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Comment [Part I] on Ron Day's July 9, 1778

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COMMENT ON RON DAY’S “A DEFINITIVE CHART FOR AMERICA” PART ONE I welcome Ron Day’s efforts in making a number of very valuable points, in building the argumentation for giving due consideration to the historic occasion of the FIRST signing ceremony for establishing the “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union of the United States of America” [herein after, “ARTICLES” & “USA”]. By this effort and sufficient follow-through Ron Day eventually may join the exclusive ranks of astrologers David Solte and Ron Grimes, who earlier presented forceful analyses, respectively, in defense of what each believed was the authentic chart for the USA, based on a choice of one of the critical events in the gestation period of the ARTICLES. I

am referring to astrologer David Solte for the USA event of November 15, 1777; then after, astrologer Ron Grimes for the USA event of March 1, 1781; and now, astrologer Ron Day for the USA event of July 9, 1778. These are surely three critical dates for the ARTICLES, among others between November 13, 1777 and March 2, 1781. Furthermore, the complete array of critical dates is comprised of eight events, on the following dates [1] November 13, 1777; [2] November 15, 1777; [3] November 17, 1777; [4] December 27, 1777; [5] July 9, 1778; [6] February 2, 1781; [7] March 1, 1781; and [8] March 2, 1781. Further investigations on the significance of each of these dates are featured in the forthcoming PART TWO of this extended comment.

PART ONE shall discuss neither the astrological merits/demerits of the chart of July 2, 1776, nor those of the chart of February 2, 1781, as such. Both have been the subject of on-going applications by members of the SAMVA list. However, discussing the events that gave rise to these two events and the charts is unavoidable. Here at this point, however, for other reasons leading to different conclusions, I can say that I do agree completely with the relevant part of Ron Day’s proposal, wherein he argues for taking consideration of the larger manifold history of “America”, and the necessity of recognizing many cosmically significant

and chartable events throughout. So now let me try to clarify a number of matters, as I see them. For examples of possible “American” event charts, for dates stretching back to

A.D. 1585, there are, among possible others: BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, which preceded AMERICA, which in turn preceded the UNITED COLONIES, which in turn preceded the USA. So we must first recognize the obvious. Like it or not, we are discussing precisely the USA; we are not discussing America in the larger sense, and certainly not the United Colonies. This necessarily focuses the scope of events to within a range of possible and likely dates between the years of 1776 and 1782. One may understandably have doubts about a few particular dates arising from the events of declared independence, but students may know with certainty that when King George III issued his June 19, 1782 edict to Parliament, recognizing the existence of the USA, that the existence of the USA was only to be doubted by either posturing eccentrics or the historically

uninformed. By that edict, George III, sovereign monarch of the state of Great Britain, directed his ministers to prepare the commencement of what was to become almost 15 months of negotiations with the USA, for a lasting treaty of peace between the USA and the Kingdom of Great Britain. So given these considerations, informed students may confidently acknowledge that the USA was already born by the time of George III’s edict. The King’s pen did not give birth to the USA; but some one event dated prior to that of June 19, 1782 certainly, most

assuredly, did. But recognition of event dates such as these does not make for automatically objective establishment regarding the authentic significance of each; the astrologer may confuse, and so, mis-represent the significance of a given historical event. A prime example of such misrepresentation is that of western-sidereal astrologer Helen Boyd’s chart for what is purported to be the USA (July 6, 1775 @ 11:00 a.m., Philadelphia, Asc = 08Vi50). Space and purpose not permitting now, I can only highlight that the actual event in the late morning of July 6, 1775 happened, not in Philadelphia, but in Savannah, Georgia, when the

