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SAMVA USA chart - stocks drop 25% in 1966

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Dear list members, Another compelling case. Event: Share prices (DJIA) drop by 25% from February to October 1966. Sa/Ma period was running. In February transit L6 Jupiter at 27° 51 Cancer H11 is mutually aspecting L8 Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio H5. Transit L8 Saturn at 23° 38' Aquarius H8 is also aspecting natal Saturn and transit L10 Mars at 19° 23' Aquarius H8. Transit L2 Sun and L3 Merucry are badly placed in H8. Rahu at 7° 21' Taurus H11 is conjunct natal L1 Moon at 7° 26' Taurus H11. Transit Ketu is conjunct natal L10 Mars at 10° Scorpio H5 and natal L6 Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio H5. The transits remain difficult during the year. Best wishes, CCosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list

members, When I have the time, I look at significant drops in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) to see if transit strains explain them. I select drops and then study the transits - and not the other way around! From late June 1981 to third week of September 1981, the DJIA dropped in value by one fifth, which is a large drop in the history of the index, although not unique. Let me just add a salient observation: the DJIA has risen consistently from 1928 to the present day, but in between there have been setbacks, that have eventually been recovered. Most of them have taken only a few months to recover, but some periods have been marked by volatility and stagnation, possibly due to a sub-period of a functional malefic planet being operating, adding to the woes.. Event: Share prices (DJIA) drops by 20% from late June to late September 1981. Me/Ma period was

running. During most of this time, a stationary transit Rahu at 9°-8° Cancer H1 was aspecting natal L10 Mars at 10° Scorpio H5 and transit L6 Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio H5. Transit L8 Saturn at 9° Virgo H3 also aspected natal L10 Mars. Transit Ketu in Capricorn H7 was conjunct L3 Mercury aspecting L1 Moon at 7° 26' Taurus H11. L6 Jupiter was conjunct transit L8 Saturn at 9°-17° Virgo H3 during this time, but they had seperated by late September, when also the nodes have moved off their stationary position. Still the shares did not go into immediate recovery. In late September 1981, the Me/Ra period began, with the natal nodes afflicting the even numbered houses. The share prices did not fall much further, but they also did not recover until one year later. L6 Jupiter became transit stationary conjunct the nodal axis in 1982. This was followed by Saturn aspecting L8 Saturn from H3 and then becomming conjunct H3. Finally, the nodes went through H12 and H6 MEP

becoming stationary while aspecting the natal nodes. Only after these contacts seperated did the share prices rise in late 1982. The aboves shows that also for this event and what followed, the transit situation was quite challenging, causing a lot of strain in the financial market. Again, the SAMVA USA chart conforms to what is exepected of an authentic chart. Best regards, C Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members, I decided to look at the 25% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from mid May 2002 to third week of July 2002. This drop in the index was exceptionally large - shaving a quarter of the countries wealth in equities

in the span of only nine weeks. Event: Stock prices in the USA (DJIA) decline by 25% from May 16 to July 23 2002. What likely explains this drop was the ongoing uncertainty about the future course of the War on Terror. The situation was likely making investors worried. Stocks were also generally under a cloud after experiencing a secular decline in early 2000 and then the "9/11" attacks in 2001 further added to the concerns. Still, stock prices held up fairly well in late 2001 and into early 2002. However, by mid May they suddenly entered into a steep decline, which shaved a quarter of the wealth of the stock market in a 9 week period - one of the deepest such declines in the countries history. Ve/Ma period was running. Transit Rahu at 24° 01' in Taurus H11 was closely aspecting L2 Sun at 23° 45' in Capricorn H7 and opposite L8 Saturn at 26° 46' Scorpio H5. Transit

nodes closely afflict all odd numbered houses. Transit L8 Saturn is conjunct H11 MEP and aspects H1, H5 and H8. Transit L6 Jupiter at 19° 45' Gemini H12 is closely aspected by natal Ketu at 17° 47' in Libra H4. Transit L10 Mars at 28° 21' Taurus is closely aspected by natal L8 Saturn in H5. Transit L4 Venus in infancy and transit L1 Moon in H12 conjunct transit L6 Jupiter. During the summer of 2002, transit nodes remained stationary at 24° on the odd house MEPs and transit Saturn moved through a opposition aspect with its own natal placement. As the aboves shows, the transit situation was exceptionally bad, causing a lot of strain in the financial market. The SAMVA USA chart is performing very well, indeed. Best regards, C Tired of spam? Mail

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