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2 tragic events - Waco & Oklahoma - in SAMVA USA chart

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And THANK YOU, Thor In particular among others for drawing attention to the upcoming risks to the U.S. President. As you know, the structure and functions of the office of the U.S. Presidency are unique, I like to refer to the structure, symbolically, as the instantiation of the Double-Headed Eagle. The Masonic Lodge of the Double Headed Eagle is a templar organization, their headquarters are located in Washington, D.C., just 13 blocks north from the White House. A prominent templar Mason and lodge GRAND MASTER, Mr. Josiah Warren, died leading Continental soldiers into battle against the British, at the Battle of Bunker Hill, City of Boston, on June 17, 1775. He died fighting before the British turned the battle to their advantage later that

day. A few Templars were among the 44 delegates serving in the Congress, on July 2, 1776. Templars accord a special place in their hermetic cosmology to what they believe to be the extrordinary powers bestowed by the fixed star SIRIUS. On July 2, 1776 at 6:00 a.m. in Philadelphia, as the 44 delegates to the

Continental Congress were either just waking up, or already having their breakfast, They undoubtedly were anticipating glumly the prospect of the day's weather, glumly, to another VERY hot & humid Philadelphia's summer day, AND SUCH CAN BE UNPLEASANT. At precisely 6:00 a.m. the SUN was transiting 20Gem14, just then exactly, to the arc-minute, conjunct the fixed star SIRIUS. For the few templars among the Congressmen, it really was "the Very Most" Auspicious start to this particular Tuesday that would witness, much later in the

afternoon, the Continental Congress declaring quote "RESOLVED, That these United Colonies are, and, of Right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES." unquote. [emphasis as in the original] The U.S. President is dual functioned: both as HEAD OF THE NATION STATE & as CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE NATION STATE'S sponsored GOVERNMENT. As Americans might say, the President always wears one of two hats. [even though, since the start of President Kennedy's administration in January 1961, every U.S. President since has rejected the hat as part of his wardrobe.] CHEERS, JOHN cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear John,Thanks for the additional information.The two events on April 19, 1993 and April 19, 1995 were linked as the latter was intended as some sort of symbolic revenge for the former. In the events cited it was the general transit pattern at those times that was exceptional and indicating setbacks.In SA, unlike western sun-sign astrology, specific days of the year, like April 19, do not carry much significance as per the placement of the fast moving sun. On that day, the sun is at 4° Sagittarius H6. It is badly placed and weak in the house of conflict, but unaspected. Thus the placement of the Sun is not especially

indicative of the events that may transpire on that day. If we were to consider days, when the transit L2 Sun comes under strain would be for instance when it crosses the stationary nodal axis, especially if the transit nodes are in bad houses (H8, H12 and H6) - and more so if other adverse transit contacts enter the picture. At such times the functional and general indications of the sun would come under strain and possibly suffer a setback. As the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart is afflicted, a transit affliction of the natal Sun would potentially be more difficult, as the slow moving malefics in the 21° Cancer rising chart could be having a long standing close affliction of this placements. Such placments are usually indicative of serious strain or setbacks for the US President. One such episode occurs in the Spring of this year. However, the aspect of transit L8 Saturn in H1 on natal L2 Sun in H7 will not

become exact at that time. It will be close, but not reach the exact point. This may have a bearing on the outcome, such that the situation becomes hopefully less serious. Other potentially strained days during the year would be when the Sun is traversing the natal nodal axis at 18° Aries/Libra, or aspected by the nodes, as well as when it is conjunct or opposite or aspected by natal L6 Jupiter at 5° Scorpio and the same for natal L8 Saturn at 27° Scorpio H5.The key message of my post, however, was the period and transit combination surrounding these two events, in relation to the SAMVA USA chart, were dramatic and exceptional and consistent with the setbacks that occurred.Best wishes,ThorSAMVA , JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:>> Thanks Thor> > Please find pasted here, below, snippets

