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Blast rocks US embassy in Athens

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Friday, 12 January 2007,

07:51 GMT













rocks US embassy in Athens







An explosion has hit the US embassy compound in the centre of the Greek

capital, Athens.

Police said a rocket was fired from street level into the front

of the embassy, landing in a toilet.

Fire engines and police cordoned off the area around the

fortified building. The US State Department said there were no injuries.

The BBC correspondent in Athens says the

attack is more likely the work of a left-wing radical group than al-Qaeda.



Emergency services rushed to the embassy, which is on one of Athens' main boulevards,

after reports of an explosion shortly before 0600 (0400 GMT).

What appeared to be a rocket was fired

at the US eagle emblem at the front of the


According to eyewitnesses, it penetrated the building and landed

in a toilet, where it caused a small fire.

Television pictures showed a mass of emergency vehicles and

stationary traffic outside the embassy as the area was sealed off.

" This is an act of terrorism. We don't know where

from, " Attica Police Chief Asimakis Golfis told the Associated Press.

The blast was powerful enough to break windows in nearby

buildings, reports said.

" This is a very serious attack " , US Ambassador Charles

Ries told journalists. He said an investigation was under way, and the

embassy would reopen as soon as possible.












Dear list members,


USA dasha: Ve/Sa/Ra/Me/Ra

Transit Venus (embassy) is exactly over natal Ketu

(explosion). Transit Saturn is retrograde, exactly in the same longitude of

natal Mars. Transit Rahu/Ketu axis is retrograde, exactly in the same longitude

of natal Saturn. Natal Rahu (embassadors) is afflicted by the MMP, transit

Venus. Transit Mercury is extremely weak, afflicted by natal Mars, and the

houses of its natal/transit placement are exactly afflicted by the MMP.  


SAMVA US dasha: Ve/Ju/Sa

Transit Ketu (explosion) exactly aspects

natal Venus (embassy, L4), and transit Rahu in H8 closely afflicts MEP4 (Libra).

Transit Venus is closely in the same longitude of natal Rahu/Ketu axis. Transit

Jupiter, L6 (conflicts, explosions) is in between natal Jupiter and natal

Saturn, L8. Transit Saturn is retrograde and closely in the same longitudes of

natal Jupiter and natal Saturn.   


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão














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