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Natural Calamities in the USA 1811-1812 Earthquakes

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Dear List,


I forgot to include the subject of this email.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" Vyas Munidas " <muni>

<SAMVA >; " JohnTWB " <blazingstar1776

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:04 AM




Dear List,


Inspired by John TWB to look at natural disasters in the USA, I have started

to take a look at earthquakes. John sent me 24 pages of the account of the

New Madrid earthquakes that took place from Dec 1811 to Feb 1812. A

shortened account is available here on the USGS website:


which begins the account as follows:

" On the basis of the large area of damage (600,000 square kilometers), the

widespread area of perceptibility (5,000,000 square kilometers), and the

complex physiographic changes that occurred, the Mississippi River valley

earthquakes of 1811-1812 rank as some of the largest in the United States

since its settlement by Europeans. The area of strong shaking associated

with these shocks is two to three times larger than that of the 1964 Alaska

earthquake and 10 times larger than that of the 1906 San Francisco

earthquake. "


It continues on in some detail and I encourage you to read the rest of it.

What follows below are my comparison of the the SAMVA USA and the Rectified

charts for the three key dates when the quakes were at their worst. The

charts are included with their relevant text. The final date was the most

destructive of all and flattened New Madrid. You may draw your own

conclusions about my assessment of these two, but what stands out is the

SAMVA USA chart in every instance. I have not looked deeply to justify - it

jumps out at you.


If you find this of value, time permitting, in the future I will post the

charts of other major USA quakes and natural disasters of historic

relevance. I encourage you to also look at a few of these events given on

http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/historical.php and post.






The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "



1811, December 16, 08:15 UTC. Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1

1811, December 16, 14:15 UTC, Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub period

of Ve.

LO4 and LO1 afflicted. All even houses afflicted. Tr axis afflicts their

natal position very closely. Su, Mo, Me, Ve, FM Sa in H6. Tr and na Ra

afflict tr Ve, na Ve, Me, and the Mo. LO6 Ju from H12, closely afflicts LO8

Sa in H8. This chart bodes well for the observed eqrthquakes.




The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "



1811, December 16, 08:15 UTC. Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1

1811, December 16, 14:15 UTC, Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub period of


Neither H1 or H4/L04 are afflicted. No houses are afflicted. FB Mo, Me are

close to each other and LO12 Ve. Ve does not afflict that house or any

planet in transit. Tr Ve-na Su aspect is present, but inconsequential. Ju is

the dispositor of the Su, Sa, Mo, Me and Ve and is badly placed in H8. This

Ju is aspected closely by Saturn. LO6, Ma is well placed and unafflicting.

This chart does not show the earthquakes.








The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "



1812, January 23, 15:00 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~7.8


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub period

of Venus

Su, Mo, and Mars are well placed in odd houses, in good strength. LO4 Ve in

H8, exactly afflicted by LO6 Jupiter from H12. Natal and transit axis

positions exactly afflict each other within 30 minutes and are close to all

even houses; badly placed Ke is noteable. Sa and Ju are badly placed. This

chart shows the disruption very well.




The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "



1812, January 23, 15:00 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~7.8


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub period of


The axis afflicts all even houses within 2 degrees. Saturn is placed in H2

under no direct affliction. It's dispositor Ju is weak by placement in H8.

Ju-Ve helps reduce the tensions to Ve sitting in an afflicted H4 somewhat.

Mars closely afflicts natal Ve from H5. This chart certainly does show

tensions, but not a grand earthquake in comparison to the Cn chart. If Sa

were afflicted directly, it would be on more even ground.








The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "



1812, February 7, 09:45 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~8


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub period

of Venus

The last of 4 shocks on this day, destroyed New Madrid. The axis exactly

afflict their natal position within 1 degree and all even houses closely.

From H6 MMP Sa closely afflicts Ke in H8. Ve is placed in H8 entering old

age. Debilitated Mo becomes exact to natal Saturn by the time the 4th shock

hits and thereafter transits H6. Na Sa afflicts tr Su. The event is properly

justified in this chart.




The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "



1812, February 7, 09:45 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~8


Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub period of


The last of 4 shocks on this day, destroyed New Madrid. The axis exactly

afflicts even houses within 2 degrees. Sa-Ke aspect reduces the negative

impact on Ke on H4 somewhat. Na Ra afflicts tr Mars, which afflicts H8 where

Ju sits; na Ju is also afflicted. Sa's dispositor is Ju and is placed in H2.

The Moon is well placed in H1, though debilitated. This chart shows

challenges more than the Jan 23 quake, but not catastrophic or dire to H4

or H1.






Best regards,


Vyas Munidas

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Dear Vyas,


Thank you for this magisterial contribution. Indeed, the SAMVA USA

chart is being developed through a multitude of events examined. More

importantly, such studies increase the knowledge of the properties of

this chart. It is studies like this which give insight into what

factors to look for in order to make correct predictions. Last year,

I performed an exhaustive study of earthquakes in the authentic chart

for Iceland. The study enabled me to correctly predict an earthquake

in Iceland last October. The predictions made on the basis of this

chart for next Spring will be decisive in establishing it as the

authentic chart for the USA.