of some events the history April 19.> > Thanks,> > John> > History of April 19th: Oklahoma City, Waco, Warsaw, Concord > Sun Tzu's Newswire (STN 2000-025)> by Richard Rongstad> Tuesday, April 18, 2000> 10:30 am U.S. Pacific Time > > April 19th is just around the corner. Are you ready? The nineteenth day of April has very special meanings for all Americans, and all Jews. April 19th is a crossroads in history where suffering and sacrifice, patriotism and tyranny, liberty and slavery, religious persecution and bigotry all intersect, again, and again. For citizens of Massachusetts, April 19th marks Patriot's Day and for all Americans, the date of the "Shot heard 'round the world", when colonial militias defied orders to surrender their guns and routed King George's redcoats. For Jews, April 19th is the day Nazi storm troops surrounded the Warsaw Ghetto,

sparking a revolt led by a few young Jews who refused to be enslaved or incinerated. For modern American patriots, April 19th marks the day 76 members of a religious minority died in an assault by federal paramilitary forces, aided and advised by regular military units. For the people of Oklahoma City, April 19th marks the day that 168 people died in an> explosion at the Murrah Federal Building. > > April 19, 1775 - The shot heard 'round the world: The Battles at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. Warned by Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Massachusetts militia mobilized to block a larger, better trained British force coming to seize militia weapons at Concord. At Lexington, Major John Pitcairn leading a detachment of Royal Marines told the colonists there: "Disperse, you rebels! Damn you, through down your arms, and disperse!" Nobody knows who fired the first shot at Lexington Green,

but the colonial militia refused confiscation of their guns and the British drove them back in the initial encounter. After regrouping the colonial militia did better, turning back the British at Concord Bridge and forcing a disorderly British flight back to Boston. The road back became a deadly gauntlet as farmers from "every Middlesex village and farm" sniped from behind stone walls, trees, barns, houses, all the way back to Charlestown peninsula. By nightfall the> British survivors were safe under the protection of the Royal Navy and British army at Boston, having lost 273 men that day, while the Americans lost 95. The following year, the colonial Americans declared independence, a date now marked as July 4th, a national holiday. Months after participating in the actions at Lexington and Concord, a former slave, a black African named Salem Prince was introduced to General George Washington as the sharpshooter

who killed Major Pitcairn at Bunker Hill (June 1775). April 19th is celebrated as a holiday only in Massachusetts. > > April 19, 1943 - The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt - When Nazi SS units tried to remove the remaining occupants of the Ghetto for extermination and slave labor, Jewish resistance to tyranny, slavery and religious persecution was reborn and set the spark that created the modern state of Israel. A reading of the events surrounding the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt in 1943 comes from a Jewish synagogue: "Congregation: We remember the Warsaw ghetto on the dawn of the first day of Passover, April 19, 1943. The Nazis were coming to complete the deportation of the remaining Jews to the death camps. A shot rang out on Nalevki Street, signaling the beginning of the revolt. A few hundred Jews with a few guns and hand grenades had decided to resist the tremendous power of the German army and the Gestapo. The

courageous men and women of the Jewish Fighting Organization held out for forty-two days." From the Warsaw Ghetto on April 23, 1943 Mordecai Anielewicz observed "The Germans ran twice from the> Ghetto....The dream of my life has risen to become a fact....Jewish armed resistance and revenge are facts. I have been witness to the magnificent, heroic fighting of Jewish men of battle." A majority voting bloc of American Jews now presents a puzzling moral and political paradox; they support victim disarmament by registration of guns and gun owners. The unregistered guns used by the Warsaw Jews did not have trigger locks. > > April 19, 1993 - Massacre of Branch Davidian religious minority at Waco, Texas. Clinton appointee Attorney General Janet Reno accepted "responsibility" for the disaster, but the principle of accountability was ignored. On February 28, federal paramilitary forces laid siege to the Branch

Davidians' home and 6 Davidians and 4 ATF agents died in the initial raid. The final assault on April resulted in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including two unborn children. Steven Barry, a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier and others protested military involvement, but involvement of the elite Delta Force was covered up along with many other blunders by the Clinton Administration. Sergeant First Class Barry continued his protest by founding the Special Forces Underground and publishing a political warfare journal called "The Register" and was eventually hounded into retirement. Nine Branch Davidians remain imprisoned. Nobody from the Clinton White House, Reno's Department of Justice,> the FBI, the BATF or the Department of Defense has been tried, convicted or jailed. News services carried stories of a few federal demotions and promotions of those involved. > > April 19, 1995 – Oklahoma City - Murrah