UNITED COLONIES was born, as and when Georgia became the #13 Colony, by voting in convention to join the “Grand American Association of the Continental Congress” [“CONTINENTAL ASSOCIATION”]. Mrs Boyd appears to have confused this late morning event in Savannah, Georgia with a different, same day but in the late afternoon, event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which Philadelphia event was marked by the adoption of A DECLARATION . . . TAKING UP ARMS. Mrs. Boyd’s book on the subject suggests that she doesn’t even know that her book has confused these two respective historic events, and so has cast a Philadelphia

morning chart for a different event which transpired at about that time of morning in Savannah. Consequently, Mrs. Boyd misrepresents the context and significance of the 11:00 a.m. chart she chooses to defend. And, furthermore, over and above all else, and contrary to the faux-designation of the Boyd chart as that of the USA, the historical record confirms that the Boyd chart, if cast for Savannah, signifies the birth of the thirteen United Colonies; born in defensive and diplomatic association, an association then still seeking reconciliation with Great Britain. There was no existent USA in 1775, neither in any one founder’s mind, as such, nor on any draft document archived for the record. This is THE historical fact which makes for the real conversation stopper here. This hidden history of the Boyd chart illustrates perfectly the challenge faced by all mundane astrologers, the challenge of getting the history right before initiating the astrological investigations. The USA is a

specific political entity that achieved cosmic and historical existence at some one time-moment during a readily identifiable historical period in American history. At this particular period’s outset, representatives of the citizens of the thirteen United Colonies began making self-consciously deliberate efforts to execute the United Colonies’ break with Great Britain. The locus of these efforts was directed by the Continental Congress, on the authorized behalf of the associated United Colonies. The very first step was taken in the late morning of June 7, 1776, by the delegations of Virginia and Massachusetts, in the persons of Richard Henry Lee and John Adams. They proposed a resolution for Congress’s approval [Lee “moved”; Adams “seconded”] that

asseverated that the time had at long last arrived when the Congress, on behalf of and with the consents of its constituencies, must seriously consider and agree to embrace three radical, history-shaking propositions: [1] To declare sovereign independence from the sovereign State of the Kingdom of Great Britain; [2] To treat for commercial and defensive alliances with the European powers; and [3] To constitutionally unite in Confederation (no longer simply formally associate) as sovereign States. In the early evening of June 10th, Congress reached agreement to set-up three committees to address each of the three folds of the resolution as moved and seconded, agreement reached after vigorous debates on Saturday June 8th and Monday June 10th. The stage was now set to fulfill this resolution’s remit; America as political nation, a nation-state, was henceforth conceived, as “in embryo”.

Preparations were now underway by Congress to secure their constituents’ formal consent to enact these three measures. Only time would tell the outcome. These facts are established here in order

to frame the relevant historical period, during which America’s nation-state-in-embryo matured, and was born the USA. To determine this period of gestation, the duration from conception to birth, is the very problem facing mundane astrologers who search for the right event for the authentic chart of the USA. This USA gestation period may have been as short as, but no shorter than, 22 days, from June 10th up to July 2nd. On this 22nd day the first of the three folds of the resolution of June 10th was duly resolved, in Congress on the afternoon of July 2nd. This first of what would become

three enactments was duly recorded by the secretary of the Congress, being the enacted resolve declaring the United Colonies free and independent States. This historic event’s outcome was reported in an evening newspaper dated that very same Tuesday, and was celebrated unofficially, later that evening in a number of the local Philadelphia taverns. OR. This USA gestation period may have been as long as, but no longer than, 1,726 days, from June 10, 1776 up to March 2, 1781. (Not to be confused with the final signing ceremony for the ARTICLES, on Thursday, March 1, 1781, at 12:00 noon LAT, = 12:12 LMT, in Philadelphia.) On this 1,726th day, constitutional government proceedings

first commenced, on Friday, March 2nd, at 10:00 a.m. LAT, = 10:12 LMT. So concluded for this part: Historical events, earlier than that of June 10, 1776 and later than that of March 2, 1781, just do not make-the-cut for serious historical consideration, in the unavoidably necessary building of the foundations of competent mundane astrological analysis, regarding the identification of the USA, as such, and its authentic chart.

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