Best wishes,



SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> Dear List,


> I forgot to include the subject of this email.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " Vyas Munidas " <muni>

> <SAMVA >; " JohnTWB " <blazingstar1776

> Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:04 AM




> Dear List,


> Inspired by John TWB to look at natural disasters in the USA, I

have started

> to take a look at earthquakes. John sent me 24 pages of the account

of the

> New Madrid earthquakes that took place from Dec 1811 to Feb 1812. A

> shortened account is available here on the USGS website:

> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/events/1811-


> which begins the account as follows:

> " On the basis of the large area of damage (600,000 square

kilometers), the

> widespread area of perceptibility (5,000,000 square kilometers),

and the

> complex physiographic changes that occurred, the Mississippi River


> earthquakes of 1811-1812 rank as some of the largest in the United


> since its settlement by Europeans. The area of strong shaking


> with these shocks is two to three times larger than that of the

1964 Alaska

> earthquake and 10 times larger than that of the 1906 San Francisco

> earthquake. "


> It continues on in some detail and I encourage you to read the rest

of it.

> What follows below are my comparison of the the SAMVA USA and the


> charts for the three key dates when the quakes were at their worst.


> charts are included with their relevant text. The final date was

the most

> destructive of all and flattened New Madrid. You may draw your own

> conclusions about my assessment of these two, but what stands out

is the

> SAMVA USA chart in every instance. I have not looked deeply to

justify - it

> jumps out at you.


> If you find this of value, time permitting, in the future I will

post the

> charts of other major USA quakes and natural disasters of historic

> relevance. I encourage you to also look at a few of these events

given on

> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/historical.php and post.







> The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "




> 1811, December 16, 08:15 UTC. Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1

> 1811, December 16, 14:15 UTC, Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub


> of Ve.

> LO4 and LO1 afflicted. All even houses afflicted. Tr axis afflicts


> natal position very closely. Su, Mo, Me, Ve, FM Sa in H6. Tr and na


> afflict tr Ve, na Ve, Me, and the Mo. LO6 Ju from H12, closely

afflicts LO8

> Sa in H8. This chart bodes well for the observed eqrthquakes.





> The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "




> 1811, December 16, 08:15 UTC. Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1

> 1811, December 16, 14:15 UTC, Northeast Arkansas Magnitude ~8.1


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub

period of

> Mars.

> Neither H1 or H4/L04 are afflicted. No houses are afflicted. FB Mo,

Me are

> close to each other and LO12 Ve. Ve does not afflict that house or


> planet in transit. Tr Ve-na Su aspect is present, but

inconsequential. Ju is

> the dispositor of the Su, Sa, Mo, Me and Ve and is badly placed in

H8. This

> Ju is aspected closely by Saturn. LO6, Ma is well placed and


> This chart does not show the earthquakes.









> The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "




> 1812, January 23, 15:00 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~7.8


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub


> of Venus

> Su, Mo, and Mars are well placed in odd houses, in good strength.

LO4 Ve in

> H8, exactly afflicted by LO6 Jupiter from H12. Natal and transit


> positions exactly afflict each other within 30 minutes and are

close to all

> even houses; badly placed Ke is noteable. Sa and Ju are badly

placed. This

> chart shows the disruption very well.





> The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "




> 1812, January 23, 15:00 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~7.8


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub

period of

> Mars.

> The axis afflicts all even houses within 2 degrees. Saturn is

placed in H2

> under no direct affliction. It's dispositor Ju is weak by placement

in H8.

> Ju-Ve helps reduce the tensions to Ve sitting in an afflicted H4


> Mars closely afflicts natal Ve from H5. This chart certainly does


> tensions, but not a grand earthquake in comparison to the Cn chart.

If Sa

> were afflicted directly, it would be on more even ground.









> The SAMVA Chart, " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union "




> 1812, February 7, 09:45 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~8


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Ve) and H1/LO1 (Mo). Sub


> of Venus

> The last of 4 shocks on this day, destroyed New Madrid. The axis


> afflict their natal position within 1 degree and all even houses


> From H6 MMP Sa closely afflicts Ke in H8. Ve is placed in H8

entering old

> age. Debilitated Mo becomes exact to natal Saturn by the time the

4th shock

> hits and thereafter transits H6. Na Sa afflicts tr Su. The event is


> justified in this chart.





> The Rectified Chart, " Declaration of Independance "




> 1812, February 7, 09:45 UTC, New Madrid, Missouri Magnitude ~8


> Key points here are afflictions to H4/LO4 (Sa) and H1/LO1. Sub

period of

> Mars.

> The last of 4 shocks on this day, destroyed New Madrid. The axis


> afflicts even houses within 2 degrees. Sa-Ke aspect reduces the


> impact on Ke on H4 somewhat. Na Ra afflicts tr Mars, which afflicts

H8 where

> Ju sits; na Ju is also afflicted. Sa's dispositor is Ju and is

placed in H2.

> The Moon is well placed in H1, though debilitated. This chart shows

> challenges more than the Jan 23 quake, but not catastrophic or

dire to H4

> or H1.






> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas


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