Federal Building bombed. Timothy McVeigh was among many Americans expressing frustration at the lack of accountability for the Waco Incident. But McVeigh was convicted of bombing the federal building and sentenced to death. But could the motive for the bombing have been removed if Clinton, Reno, the FBI, the BATF and military had been truly held accountable "with justice for all"? A newspaper clipping found in Timothy McVeigh's car was titled "Waco Shootout Evokes Memory of Warsaw '43'", comparing the Branch Davidian tragedy with the Nazi assault on the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, was a letter to the editor published in The Wall Street Journal. Federal prosecutors claimed the Waco siege so angered McVeigh that he masterminded and carried out the bombing in Oklahoma City. > > April 19, 2000 - Miami - the Elian Gonzalez standoff - As the case of 6-year-old Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez hurtles to a confrontation

between Janet Reno and the boy's Miami relatives, news reports speculate that Reno will not send U.S. Marshals to remove Elian tomorrow (April 19). The dark legacy of the Waco Incident hangs heavily over the Clinton Administration and Janet Reno's Department of Justice. Members of the Cuban-American community in Miami have vowed to resist any attempt to physically remove Elian from his Miami relatives. > > > > Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members,> > In the early 1990s there were two tragic events in the USA that were linked and occurred excatly two years apart. > > The first event was the final assault on the Branch Davidian compound at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas at dawn on April 19, 1993. On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Booty and Firearms raided the Branch Davidian ranch, resulting in the deaths of four agents and six

Davidians. The subsequent 51-day siege by the FBI ended on April 19 when fire completely consumed the complex, killing 76 people, including 21 children and Davidian leader David Koresh - inspiring Timothy McVeigh to carry out the Oklahoma City bombing exactly 2 years later. Ke/Ju period was running. Tr L6 Jupiter in H3 exactly aspected natal L3 Mercury in H7 and tr L4 Venus, tr L3 Mercury and tr L10 Moon in H9 . Natal L6 Jupiter exactly aspected tr L10 Mars in H1 and tr L11 Moon in H9. Tr L8 Saturn in H8 exactly aspected natal L6 Jupiter in H5. Tr Rahu exactly conjunct H5 MEP, aspecting H1, H9 and H11. Transit Ketu conjunct H11 MEP, aspecting H3, H5 and H7. This day had massive afflictions> operating in the chart. The transits were almost as bad when the raid began on February 28, 1993.> > The second event was the Oklahoma city bombing. At 9:02 AM CST on Wednesday April 19, 1995 in the street in front of

the Alfred P Murrag Federal Building a rented Ryder truck containing about 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) of explosive material detonated. The effect of the bombing on the city was immense. Beyond the death toll - 168 confirmed dead including 19 children and one rescue worker, plus an unidentifed leg indicating a possible 169th victim. The bomb injured over 800 people and destroyed or damaged more than 300 buildings in the surrounding area, leaving several hundred people homeless and shutting down offices in downtown Oklahoma city. The nation went into mourning for several days and President Clinton attended the Memorial Service for the victims. The chief perpetrator Timmothy McVeigh was captured the same day, tried and found guilty of the crime and subesequently executed. His co-conspirators were captured, tried and imprisoned.> Ke/Me period was running. Transit Ketu was conjunct tr L3 Mercury in H10. Natal L6

Jupiter was closely aspecting tr L4 Venus in H9. Transit L8 Saturn in H8 closely aspected natal L8 Saturn in H5. Tr L6 Jupiter was exactly conjunct H5 MEP and aspecting H1, H11 and H9 and transit L10 Mars in H1.> > Both events are shown to have been accompanied by massive afflictions in the SAMVA USA chart. The astrological imprint couldn´t be any clearer.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > > > Never miss an email again!> Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out. > > > > > > Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now.>

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