L10 Sun is at 19° Sagittarius exactly conjunct L11 Mercuryin H2 MEP.> > Finally, L9 Moon is well placed and strong in H11. Certainly, the

above> > factors would help to explain why such a military regime hasremained in> > place for so long.> >> > At the same time, the affliction of L6 Mars on H4 MEP, affliction

of> > L12 Venus of H9 and weakness of L4 Saturn in H9 would explain theharsh> > conditions of the people.> >> > Best regards,> >> > C> >> >

> > Dear Professor,> > Thanks for your suggestion,> > with wishes for you and your family " HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 " > >> > Khin Maung Soe.> >> > *siha@* wrote:

> >> >> > Hello Mr. Soe,> >> > It is difficult to find out for certain. The strong influence ofthe lord> > of> > the sixth house on the 1st, third or fourth houses can indicate a

govt> > other> > than elected.> >> > Best wishes,> >> > > >> > -> > " Khin Maung Soe "


> > >> > To:<SAMVA <SAMVA/post?postID=45X-

Kx2vKktpea_vU0TvrHTe8hNQWjHWNUfuoPeKQqPM9c7iQuz5rfkPnIs3SPwBvfD4jPX-rfIckSD4bphej2A>> > >> > Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:19 PM> > Differentiate between the elected government &

de facto> > government.> >> > > Dear Professor and repected astrologers,> > > Using the System's approah, how we can diffenentiate the planet> > > signifying the Elected Government & that's representing the de

facto> > > government, such as military regime.> > > Thanks you very much for your kindly advice.> > >> > > Khin Maung Soe.> > >> > >> > >

> > >> > >

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